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Bionicle Speed Racers


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The racers this round were awfully indecisive, and an RNG was called in. It kept screaming "Sandy Stone Track!" in the Host's ear over and over again, even though I didn't want to do it because it was Pulse and Luroka's devious plan. 


Unfortunately, I had to do it to make it shut up. Ow, my ears. 


As predicted, Pulse and Luroka blazed on ahead of everyone else, skull spiders facing off against a master of shadows. Eventually, Pulse got just enough of an edge to win. What a mess. 


End of Round 5: Pulse is the winner!






To proceed, post the name of the member you would like to challenge below. You have 24 hours to do so. Go!

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I challenge Luroka, Rylinth Anderfel, Kapura, Pumpress Semira. Neo ShadowVezon...




I challenge everyone. That includes you, Fishers and RNG! I even challenge myself.


It's the last time we're going to be able to challenge other people before the end of the game, so, why not? :P


(If not everyone then I challenge Rylinth Anderfel primarily.)

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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I challenge Luroka, Rylinth Anderfel, Kapura, Pumpress Semira. Neo ShadowVezon...




I challenge everyone. That includes you, Fishers and RNG! I even challenge myself.


It's the last time we're going to be able to challenge other people before the end of the game, so, why not? :P


(If not everyone then I challenge Rylinth Anderfel primarily.)

You have to race fishers and win in order to be able to do that.


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I challenge Luroka, Rylinth Anderfel, Kapura, Pumpress Semira. Neo ShadowVezon...




I challenge everyone. That includes you, Fishers and RNG! I even challenge myself.


It's the last time we're going to be able to challenge other people before the end of the game, so, why not? :P


(If not everyone then I challenge Rylinth Anderfel primarily.)

You have to race fishers and win in order to be able to do that.


He did challenge me. Whether he wins will determine whether his other challenges go through. 

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Luroka raced after Pulse in The Jungle Bog, but Pulse's horse leaped over the logs and was victorious. Lucina and Pumpress Sumira zoomed past him by the Rolling Ocean. Roaring in outrage, the Makuta blasted Toa Kapura on the Sandy Stone Track to finally carry the day, shaking his fist at the crowd.


Luroka vs. Pulse: Pulse is the winner!

Luroka vs. Lucina: Lucina is the winner!

Luroka vs. Pumpress Semira is the winner!

Luroka vs. Toa Kapura: Luroka is the winner!


After this, I lost interest and went to go get some popcorn.


Rylinth Anderfel vs. FF the Forgotten (Sandy Stone Track): FF the Forgotten is the winner!


Pulse vs. Rylinth Anderfel (The Underground) : Rylinth Anderfel is the winner!


Then Pulse was smart enough to challenge me for Luroka's privilege. Unfortunately, he lost.


Pulse vs. fishers64 (Rolling Ocean): fishers64 is the winner!


On my way, I flew past a dragon and a segway struggling in the sand.


FF the Forgotten vs. Pumpress Semira (Rolling Ocean): Pumpress Semira is the winner!


Oddly enough, Lucina and FF the Forgotten found themselves in the Underground.




But soon Lucina was on the Sandy Stone Track. That wasn't much better. A few minutes again, FF appeared, ahead of the Outrealm Bike and covered in wet snow. Lucina looked around, confused, until they were both on the Okoto 500. Lucina began to gain on the magical Segway...but it was too late, for FF had waaay too much of a lead by now.


Lucina vs. FF the Forgotten: FF the Forgotten is the winner!


Arnold Schwarzenegger was not about to be beaten by a girl. Especially not on the Okoto 500, which is where the two bikers began their race. But that was about to change, as Lucina was sucked away to the Ancient City, where she was forced to weave to avoid the questionable aim of Skull Warriors.


Arnold arrived at the Rolling Ocean first, powering his way over the sands with ease. Lucina almost caught up with him near the end, but alas:


Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Lucina: Arnold Schwarzenegger is the winner!


The RNG is sexist.


As punishment, I threw the RNG into the Underground to be run over by Luroka in his pursuit of ShadowVezon. This challenge's delay in the scene had nothing to do with the fact that I missed it the first time through, but rather ORGANIZATION.


Oh, and Luroka won. This made Shadow Vezon so mad that he blasted past Luroka in the Lava Cavern, the Okoto 500, and the Underground, and then smashed the Lord of Skull Spiders to bits. Meanwhile, Luroka's car was busted by Skull Grinder in the same city...much to the furious shadow half-skakdi's considerable glee.


Luroka vs. ShadowVezon: Luroka is the winner!

ShadowVezon vs. Luroka: ShadowVezon is the winner!




The following players may vote for the track they would like for this round's racing heat:


1. Pulse - voted

2. Pumpress Semira -voted

3. Lucina - voted

4. Luroka - voted

5. Rylinth Anderfel -voted

6. fishers64

7. FF the Forgotten -voted

8. Arnold Schwarzenegger -voted

9. ShadowVezon


The following tracks are available:


The Lava Cavern

The Rolling Ocean

The Jungle Bog

The Sandy Stone Track

The Underground

The Drifts

The Okoto 500

The PortalTex


You have 24 hours to vote. No vote switching allowed. Go!

Edited by fishers64
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The Lava Cavern

The Rolling Ocean - 2 

The Jungle Bog - 1

The Sandy Stone Track - 2 

The Underground

The Drifts

The Okoto 500

The PortalTex 


EDIT: Lucina, you are not allowed to vote twice. I saw that. Shame on you. :P

Edited by fishers64
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I had a tie in the voting again, but I was really tired of the RNG. Instead, I decided to do a two track race epic blowout, because this is the last one, at least for awhile. First, I invited the racers to the Okoto 500, which I voted for. Which was kinda evil. 
Luroka and Arnold Schwarzenegger quickly fell behind - I guess everyone was tired of them. The rest of the racers hurled powers at each other, but mostly Lucina in order to keep her from winning. She switched into Voltex form and angrily cut down the irate form of Pulse. Meanwhile Luroka rushed in to defend Voltex, only to get cut down by the one true Master of Shadows from behind. I was forced to land the Aeroplane and try to break up the fight, only for Luroka to yell a bunch of challenges at me that were meaningless, as we were not in challenge mode. Voltex tried to claim the whole thing was unfair, since he wanted to switch his vote. 
Rylinth Anderfel managed to go on from the fray, but he was slowed by having to go around the squabble; the dragon flying overhead had no such issues. 
End of Race 6: Pumpress Semira is the winner!
Then I took all of the racers to the Rolling Ocean. 
I won. 
Except I don't count, because I'm the Host. But from my Aeroplane vantage point, I could see Pumpress Semira, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lucina, and Rylinth Anderfel pulling ahead. It was then that Pumpress and Lucina decided to pay Arnold back for his cheap shots earlier, leaving Rylinth Anderfel to take the day.
End of Race 6: Rylinth Anderfel is the winner!
Not that it matters too much, because: 
:winner: END OF RACE #2: LUCINA IS THE WINNER!  :winner:


But hey, at least the underdogs got at least one win. Hard to say that about other things. 




I thought that this game worked fairly well in the end. I did struggle with how to do this in the planning stages with the RNG; I think what I've stumbled upon works pretty good. However, I wouldn't trust anyone else to host this because of how many complicated nuances this game ended up having, which are hard to explain and would probably drive some people crazy. 


I do think if I host this again I will do less tracks in the Racing Mode. I also found that the Secret Tracks got revealed in challenge mode, and then weren't used a lot, so I think I will reserve them for the racing heats next time instead of throwing them into the challenge pool. 




For the Paracosmos Cavern of Doom: Run a three bit RNG to determine Chronosearum, Kanohi Hau, or Eyes. For Chronoseurum, run another three bit RNG to determine Rewind (back to the beginning), Transform, or Event. For Eyes, run a two bit RNG (i.e. flip a coin) to determine success or failure of the player through the Eyes. 


If more than one gets through the above, run a six-bit RNG to determine which elements to compare, taking three elements. Whoever has the highest power in at least two of those elements is the winner - if evenly matched, use a two-bit RNG to decide. 


For the Ancient City: This track is filled with Skull Spider hordes that decide to criss-cross the track when you least expect it. In addition, a RNG decides which of the five skull villains the racers will face.

  1. Skull Grinder, who smashes everyone’s car and forces them to walk.
  2. Skull Slicer, who bashes in random cars. Which cars are destroyed is determined by RNG.
  3. Skull Warrior, which fires projectiles at the racers.
  4. Skull Scorpios, which latch onto cars and slow them down.
  5. Lord of Skull Spiders, which blocks the track and forces racers to defeat him.

For the Okoto 500: For challenge mode: Decide who is heads and who is tales. Flip a coin. For racing heat: Heads = success. Tails = failure. Whoever fails last wins. 


Trust me, that's how races in real life are decided. :P


For the PortalTex: Run a six-bit RNG for the number of Portals. Run an 10-bit RNG for the starting track and ending track, unless it's for Pulse, then it's 11. Run that for all of the tracks in the middle for each player. Compare the element numbers for the elemental tracks, and if a ST comes up, it's RNG-ception time. Bloody jimminy hendrix.


I never got to use it in a racing heat, which kinda let me down as a Host, but that's just the way the show bounces. But I suppose we should save that occasion for the return of Protal. Yarr?




I have no idea, but not now, that's for sure. Also, trying to run a game like this during a college semester while also juggling an HF RPG was a MISTAKE...sort of. I wanted to get this one in action and off my mind so I could focus on other projects, and I succeeded! But alas, I'm glad this one is over. I have HOMEWORK to do! Yikes!



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