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IC - Information District Matra swooped in, hand-cuffing Æon's unconscious form. Strapping her to his hover bike, he payed a respectful nod to Sylux. They were not enemies in that second, but comrades sharing a victory....then they were enemies again. He took off, heading towards the prisons.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: EmmaEmma smiled, before turning around for a final time, disappearing into the night.IC: TenkoTenko took the book, smiling nervously. He flicked through it quickly, scanning the contents. Quantum mechanics, fission equations, etc. Frankly, he had no clue what any of it meant, but it looked mildly interesting.'So, you're interested in this subject?'IC: RenenRenen nodded, taking the plate in one hand, and grabbing one of the keys in the other. In one smooth motion that spoke of long days operating with three hands at once, he dumped the plate onto the back counter, tossing the keys to Scorpio and scooping the widget up.He had considered allowing the android to stay free of charge, but the businessman in him won over the philanthropist.-Void



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IC: Drone (Implant Station, Science District)"Well, I can feel pain to a limited degree, only to the point of it being bothersome. I toned down the amount I feel considerably to help out but not entirely since that would be very dangerous because I wouldn't know if I was injured or not."

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IC: (Glitch Paradox)The andriod nodded in appreciation as he grabbed the keys with his hands mid-air. "If there's anymore trouble, just tell me." He said as he walked up the stairs. IC: (Public Library)Nathius nodded. "I'm interested in many sciences." He said. IC: (Rooftop)Shade was running to the edge of the building as soon as the Toa techna had pulled up, jumping from building to building quickly, reaching his target, the sniper. Jumping onto the roof-top where he was, Shade landed, Morning Star in his hand. "Who are you? Motive?" He asked.


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IC: Tain, Following Ga'mal, Outside Housing DistrictTain followed along behind Ga'mal, pondering the strange events that had occurred that day, and the discussion of the hacker that would occur restaurant. I wonder if Vrilni has a specific hacker in mind. Tain mused.Krayzikk and Athen, Information District, Checking on MatraA lone motorcycle entered the street that Matra was using to get to the prisons. Normally, this would not look out of place. Except this motorcycle had no driver. As the motorcycle pulled alongside Matra, it's hedlights flashed as Krayzikk said "Do you require assistance, Techna?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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-==IC: Kairan//The Glitch Paradox==-Kairan finished his meal, and then smiled with a nod, as he placed some widgets on the counter."I figure that I might as well return the favour you gave in waking me up again and all." Kairan said, as he then stood up."I have to get back to searching around the city, but I'll return. I hope you have better luck in the future, and I do recommend the extra guards, just in case those people return." Kairan said with a smile, as he then headed toward the exit, hoping that the restaurant could be restored.

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OOC: Darkon, don't say you just jumped through rooftop to rooftop and made it to me just like that so easily. Sylux would have surely spotted you, attempt to kill you with his sniper (even though it'd be futile since you're a Zyglak) and/or run away. No matter, just give someone an opportunity to react next time, please. IC: Sylux (Rooftop, Science District)Sylux stared at the Zyglak who had miraculously evaded Sylux from spotting him. Silence crept over the scene as Shade asked the petty little question that everyone wanted to know. Who was Sylux? The answer to that question remained unknown. Instead of answering, Sylux asked the exact same question to the Zyglak in his eerie, robotic voice."Who are you? Motives?"

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IC Fulok - Science Distrct - Minding his business: A Toa Techna of Iron walked calmly through the Science District, making his way through the masses of people here and there, and mainly just staying alert to the surrounding area, watching for any outpoints that he might find. The citizens paid him little attention, and when they did, they normally stopped to say hello, some even asked if there were any problems (As if he was going to arrest them... without good reason, of course).Other than that, everything seemed normal, he hadn't seen any fights or disturbances yet, no one asking for his help. All was well in the present.-Fulok

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IC / Awk / CKC / Wandering the halls air-typing into his computer:%awk_ic% -> ssh awk@ckc.technapassword: ************connecting...now logged in as awklast login at 00:67:53 from 1.000.1007.3218%awk_ic%>>awk@ckc.techna -> lsREADME.txtawk.mclfind.mclawkMod.mclprunScan.mclpsave.mclplibrary/programs/settings/sFolders/virusLogs/%awk_ic%>>awk@ckc.techna -> ./runScan.mclp -vsainitializing scan...setting search criteria...scanning...^D>>./virusLogs/runScanResults.txttask backgrounded, results will be appended to ./virusLogs/runScanResults.txtAwk typed away at the air in front of him as he walked down a long corridor of the CKC, his internal computer responding to his every fingerstroke. His simple daily routines of scanning local files and folders wouldn't take long, and then he could get on to the interesting stuff. His current project was a firewall program to be placed around high security files. The program would protect them from all but the most stealthiest attacks, it would also however, make a copy of all interactions with the protected files and silently send them directly to a secure databank belonging to Awk.Awk continued down the corridor waiting for his scans to finish.OOC: No one's near the CKC are they?

BBCC #68 sig.png The Iron Tiger

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IC (CKC):"Impressive," said a voice behind Awk. Startled, the Toa whirled.He found himself staring into a pair of lime-green eyes, behind which...Awk drew back in awe and a bit of horror. The conventional expression was, "seeing the gears turning in his head."But behind Forcyte's eyes were no gears. What resided there moved at lightning speed, leaping from datapoint to datapoint as the legendary Toa Mata Lewa leaped between branches.Forcyte's mouth pulled into a tight grin. "I have been... following your work, Awk. Your configurations for our firewalls are exemplary. You could be promoted soon.""T-thank you, sir," Awk managed to say, through his nervousness-constricted throat.Forcyte's grin broadened, though Awk noticed it didn't extend to his eyes, which stayed as sharp and piercing as a viper's. "However, a more important task awaits you. You are to accompany me to the S&D Library. There is an important mission in the works, and the Toa Techna need someone of your expertise to manage the computers as we... search."OOC: Your cover is not blown, Kovolta. :P You're safe for now.-Shyyrn

Edited by Shyyrn

"Let me realize that my past failures at follow-through are no indication of my future performance...

...They're just healthy little fires that are going to light up my resolve."

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Amnchey/Outside Pro Coding CorpIC:

Amnchey had sidestepped the shots with her enhanced agility. Unable to say something before everything happened for some reason or another, she was now in shock at the window. There was Anfel... on the ground... dead. She leped out the window herself, swinging from ledge to ledge to reach the street quickly. And quickly reach it she did, and she was soon on her knees by her crushed fiance's body. This had quickly gone from being a great day to the worst of her life... Plus, she was now in the open, just screaming at the world. Open to any attempts at her life.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC (public library):"Thanks, Solaris," said Torch. "This means a lot."Before Solaris could comment on the melodramatic thank-you, Torch was already halfway toward the exit.On his way, the Toa of Plasma caught a Rahkshi and Toa in a nearby aisle staring at him. His returning smile was rather halfhearted and his gaze distracted, but hey, was not the thought all that mattered?The cyberbook was tucked into a pouch as Torch readied himself----and ran.An alleyway across the street was his destination. Limbs pumping, Torch darted inside.Go!He leapt onto the left wall. Immediately after his feet made contact, he bent his legs and pushed off to land feet-first on the opposite wall. In this zig-zag fashion he easily climbed the three-story buildings, finishing with a flourish as he leapt off the right wall, flipped, and hit the left building's roof running.A transport chute ran by the building. Torch ran across the rooftops of the buildings on the block, reached the last one, leapt over thin air...His Kanohi glowed, and time slowed. Far below, Technans looked upward in surprise. Slow-motion gave Torch enough time to smile back and then aim his plasma launcher toward the ground like he was moving through a dream.A jet of plasma erupted from the launcher's tip, far too short to reach the ground below but powerful enough to propell Torch the last few meters to the chute. He angled his body like a diver would, prepared for impact -- and entered the chute.His mask's glow ceased, and time flowed past him again as quickly as the liquid protodermis within the transport chutes.Who said Toa Techna couldn't have fun?As he floated through the chute, Torch activated his HUD and opened his Contacts list. Forcyte, Matrapolix, and Fulok were all online.>Open chat with Forcyte, Matrapolix, and Fulok.Format?>Text.Acknowledged.Opening...As soon as the chat window opened, Torch thought-typed a message.Torch: Hey, gang.Torch: This is a routine progress report. No one except Matra seemed to receive the last one, so I'm trying again.Torch: I'm working on a... project. You guys?OOC: While Torch is communicating only with text, the other Toa Techna are free to choose to communicate in either audio or text. Speech-recognition software allows Torch's implant to translate audio into text (do note, though, that translations from text to audio are impossible).

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IC (Information District): Kyrahk"But who wants to talk to a security enforcer guy?"Kyrahk commented dully."I say we all take that Taxi Bio noticed, and get ourselves something to eat."IC (Science District Implant Station): Vrf-3"Well, I wish I could do that, but those circuits are part of my brain system... and I really don't want to try to alter that..."He commented, hovering in the air."No one has seemed to know how my brain system actually works."

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: Drone (Science District)"Well, that's a conversation for another time. Let's get you implanted." Drone walked up to one of the employees at the implant station who looked bored while his fellow co-workers were busying themselves with their jobs. He brightened up as soon as he saw customers approaching and offered his services. Taking the eyebot and depositing the pieces on the desk along with him, he said"We'd like you to equip these two implants to this little guy. Here's the money."The employee did all the transaction business and grabbed all three things and walked away to the back room where they surely did all the implants. Before VRF-3 was out of sight Drone said:"I heard implants hurt a lot!"

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IC - Æon's CellÆon, upon waking up, would find herself in mid-air. Well, her cell was. A floating cage made of translucent blue energy. She was stripped of her rocket boots, as well as any other technology. The walls were plasma proof. Every hour, lightning would fill the prison, shocking her.As Matrapolix left, he solemnly remembered Ion's words....Make their lives as hellish as possible.Later, at the S&D Library,Matra sat in the comfortable library chairs, awaiting Forcyte. Where was he? He supposed he would be there soon. He opened up his phone, IMing the Techna."If convenient, come to the library. If inconvenient, come all the same."He then texted Torch back."I'm waiting for Forcyte. Track my position. Working on Barraki project."

Edited by The King of No Isles

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC (en route to S&D Library):Forcyte's text implant activated as he and Awk walked the streets. He answered in audio."Forcyte is here and present, Torch. Having fun in the chutes?"Torch: ...How did you know I was in the chutes?"Your text uploads as fast as you think it. You're uploading it at a speed that suggests exhilaration. This suggests either combat or recreational exercise, and you wouldn't send such a banal message in the middle of a fight.""I am currently collaborating with Matra on one of his little projects... something concerning a criminal he thinks is loose on the ship. Nothing too alarming. I am currently planning to rendeznous with him in the S&D Library."-Shyyrn

"Let me realize that my past failures at follow-through are no indication of my future performance...

...They're just healthy little fires that are going to light up my resolve."

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IC (S&D Library):Forcyte and Awk strode in just as Matra finished his message to Torch."We're here. How shall we start?"-ShyyrnOOC: Nice "Sherlock Holmes" quote. :P

"Let me realize that my past failures at follow-through are no indication of my future performance...

...They're just healthy little fires that are going to light up my resolve."

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IC Fulok - Science District - Comminucating with Torch: Fulok decided to speak, and have his words translated to text, "I am patrolling the Science District for any outpoints that may be in it, nothing more than that," Fulok said. "Perhaps you would like some help with this so called project?" he asked, since there seemed to be little to do in the Science District at the moment.-Fulok

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IC (Little Shop of Horrors, Science District): Vrf-3"Then why didn't you warn me, and that other guy was going to shut me off before I went back to get these added! This is robot abuse! This is-"His shouting was cut off by intense screaming of pain and agony. The people doing the implanting could be heard talking about how they had never heard a robot scream like that before.IC (Information District) Kyrahk"Nah, security force people are boring, they have to walk around and be serious all of the time."He looked at Nikaron boredly."You have a better way of transport?"

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: Solaris (Information District)Well that was a bit of and odd exit... Ah, Torch was a Toa Techna. He can exit however he wanted."Well, looks like it's just us and the books," Solaris mumbled, sitting back in his chair. Back to the boring routine... At least he had the adventure for the day. He helped a Toa Techna!But now he was interested about the book he kept in the back room... Should he bring it out, maybe just to read? He sighed and hobbled back to the metal door with the key. He pulled it open and fetched what he wanted. It was an old book. Over 200,000 years old. It was worth a fortune. And he was one of the authors. It was the complied history of his old Toa team, back in the day. Soon, the story became just about him, after the rest had died. He decided to read it again. Solaris settled down at his desk, making sure the door was locked behind him.It was a long book... he would finish in about two hours.Kraak (Information District)Kraak the Skakdi had covered almost all the "You are here" terminals he could on the Science District. Now he was to move on to the other side of the ship. Maybe, when he was done, he could corrupt some of the computers in the Housing District, lock some people out of their rooms."Hur, this is my stop," he growled to the taxi driver."How do ya wanna pay?" the driver asked."Wiv my fists!" Kraak said, punching the S-Toran in the mask. He then ran off into the streets again.Ah, the Public Library. His old nemesis. If only he could read above a yearling level, he'd be the smartest... uh... what's the word? Huh, he couldn't think of a word under three syllables.He ran into the library anyways. He then noticed that his disc launchers were still out. He replaced them in his pack.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Kinksh & Rinnder (Metal Cat) / Implant Your Cash!Kinksh looked at his private TV set. The standard bubble-headed news reporter down at the scene the crime. Amnchey was now on the ground, screaming for her dead fiance. He cursed. The assassin had failed to get the laptop or take out the CEO, and simply left a few citizen casualties. This was not going to work out very well.Rinnder came in as he dinged a small bell. "You know what has to happen. Take care of it." Kinksh commanded. The loyal Vortixx nodded, leaving the room."I'll have to take care of the CEO on my own, then." he muttered, closing his eyes and focusing on the metal cat that paced around on the ground floor. The beasts rushed out, going out a secret side passage barely big enough for it and rushing out into the city.As it went around through the more shady areas it passed by Fulok. Letting out a few growls, it rushed away quickly, vanishing into the back alleys of the Science District.IC: Levacius / HomeLevacius sighed as he heard the radio reports coming in. What grissly events. Finishing up the book, he looked over the pictures, previously black and white but now in beautiful color. Images of open seas portrayed in the old book An Elemental Odyssey, a famous story about a ship of toa returning home from war and conrfonting untold dangers while returning to Metru-Nui from the Southern Islands.He thought about that. Everyone was blaming the Hackers for this. This didn't seem like the Hackers though - all of the reports had Hackers at the scene of the crime, but nobody had them as the actual assassin. It was obvious to him - private criminal syndicates. And the Hackers being there meant that they were trying to protect her. Everyone was trying to, apparently. Nobody had even considered the possibility of another threat being involved.He did. It matched perfectly to the way Steltian guilds would have activated in the old Matoran Universe. Or the Dark Hunters. But those were things of the past; a past that he once more asserted to himself everybody was forgetting.However, the idea of the Hackers protecting somebody suggested something interesting - that they were protecting each. That wasn't what 'a bunch of bloodthirsty killers' did. Sure, covertly, but not like this. Or maybe they were just rogue... but that didn't really affect him."Come on." he said to Kelwra. "We're going out."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC Fulok - Science District - Chasing Metal Cat: "Hold that thought, literally," he said, taking off after the Metal Cat. When something like that presented itself to you, and growled, it could be considered an outpoint. Now, Fulok hadn't been wishing for some trouble to come along (or maybe he did), but he was determined to investigate what that was all about.He chuckled, a Metal Cat couldn't escape him to save its life, as soon as he got it in his sights, he would simply pick it up with his elemental powers.OOC: No clue on what to do with the cat once he's caught it, though...-Fulok

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IC: Zaphos - Information District"I'm a giant hulking creature that has been mistakenly classified as a Rahi by Matoran because of my species' attempts at destroying fortresses for fun," Zaphos piped in. "I don't think I can actually fit on one."He paused for a moment, before slowly turning his head to look at the twin Rhotuka launchers located on his shoulders, a mad grin appearing on his bestial face."Say," he said slowly. "Would flying be a better way to travel?"

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IC (Little shop of Horrors, Science District): Vrf-3Eventually, the screams died down, and the eyebot was brought out, being carried by the implanting person."I think your robot... fainted."IC (Information District): Kyrahk"... you can fly?"He knew Rahkshi could fly, but he wasn't certain the body he had could, so... he was not going to try."Or walking, walking is good."

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: Metal Cat (Kinksh) / Science DistrictThe metal cat rushed through into an actual restraunt kitchen, rushing under the legs of the cooks and other people in charge. Rushing up stairways, it came upon the second floor, rushing through the office of the manager and leaping from a window.Once in the fire escape, it leapt away, landing on the next roof before leaping from there and down, into another alley, vanishing even further into the Science District.OOC: It becomes scarier once you figure that it came close to killing two of the Toa Techna (IC, that is, they couldn't have actually died). Though anybody standing on the edge of a window is just asking to be pushed out, I'm sorry. :PIC: Levacius / Central SquareAs Levacius moved through Central Square, Kelwra flying up above, he attracted a few looks from the common populace. A few knew who he was, from reputation only, and stayed away from him. Some were criminals he had dealt with in the past. Most he didn't know.He needed to find out more about what was going on.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC (Transport Chute leading through Information District to Security and Defense Library):Matrapolix: If convenient, come to the library. If inconvenient, come all the same.Torch frowned. What was down at the Security and Defense Libarary that was so important?A fork in the chute revealed itself a ways ahead of Torch. He took the right chute, which angled back to the south of Techna to a station roughly around the S&D Library.Blip.Matrapolix: I'm waiting for Forcyte. Track my position. Working on Barraki project.The Barraki project... Torch would have replied asking what exactly that was, but another Toa Techna entered the conversation:Forcyte has joined the chat.Forcyte: "Forcyte is here and present, Torch. Having fun in the chutes?"Torch: ...How did you know I was in the chutes? Forcyte: "Your text uploads as fast as you think it. You're uploading it at a speed that suggests exhilaration. This suggests either combat or recreational exercise, and you wouldn't send such a banal message in the middle of a fight."Typical Forcyte. Torch half-grinned, half-grimaced and floated on.Forcyte: "I am currently collaborating with Matra on one of his little projects... something concerning a criminal he thinks is loose on the ship. Nothing too alarming. I am currently planning to rendeznous with him in the S&D Library."Torch: So Matrapolix said.Torch: This sounds imporant. Let's get to the library ASAP.Torch: Leave the details for there.Fulok has joined the chat.Fulok: "I am patrolling the Science District for any outpoints that may be in it, nothing more than that."Fulok: "Perhaps you would like some help with this so called project?"Torch: The more, the merrier.Torch: It's about time we had a proper meeting. When was the last one? A few months ago?Fulok: "--Hold that thought, literally."Torch: What? Why? What's going on?

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IC: Drone (Implanting Station, Science District)Drone picked up the eyebot which was no fully equipped with its two new implants although, like the employee said, VRF-3 appeared to have fainted. A robot fainting was very puzzling for Drone."Oi, wake up there." said the Toa of Robotics as he activated his powers of robotics to stimulate VRF-3's senses to wake him up.

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OOC: Ooooh, nice job tying all of our posts together! Props to you. :DIC (S&D Library):Forcyte cocked his head to the side as additional messages came to him."We'll have to wait a moment; Torch wants all the Techna here. Apparently your little mission is important enough to warrant all of our presences here."-Shyyrn

"Let me realize that my past failures at follow-through are no indication of my future performance...

...They're just healthy little fires that are going to light up my resolve."

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IC Fulok - Science District - Chasing Metal Cat: "Well," Fulok said, climbing to the top of a roof, and leaping to another, catching only glipses of the cat, "I'm chasing what appears to be a... Metal Cat," he said, hopping down into the alley after the creature. He saw it shoot around the corner, and he ran after it, just barely keeping up pace with whatever it was that he was chasing."Once I get hold of it - or if I do... I'll come to your location," he said, turning the corner and watching as the metal cat ran through a crowd of people. Sadly, the cat had the advantage here, it could weave through the legs of the people, while Fulok had to gently push his way through. And that was where rooftops came in. He scaled a building wall, using the smallest of ledges to get to his destination. Once atop the roof, he could easily see how large the crowd was, and managed to spot his metallic runner fleeing down yet another alleyway. He leaped from one building to the next (only just making it), and rushed to quickly climb back down into the alley that the cat was in.-Fulok

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IC: Sylux (Tired of waiting, Science District)Tired of waiting for an answer, Sylux activated his Kualsi and teleported away from the scene of the crime through repetitive usage. The hunt had not gone as planned and he rarely ever failed a mission. He would think it over whether he'd try once more.Sometime later, Sylux was now on the outside section of the Housing District, sitting on a bench in a rather lonely area, a few people walking by ever ten minutes or so as he meditated on his failure.OOC: Sylux open for interaction and assassination or odd job requests.

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IC (Information District): Kyrahk"What else is their, besides running? And run burns energy faster, not exactly useful for going a distance."He curiously wondered aloud.IC (Little Shop of Horrors, Science District): Vrf-3There was a light humming from the robotic eye, as it started twitching."Oh... next time, You go through that process. I am never even thinking about another upgrade, ever."He wasn't very happy.

This is my signature

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