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The Person Below Me


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(Warning, opinion-based essay imminent)It depends purely on what you're looking at and how you define horror. If you were talking recent games such as Dead Space and F.E.A.R. then I would have to agree with you because those do usually depend on you to be frightened by a big scary monster jumping out of a vent, despite you having the means and being more than capable of dispatching them. However, I take it that your criticism on Slender is that it relies on " cruddy jump-scares". Whilst that's true to some level, there is also an element of fear to be found in the situation itself. You're alone in a forest, lacking context on why, how and when and knowing only that you're being pursued by something that you're incapable of fighting off. That makes for good horror in my opinion. Another example is Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a modern day horror game in which the constant paranoia of knowing there are things lurking around the castle but not knowing where is the key theme. In my opinion, horror is something that's best left to the imagination but for big budget games, the imagination doesn't make for good advertising. That's why Dead Space has become "kablooey space marine adventure #645", and why less-financially-able indie developers can get away with making slower-paced, quieter games. If I were Yahtzee Croshaw I would find a way to reference Silent Hill 2. But I'm not. So nyeeeeh....Anyway, moving on. TPBM has a habit of writing essays about completely unrelated subjects when they should be writing an essay about something more important.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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Nah, I wouldn't write essays to explain my points.And the reason I don't find slender to be good is that I've never found the concept of Slenderman himself to be scary. He's just another creepypasta invented by the internet into scaring people. Plus I find his design to be pretty funny. Same with the SCP Containment Breach alien thing. They just look so...funny that it's impossible not to laugh at them. (Yes I'm aware that these are low-budget indie games. But my point stands)I don't know, I just miss the old days of horror.TPBM has a steam account.

Edited by Zephyria
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Nope.The person below me is one of those people who has nothing to do, and they end up thinking about things that one "should avoid", and usually avoids them through occupying themselves, even if they do not know this/these existed when they were looking for things to do at the time, not until you begin to think about them anyway (If yes, then welcome to the club).

Edited by Samhain

Divinator of Dreams.
This Is Proud Stigma.

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sponataneously combustible,in fact.TPBM knows a good mugen software and a good mugen character maker software(please!!!)

check out my totally ORIGINAL youtube channel, Below Average Geeks!  I'm trying something different.its very small, so comments will be noticed and read.


just a poll.on a scale of one to ten, how likely are you to read a webcomic based on just this title: 'Neon Laser Dragons.'?


see these guys?

0VlbJ.gif  AjzI5.gif msLAB.gif cr1zz.gif

alrighty bros, listen up.

my lightning dragon is lonely.

click dis bebe dergen pls.

i know its dumb.

jus do it pls.for me, a'ight?



my Skrall--er, scroll.

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Hmm, now I do (at least online)TPBM remembers the show Megas XLR
I dig giant robots.TPBM listens to K-pop.

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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