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-==IC: Kairan//Housing District==-Kairan frowned, but nodded."I doubt the person who did it is dead. I just have that feeling..." Kairan said, and shook his head."I don't know what it is about that other Toa, but... He was very weird. I think we should talk with him again." Kairan said, a frown on his face.

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EDITED; What was previously here was edited and moved lowe.rIC: Kinksh / Implant Your Cash!Kinksh was happy - over half the ADR were finished, and most were implanted as they needed to be. Then they could start.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Drone (Waiting outside of prison) / Sylux (Parallax Inc. / Science District)"Good. I'm assuming you have Aeon with you and are making your way back to me. Tell me when you're ready for me to cause a distraction."-Sylyx shook his head as a no as he did not need any equipment or weapons. His suit and sniper would be fine for as long as he would be a bounty hunter and countless times have these armaments of his done the trick. Plus, why would he need weapons and equipment for a mission which its objective was simply to find a hacker and bring him here?

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IC(Drone 2 talking to Drone on private com inside Prison)

"Now would be good," he says before trudging toward the armory. The Matoran had seen it on his map when he hacked into the system and was sure that's where they'd keep her equipment. Once reaching the room, he quickly sits her down and urges,"Hurry up and find what you're looking for; we need to move."-Mef Man

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IC: (Science District, Volin's Workshop)'I'd rather continue our conversation from this distance, thank you,' Critek 'said' to Krayzikk as he picked up a stack of Kanoka. He then turned to Volin and asked, "Do you mind if I use your backroom to forge these?"So big scary robot cop wasn't actually law enforcement. That certainly explained things a portion of his mind muttered. Like what? The only answer Critek received was silence.

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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IC (Undisclosed Jail)Æon searched through the room, and found the objects she needed. "Okay, let's get out of this pound."IC (Central Square):"Oh, and remember, this Hacker has to be powerful, possibly more than you," it smiled, then moved Sylux out of the room and the door.

Edited by Rakata
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IC(Drone 2 leading Aeon and Vdr-3 out of prison)

"You have what you needed, so can we go?" asks the Matoran, eager to put a bullet through some unfortunate guard's head and eager to get the Karz out of here. It was getting a bit close every single second and he'd rather be out with Drone again.-Mef Man

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IC: Drone (Commencing assault on prison entrance) / Volin (Volin's Workshop) / Sylux (Parallax Inc., Science District)"Roger."Drone stepped outside of the taxi and looked at the prison. He was still out of range of suspicion but that didn't mean he was out of range to use his powers. The Toa of Robotics took cover behind the taxi while his head peered through the side as he began to take control of two ADRs.He had the element of surprise and used it to his advantage to the best of his extent. The controlled ADRs fired several blasts repeatedly at the guards in front of them and behind them repeatedly, killing them before they had a chance to realize what was going on. Alarms blared and a red light began to flash. Other guards and ADRs began to mill out of the entrance to take down the two rogue defense robots but by the time Drone's pawns were destroyed, he took down three more guards and assumed control of other ADRs to do more of his dirty work. The confusion as to what was doing this would be too much for the jailers to handle.-"Go ahead, just don't touch anything not Kanohi related. I'll check up on you every once in a while and I might work alongside you as that's where I build stuff." replied Volin.-Someone stronger than him? Sylux could accept that but he found it almost insulting when The Equinox asked him to do so. The Toa of Plasma pulled out his sniper extremely fast and pointed the barrel directly at one of the guard's heads before he could react. Sylux did not pull the trigger."I don't think anyone unsuspecting can survive a bullet to the head."With that, Sylux looked out the window and vanished like a ghost, onto the rooftops of the city of Techna Nui. The search for a hacker had begun.

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OOC: Didn't see that.IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / The Glitch ParadoxThe mental assault wracked both of them hard. Swuiop was fending it off with her own mind - a strong one, though not one with psionic abiliites. Thuiop... he just didn't have much of a mind to target. All he knew was that there was pain, and the skinny being was somehow responsible.Loki knew about the two from surface thoughts, but surface thoughts reveal very little. He would have to work at it in order to learn anything against the two. One of those things he didn't know was just how hard it was to bring them down.Thuiop roared in rage and charged forward blindly, ramming full speed into Loki and disrupting the mental assault. Swuiop reacted surprisingly quickly once her mind was no longer clouded, and fired a few shots from her pistol at the psionicist.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Krayzikk, Talking, Science District"Fair enough. I did shoot your ankle and all. Long story short, I quit law enforcement when they installed the ADRs. Anyway, I get the feeling you aren't from around here, are you?" Krayzikk "asked". "Did you come Spherus Magna?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: That happens to me nigh-everytime I post.IC: (Glitch Paradox)Thuiop's charge continued, thanks to the Ilusion of Loki dissipating as soon as he ran through it. The mental assault stopped, making the other one believe that had been him, and thus making her fire bullets. A small message appeared in Swuiop's mind. "Well, that was unimpressive."That was followed by a telekentic face-first slam, courtesy of her target. Kulasi's don't work well when the only thing you see is the ground. Seven Ilusions of Loki appeared, stepped into the room, each holding a gun, but only one of them would be worthwhile to attack. Meanwhile, Jotun had turned from the frozen Inn keeper to his target. "ME BREAK YOU LITTLE TOA!" He roared as he created a gigantic spike of ice sticking up in a deadly angle, right in front of the blindly charging Po-Toa.


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IC: Thuiop & Swuiop / The Glitch ParadoxWhen Thuiop reached the spike, he simply shattered it with a single swing of his powerful arm and shouted back, "You really dumb!" as he swung his war pick at the giant.Swuiop chuckled. "Well, illusions huh? You really have no taste, do you."As she stood, she let her mind go blank. Illusions... and then a single footstep by the real one.Electricity raced through the ground - not targeted at anything, just in Lokis general area - at her command. "Illusions don't make noise."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Arkrak - Science DistrictArkrak raised a metaphorical eyebrow."I see," he said. "Well that means you'll have to meet him again, and explain your amnesia."IC: Hrunja - Central Square"Good point," said the Plasma Toa. "The Great Beings were probably rather eccentric if they were reckless enough to create things that could destroy worlds."He chuckled at the mental image of two beings poking something, before it exploded, which was what he thought of how the Great Beings worked."Relaxation comes in many different forms though," he continued. "It varies from person to person."

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IC: (Glitch Paradox)Loki smiled his ghastly grin as the electricty slammed into him, causing him to crouch in submission. Getting up again, he had a gun in his hand."Indeed, Ilusions don't make sound. However..." He chatted as he shot three shots at the Toa's face and chest, all the while telekenticly ripping off her mask. "However, dying people normally do."Jotun laughed as he grabbed the war pick. Something that large didn't move fast, so with his Pakari-enhanced strength, grabbing it was easy. Ripping it out of the Toa's hands, He threw it across the room, smiling as he motioned with his fingers. "You wanna see stupid? Charge me."


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IC: Thuiop & Swuiop / The Glitch ParadoxJotun failed at his attempts to pull the pick away from Thuiop, who held onto it despite the throw. This would come as a surprise to the giant, who could not have anticipated something like that. And with that surprise, Thuiop swung again, faster and harder, at the giants head, whilst saying, "I already see stupid. It you."Swuiop, when she felt the tug, generated an electric field that bonded her equipment to her at necessary points. Getting it off of her would be difficult; telekinesis wouldn't do it. She teleported away before any shots could hit her.Drawing her scimitar she teleported behind Loki and placed the blade directly against him, transferring his energy directly into her and revitalizing her even as it drained him of his strength.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Amnchey/Pro Coding Corp CEO's Office, Hacking the Techna MainframeIC:

Amnchey kept typing and using her mask, taking only slight notice of Torch's entry and rapid ascent. When she finished the stream of code on which she had been working, she gave the command for the laptop to keep running the hacking attempt and kept going at it with her mask. She pulled another laptop - a backup, in case this one got destroyed, only for business - from a drawer and got it running. She then slid the normal laptop under the desk, into a small compartment, which she sealed. The edges fit almost perfectly, making it practically invisible.Well, seemed that he'd pinpointed that the hacking was here. Problem was, further investigation would show that it was a computer of Level A. Then F. Then B. From there it showed that the hacking computer was on Level E. So on, so forth. The trail even split at multiple places, leading to different computers.Furthermore, it seemed Amnchey loved glass. The walls between the stairs and the floors were filled with large panels of glass, giving Torch a panoramic view of each, and every worker could see him sprinting. There was plenty reason that the hacker would be extremely attentive, glancing all around his computer, though his screen would look little different from the thousands of others in the building. The hacker could see Torch and terminate the process.Further again, the predominant amount of the workforce consisted of toa of data. That would present a very viable explanation as to why the hacker could seemingly do so much at once.When Torch reached the CEO's office, he'd find Amnchey half-heartedly typing on a pretty much exact replica of her computer, with no hacking programs. The real one would be under the desk, prompted to keep peeling the many layers of security away. The Steltian would be crying over the loss of Anfel, understandably, and the glowing of her mask would be completely normal, as she would be using it to help her in her "less-than-fine state."All in all, the likelihood of pinpointing the hacking attempt on her was nill.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: (Glitch Paradox)The blade never got a smidgeon of life, however, considering that Loki had drawn his knife, ready to kill wherever she popped up. Sensing her mind, He stabbed with all his strength behind him, A near-fatal, if not fatal, attack. As soon as the blade met flesh, he slammed his elbow into, sending her flying.Jotun was indeed suprisied. Suprisied that the Stone toa dared to swing again. Slamming his arm side-ways, the pick never got close to his head, and instead was sent flying the opposite direction. Jotun slammed him with his fists, sending him literally flying.


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IC: (Prison) ADR-3He was lost. He had gotten lost in the prison, he had taken a wrong turn somewhere... So he had been doing his best to act normal, not stand out... but he was in a bit of trouble, that was certain.That was, until the alarms guided him toward his freedom and escape.Only problem now was that his body was being used as a weapon by Drone, and the Toa didn't even realize it.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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IC(Drone 2 following Three outside of Prison)

The Matoran wheeled around to see the bot hovering toward the exit, weapons firing."Let's go!" he exclaims happily to Aeon before checking to make sure his weapons were ready. Drone 2 begins to run toward Vdr-3, but stops to make sure that the being was following him.OOC: Is Aeon male or female?-Mef Man

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OOC: You know, I was going to make an autohit last post - there was no way you could have dodged it - but decided that would be indecent. Since the same couretesy is lacking, enjoy.IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / The Glitch Paradox"Like fists?" Thuiop asked as the larger being raised his up. Two hands of stone rose from the ground at the being - who had, with his 'weapons' occupied, left himself open and slammed him into the ceiling before grabbing and hurling him away."Got fists."At the movement of Lokis arm, Swuiop teleported directly in front of the psionicist, turning smoothly and slicing just below the beings neck, at the center of his chest, and leaving a slight cut. Small amounts of energy crackled in the blade - drawn out of Loki - and flowed into her.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Amnchey, you evil genius, you. *shakes fist*IC (Pro Coding Corporation, office floor):Torch had it.He had a plan, a good one, dare he say. Even as he ran like Karzahni was after him, he grinned beneath his mask.The door to Amnchey's office was locked. Torch grabbed the handle.<Password?> asked the computer."ID override," Torch retorted, jabbing the ID in front of the scanner beside the door. The scanner hummed gently as it scanned Torch's ID.Finaly, it said, <Credentials accepted.> A faint click as the lock deactivated--Torch burst into the room, his plasma jet pointed at Amnchey. "Freeze!"OOC: No, that's not the plan. You'll see Torch's plot in due time. :sly:

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Amnchey/Pro Coding Corp CEO's Office, Hacking the Techna MainframeIC:

Amnchey treated this intruder like the lkast. Another mug full of scalding coffee shattering on his face. Then, "realizing" that it was Torch, she gasped, rushed forward and knelt beside him. "Oh! T-Torch! I-I'm sorry, it's just that I'm jumpy right now, and, and... Anfel died... And... I'm sorry! Please - please forgive me," she said, holding a towel toward him. Apparently she threw her mugs at intruders a lot, because there was a towel rack beside the door.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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OOC: Can ADRs 'feel' external things touching them?IC: Unfortunately for ADR-3, that wasn't even close to the last of his troubles. Pohatu was currently lunging at the robot, ready to place C4 twixt two plates of his armor from behind. Shadowman typically didn't get involved in this sort of stuff. But in the melee he was getting away with it. A quick lunge and placement from the shadows here, a data overload there...All rogue ADRs not under fire were falling fast. None of them had noticed him before, and too few were seeing him now. Shadowman was striking sucessfully.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Drone (Prison, going to kill the man with many names)Unfortunately for Shadowman, Drone had still not been discovered to be the cause of the rogue ADRs as he hid behind the taxi while the drunkard had revealed himself. Drone was surprised but not as he was expecting any kind of resistance to show up at any moment but not some crazy drunkard. Still, he had enough time to react quicker than expected.While the newcomer lunged at one of his ADRs, Drone released control of a few ADRs to assume control of others nearby the one which was being lunged at. The Toa of Robotics could not have someone destroying his own little army so he had four of them fire repeatedly at him, turning his lunge path into suicide. If push came to shove, Drone would have to step in and deal with Shadowman personally.OOC: I can't have you blowing up a PC, my friend and my own dysfunctional personal army, now can I? :P

Edited by TX Wade 27
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IC: (Glitch paradox)In less time than it took for Loki's blood to drip to the ground, he mentally blasted her, a attack all about destroying concentration, and causing damage. Swuiop had no where to go when Loki telekenticly held her shot her over and over again with his more-damaging-than-a-pistol Revolver. Jotun laughed as he was flung away, streams of ice shooting from his hands, stopping him. The ice then all collected into a incredibly large club, resting on his shoulder. Nodding at the stone-user, Thuiop's body was incased in a gigantic block of ice. "Fists aren't everything. Ice work too."


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I-I'm sorry, it's just that I'm jumpy right now, and, and... Anfel died...

OOC: Anfel died? No, no, Anfel fell. =P-==IC: Kairan//Housing District==-Kairan nodded with a chuckle."True enough. Let's find out where that guy went. Though, he doesn't look to have the element of fire..." Kairan said, but then paused, and laughed."Then again, I'm not exactly the best example of a normal lightning Toa myself, so that probably shouldn't hold much weight."
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OOC: Pein: ADRs can sense contact, of course, they just don't feel it the way a sentient being would -- in other words, they can tell when and how hard they're being punched, but they don't hurt from it.IC (Amnchey's officer, Pro Coding Corporation):Torch sat up slowly, as if in pain. His hand moved to his forehead and swept down, wiping stray coffee off his Kanohi.And then he leapt up, grabbing Amnchey in a headlock and hauling her to the doorway. "Amnchey," he growled, pulling her arms behind her back and handcuffing her, "you're under arrest for attempting to hack into Techna's mainframe and suspected treason. Don't struggle" -- here the female Steltian found herself in a headlock again -- "it'll only add to your list of misdemeanors.""Get off me, you--!""You have the right to remain silent." Torch was stuffing Amnchey's laptop into his pack. "That's the only right you have at the moment, so I suggest you exercise it."He hauled her melodramatically down the hallway, past the offices, and onto the stairwell leading downstairs to the lobby. Amnchey had stopped struggling; maybe she had realized Torch's headlock wasn't nearly as painful as it should be."Play along," murmured Torch in her audio receptor.Right on cue, as Torch opened the door to the lobbey, Amnchey struggled sporadically as a kid would throw a temper tantrum: She didn't expect to get anywhere."Until further notice," said Torch, flashing his ID at the receptionist, who blinked in surprise at Amnchey in handcuffs, "this building is under lockdown. I don't know if Amnchey has any other viruses stored here, and I don't want anyone accidentally erasing them." When the receptionist failed to respond, save her still-rapid blinking, Torch prompted, "Go ahead and announce that."With shaking fingers, the receptionist grabbed a microphone from underneath her desk. "Attention employees of Pro Coding Corp.," Torch heard her say as he exited the building, locking the door behind him with the proper ID, voice, and retina scans.The hover-taxi was still waiting outside. Torch pushed Amnchey into the back seat, got in beside her, and told the taxi to head to the prison areas.Then he did something unexpected:He took off Amnchey's handcuffs."Sorry about that," he said as the female Steltian rubbed her wrists with a hurt-pride expression. "I had to make it convincing. I don't have any solid proof against you, if you were wondering -- though that will be investiaged later -- I just don't want to flush out our quarry prematurely."Amnchey frowned, tilting her head to one side as if to see Torch better. "Our quarry?""Yes." Torch leaned forward; his voice was quiet but cold. "A computer with Level B access attempted to download a possibly dangerous or corrupt file to Techna's main database not too long ago. Said computer was located in your company's building. Either you did it, or one of your employees did."My reasons for engaging the lockdown were true, but I have others. First: If any Hackers are within the building, I don't want them to get out. Second: If the aforementioned Hackers try to get out, I'll be informed and we'll have another ripe prisoner for the picking."His gaze turned a little harder. "Now would be a good time to admit any crimes you've committed. Despite what I just told you, you aren't off the hook. Not yet. So again: Are you guilty of hacking?"

Edited by Legolover-361
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OOC: I don't see how any of them can do that too fast...It still takes some time to turn and aim. So I'm going to assume that he, with Mask of Logic and spy's reflexes + observance, can react pretty well.I also don't see why Drone's referring to him as Shadowman. He's known as Pohatu in this guise.IC: Pohatu grinned as he staggered away into the shadows in a dodge. "I expect you're not up for chianti?," the 'drunkard' quipped. Thanks to his increasing range on them and the fact that he was now totally in shadow, the ADRs found it difficult to hit him. The toa pulled out two detonators for each of the explosives he'd planted and pressed.Two were down in a fantastic BANG-one of which had been firing at him. Shrapnel and smoke clouded the battlefield, confusing vision further as the fire on the drunk's location became even weaker and more sporadic.Said Shadowman was currently circling around with all possible stealth, having leaped at the exact same time he blew up the ADRs for even more range in his movement...They bothered him no longer. But he had smelled another cyborg nearby-but one barely human. It most curiously reminded him of the description of a certain hacker he'd begun to research.With that in mind, Pohatu was now holding a ballistic knife in one hand and rolling his eyes about as he silently stepped. The beggar inhaled deeply through his nose. He turned his back on the taxi behind which hid a certain cyborg and began to put away his ballistic knife while hobbling off. "Alcohol..."

Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / The Glitch ParadoxThuiop flexed, using his prodigious strength to shatter the ice. He laughed, saying, "Silly. Stone break ice."He aimed his pick forward, using it as a focus, and causing three spikes of solid stone to break through the ground at three different sides of Jotun, all long enough to pierce through him at the stomach and keep going.Swuiop recoiled from the mental assault, and writhed as the telekinesis went into effect. Still, she wasn't ready to give up - hands forward, she released streams of electrical energy, flashing across the room. The blinding light and intensity of the electricity was enough to both stop Lokis attack, and force him to release his telekinetic grip."You have entered Golden Hammer territory - not a good idea. I hope you cooperate...""And by that I mean die painfully."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Amnchey/With Torch, En Route to the PrisonsIC:

"Uh... n-no..." responded the Seltian, her mask fading. She had given a few last commands to the laptop, ample to keep it going, setting decoys, playing with any investigation. The longer it took, the more and more complex the trail would become."T-there's a hacking attempt c-coming from my tower? At th-this time? Why? Are they t-taking advantage of me, r-right after this t-terrible beginning of the w-workday?"

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: Pohatu merely hobbled even further away, curving slightly in his path so that energy blasts flew past him. The drunkard then hobbled around a curve and kept going-no longer able to be seen by ADRs that did not follow.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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