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Bionifight 4


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I am on Fighty's head, iBrow.Nujanii"Excelle- OOF. Stand by and be ready to catch me if/when I fall. I think we should--urk--seal him in a Toa Seal of protodermis with his head sticking out so that we can poke out his eyes."Nujanii stabbed Fighty in the eye again.

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Fighty knocked TiN away, angling him towards the far coliseum wall once more. He was consequently beset by a host of enemies; separately they would've been no more than a nuisance, but combined their powers proved rather... problematic. Fighty felt one starting to hack at his back ankles and he roared. He swirled around, knocking TM flat with a lash of his tail. He bathed him in a current of rainbow fire, a veritable kaleidoscope of rampant destruction. He then noticed the Garai-wearing figure that had stabbed him in the eye, furious, he impaled him on his halberd and brought it crashing to the ground, deeply lacerating Nujanii's leg. Fighty snorted a rainbow fireball at him, which caught him squarely on his temples. Fighty then gripped the halberd and swung it, sending Nujanii soaring across the length of the coliseum.Fighty looked around wildly, bloodlust beginning to boil in his eyes. He found Squishy standing near him, trying to figure out what to do. Fighty swung his halberd and brought it down hard upon Squishy, cleanly slicing through his arm at the shoulder. The severed limb dropped to the ground amidst a fresh pool of blood.Fighty then noticed a groovetastic Toa trying to gouge out his eyes with a Diamond Pickaxe. Fighty hated to attack someone with such terrific dance moves and such a fashionable choice in pickaxes, but he had no choice. He threw an upppercut into the Toa, putting all his force behind. The power of the blow sent the Toa rocketing into the stratosphere.


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I'm down to about 5-6/10 now, right?MoC, let's take him from above. He's a dragon, let's see how well he can fly!And we have an edge in the air-my Garai. Gravity hurts, eh?NujaniiNujanii stood (painfully, his left leg throbbed) and reached into his pack. He was rather badly hurt in the leg, but the sheilding disk had kept him alive and otherwise was not too badly hurt. Nujanii supposed that the PSJS helped as well. Nujanii decided to use a different strategy. Nujanii was the Kanohi_master, but he was also the kanoka sniper. Nujanii lept into the air, and threw a levitation disk at ToD, keeping him from dying of his fall. He then returned to his opponent. He threw a disk of weakening, level 8, at Fighty. Invincible scales or no, that disk would take effect if contact was made. And it was a Ko-metru disk. It was rather good at hitting.

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Shadow, who Fighty had mistook for TM was destroyed by the TAIL OF TERROR!! And TM grieved for his friends latest death, he also grieved that his Psionicannon, which had really drained him, was ignored. TM had few options, he couldn't throw his Shield, his psionic powers were exhausted, and bread would do no good (as always). Deciding to be support, he used his Jutlin to cause the gound under Fighty's feet to crumble away and also created an earthquake which he hoped would keep the DRAGON OF DESTRUCTION!! busy so his friends could recover.OOC: WAAAH!! :crying: Fighty how could you!! How could you ignore an attack that cost me so much!!

Edited by MoC1

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Can we summon things?MoC1, use your twilight. Light can solidify, so can't twilight as well? Also, a good sized laser in the eye might just do Fighty in. Also, if anyone has any healing abilities, I'd be obliged if you'd give me a hand.The mask of healing exists, so if I hit someone with a disk of healing, they ought to be able to heal me.Hey guys, maybe we ought to get everyone into the air.NujaniiNujanii could not recover (he didn't exactly have a mask of healing), but the distraction allowed his disk to hit. Nujanii busied himself with dodging whatever Fighty threw at him.

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"Hey Nujanii, I need a level 8 disk of speed and for you to compress some of your elemental fire into something and give it to me, I've got an idea for an attack that might beat him but I need to use all my twilight power and some of everyone's elemental powers to do it"OOC: Reason given in here, and if I do use the attack (which would require some power from everybody) and it defeats Fighty, who will have won?

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I don't care who wins. Let's just get everyone out of this thing in one piece! Also, a Toa Seal would not, in and of itself, defeat fighty.Twilight wouldn't work, as it is composed of light and shadow. They cancel out.Oh, and whatever you plan to do, MoC, do it before Fighty gets back online. We wanna stay out of striking distance.NujaniiNujanii, ignoring the high risk potential, landed next to TM. He then proceeded to hit TM with level 8 disks of speed, sheilding, strength, and elemental energy. He then compressed his fire powers into a dagger and handed it to TM, saying "I've linked it to you. It's mentally activated, good luck!" With that Nujanii flew back above Fighty.

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Beano had been simply standing there, riding the waves, when a massive metallic barrel popped out of nowhere in his hands. Reading the instructions, he realized this would be great to use on small targets - such as the eyes of the dragon. He would require it to stop moving, though, since it was so freakin heavy. However, to test it out, he lifted the Supersonicossimgun, aimed at the dragons tail, and fired a Beanbullet at Mach 30. Recoil+Soundwave = Beano: WEEEEEE! I"M FLYING!

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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TM replied, "Well nobody has light or shadow powers so I should be fine, I just need some of Squishy's plant life, ToD's air and ice, and Cole's lightning to create an Elemental Rasengan that I will ram into his foot, while the rest of you stand back, if it goes right then he won't be able to walk and his only ranged power is his RAINBOW FIRE OF FEROCITY!!" TM then used the diks speed to request the power he needed to end the only other threat to the world besides them.OOC: Actually it would explode just like how antimatter and matter react violently when they meet each other.

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Elemental Rasengan? I'll trust you and keep him occupied. Don't forget, I just hit him with a level 8 weakening disk. That'll help.Nujanii, still airborne, began to pelt Fighty with weaken Kanoka. He didn't know how many would hit, nor did he care. He had to buy TM time. He used his kakama, meaning that he was throwing them very fast, but he was not using his launcher (which was keeping him in the air) so his accuracy was diminished.

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Tavahka was sad that his arrows were ignored. He decided to try again, but this time towards Fighty's eyes. After about 15, he morphed his arm into a propeller and then flew up into the air. "Nujanii! I can't fire my bow with this propeller! Can you send a Levitation Kanoka this way?"

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Fighty, a word of advice. Since you're fighting everyone, you may wanna just read every post in the topic. I count two amazingly powerful attacks that you ignored, one undodgeable, the other quite dodgable.Guys, I love all the teamwork. We haven't gotten this level of awesome teamwork before, not even in a team match.NujaniiNujanii hit Tavahka with a levitation kanoka, level 8. "Be careful. You'll have to catch yourself when you fall."Nujanii then flew back and began dodging and throwing weakening disks at Fighty.

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Squishy woke up to see his arm cleanly severed off. Panicking, Squishy started to run around in circles before he had an idea. Squishy gripped his bowling ball tight, priding himself on being a professional bowler, and lobed the ball at Fighty's heel.Squishy noticed Nujanii trying to lift Fighty into the air with his simple Garai. Scoffing, Squishy activated his gravity powers on Fighty, raising him up with farther off the ground and lightening the load for Nujanii. True, while lifting such a gigantic being demanded a lot of concentration, his mastery over gravity powers allowed him to keep Fighty floating while still being to concentrate on fighting. Unless he was attacked. Then he would lose his concentration.Since MoC1 or something wanted some of Squishy's plantlife Squishy grew a tree so MoC1 or something could have it(or something).


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Nope, k_m, this is Forever Alone.As Fighty had performed an uppercut, and his target was on top of his head, that didn't go so well for him. In fact, he managed to slam his own fist of funk into his groovaliscious chin, likely injuring himself. In any case, ToD did go flying into the force field, though was mostly protected by Nujanii's disk of shielding. Now he was falling. Right back towards Fighty's head; as he had just punched himself in the jaw, his mouth was open wide, exposing his purple tongue.Perfect! With the Reignbringer, ToD launched a powerful stream of white fire. Meanwhile he used the Diamond Pickaxe to create rainbows to make the whole thing more funktastic and awesomeriffic. He dove straight down toward the open maw, his sword, his spears, and his pickaxe all pointed the stab either the tongue or the eyes. Thankfully Nujanii's levitation disk missed, or that would have ruined the whole plan.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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TM zipped by Squishy's tree and grabbed a branch that was chock-full of elemental jungle energy, he then asked ToD for a chunk of elementally charged ice and something charged with air elemental energy, "Hey, ToD can I have a chunk of elementally charged ice and something charged with air elemental energy so I can use an awesome attack that might take out his foot?"

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Fighty posts. Then we post 14 times. Laugh Out Loud.NujaniiNujanii had intended to hit ToD in order to keep him alive. Falling from the atmosphere would be rather painful. Nujanii did n't consern himself with that. Instead, he worried about the dragon that was flying upwards. He immediately realised that it was a teammate that was trying to help. Nujanii created a small burst of flame under Squishy's feet, bringing Fighty back to where TM needed him.Nujanii began dodging about and throwing weakening disks at Fighty. If half of his disks hit Fighty, Fighty was not going to be very strong. But, then Fighty was very strong to begin with. Maybe Nujanii's disks wouldn't have much effect. Nujanii shook his head and kept dodging.

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I'll just warn you all: prepare to be seriously destroyed again. Kanohi_master, you're pretty much near-out at this point- you'll have to wait with The Invisible Noob in the back. You took a lot of damage there, along with Demon Llama. Once Fighty posts again (I see you there), I'll update all your standings, and then I'll do it again tomorrow.I must say though, this has certainly brought upon a spur in activity. Good job.-ibrow

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"Thanks," Tavahka said to Nujanii. His other arm morphed into a normal hand and grabbed his bow. Then Tavahka had a strange idea that just could work. "Nujanii!" he said again, "I can concentrate your discs using my bow! I could theoretically create an arrow that contains the power of a level 10+ Kanoka! Fire a whole lot of discs at me!" Tavahka then paused and commented, "Come to think of it I should be able to concentrate any of our powers... Or combine more than one..."

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I do try to read every post in the topic, kanohi_master, but there were a lot and inevitably I missed a couple. What can I say? I'm only human dragon.IC: First off, Fighty was hit by the delayed blow from the Psionicannon. It shot through his senses like a million power lines going out at once. It left him dazed and he trembled on his feet, briefly incapacitated by the blow. Also, Fighty punched himself in the jaw on accident, and swallowed a bunch of groovetastic awesomeness that ToD launched towards him. It burned, like vodka... except more boogiefunkic.In addition to the minor head trauma and burned throat syndrome, Fighty was also beset by arrows, weakening disks, and anti-gravity measures that Nujanii and Squishy had simultaneously enacted. Also, the majority of Fighty's opponents were levitating.Fighty growled with rage. He was not going to be bested by a ragtag group of Toa. Summoning the insoluble angst of Kurt Cobain once more, he lashed out at his opponents psionicly, creating a screeching psychic howl that immediately drowned out any semblance of coherent thought. His enemies fell from the sky to the ground as the scream took its toll.Fighty could only maintain the depression-inducing howl for a few moments, but it was enough. He enveloped TiN in his gaping paws and twisted his head like the top of a screw. It popped off, veins and nerve endings dangling in the wind. He incinerated it with fire, and then turned to Nujanii.Fighty twirled his halberd above his head and brought it down on Nujanii. It cleft his foot in twain. Fighty discarded him and hurriedly moved on to his next victim, knowing that they wouldn't stay stunned forever. He rushed towards TM and held him between two fingers. He flexed them. As he did so, he shattered TM's lumbar vertebrae, paralyzing him from the waist down.Fighty took a brief hiatus for Zywiec porter and cucumber sandwiches as his opponents came to their senses.


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The Invisible Noob - You were about to die with fighty's last post, and you're dead now. 0/10; Out of RoundMoC1 - You're gone. I'm sorry, but Fighty obliterated you in his last post; I just didn't get there in time to say so. 0/10; Out of RoundJl1223 X - Fighty's latest attack has done serious damage, but you're still in this. 6.5/10kanohi_master - You're gone- you took serious hits before, and Fighty just killed you. 0/10; Out of RoundPortalfig - You've taken a lot of damage, but are still in this. Barely. 3/10Demon Llama - Losing an arm does a lot of damage, and Fighty's most recent attack doesn't help. You'll have to work to stay alive. 1/10Toa of Dischordant Dancing - You have a bit of fight left in you, but use it wisely. 5/10Toa Onarax - Fighty's latest attack has knocked you down and injured you, but you're still in this. 7/10Your Remaining FightersToa Onarax (7/10)Jl1223 X (6.5/10)Toa of Dischordant Dancing (5/10)Portalfig (4/10)Demon Llama (3/10)Fighters That Have LOSTThe Invisible NoobMoC1kanohi_masterRemember that both Fighty and I have the ability to decide whether you die or not this round- The Invisible Noob was clearly stated to have died, and both MoC1 and kanohi_master had taken so much damage that they had too.

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Gah! Medic! Medic!NujaniiNujanii looked down at his foot. He picked it up and once more the thought flooded through his head. I need a pair of unbreakable boots. But Nujanii had not been hurt in any other way. His PSJS had saved him once again. Nujanii saw TiN die. He was saddened by the loss. And what is more, he knew that he had failed. He had lost one of his team.Nujanii shook off the depression that Fighty had put on him. Nujanii flew again (a passerby matoran wondered what--And that's when the fancy forums let me know that someone else had posted. Good heavens, it was iBrow.Alright, let me break this down. Fighty threw a head at me (a burning one) that I could have dodged. Next, he cut a foot off. I'm not going to die from my foot parting company with the rest of me. As for "serious hits before" I had been hit before, but not overly seriously. The rainbow fireball in the face was no big deal, I'm a Toa of fire, after all. Ok, he cut into my leg, but that's covered by my PSJS. The PSJS did not keep me from taking the hit, but it lowered the damage taken considerably. As you said, it boosts my defensive capabilities considerably. With my PSJS, I could be thrown through a wall, stepped on by a Tahtorak and then hit by a moon and still survive. Yes, I got hit, yes he's a boss, but come on. I don't think I should be dead just yet! Maybe I'm overthinking this. I guess I just plain failed. :( Not that there is a way to do well in this round. the guy that kills Fighty or hits him worst wins. Only thing is that you cannot exactly (easily) kill him. ToD and I stabbed him through the eyes quite a bit. He's still alive, and can still see to boot.I gave it my best shot.Good luck guys.

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iBrony, your word is law, bro, but I did not intend to kill Nujanii in my last post. I could have, admittedly, but I wasn't intending to. So, if he's still dead that's all fine and dandy with me, but if it's possible could he be resurrected on maybe 1/10 health?


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Squishy was really in pain. Crippled and missing an arm, Squishy decided one last ditch attempt to help his teammates before he died. Squishy unleashed the rest of his power on Fighty. A dense forest grew all around the humongous dragon, with sharp thorns gouging his eyes(hopefully) and anacondas shot into his mouth, hopefully constricting and successfully damaging his tongue. Finally, Squishy increased the gravity of Fighty's heels dramatically, hoping to damage them enough to hurt. Squishy's breathing was hard and loud, his heart beating slower and slower. Unleashing such a massive attack weakened Squishy far beyond his breaking point. Squishy's eyes glazed over and he fell to the ground.Squishy out of the fight.


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After finally coming to his senses, Tavahka realized he was on the ground. The dead and mutilated bodies of his teammates, his friends, lay around the arena. A forest had grown around fighty, but Tavahka caught a glimpse of fighty's eye through the bushs. "For those whom you murdered!" Tavahka roared at fighty while pulling back his bow. An insane amount of earth and stone, more than a cubic ton, shot into the bow, which then all got shot towards fighty. "Cole!" Tavahka shouted, then he grinned. "Let's burn the forest." He then shot a steady steam of fire at the forest, hoping that fighty wasn't fire-proof.

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A massive jungle suddenly grew all around Fighty, enveloping him and tearing him with vicious thorns and briars. Anacondas leapt into his mouth, cutting off circulation to his tongue and ravaging his uvula. His heels were torn and blood poured from them in gallons. His right eye, having taken significant damage, finally burst, its white-hot contents spilling out and burning down half of the makeshift forest. It also washed over Squishy's fresh corpse as it lay on the ground, utterly spent from the attack.Fight bellowed with rage and a massive swath of rainbow flame shot from his maw, consuming the forest in front of him. The coliseum was now filled with burning undergrowth. Fighty tore through it, looking for his opponents even as blood rushed from his gaping heels and his recently-gouged eye. His vision through his left eye was misty at best, but he could still perceive ToD running in the distance. Fighty chucked his halberd at him. It scythed through the overgrowth until it clipped ToD on the shoulder. It gave him a nasty gash on his right shoulder-blade, but otherwise unaffected him.ooc: hey, portalfig? I'm a dragon. If there's anything that's fire-proof, it's a dragon.

Edited by TheMightyFighty


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Cole looked at the fire and plan began to form in his head, one that would take his life, but hopefully the dragons as well. First step fire plus ice equals water. So Cole sent out spikes of Ice the fire which promptly turned in the water soaking Fighty. He used the last pillar of ice to launch himself in the air. Second Step absorb electricity from the dome. Once completed thunderdrop down. This was the move that would kill him. As soon as he hit the water, electricity surged through it, electrocuting Fighty and leaving his body drained, his body drifted lifelessy to do the bottom as he embraced the cool darkness of the void. Cole died. Hopefully though to amount of voltage Cole had generated would also kill Fighty.


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TM died from the sheer power of Fighty's FINGERS OF FIERCENESS even though he was unaffected by the DRAGON OF DOOM's psychic scream due to his mental shields.OOC: It seems kinda unfair because I am immune to psionics attacks so I wouldn't be stunned and therefore might escape having my throat crushed.

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You're immune to psionic attacks? Hmmm... I'd be in favor of you being resurrected with 1/10 health then, I suppose. I should wait for iBrony's permission.Sorry, I didn't have quite enough time to read everyone's bio and figure out their powers.ic: The electricity surged across Fighty's water-laden hide, scorching it. The pain buried deep under his skin, and his whole body reverberated with the shock. He swayed on his feet for a moment, and then collapsed, blood seeping from every orifice on his body. He pulled himself back up with a deafening roar, once more coating the coliseum in red-hot, rainbow-hued flame. The attack had not killed him, but Fighty was now realizing how close to death's door he really was; he would have to fight back viciously if he was to survive.


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Being ignorant of your opponent's powers is not good. There are only two possible outcomes that I can think of. One: You disregard a defensive ability and they get mad (I've been the offended party in this scenario before. Probably the offender too.) Two: You don't know of a power or special weapon that can set you back later that you could have avoided.EDIT: I feel that my PSJS is being ignored and underrated. And Fighty gave me the jumpsuit, he should be the last to forget it.

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Fighty: it was late at night, didn't think about that :PTavahka screamed at the losses happening everywhere. Apearently everyone lost hope and was therefor trying to do the most damage. He saw fighty head for ToD and Tavahka decided to buy him some time. Tavahka ran through the burning undergrowth and came up near fighty. He called for fighty's attention, then started to pull the string of his bow back. Fighty was too big to be sucked in, but his scales weren't. Maybe.

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I realize that I should've taken more time to examine your guys' profiles and see what you were packing, but I was pretty busy and I guess I justified it by saying "I'll just figure out whatever powers they have when they attack me." I guess I didn't really count on resistance powers.So, in any case, since I feels bad, I will resurrect TM with 1/10 health. I don't think iBrony would mind, considered that I kind of disregarded your powers and auto-hit you to death. So, TM is back in the fight for a little while!ic: Fighty stared down to look at the little figure who was even now aiming an arrow at him. Fighty roared and started towards him, claws outstretched and ready to strike.


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Even as the embodiment of terror, Fighty, drew towards Tavahka, he still kept his bowstring tight. He coughed violently, the smoke in the air was killing him. Then he saw what he had hoped for, Fighty's scales were ripping off of Fighty, going into the arrow. He had to wait longer though, he needed an opening in Fighty's impassible armor. Tavahka readied his Calix, because Fighty was now upon him.OOC: This isn't considered auto-hitting is it? Also with my smoke inhalation, I think I am now at about 2/10.

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Fighty gasped in dismay as his scaly armor began to peel open, exposing his fleshy hypodermis. He glowered at his opponent, who still held the bowstring taut in willful defiance. A jet of red-hot, multicolored flame leapt from Fighty's maw, rushing towards Tavahka at an impossible speed.


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So I got shocked a bit and heard an ear-splitting scream from a certain dragon and I'm at half health? Odd, I must say.ToD had missed his target and was now on the ground. No matter. He was now charging towards Fighty - Ow! Stupid halberd... Oh well. He was still mostly okay. Thus, the toa of dance froze Fighty's head in a thick, absolute zero block of ice. He also froze the front of his opponent's feet down, caused a massive downdraft to pin the dragon, and used his flags as a further measure. He then flung the Reignbringer and the Diamond Pickaxe so that they would stab into the heels, simultaneously charring and changing the molecular composition of the flesh. That definitely took a lot out of him, but ToD felt that it just might work.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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iBrony, your word is law, bro, but I did not intend to kill Nujanii in my last post. I could have, admittedly, but I wasn't intending to. So, if he's still dead that's all fine and dandy with me, but if it's possible could he be resurrected on maybe 1/10 health?

Yeah. Upon reflection, I might have understood your post wrong. My bad. kanohi_master back in. 1/10

Squishy was really in pain. Crippled and missing an arm, Squishy decided one last ditch attempt to help his teammates before he died. Squishy unleashed the rest of his power on Fighty. A dense forest grew all around the humongous dragon, with sharp thorns gouging his eyes(hopefully) and anacondas shot into his mouth, hopefully constricting and successfully damaging his tongue. Finally, Squishy increased the gravity of Fighty's heels dramatically, hoping to damage them enough to hurt. Squishy's breathing was hard and loud, his heart beating slower and slower. Unleashing such a massive attack weakened Squishy far beyond his breaking point. Squishy's eyes glazed over and he fell to the ground.Squishy out of the fight.

Got it. Downside is you lose, upside is you can know I'm happy somebody had the guts to know when they were out. :P

TM died from the sheer power of Fighty's FINGERS OF FIERCENESS even though he was unaffected by the DRAGON OF DOOM's psychic scream due to his mental shields.OOC: It seems kinda unfair because I am immune to psionics attacks so I wouldn't be stunned and therefore might escape having my throat crushed.

This is explained below.

I realize that I should've taken more time to examine your guys' profiles and see what you were packing, but I was pretty busy and I guess I justified it by saying "I'll just figure out whatever powers they have when they attack me." I guess I didn't really count on resistance powers.So, in any case, since I feels bad, I will resurrect TM with 1/10 health. I don't think iBrony would mind, considered that I kind of disregarded your powers and auto-hit you to death. So, TM is back in the fight for a little while!ic: Fighty stared down to look at the little figure who was even now aiming an arrow at him. Fighty roared and started towards him, claws outstretched and ready to strike.

Out of kanohi_master and MoC1 I'd say kanohi_master would stay alive; MoC1, I get that you're immune, but he still sent you falling to the ground. Just because you didn't have low health my first judging does NOT mean you hadn't taken damage; had I posted before Fighty's post that killed TiN, you would've had 2/10 left. I'm sorry bro, but you're gone just for that.You were just too low on health; sorry, but the fall really isn't something you'd be able to survive easily when your health is at 2. Fighters OUT OF THE ROUND (So there's no misunderstanding here)The Invisible NoobMoC1Demon LlamaFighters Still In the RoundJl1223 X (6.5/10)Toa Onarax (5/10) >> I don't think smoke inhalation is going to be THAT bad. It was only for like a minute so far.Toa of Dischordant Dancing (5/10)Portalfig (4/10)kanohi_master (1/10)As a reminder: if I or Fighty kills you, that's it! You're dead!A slight misunderstanding on my part with kanohi_master, so he's still in. BUT you'll notice he only has one health. And at 3 health or lower, you shouldn't be fighting hardcore. You should be waiting to heal a little bit.That will be the only revival this round. The Invisible Noob, MoC1, and Demon Llama are all dead for the round, and cannot return until Round 11.Good luck.-ibrow
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Fighty gasped for air as the absolute zero block of ice formed around his head. It froze him entirely, sealing his fire-pores shut. His throat was dry and cold, an uninhabitable place for flame. Try as he might, he could not melt the ice with his funkalicious flame. His attacker froze his feet down as well, and used a downdraft to pin Fighty to the ground. Fighty was helpless - near death, unable to use his greatest tool - fire - and at the mercy of his opponent. But his opponent was anything but merciful.The attacker, the dancetastic Toa from earlier, simultaneously hurled his Reignbringer and Diamond Pickaxe into his heels. A deep, bloody roar tore from Fighty's maw, along with a deadly eruption of rainbow flame. Fighty screamed as blood poured from his wounds - both the fresh and the reopened ones. His body was covered with blood, arrows, and ice. With one last grunt of exertion, Fighty reached up, grabbed ToD out of the sky, and slammed him into the ground, pulverizing his bones. With one flexion of his thumb, Fighty burst ToD's skull, spilling his brains like oatmeal. Then, Fighty tumbled over, his decimated purple tongue lolling dumbly out of his mouth. Fighty's green eye finally began to close, and the last of his energy, Fighty whispered."I'll be back."And then he breathed his last.ooc: So, Fighty has been slain by ToD! With much help from all of the other fighters, of course. I saw some great teamwork on display here, guys.Sorry for all the confusion that took place this round, and I apologize moreover if some of you felt cheated or punished unfairly. Naturally, this is a new thing for Bionifight and I think iBrony handled it very well. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to come back to Bionifight for a little while. I really enjoyed my time here, and I hope you guys had fun, too. At the end of the day, that's all Bionifight is about: having good, old-fashioned, genocidal fun.


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NOOO!!!!I got to come back, but ToD already won! ####!(I typed in those #'s, just so you know)I didn't know that you could heal, however slowly, in this game.This'll likely be my last post before I go camping this weekend. I'll be back Sunday.NujaniiNujanii appeared again. Being dead hadn't been pleasant. Nujanii watched ToD and Fighty die. He cursed. He couldn't even assist ToD in the final blows. Nujanii felt his foot return to its stump. Nujanii felt his left leg heal completely. He saw his PSJS reform. And Nujanii knew that it was over. He had failed. he had failed to kill Fighty. He had failed to keep his team alive. He had even failed to keep himself alive, to a certain degree.But more certain than the rest of the things Nujanii knew, Nujanii knew that ToD now would have five special weapons. Nujanii contemplated this, and as he did so, he began to fervently wish that ToD would be on his side.

Edited by kanohi_master
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