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OOC: Hey, guys, remember that even though power has been restored, no one can access the internet right now because Torch has shut it off. I haven't seen anyone directly contradict the internet being turned off; just consider this a casual reminder.IC (Central Square):The trigger had been pulled----and a sudden, uncalculated-for impact jolted his hand to the side enough to weaken his grip. The stun gun flew to Raknar's left.And then the lights went out.Brakas.He quickly switched on his night vision, flicking his gaze across the chaotic scene. Technans bustled everywhere around him like blind bats. Raknar slipped between two Matoran moving slowly in the opposite direction and reached down to grab his gun--BEE-EE-EE--!The proximity klaxon went off in his right audio receptor. In his position, bent over to retrieve his stun gun, he couldn't simply leap out of the way. He compromised, pushing hard off his left foot and ducking; scooping up the blaster with his left hand as he half-stepped, half-leapt a meter forward and to the right; planting his fight foot in the ground and pivoting, bringing his gun up to bear; and ending in a perfect example of a standard, two-handed shooting position.The Toa before him was lithe, well-armored, and holding a blade, a far cry from the Matoran Raknar had shot seconds ago. The Toa straightened slightly, keeping his knees bent in case another melee started, a position similar to Raknar's.The S-Skakdi frowned--It was about then that the lights decided to reignite.Raknar quickly tuned his visor back to normal light, but the brief moment of painful brightness had been enough to leave colored, translucent splotches on his field of vision. He grimaced but nevertheless remained stolid, waiting for the Toa to speak.

OOC: Technically, two swords, but it's not important. Also, your character letting mine have the next move is like suicide, if you think about Dorcha's abilities. :PIC - Dorcha - Central Square:To say that Dorcha spoke was a massive understatement. A powerscream erupted from him, flattened the nearest dozen or so people. Before anyone had the chance to fall to the ground, Dorcha had leaped forwards at an incredible speed, almost too fast to be seen, and aimed two lightning fast blows: one at the pistol, the second at the Skakdi's visor.
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IC: Rust said, "No, They just told me to look out for anything suspisious. What was your first assigment?" She just guessed they did not want to give anything important to a Toa without an idea how to really use her powers.IC: Photo was reading a good story in the library went his computer turned off and then he could not figure out how to get back to the story. He walked up to the counter and asked if they had any books.OOC: So does this library have books? Where do characters get id cards?IC: Mach was texting a friend of his a message and he tried to send it but the wi fi system was down and he was unable to send it. He decided he would resend it later. He knew whatever the problem was it would be resolved.

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OOC: Pein, it's in the Science District, not too far from Amnchey's company and the Implant Your Cash! shop.IC: Volin (Volin's Workshop, Science District)At first, the power outage stressed Volin to a good degree but was soon relieved to find it activated once more. With few customers around to keep him busy, the S-Toa of Data occupied himself by tinkering with a few piece-of-junk things he found in his store, tinkering around with them.

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IC: Honnak (Police Station)"Just a routine partol. That turned into a firefight with some hackers," He said cheerfully. Not wanting this Toa to be any more nervous he add, "But I begged to go on that patrol, I knew it was going to be a fight.""When you get your assignment call me. I might just wander around that area.""Did you get you equipment yet?" He asked.

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IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / Volin's Workshop"Hello? Customers!" she called in a sing-song voice betraying her irritation.Swuiop reached for the dinger again to call Volin - who she heard tinkering in the back - over to bring them service. Thuiop pitched in - only in his pitching in, he managed to smash the small metal bell and leave a dent in the table. She punched him in the side to no effect, and he simply shrugged.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Arkrak - Science DistrictArkrak paused for a moment, quickly glancing around to see people mournfully cry about how their family members were dying and the Internet had gone down when they were talking to them."So the net's down," he remarked. "That's interesting."IC: Zaphos - Spark of Genius/Information District"I just use the 'Net to go on TechnaPower," said Zaphos cheerfully.

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IC: Cryos (Science District)'The pleasure was all mine.' He smiled and waved as he walked out of the building. Why could no one download a decent Anti-Virus? Then again, it kept him in business. You see, Cryos fixed computers. But not in the conventional manner of tapping away at a keyboard. No, he would use his Jack In Module, or JIM for short, to seek out and destroy the problem himself. That particular CyberScape he found interesting, almost peaceful, in fact. It presented itself as a field of green grass, and a blue sky, clouds drifting lazily in the breeze. Easy to spot the virus, which was a rather large patch of weeds.Each CyberScape was different, unique. But Cryos' favourite by far was that of Techna's SCPU. A few times he's helped to maintain and update it, and every time he Jacks into it, he amazed by its' unrivalled beauty. Mountains that rise into the sky and beyond, raging rivers that stretch for kios, and always at midday, when the sky is at it's brightest and bluest, and the mountain peaks are shrouded in a seemingly impenetrable fog. It was marvellous. But after the attack, it started to crumble. The skies were blood-red, the rivers ran dry, plantlife slowly withered. He was crushed to see his favourite place slowly die. Relentlessly, he worked to track down the Hackers and bring them to justice, but to no avail. He'd aid the Toa Techna and local Police Force whenever he could, but that wasn't that often. So he usually spent his free time either sleeping or going onto the open Network Relay to chat. He usually kept his private channel open, obnoxiously advertising "Cryonicist Computer Services" should anyone require his services.Returning to the Denizens District, he remembered his Holo-Display implant was playing up, so he hailed a Hover-Taxi. 'Volin's Workshop, please.' As soon as the Taxi had stopped, he hopped out and went through the door into the Workshop. 'Hey, is Volin in? I need to see him about a buggy implant,' Cryos said, activating the Holo-Display, before it flickered, spluttered, and died. 'As soon as possible, if possible.'

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC: (Central Square) Vranos"Indeed... and not a good odd..."The Toa of air leaped down to the ground from where he had been standing, on an outcropping one level up a building. He walked a few steps over, standing beside K'dias. His wings folded back on his arms as he pulled up his goggles."Is it worth looking into, would you think?"

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-==IC: Kairan//Science District==-Kairan walked a little further, as he headed into the science district, but shook his head."No, I don't see him still..." Kairan said, and frowned."Any ideas where he might be likely to head?" Kairan asked Emma curiously, as he didn't really know himself.

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IC (Central Square): Vrana"Yeah, but I don't communicate with others..."He said grimly, his mask lifting him into the sky. The air around his broke way to his powers, letting him travel with ease. Ten, he let his wings spread wide. The air was his to use, to fly through. This, was his domain. He glided silently, looking for anyone in need of actual help.

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IC: Cryos (Science District - Volin's Workshop)Whilst waiting for a reply, he decided to access the Network Relay, only to find it had gone offline. 'Strange...' He settled for looking at screenshots of CyberScapes he liked on his Holo-Display... which was damaged. 'Just my luck.'

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC (Central Square): VranaHe lowered back down beside Cadias, a cool breeze blowing off of him as he landed, and his wings folded up."I didn't see anything important..."IC: (Spark of Genius): Kyrahk"Yeah, I don't use it much either."He watched Bio leave, turning to Zaphos."You like board games? I've heard of this great place for board games, can't quite remember the name..."

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IC: Photo was randomly looking at books covers to see if anything sounded exciting to read. He found a book with a metal cover and it was covered in ancient runes that were so familar he could almost read them. He heard a dreadful buzzing noise and some images flashed across his mind's eye. They seemed like memories but what were they memories of? He tried to focus on the images but they seemed to run away from his focus. Then he lost them. He sighed and hoped they would return.IC: Mach read through an article aabout alternate realities. He enjoyed it and thought it was well written. He put the magazine he found it in back on the shelf and went to see if Photo was ready to leave.

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OOC: I really need to pay more attention to this RPG...sorry >.<IC: VolinVolin fell off his chair as he heard other people calling for him, which was proceeded by a loud smashing sound. Getting himself together, the S-Toa stood up and walked over to the counter, only to find two customers standing in front of his counter where his dinger lay demolished."Sorry to keep you waiting. What do you need?"

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IC: Levacius / Information District; Borderline with Housing District - Levacius' HomeThe old Toa of lightning looked over his desk. His armband was off, sitting off to the side and opened up. Kelwra watched him intently, very much aware due to their mental link of what Levacius was doing.Feelings of uncertainty emanated from the bird, to which he replied, "We can pull it off. The Techna aren't aware of much as far as I'm concerned. Fulok is young and naive; he has no true battle experience. Matrapolix lacks any sense of emotion, running only on logic, and what I may do next is far beyond his simple, computer based mind. We've both seen Forcyte; the superiority in his walk. He is equally incompetent. Torch, like Fulok, lacks any experience, despite being their group acting leader. Enalti has gone rogue, but if what I've heard is true, he's with the Hackers - and that makes him a potential ally. If not? It's no different than the others - they're weak, they can't fight."He looked back to one of the targets he used during duelling sessions he hosted monthly and aimed his arm. An arc of electricity blasted out and struck it point blank, leaving a burning hole.Now speaking, he declared, "The people of Techna have a right to know the issues here. They have a right to see their past illuminated. A people with knowledge is a people with power. The Techna call the Hackers out for disrupting daily commutes, but these are merely the actions of the mischevious. When beings are murdered, it gets stuck on them. But they are acting out."He spun his chair and faced the bird. "Now I'm sounding like a revolutionary. That chaos is getting back into me. That chaos of my youth, returning. But the law is to protect the people, not to hide things from them! The people of Techna have forgotten what it is to own your own property, content to live in a massive building, hiving up like the Vahki of Metru-Nui long ago!"Turning back to his work, he pushed along in the wheeled, spinning chair and grabbed his old book again from its shelf before pushing back to his desk and setting it down. He set it down and turned to the back pages again, looking hard. He was there in the center, next to the toa he had tried to project the image of earlier with Hrunja to know success."Do you think she..." he began, before stopping and sighing. "You know, it was weird having the Agori explain that concept to me. This idea of 'love'. It was even weirder feeling it, and then feeling the fallout of... no, no more of that. I have to focus on the task at hand.Remorse. Empathy.The birds feelings projected to him, and he chuckled. "We'd have done the same in the Old Universe. We did the same. We battled Makuta, an egotistical Frostelus, insane Toa, ingenius Matoran. Now we battle for something possibly more significant - for his ship to get turned around.Strapping on his wristband, he projected a 3D layout of Techna once more and scanned over it. "We have a decent chance of making this work. All I need to to is meet up with somebody. And he had an idea of how he could do it.IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / Volins WorkshopThuiop leered down like Volin was another being to tortue, but was abrubtly pushed by his 'sister' for the action. "Knock it off."Putting on a forced smile she said, "Hello, Volin. My counterpart and I need a few implants put in. We've got a... what are they called?""You asking me?""Oh, right. Well, both of us are getting mind scramblers to block off telepathy outside the brain implants and to ease the pain of mental attacks. We're also both getting cold resistance implants that allow us to keep moving at -140 degrees (F) with no problem."She shrugged, "So how much for the implants?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Cryos (Science District - Volin's Workshop)Glad to see Volin, he stepped up to the counter. 'Volin, good to see you. I was wondering if you could repair my Holo-Display implant. I'll pay you, of course.' He held up his Cybernetic Forearm, and turned on the Holo-Display, before it once again flickered, spluttered, and died. 'I think there might be a problem with the Power Relay, combined with a misalignment of the Display Lens, but I'm only speculating.' But as he spoke, he realised he was interrupting two others, so he politely stepped back and let them continue.OOC: Ninja'd

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC: Zaphos - Information District"Yeah, I know that one," said Zaphos. "It's a few bio away from here."He paused for a moment."Went there once. The Toa in charge sort of froze when he saw me, before shouting and shooting some swords at my head."IC: Hrunja - Hubertus Toys and GamesHrunja sighed as he reopened the shop for the day, waiting for customers and/or Quada to come.

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OOC: Infinitus: The library has both physical books and cyberbooks (A.K.A. glorified flash drives whose memory can't be edited).IC (Central Square):The screech was powerful enough to momentarily scramble Raknar's sensors and fling the S-Skakdi to Techna's metallic ground. His proximity alert failed to wail as the other Toa closed. Swords swung toward Raknar in parallel paths, directed down and to Raknar's right, angled approximately forty-five degrees to the ground.Faced with no other choice, Raknar rolled backward, swinging his legs back and over in an exaggerated gesture to gain momentum. He rolled up to his feet and drew his whip, flicking it forward in a warning strike.And at the same moment firing his blaster so the crack of the whip half-hid the gunshot.It wasn't complete sound camouflage, of course. Which was why Raknar's whip, rather than coming straight back or flopping to the ground, travelled in an oval around a point parallel with his right shoulder.

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IC: (Information District): Kyrahk"All the more reason to go. Do you really think anyone would be insane enough to shoot swords at both of us?"He grinned. Chuckling slightly."Plus, I have electricity on my side."IC (Central Square): Vrana"How did you get that map up without internet?"The Toa asked, raising a Kanohi eye ridge at the holographic map. He didn't really like technology."Unless you've got it copied in your holofile-thing..."He shook his head."As long as I can order something uncooked, I'll be fine, you choose..."

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IC: Levacius / Information DistrictHis work continued, until once more he returned to speaking.Levacius sighed. "This is a selfish pursuit." he declared. "I would turn this ship around, stopping us from ever seeing another world, and bring the S-Matoran back to a pure world of vibrant life. I would bring them to a world they shouldn't set foot upon, dooming both it and them, for they have no way of existing with powers of data and technology in such a vibrant, natural land. Even if they lack a soul, it's still not right."He thought a moment, and extended his arm. Kelwra flew down immediately and landed, staring at him. Confusion"You and me both." he said as the hawk like bird looked around. "But to give the people of Techna knowledge is important - it is the most important of all. It needs to be done, no matter what."He stood up, a motion that caused the bird to fly back up and return to the tree, and stared down at his hands, crackling with electricity, "Who's hand commands this thunderous storm? I've changed over the years to the point I don't even recognize what beliefs are my own, and what beliefs are new. What memories I have are confused - I have trekked a hundred thousand miles and fought battles in the tens of thousands, and of each I get confused. Heh. Probably could get a toa of data to categorize that.""And so many more memories lost." he walked around, looking at the books he had gathered during his work. "And now the only way I can recall them is with conversations to myself."He looked down at the tomes, and picked up one very special one. He wasn't sure of its legality; however, as it contained no classified information, he doubted this was the case. Then again...It was his personal log from when working on the ship. It had one of his many sketches, that of the external shipm, on the very first page. He had drawn a few sketches of ADR in there as well - the oldest ADR, long before the newest models. They looked completely different and had faulty AI. Like the Krahli versus the Vahki, though a thousand generations advancing removed instead of just one back.He flipped to a page showing his home. It was actually supposed to be a hundred meters diameter and the base of a tower, but that idea never got around to being developed. Karz, he should be working in the CKC or the Technology Tower. Heh. Like that was going to happen.Tossing it aside, he said, "This is a failed project. So many Hackers proclaim that. But can I really toss myself in with juvenile pranks like that, even as a means to an end?"The emotions the bird conveyed were mixed, but translated essentially to one thing - the end justified the means."Beliefs far surpassing your primal appearance." Levacius said jokingly. Kelwra released a shrill shriek that could probably be heard for a good deal of area around.Holding the journal, he went through his daily logs. He was disappointed with himself - he had been thourough and ensured not a single trace of information about the ships defenses had been slipped in, even by accident. Any such was long forgotten. Still, reading through, it was good memories. And bad ones. As he flipped through theDay 639. The weather is acting up - some freak with weather control has been shouting at the clouds, but to no avail. Each time the lightning breaks, I take comfort. Until I hear the thunder; feel the bounding of the rain. I had to stop working. The memories won't go away. That's why I help with the construction. This ship means I can escape this world. I wonder how long it will be.Day 1,398. Well, I need another journal. This is NOT amusing me at all. Well... yeah, it is. I've had ships built with ten men in a matter of days with the right supplies, but they're saying that we may be working on this for another five or six hundred years or something. Blast them all. That part isn't amusing at all. At ALL. Glad I got a 500 pager. Double sided. I'll need a couple thousand next time...There were many other journals. Twenty of them, as a matter of fact. There were many spaces in between; there was even a century break between two. Well, actually, they burned that one. It did contain secret information. There were written with some kind of techno paper that was almost indestructible, so he didn't need to worry about restoring them. He went to the last one, almost on a whim, and chuckled at both that and the last one .Day 363,192. Or so. Fisrt time I've had journal for years, but they say this one will last long enough. I'm extremely angry, but words can't express it. They just informed me they were going to hook Mata-Nui up to be the device in charge. They used all sorts of things to make sure they didn't make physical contact with the mask when putting it in place, after some moron touched it and got zapped into a Furnace Salmander by the mask. Personally? It's a bad omen. We need to at least honor the... well, the zooed, in this case. Instead we just continue on as if it was another technical malfunction. They just print out more S-Toran to work on the ship. We had almost a bakers dozen deaths over this laster year alone.They refuse to give the ship a failsafe so that a captain can take control. Instead they're just going to stick it on auto and hope Mata-Nui doesn't wake up going 'Why am I hooked up to a couple thousand computers?'. I'm obviously the best suited for the job. Even that fire toa with all the money - only reason he's on this at all - is better suited than a fallible AI is. The only acceptable error is our natural error, not its. Yet they refuse, and set me back on work. Not even going to keep my dreams alive of... well, no reason to explain to a book. I'm getting a smaller house. Turns out the common populace, though, are getting hooked up to machines when not working. This just keeps getting better and better...Day 364,987. The ship is finally finished. They called out for whoever desired to come onboard, and we're all off now into the black abyss beyond. I'd speak more, but I'm out of room. Until then, Spherus Magna, I bid you well. Hopefully in another thousand years we will return with news, and speak of other worlds. Speak of the Great Beings. Or if death shall take me in my last journey, I shall ascend to what lies beyond Paradise and into that which even the Great Spirit did not know of. -Levacius of the NorthHe set that journal down and looked around before heading for the door. "Alright Kelwra, let's go. We have an apointment to catch up to."OOC: I feel bad for you if you read this. :|-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: I read it all. So Lev is going to try and commandeer the ship?IC: Quada/Hrunja - Hubertus Toys and Games"Hey boss!"Hrunja sighed as he turned to face Quada, who had just entered the store. It seemed as if the Matoran had arrived on time for once, meaning that they could get to work much sooner. However, this meant that he had to deal with his annoying employee for longer."Just get to work," he muttered.

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IC: Volin (Volin's Workshop, Science District)The S-Toa was glad to see another customer entering his store and talking to him about repairing a holo-projector for him. However, first come, first served, meaning the people he was dealing with from the start would get service first."Well the telepathy implants are going to be rather expensive while the cold-resistance implants are sold at a rather fair price. For the first, the standard model is about 80 widgets but it's a piece of junk so I recommend going for the better versions although they will be more expensive. Secondly, I'll sell you the cold-resistance implants you requested at about 50 widgets."OOC: I have no idea how expensive I should make my stuff. I have the feeling I'm making Volin a very generous merchant :P

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OOC: Infinitus: The library has both physical books and cyberbooks (A.K.A. glorified flash drives whose memory can't be edited).IC (Central Square):The screech was powerful enough to momentarily scramble Raknar's sensors and fling the S-Skakdi to Techna's metallic ground. His proximity alert failed to wail as the other Toa closed. Swords swung toward Raknar in parallel paths, directed down and to Raknar's right, angled approximately forty-five degrees to the ground.Faced with no other choice, Raknar rolled backward, swinging his legs back and over in an exaggerated gesture to gain momentum. He rolled up to his feet and drew his whip, flicking it forward in a warning strike.And at the same moment firing his blaster so the crack of the whip half-hid the gunshot.It wasn't complete sound camouflage, of course. Which was why Raknar's whip, rather than coming straight back or flopping to the ground, travelled in an oval around a point parallel with his right shoulder.

OOC: Lol, LL, you seem to forget that Dorcha is moving at soundspeed. ;)IC - Dorcha - Central Square:Raknar's fall, ironically, saved his skin. Dorcha had mistimed his attack, with the result that his blades both missed his target. Dorcha then did what would appear to all eyes to be the most insane thing ever: he smacked his blade against Raknar's whip. Instead, however, of Dorcha being effected by the electric attack, the reflective properties of his blade sent all the force, and electricity, straight back at its source: the whip, and the Skakdi holding it.His eyes, at the reaction time of sound, easily saw Raknar's bullet, flying straight at his head. With a casual swing, he sent it flying with his second blade. It was not a perfect reflection, of course, and the bullet went flying back over Raknar's shoulder.OOC: This, incidentally, is why superspeed is effective against everything but telekinesis, metal, magnetism, telepathy, and a few other powers.
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