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OOC: I figured they're purchase in bulk at my store from Tech. Tower directly, and sold for a 30% profit. The reason it can afford to be so cheap is because it's a front.I've been selling implants for a couple hundred widgets though, but they're good ones. Really bad implants only one hundred.IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / Volins WorkshopSwuiop patted the box. "We have the implants already. We just need them implanted. How much?"OOC: @ Hubert; Close.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: In describing how fast Dorcha moved, you said "almost too fast to be seen", not "at soundspeed". That, coupled with the fact that your character can't move as fast as sound anyway (that would make him as fast as a Kakama, which would be an unfair advantage), led me to assume he was moving slowly enough for Raknar to evade his attack.Also, Raknar's whip wasn't supposed to be activated, but in the same vein that you didn't clearly state you were using soundspeed powers, I didn't clearly state Raknar hadn't activated his whip yet. >.< You know how frustrating it feels when you make a mistake? That frustration is doubled when you're GM and know you should be doing better to set a good example. I'll just retcon Raknar into having his whip activated.In (weak) defense of my evasive maneuver, you know how Raknar controls data and has a brain implant designed to handle extra data? Increased processing speed means faster calculations, and, by extension, quicker reflexes.IC (Central Square):Dorcha's blades struck the whip--But the Toa didn't reel back in pain. The S-Skakdi did.Except it wasn't as much pain as the Toa surely thought. After all, the electrical charge of the whip was only a complementary trait to its speed and the blade on its tip.The Toa shot past. Raknar smoothly moved to his feet. He didn't say anything. He just thought hard.This Toa could move faster than any other Raknar had seen without a Kakama -- for his speed, while impressive, was not Kakama level. His blades were long and apparently possessed reflective properties. His Kanohi was shaped like a Mask of Sensory Aptitude, but that meant nothing; perhaps the Kanohi possessed a different power but was just shaped like another Kanohi.Raknar gritted his teeth. How could he beat someone far faster than he could hope to go?Except the Toa wasn't faster. Faster in movement, yes, but in mind? Raknar's brain implant was top-of-the-line. That, plus his power over data, gifted him with incredible reflexes. That was a start.The other Toa's strategy thus far was simplistic. All he did was race forward, relying heavily on his speed and his two blades to keep Raknar from returning blows.And then it hit him. What else could travel faster than sound? The tip of his whip.He held it out to the side, spinning it quickly enough that it became a circular blur. He raised his gun, widened his feet, and waited.

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OOC: On the contrary, KNI approved Dorcha's ability to move at the speed of sound, provided it was not faster than a Kakama.However, due to the fact that I misdecribed Dorcha's speed, it counts only as him using his mask speed. Because of that, Raknar would be able to dodge the way he did. Also, I thought the whip was automatically charged. Forget the electric backlash part. IC - Dorcha - Central Square:Dorcha slowed, out of reach of the whip. His foe had the whip in a circular shield rotation, and Dorcha's sonar detected that the barrel of the Skakdi's pistol. Melee was out of the question at this point, unless he found a way around the whip.Keeping his blades in position so as to be able to block any shots, Dorcha began to move into long range tactics.First, it seemed to Raknar that he had gone deaf. All sound simply put, stopped. A second later, it returned, only to be increased a hundred fold, in one of Dorcha's favorite tactics for disorienting a foe. He raised his right arm, and fired two shots, guiding them in a loop, so that they would each strike Raknar in his side.It was a good tactic. Unless the Skakdi found a way to destroy them, they would follow him to the ends of the earth.OOC: Okay, do you want Dorcha and Raknar to start recognizing each other now, or wait?

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OOC: Ugh... college gives me almost zero free-time. Did I miss anything major?IC: (Science District, Volin's Workshop)'Whatever,' Critek thought after Krayzikk disconnected. He needed to focus on the task that was currently glowing red in front of him. He blocked out all other sensations as he moved the torch through the metal. Slowly the metal morphed from a disc into a Noble Kiril. There wasn't anything particularlly special about it; Critek couldn't find any paint and he had never really trusted himself to try any fancy engraving. However, as the mask cooled, the Matoran couldn't see any cracks or defects which meant it was a success.As he carefully placed the new mask into a nearby basket, he pulled out another regenerate Kanoka and placed it in the crucible. This was going to take awhile...

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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IC: Krayzikk, Athen, Science DistrictKrayzikk was silent for a long time. I can't do this the way I've been doing this. I haven't got the authority. I know. I figured that out 17.25965 minutes ago when we were informed that there was a problem with the quantum entanglement procedure. What are you going to do about it?What can I do?You know what you need to do. Your telling me to... To go back...Yes.You know what happened.Of course I do. I was there when you were brought back.Krayzikk was silent. You can't run forever.Krayzikk mentally sighed, transformed, and set out for the nearest Techna Guard outpost. He knew them all. He had worked there a long time, and had been running from them almost as long. But he hadn't really been running from the Guard. It had taken someone else to tell him what he had already known. That he had to go back.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC(Drone 2 approaching Drone)

"Let's get in the air and leave this dump," barks the Matoran to Drone through his clenched teeth. He was fighting off fainting from the pain of over fifteen bullets, but he needed to get out of here first. Aeon's hand was still in his as he dragged her along.-Mef Man

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-==NPC==-The yellow masked female Toa from earlier ran through the Science District. She wasn't fully certain why she now had two stab marks on her arms, however, figured it had something to do with the guards that had been following her as she ran through the district. She didn't fully understand what had made her think of the plan, however, she knew that there was an ancient robot hidden somewhere, and also knew that things were not as the people high up in the Technan government wanted the others to believe. So, she followed through on the research; which is what led her to the Science District. She knew that the robot had been hidden in a lab somewhere in the Science District, and she hoped she was on the right track by heading this way."We're approaching the lab, so get ready." The toa who had been traveling with her since she reached the Science District said, and the female nodded.OOC: It's not Tsuki that's with the female Toa. Tsuki's elsewhere. =P

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IC: Krayzikk, Getting Re-Instated, Techna Guard OutpostTransforming, Krayzikk opened the door to the outpost. If he was still capable, he would have been taking a deep breath. Walking to the front desk, he said "Ex-Detective Krayzikk Altair, reporting for duty. I wish to be brought back to active duty at my old rank, sir. "Krayzikk thought he recognized the toa behind the desk from when he worked there. Namely giving him an orientation, back before his accident made him robotic. If the toa asked about implants he would have doubts about his intelligence.OOC: LL, that is your cue. Consider the last sentence an invitation. :P



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Bio (Science District)Bio launched himself out of the chute with his air blaster, landing ontop of 'Implant Your Cash.' He quickly leapt from building to building, before stopping on 'Volin's Workshop.' He quickly jumped from Volin's roof to Info-Corp, grabbing onto a windowsill. He started to climb the building.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Drone (In a taxi) / Volin (Volin's Workshop, Science District)As his partners entered the vehicle, Drone told the cab driver to step on it as random energy blasts were sent hurtling in their direction. It seemed as if the guards were onto their tails now and they needed to get out quickly. The car began to move and they were drifting further and further from the prison.Relief swept over the Toa of Robotics but soon worried about Drone 2's condition. Suddenly, he received a message from Enaltai, telling them to make their way to the hacker base, Emoi."Take us to Central District, driver. Hang in there, 2, we'll get you patched up soon."-"Well then, if you already have the parts, it's 30 widgets per implant to get them fixed up inside of you. Since you have four, you'll have to pay 120 widgets in total. Sound good?"OOC: Those of you with Drone, just say you're in the cab. Mef, we'll get 2 fixed up at the base.

Edited by TX Wade 27
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OOC: I'm sorry for those who had to read this. :l

OOC: To be honest, it was a beautiful piece a writing. You made me see from his viewpoint. I think now I'll have to go on a history arc for Matrapolix...at some point.IC - StreetMatra tapped his comlink."Torch? You still there?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Drone (Taxi, headed to base Ermoi)Responding over the private com, Drone said "If Enaltai requested that she be rescued, I'm going to assume she is. Plus, it's not a very nice thing to leave one of our own hanging or wise to refuse Enaltai's wishes."The taxi was now nearing Central Square, where they would make their way to the border from there. OOC: Oi Dovy, how do we get into the base? Any security? Information we need to know?

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OOC: TDC tell Vranos to watch out, Lif is coming.IC: NikaronNikaron smiled after jumping off the chute and smiled upon watching Bio running and then climbing. He then ran, leaped from roof to roof, and then jumping to InfoCorp window like Bio had, but instead of then starting his climb, he used his momentum to push himself up from the window, grabbing hold of the one above him. This time he leaped up from the window and grabbed the one above him, repeating this process and quickly catching up to and surpassing Bio. They were climbing, and climbing is what Nikaron did. This was his specialty.


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IC (Central Square): Vranos"You know I can't eat plants, I had my diet choices built into this body too."He commented, shaking his head."Any place that serves meat, and I can ask about not cooking it?"OOC: Vranos isn't as nice as Vrana when it comes to annoyances.

Edited by Zoma

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC:Bio (Info-Corp)"Forget this..." Bio muttered, jumping back down to Volin's Workshop. Landing on his feet quickly, twirled a dial on his cannon. After double checking his work, and checking for Buell with his goggles, he then proceeded to aim his cannon downwards, and activated the mechanism, blasting himself into the sky, towards where Buell was.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: (Central Square): Vranos"Sounds good enough to me..."He agreed, spreading his arm wings, and activating his mask. He slowly lifted into the air, moving in a small circle in the air."Let's go..."IC (Information District): Kyrahk"Sure, sounds good to me."He agreed, twirling his staff in his hand.

Edited by Zoma

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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OOC: I'm thinking about modifying this version of Lif a little.IC: NikaronNikaron looked up, the last window couldn't be jumped to. However he still jumped up, but he had a different plan in mind. While in the air he activated his mask and his implants, with more time to focus he was easily able to angle himself so he ended up running up verticle to the last window, his implants giving him the speed to do so for the last segment. Gripping the windowsill he vaulted himself in, ending up face to face with Buell. "Uh hi," karz I really should check for people before vaulting in like this.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / Volins Workshop120 Widgets was almost nothing compared to their wages. Still, when Swuiop spent more than 15 Widgets it felt like a personal blow to her. Still, it was necessary, so she had to go with it."Fine." she said, taking out a blank TechCheck and writing it out for 120 Widgets. "I hope you accept these.""Get us implanted.""Yay! Implants."IC: Levacius / Information DistrictLevacius moved into the alleyway, where a dark armored, hooded toa leaned against the walls, an unlit cigarette in his mouth."What do you want old timer?" he asked, pulling out a lighter. "You know we have problems.""Our problems arise from me crushing you with one hand in a duel." the lightning toa replied. "But that's not the point. I know what you are, and you know what I need to know. I have not come for combat, merely a... friendly proposition.""Oh?" the hodded figure asked, lightning the roll. Pulling it out and puffing, he said, "And what am I?""A Hacker." came the reply, and the Toa looked up startled. "You're a hacker and have been for long since the movement began. You attempted to get into my computer, but couldn't bypass the NorNui firewall. You were attempting to plant a virus that may cause me issues, and send a bunch of my personal files out into the public. I knew it was you but didn't bother with it. However, your equipment is much nicer now - you've been doing all sorts of things. You're involved in the movement."The Toa took the lighter and lowered it, putting the cigarette out on his mask. "So what? You gonna report me to the police, old timer? Or you want to be a hacker? You're not making any sense.""Of course not, not to a fool like yourself. No, I don't want in with the Hackers, but I do need to speak with your head figure - whoever that is.""Heh. Nah, that's not gonna happen. I've never even talked with the big guy."Tossing the burnt out object in his hand aside, he said, "And frankly, neither are you. We never finished business."Flipping the lighter on, he used his innate elemental powers to further the energy of the flame, which jetted out to the lightning toa. With a swift movement, Levacius grabbed a bag of something malodrous left to stink up the alley and tossed it, blocking the attack and disarming the fire toa - as well as covering him in trash.He didn't even need to whistle, just a simple mental command. Kelwra landed on the back of the toas head and began pecking, piercing through the eye holes in his mask. The toa started waving around and shooting fire, but the bird was already gone. Stopping for a moment and looking around, he cried out, "My eyes! My eyes!""Your eyes will get better." Levacius responded coldly. "You're an S-Toa, according to my readings. You had an identical twin in every way and replaced him in line to get an upgrade to Toa by killing him, thus stealing your powers. I studied up a bit before coming to see you, checked records. It's painfully obvious. You don't even try to hide it, still going by your old name."The toa hurled a ball of fire that badly missed the toa of of lightning. A snap of his fingers and Levacius sent a blast of energy through the criminal, freezing every nerve in his body with intense pain, clenching his muscles so he couldn't scream. Just a moment before it stopped."But that's not the point - you can get your false eyes replaced. But only if you co-operate. Tell me everything you know."The toa sobbed a moment, reaching into his replacements, where the false blood substitute of the synthetics was leaking. Eventually he said, "We... we had no leader. Just some guys who organized us. Then he came. The rogue Techna. He killed a friend of mine on his climb up to power. Inashi or something like that. Real quiet, real brutal...""Ow.. ow... my eyes hurt!""Quiet! Continue the story or more than your eyes will be hurting.""Okay... he started bossing us around, organizing us. He's the one you want, just leave me alone."Levacius looked out into the alley and replied, "Pathetic." before casually tossing a lightning bolt that knocked the being back and to the ground, where he twitched a bit before falling completely unconscious. Walking out and calling the bird down to his arm, he thought for a moment. "This complicates the matter. I had expected the fool to know at least something. And not to have made a mistake like attacking me. No respect around here."He scratched under Kelwras chin, and wiped the mess off his beak. "This won't help my standing, but he was only lower wrung anways. Still, if Enalti is in charge... I should have guessed that. I need to get more contacts around here than faulty, biased news reports. But why would a Techna be with the Hackers? A conspiracy set up to undermine them? Perhaps a final mission from Ion, to finish off the Hackers from the inside. No, too complex of a plan for them to make up. Ion, at the very least, followed the Toa Code. His sense of morals wouldn't let him do something like that."As he scanned the Information District around, he asked to the still air, "Where are you hiding?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Zaphos - Information DistrictZaphos grinned as he lead his companion to the door of the store."This is the place," he said cheerfully as he walked in.IC: Hrunja - Hubertus Toys and GamesHrunja looked up to see who had came in to his store and froze, shock on his face from seeing a Frostelus, again. Something in his mind promptly snapped, and his expression grew determined."Gate of Babylon," he whispered, snapping his fingers as his mask activated, the hyperspace portal behind him firing out several swords at the Frostelus.

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IC (Spark of Genius) Vranos and Dreenan"Because sometimes, it's hard to change something so important to your life."He commented dully.The Toa of Metal skated over to the two newcomers to her pawnshop/restaurant."Hi, Welcome to the Spark of Genius. So, are you here for the pawnshop, or the food?"IC: (Hubertus Toys and Games): KyrahkHe pushed Zaphos out of the way as he slipped inside, and barely dodged the swords."Hey, what's happened to killing people being a bad thing?!"

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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OOC:No. I'll try to describe the room.It's a normal room, with a desk and computer on one side, and a trophy wall on one side. The desk is cluttered with pens and pencils, and the trophy wall is covered with awards, and a green Miru.IC:Buell (Info-Corp)"Oh, so you're a customer!" Buell said, clapping his hands happily, before proceeding to flip open his laptop. "Now," he asked, typing into the computer. "Does this missing sister have a name?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Hrunja/Zaphos - Hubertus Toys and GamesHrunja did not answer, his expression becoming more determined as he continued firing swords out of his portal at the two normally-Chaotic Evil/Chaotic Neutral beings, somewhat enraged and illogical due to the sight of them."Stop firing!" shouted Zaphos. "We're just here to buy games!"

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