Takametru007 Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 I don't know how close this runs to being against guidelines, but as long as everyone else is cool with their comments, I think it should work out. OK: so the protectors went to the Temple of Time, and presumably using the Mask of Time or something, send their "prayers to the heavens". G2's protectors "prayer" could be a few things: 1) Just a euphemism- maybe it's just their hopes their sending to the heavens -- "prayers" just being a symbol of that? 2) There's someone up there! That lightning-bolt/laser that shot into space may have been carrying a message- perhaps another as-of-yet unknown character who organized the Toa and shot them to Okoto. A G2 equivalent of a Great Being, or GSR perhaps? 3) The communication was to the Toa themselves, to come and save Okoto- Which of course begs the question of where they were in space to begin with- and were they conscious enough to get it? Thus, was coming to Okoto a conscious decision the Toa made, or was it another unconscious-in-the-canister-and-it-just-got-launched-automatically scenario? And, if conscious, what were they doing on the world(s) they came from? Geez, just one line in an internet cartoon gives ya a lot to think about, huh? 1 Quote
Xboxtravis Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 Good question, and I don't know the answer! If anything it goes to show that the Big mystery in G2 is where do the Toa come from? Quote All aboard the hype train!
aldero Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 One half of me is saying that they are sending their prayers to the Red Star and the other half is saying that it's merely the words of a spell. Either way, it's a really good point. How would the Protectors manage to supposedly contact each of the Toa's six 'homeworld' planets? Quote < -< =<o>= >- > Ha! I tricked you into reading my signature! < -< =<o>= >- >
YoYoSirRahka Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 If the toa come from space, does that make them Aliens? I don't think Lego would go with this direction. Maybe they are Godlike figures? Maybe Lego will go in the direction of Marvel's Thor, where there are several Realms. If they come from space, are they even the same species as the protectors? Quote
Kopekemaster Posted November 25, 2015 Posted November 25, 2015 Honestly, I kind of think it was just a euphemism. It's a common enough thing for people to say, even if they aren't religious. Either that, or it's referring to some yet-to-be-explained religion or similar system existent on Okoto. Something that comes to mind is in Bionicle: The Game, at one of the Suvas, there are a bunch of Matoran doing some tribal ceremony or something like that. (The game isn't canon, but it just seemed like an obvious example.) Quote My Writing Blog (more writing coming soon!) My Bionicle/LEGO Blog (defunct) Hyfudiar on Spotify (noise/drone/experimental music)
The Hip Historian Iaredios Posted November 25, 2015 Posted November 25, 2015 The toa are the incarnate forms of primordial elemental forces and thus are the equivalent of warrior demigods. The incarnate forms, or avatars, are put into new bodies but have the soul of previous summonings and thus may remember their past lives, maybe even later be able to commune with these dead personas. The prayers to these primordial gods who exist in a pantheistic realm beckoned forth the heroes in similar forms the villagers themselves take, which is biomechanical. Also, the mask makers are able to capture certain aspects of the primordial forces into masks of power through rituals. Just shooting blindly. That's a lot of heavy stuff for a brief line in passing. Quote A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu | Pushing Back The Tide | Last Words | Black Coronation | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos ن We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light
LewaLew Posted November 25, 2015 Posted November 25, 2015 LEGO generally has shied away from fictional religion. The idea of a "Great Spirit" was not very popular with many parents during G1. Then again, the "Great Spirit" was always planned to be a giant robot anyway. LEGO could go either way with this one. It could be spiritual, it could be unexplained science, or it could just be a turn of phrase. As Greg used to say, "follow the story and find out." 1 Quote How well will you die?
fishers64 Posted November 25, 2015 Posted November 25, 2015 Technically, "sent their prayers to the skies". That could be as simple as communicating "Planet, move 240 degrees to the left at 240 MPH faster than normal time please." 3 Quote Hero Factory RPG | Bionicle Mafia XXIX: Storyline & Theories
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