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-==IC: Kairan//Science District==-Kairan had just helped Emma up, when he noticed one of the blasts from the ADRs."Watch out!" Kairan said, as he pushed her out of the way, and likely to the ground again, but this time, couldn't react in time, and raised his arm, but said arm was indeed hit by the ADR's blast,and as a result, his left arm was heavily damaged. Kairan frowned, but managed to roll out of the way barely, by activating his Calix, in order to dodge the three following blasts, even though they were very close behind. Kairan winced, but gripped the handle of his sword.I don't know if I can react to this attack... And how can I get out of this, anyway...? Kairan thought with a slight frown.OOC: Ooh, good idea of how to tie in all my characters plots, at least temporarily, now. >=D-==IC: Zero//Abandoned Lab==-Zero narrowed his eyes, as he moved forward quickly. The red robot jumped up quickly, as his enemy passed under him. At the right moment, Zero aimed below him, and fired a blast from the gun, which while it didn't actually destroy the opposing robot, certainly damaged it fairly well, and while it wasn't out of the fight by any means, it would likely give Zero some time to reflect. Which he used, as he gripped the sword he wielded, and slashed out at one of the other robots. Two of them were more advanced than the other two, and made out of weaker materials, which allowed Zero to slash through it's arm, temporarily disarming it, as he kicked the robot away. Zero looked at the other two robots, even as he noticed the first one was clumsily getting back into the fight. In response, Zero simply gripped the hilt of his sword, and the handle of his gun, and ran toward the two robots.OOC: I will start updating this more, and apologies if this seems like just beating on NPCs; it's not my intent, and is mostly because so much has happened in the mean time, which is admittedly partly my fault. =P I'm not going to defeat them in two posts though, even if I need to do the rest of the 'escape' posts in flashbacks to merge all storylines into one in time. Mostly since I still need to introduce the charge attacks and energy blade function. *Whistles innocently*

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OOC: Only Rust has any implants and she does not have the standard brain implant.IC:Photo:He looked at the Toa's wristband, confused. He was now not to sure what was happening. He then took the book back and by accident light sparked from his hands and onto the book. And as if by magic the runes deciphered themselves. But the pictures and sigil remained unchanged."Oops." He said, a bit stunned by the things that had just happened.Mach:His cell phone buzzed and he opened it. It told him he had a message and so he opened and listened to it."Stupid rebels..." He stated, after he had listened to the whole thing.

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IC: Solaris (Public Library)Solaris sat behind his desk once more. That little Skakdi Hacker was his adventure for the day... That really made him sound like his life was so boring. He needed some excitement. And not just some that lasted a few minutes. One that would last him for weeks, just like old times.Oh, but he was dreaming. He leaned back in his chair and watched the comings and goings of the passersby. Perhaps becoming a librarian was a mistake. Oh, but he was surrounded by books! No mistake here...Yerith (Library Pub)Yerith stood behind the bar, watching the patrons converse. A bridge had closed the gap between Matoran and Agori at last. But what had become of Yerith. He was once a gung-ho special forces Toa and now he was just some bartender. He reached behind the cash register and pulled out all of his friends' dog tags. Everyone he knew but Solaris was dead.But he had all he needed for now. A bar, some money, and a dent in his chestplate.Well, another one, anyways.Kraak (Prison)Kraak looked around his cell. Well, the cellmates were a bit reclusive, but that was all right to him. He didn't want distractions to keep him from his plans.Almost ready. The Skakdi chuckled.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: Levacius, I thought the internet was down, wouldn't the message not reach anyone? Or am I mistaken, and it has been turned back on?

OOC: The internet is down, but when it comes right down to it the brain implant picks up electrical signals. He was going through different frequencies until he found one that he could broadcast - not as an internet server, but as a radio. The signals were at a frequency that could be picked up and translated into vocals by the brain implants in most everyones head. I'm not an expert, but I do believe that would work, especially if you had the right set up.Though I would like to know why pretty much everybody is ignoring it.@ Infinitus; So you're saying the entire book is translated into whatever the 'Common Matoran' is now days? Or am I misreading that?IC: Kinksh / Implant Your Cash!"Now that that's dealt with..." Kinksh said, moving over and grabbing a tiny robotic stone rat model only a few inches long. It had only a simple AI program that caused it to dash about. There were a number of them, but all save this were destroyed in the past - he had thought it humorous that, when testing out the metal cat control implant, he used a stone rat for the target practice.Taking the mouse, he set it down on his table and began his next set of work - once more, something that would be devastating for his enemies, but nothing but advantageous to him.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Leave it to Lev to make the most massive post yet...

Amnchey/In PrisonIC:

"I have two computers. I use predominantly use, and a back-up that had no traces of hacking on it. I hid the hacking computer and gave it some very specific and powerful commands to keep hacking, so it might just be prolonging the blackout, if not making it worse. Anyways, what's you na - Eh, what's this?" she cut herself off, listening to the broadcast. "Well, that was certainly interesting..."

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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Amnchey/In PrisonIC:

"As in the idiotic CEO of Pro Coding Corp. Yep. That's me. Don't think they wanted me to tell anyone that I was a Hacker until a few minutes ago, but oh well. Nothing better to pass the time," she ended with a mutter, closing her eyes.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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OOC: Anyone who asked the question, "Can I join the hacker meeting?" the answer is yes. Unless you're a Technan. Then, the answer is, "Oh, yes. Do come over."IC: Enaltai sighed. Not another self-declared messiah. He specialized in wiping such people off the face of Techna when he was a full fledged Toa Techna, and to this day, he hated them. It was foolish of them to believe they could change anything: between the Hackers and the Techna, there was no room for any middle ground."Do as we always do," he said to the gathered Hackers, "ignore it. For now, let's focus on our business. I approve of Raknar's plan. As he said, any volunteers?"

Edited by Dovydas the Nerevarine
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OOC: It's been a while since I last posted as Torch, so his travelling is justified.Also, Levacius, your way of trasmitting the message is fine.IC (Central Square):A jet of plasma filled the air between Matrapolix and ADRs.The ADRs halted for a moment, their computers performing thousands of calculations to determine which courses of action would be best to take.The plasma didn't wait. It swept over the robots. Two flew up and around. The other two fell to the ground, their circuits melted into slag by the plasma's intense heat.Torch shut off the jet, grabbed one of his daggers, and ran forward.Just as an odd message began playing in his ear.IC (Base Ermoi):Raknar rolled his eyes. Latecomers? They'd had plenty of time to come here. Travel across Techna took only minutes, after all.And then--"People of the Techna-Nui. I am not a Hacker. Or one of your so called 'superiors'."Raknar blinked underneath his visor in surprise. Was the internet no longer down?"I am a citizen, like yourselves."A slight pause. Raknar tapped his audio receptor and glanced around the room. Nodding met his gaze."I work every day as need be. And as I work, I realize that we live in a society that dooms us to wallowing in corruption. While the Toa Techna live in their well defended home. Even now they fall apart, because they are weak. But the people of the Techna-Nui are strong. We do not need to wallow in corruption. We need to break out, and proclaim our voices, as I proclaim to you."Our leadership, or lack thereof, has failed us. The City Guard is left with no support, leaving only ADR of faulty natures, prone to technical errors, to guard us. What we need in the city of the future is trust - we need a government of the people, not the absence of one, not the dictatorship of the Techna."Before they stop the signal, I tell you this - consider my words. Use them as weapons. Use them as armor. Go forth now, people of the Techna-Nui. Heed my warning and ignore the foolish messages given by the failures of the past, and seek out your new destiny and your new future as we need!"The message cut off with a faint murmur of static and a click."Well," said Raknar. "I think we can all agree that guy's a Brakas. Enaltai, what d'you think?"

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IC: Kinksh + Rinnder / Implant Your Cash!"So do you think the message will work?" Rinnder asked hesitantly."No, but it passed the time. And I needed to test it. I have to be sure that the broadcasting will work. Now that I know it does, I don't have to worry about it failing when I do it a second time over. And if at least one person stirs up then it doesn't matter to me. It's just a random message to cause dissent."Working on the little mouse, Kinksh continued, "As I explain to you, many of the things done in the coming days aren't part of the plan, they're merely something to cause difficulty. I honestly don't care about a government of the people, but you already know that."As he moved his extremely small and specialized tools over to the mouth of the small robot, he said, "This little robot here will have a more important job, to be sure. Again, an add on to the plane, and nothing more. Something to ease it."Rinnder nodded."Whatever happens next, Rinnder, begins our operation. Those twenty ADR will spread across the city in teams. With luck, at least one guardsman will die, hopefully more. In a best case scenario, one of the Techna is slain. In the event neither of these things happen, the point still remains that the ADR are malfunctioning and targeting other security officers. If done in populated places, eyewitnesses will be able to claim that the ADR are malfunctioning. It will be buried up, but with five separate incidents, it will be undeniable. The ADR will be scrapped; at the worst, only a few. It would be impossible to explain a reason why they wouldn't be. Perhaps they will try to remake new ADR with better programming, but it will take them a few days to do that while we begin the plan. Even then, ADR can only be produced so fast."Rather than laugh, he gave a short 'hmph' and finished his declaration with, "They'd have to think of an extremely dumb reason not to pull the ADR. It's a simple logical train of thoughts. Robots attack you, scrap robots. You don't trust the robots to continue guarding you."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Mero Kiap Binate - Base ErmoiMero raised an eyebrow at the Skakdi, he was ignoring a simple fact, just made even more obvious a few seconds ago, "Am I the only one who's noticed this?" He looked around the room, slight disbelief worn on his face, "Seriously?"He sighed when he was met with irritated looks, "Look. There are rumors going around that Techna aren't exactly happy with one another, some issues, maybe a bit of infighting," He eyed the newcomer who had just sat down before looking at others in the room again, "The people are restless. There is a good chunk of them who are displeased with the Toa Techna, and the way this city is run in general."He made eye-contact with the Skakdi again, his eyes almost a challenge, "You may think he's crazy, but if more people like him stand up, we'll have the people on our side, regardless of our goals, providing ours aren't the same as theirs."Mero opened up his laptop and started working on his coding for the communications system again, the same system that will soon run off Ersware's software, "I'm not saying your plan is irrelevant, whatever it was. I'm just saying not to dismiss this occurence, or the next one should that happen."are_mkb- 57387dhj.frrelease_systems = djupassword enabled? y/ny"Those "morons" might end up being our greatest weapon."

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IC: "If morons end up being our greatest asset," Enaltai spoke, quietly, with a tone of voice that indicated his word is final, "we'd better be home by that time. I will harbor no alliance with this fool. I've seen thousands of such fanatics, false messiahs, come and go, pretend they can achieve something when in fact they're stuck between two walls advancing quick towards each other. One wall is Techna. The other is us. And if one wall gives them mercy, do you expect them to be grateful? They're tools at best, and that's the best option we'll give them. Ten or twenty people, out of all of Techna's population, that's the best this Brakas'll get to follow him; and when that Brakas fails, nineteen of those will head over to us."

Edited by Dovydas the Nerevarine
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IC: Honnak (police station)"Thank you." He took the pistol. He then cracked the two halves of the case and took off one of the halves. Frowning at the interals he rearranged some wires and played around with some parts. After about five minutes he put back the other half and gave the pistol back. "There, the normal energy capacitors on there aren't very effective. I increased the amount of shots you can have after each recharge. Saved me more then once. I also added a new feature, if you hold down the trigger then realese it, you should be able to fire a charge up shot. But watch out, the longer you hold it, the more time it takes to recharge."



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OOC: Alright then, I was just wanting to make sure about that, so it's going radio, not online voice chat. Cool. Time to hear the message... sort of.IC: (Information District): Kyrahk and DreenanKyrahk heard a strange noise out of nowhere, a message without the internet. But, it wasn't coming in right. There was a screaming, enraged Toa of plasma making it a little difficult. His mind couldn't keep up with both the shouting and the message. It had him confused as to what was being said."People of the Techna-Nui. I am not that no good CEO! Or one of your so called 'superiors'. I am going to kill that-unpleasant-! I work every day as need be. And as I work, I realize that we live in a city filled with corrupt-unpleasant-s! . While the Toa Techna live in that building of that twisted-unpleasant-. Even now they fall apart, because that CEO is Dead! DEAD!. But the people of the Techna-Nui are strong. We do not need to let that -unpleasant- live, then we shall hang his body up for all to see as a warning, as I proclaim to you.""Our leadership, or people like like that, they don't deserve to live!. The City Guard is left with no choice!, leaving only killing that monster, for Miha! This will be the only way to guard us. What we need in the city of the future is an agonizing execution!- we need a government of the people, not heartless CEOs that think they can do anything they want, and have dictatorship of the Techna.""Before they stop the signal, I tell you this - consider this death to be a great justice for the city, and for armor. Go forth now, and we shall kill that-unpleasant-. Heed my warning an ignore any threats he may make, and seek out your new destiny and kill that CEO!"

Edited by Zoma

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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IC-Kal:Kal was walking through the Information District, not paying any attention to the broadcast going on. He had a Tenor Ukulele in his hands, and was playing a short tune as he walked towards the library to pick up some printed music.OOC: Anybody mind telling me what's happening now? Also, be careful with him while I'm gone. You all have permission to make him speak, hide, or run right now.

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: GustGust practically leaped out of the hospital and immediately felt the rush of artificial air on his face. He'd forgotten how much he loved it.No, Gust. Priorities. Priorities."Link," he almost yelled in excitement, "call Torch."



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OOC: Internet's down, last I checked. =P-==IC: Zero//Abandoned Lab==-Zero rushed forward, and slashed out with his sword at the robot he was fighting, however, the robot blocked easily. Zero frowned slightly, and kicked out at the robot, which knocked it back, in time for Zero to jump over an energy blast from another of the robots. Zero sent three blasts at the robot quickly, and watched as another robot, the one that had already had it's arm sliced off, ran at him. In fact, he considered the other three robots as well, as they were moving toward him as well. Zero narrowed his eyes, and prepared to fight some more.

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IC (Central Square):The remaining two ADRs shot forward. Torch growled in reply, hefting his dagger just so...Five meters.The ADRs raised their blasters to shoot.One spiralled to the ground, struck in the chest by a dagger; it was down, but not out, for the dagger's blade had apparently missed its CPU. The other ADR managed to get off a shot, but Torch dodged and ducked into a nearby alley as Matrapolix entered the fray.Somewhere to his left, outside his battle-induced tunnel vision, he heard a faint, "Call Torch!"Gust?A flurry of shots rang out, but Torch turned away. Gust stood outside a nearby hospital, his hand to his right audio receptor, appearing rather surprised by the lack of internet connectivity.Pro Coding Corp. The virus. Torch had to get there! But first...> Access SCPU.Accessing...Password?> ******Password accepted.Credentials accepted.Please enter a command.> Activate beam communications to Gust.Settings?> Default.Activating...Activated.Gust's voice abruptly boomed in Torch's ear. "Torch! Hey! I'm out!""Whoa, Gust, calm down. Uh, I have an offer for you."> Promote Gust to clearance A.Password?> *** *** ***Password accepted.Credentials accepted.Promoting..."How'd you like to be a Toa Techna?"Promotion executed.Gust's ID : 115%Gust h8_h@kr6"It's a rhetorical question, of course," said Torch matter-of-factly. "I just promoted you." He stepped out of cover and turned back to the ADRs, just in case Matrapolix was in trouble. "Look to your right. You'll see me."

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IC:Gust's head snapped to the right as soon as he said the sentence. There. About five meters out. Being attacked.How many more bullets am I going to have to take for this guy? thought the new Toa Techna of Air before he ran towards the ADR.Pulling out his rifle, he fired off two bullets into the remaining ADR's CPU. He skidded to a halt beside Torch in some back alley."Good to see you've stayed popular," he said with a grin.



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Amnchey/In PrisonIC:

"Actually, only a few hours at max. Torch is going to try to hide the incident as best he can, blaming it on other Hackers. Then he's going to have me help nab a few Hackers, and I'm free," Amnchey said with a slight chuckle, "Unfortunately, I have a feeling you'll be here a bit longer."

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: Mero Kiap Binate - Base ErmoiMero looked up from his computer screen briefly, "I wouldn't underestimate the people. They'd make for a good distraction from us." He smiled slyly, eyeing others around the room. Binate looked back down at his screen and continued typing."Oh yeah, I got my hands on a large list of server ID passes. Which with some modifications, we can use to access them without consequence."He fed the list into his computer before turning it around to face the others."You all know where we could go from there."-5679920897129834gyt-1256348900138439gyt-2384579023485784gyt-4327197427621791gyt-5469413254981679gyt-2398508920891033gyt-7132465789132459gyt-2307895407919878gyt-8921345978108219gyt-2189304581978216gyt-1988471902039476gyt-1278341289347478gyt-8996877968478921gyt-7774562713783773gyt-1278905721839612gyt-2384905672139847gyt-1829347809129834gyt-1278342634726723gyt-3485093487919878gyt-4327255517621791gyt-5679920897129834gyt-2189796581978216gyt-1988471902039476gyt-8921345890234959gytBinate looked at Enaltai, "Figured they'd come in handy."

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OOC: This post starts just after the internet went down.IC / Awk / CKC / Virtually inside his personal computer:Inside the virtual space that was Awk's home directory, little sparks of white and black light floated aimlessly among the dull grey "buildings" that were the home's sub-directories. Suddenly a electrical impulse was sent through the space as a command was entered into the system. The little sparks of light started amassing at the edge of the space. Thousands of them binding together in complex ways until finally a new program was formed where once there was nothing. This program was Awk himself.Awk walked between the various directories until he found the one he was looking for, the Network Directory. He opened the door and walked inside. The directory was empty aside from a console in the middle, and a huge hole in the side of one of the walls which appeared to be connected to a chute of some sort. Awk went over to the console and typed some commands into the keyboard.%awk_ic%//networks -> awkpassword: *******%awk_ic%//networks -> select connectionconnection: internetconnection selected%awk_ic%//networks -> bitChute openopening the bit chute...error: cannot connect to internetWhat? How could the internet be down? On Techna that was just something that never happened.Suddenly, a voice boomed throughout the directory as a signal came in from the hacker line: "Get to base Ermoi. Pronto."Awk was even more confused by this, the message was obviously from Enaltai, but what was so urgent it required all the hackers to gather in one spot. Something like that could be dangerous.Quickly he changed some of the settings on the console, then jumped into the hole in the wall. The bit chute was fast and in seconds he was where he needed to be, a secret offline database, that only Awk's computer was able to connect to. It was filled with stacks and stacks of files on info he had pulled off of Techna's systems with his double agent software. He walked over to the main console in the database and using his power over data manipulated the bits floating around him, the little sparks of white and black light. They immediately started swirling together, interconnecting, forming a small usb device.Awk pluged the newly formed usb into the console and typed in some commands.%%hawkerbase%% -> cd currentProject%%hawkerbase%%////currentProject -> download allpassword: ******************************************downloading...download complete.Awk unplugged the usb and jumped back into the bit chute.IC / Awk / Some time later / back in the literal world / Entering base Ermoi:Awk walked into the meeting room, as he passed Enaltai, he placed the usb on the table in front of him whispering: "The info you requested." Then went to go find a seat. As he walked through the crowd, he noticed the many of the people staring oddly at him, this was the first time many of the hackers were meeting each other. Another danger, he thought, revealing all our identities to each other like this increases the chances of someone giving us away to the authorities.He took a seat and looked around. He didn't see Amnchey anywhere, either his guess earlier was wrong, or she too realized the danger of congregating like this and decided not to... Or even worse, his efforts earlier hadn't been enough to keep her out of trouble and she had been caught.He then logged into the base recording system and skimmed over what had already been talked about at the meeting.

Edited by Toa Kovolta

BBCC #68 sig.png The Iron Tiger

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IC: Kinksh + Rogue ADR + Rinnder / Implant Your Cash! + Central SquareWhile the rogue ADR were destroyed, there was still those nearby who had been cleaning up after the power outage and keeping order. There first issue was that they had witnessed the Toa Techna - two of them! - destroying a number of official guardians of the city.However, it wasn't Torch and Matrapolix in the biggest trouble. With the internet down, the ADR hadn't been sent the data registering Gust as a new Toa Techna. Any programming that stated to defend the Toa Techna was wasted on him - he had just taken out an ADR, and was almost certainly going to be a target.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Kinksh looked at his nearly finished project. The physical structure of Devourer was completed, but not the programming. It still needed to be rewired and connected wirelessly to his laptop so he could send it out.Still a little more work to do, as Rinnder turned and left the room to begin work in the store itself.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Emma - Science DistrictEmma rolled to the side as the blasts came. She slammed her back against a nearby wall for support, but winced as she made contact with the hard stone.She raise up both hands, focusing on the molecule around the ADR. Add hydrogen and oxygen... She had to admit, it was easier to break atoms apart than to put them back together again.'Kairan,' Emma called, 'Cover me, I've got a plan!"IC: Tenko - Information DistrictTenko grimaced as the message was relayed to him.'What the Karz was that?' he snarled.IC: Renen, Scorpio, Shade, Nathius - Glitch ParadoxAll four awoke at more or less the same time, and none were too happy about it. They were all on edge from the last night, and with the adrenaline gone from their bodies, fatigue had gleefully taken it's place.'Well, that was...an interesting night,' Shade said, trying to lighten the atmosphere, but Renen shot him a murderous look.Scorpio sat down at the bar, 'I starting to think that you need a body guard or something. Obviously the Golden Hammer, or whatever they call themselves, want this place bad. They're bound to come back.'Renen nodded sadly, 'I know, but how am I supposed to afford that? I'm already in debt from these repairs, where will I find the money?'He looked at the gaping hole in the ceiling, as if hoping the answer might rain down upon him. Instead, a piece of timber whacked him on the head, only intensifying his bad mood.-Void



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-==IC: Zero//Abandoned Lab==-Zero jumped up, and then slashed the robot that had rushed at him in half. He had tried to avoid that, but, well, given that it didn't seem to respond to logic, it was probably an old-model guard of the lab anyway. Zero then glared at the other three, and fired off two shots at one, and then sliced at another, as he frowned.I recall something... But where are these memories coming from? Zero thought, as he jumped back, and hit a button on his saber, which surrounded the blade in energy. As Zero landed, he ran forward, and slashed out at the second old-model robot, and sliced it's arm off as well, as the opposing robot staggered back, stunned by the sudden loss of it's arm. It wasn't out of the fight either, if the other robot had been any indication...-==IC: Kairan//Science District==-Kairan nodded, as he jumped back, and fired three lightning balls from his good arm at some of the rogue ADRs. Even if they didn't cause any damage, he figured that they'd get very annoyed, and target him first, which was what he wanted to happen. Of course, around that moment, was when the message was sent over the airwaves. Kairan frowned, as he narrowed his eyes.Tsuki or this weird guy is the target now; both seem to be very dangerous, and both may actually be teamed up with each other... Kairan thought, as he concentrated on the task at hand.

Edited by Fullbringer Blade
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IC-Kal:Well, now to prepare for my next gig, Kal thought happily to himself as he was walking down the streets in the information district. He was happily playing his Ukulele as always, humming along to the tune, when he suddenly saw an ADR rush past him towards the science district."Well," Kal said to himself, "I wonder what's going on over there. Might as well just check and see..."So saying, Kal focused with his implant to access the internet. Doing so gave his eyes a glazed look, as he stood there watching."Yes, okay, now to open up the homepage...what? Couldn't connect to the server?" Kal said to himself, while inside he was thinking, The internet must be down now, I wonder what's happening. I'm definitely going to Central Square to see what's happening now.OOC: Off to central, I wonder what will happen there with my brand of insanity.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Cryos (Science District - CKC)After receiving no reply from the CKC Intercom, he turned to X7-K4, and said 'I swear, it's like I'm invisible to the Authorities here.' He suddenly pulled out his Crossbow, turned to the security camera, said 'I'm sorry for this, I'll pay for any damage,' and fired three bolts of ice into it, destroying it. 'Before X7 could say anything, he said 'I'm just trying to provoke a reaction from the guards.'

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC (Central Square):Torch rolled his eyes. That was Gust for you -- serious one moment, joking the next. His brain functioned like a Toa of Data's: It could switch trains of thought faster than Torch could blink.But this was no time for humor. "Matrapolix, you're all right?" He didn't wait for an answer, but plowed on: "We have multiple things to do. Someone needs to start interrogating Amnchey; someone else needs to try foraging through these ADR ruins -- hold on" -- Torch promptly incinerated one of the fallen ADR's blasters before it could be pointed at his head -- "as I said, someone needs to look through these ADRs' memories so we can trace them back to their origin point; and then someone needs to go to Pro Coding Corp. and shut down the virus there. I volunteer for the latter job. Matra, Gust, what do you two want?"

Edited by Legolover-361
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Amnchey/In PrisonIC:

"Well, I'm sort of a special case. A lot of people would panic if the fact that I was a Hacker got abroad. Better to just do things quietly. I'll mention you, though. At least get you a shorter time, as the break-in wasn't your idea. You did participate, though, didn't you?" asked as she triedto get comfortable lying in her cell. The things were rather cramped and painful.

Alan/Outside Avian Alan's Animated Awesome Adventures of Amazing and Astounding Artistry!IC:

"Yeah, I think I'll just tape the closers and take the period that I could associate with a day off work. Then I'll go do my happy job, nabbing crooks and flying around the pill capsule. Yep, sounds more fun than amuaka strapped to a rampaging hoto bug," said Alan as he shut down everything he had just activated. The kasuba whistled to himself as he walked out the door and locked the building. He then took flight and headed for the police station.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: Ludar: NW Information District (Walking Home):Four libraries. Completely organized, alphabetically, by author. AKA, standard protocol.This is contentment. This is happiness. This is a record, Ludar realized, at least a personal one."Wonderful!"Hm, talking to himself again. Why he did this escaped him. Oh well. He hoped the odd, silver toa with the prosthetic forearms and eye implants over in the alley hadn't heard him. Actually, those eye implants were quite interesting. Ludar approached him."Hello, sir! Do you remember where you got those optical implants?"edit: Typo

Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

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