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IC - Center SquareMatrapolix shot up into the sky. Well, metaphorically. Only high enough to make the fall hurt. He righted himself in the air, shooting his last five bullets as he fell back. However, the sound in Enaltai's ear didn't stop.....until Matra crashed in through a window on the third floor of an unseen building. His sword clambered off into the room. He didn't bother going after it. Instead, he grabbed a chair a tore off the leg of it. He burst out the broken window, landing on the ground. His feet implants covered any possible pain. He ran forward and stabbed at his enemy with the sharpest edge.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Honnak (Science District- Trailing a Hacker [NPC])The being was good. Even without the Mask of Stealth, the Toa would still be hard to follow.For normal beings. Good thing I'm not a normal being, Honnak thought. His augmented brain allowed him to predict where the Hacker was going. Thats why the criminal was one corner away from getting his very own cell.One...Two...Three! He quickly turned to corner and swung at the Toa's head, while shooting him in the gut with his suppressed pistol. The punch stopped the Toa an the nonleathal round knocked him out cold. Honnak quickly called the authorities and they came by to pick the hacker up.OOC: Honnak open for interaction.



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IC: Thuiop & Swuiop / The Glitch ParadoxScorpio may have thought his attack was for his benefit; indeed, all it accomplished was getting Thuiop out of the cold zone.Loki didn't have any cold resistance, and with such a wide area, Jotun had no way of keeping his own master out of the radius. The mental blasts continued, but Swuiop still stood, focusing...Electricity burst out of her and through the area. The temperature began rising once more as Jotun was caught in it; the same situation for Loki, who as the lightning grew stronger, found his mental blasts growing weaker.Thuiop returned into the room to find the electricity pouring out. Renen was the only one besides himself not caught in the blast radius. Of all of them, Shade was the only one not screaming in pain, and only thanks to his Zyglak resistance."You two made a very bad mistake getting involved..." she hissed to Scorpio and Shade, furthering the electricity until all were on their knees begging for the pain to stop. And then more, until the electricity stopped their bodies functions.IC: Levacius / Central SquareLevacius looked up, feeling around. "I sense a massive build up of electricity, somewhere... that's sort of relaxing."He shrugged. "Or somebodies going to die."IC: Swuiop / The Glitch ParadoxThe electricity kept building up. In order to keep a massive spread, Swuiop funneled the excess back into herself.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC:Buell IndigoBuell groaned as he returned to conciousness. Rinnder had shot him. He had shot him! Rinnder had shot the CEO of a company that had helped almost every criminal in Techna! Buell ripped out all the tubes that were stuck in him. Buell was heading to go retrive his package, and then examine it back at his building. Then upgrade all his ADRs with shields to protect them from assains.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Oblivious to the conflicts above his head, one Toa of Fire gazed intently at the south wall of the pipeline, mind abuzz with questions."Something about this particular spot's off..." he muttered, for what must have been the fifth time in as many minutes. "But what is it?" he asked, as if the wall itself would answer him.Irritated, he intensified the orb of flame, brightening the area considerably.Wait a minute... he thought, squinting.The color's ever so slightly different on this entire section, and I don't see that anywhere else in this tunnel. It's gotta mean something."But what?" he asked aloud, placing a hand on the center of the section and scouring his brain for ideas.Before he could even think, he felt that section of the wall depress with a soft click. His head shot up in suprise, and he backed away even as he felt, rumbling, mechanical-feeling vibrations in his feet.Imagine his suprise when the wall parted before him, sections sliding up and down to reveal a long corridor, lit by pale blue lightstones.Drawing his blade, he walked with caution, even as he brimmed with excitement, and stepped into the hall. At his right shoulder, there was a metallic lever, which he curiously pulled after deciding that it couldn't be a trap. As he predicted, he felt the rumbling again as the wall closed behind him.Noting the pull chain opposite of the lever as the likely way to reopen the entrance, he slowly and silently crept down the hall.

helo frens

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OOC: Strange, I didn't even see that post... Oh well. Editing time!IC: (Glitch Paradox)Shade, completely unharmed, charge over to Swuiop, who couldn't have stopped the physically draining lighting storm, and swung his morning star directly into her chest, forcefully pushing the air out of her body, and shattering all concentration.The electricity hadn't had much time to circulate with Shade's quick reaction, and thus the majority of them (The exception being Loki, of course) were fine. Jotun's mind instantly went back to his previous task, and he sent gigantic waves of pure cold through the building, freezing everything in a radius that went a couple feet out of the building, making it easy to control. Jotun smiled as he viewed his frozen enemies. Walking over to Loki, he de-thawed him, and kept his personal tempature normal. He then picked him up, knowing the shocked being couldn't walk. "C'mon. We done. Let's go." Whispered Jotun. "Right." Running out the wall where Thuiop had been blown through, Loki and Jotun dissapeared into the night, unseen. They did, however, stop to alert the ADR's that there were two criminals in Glitch Paradox. The Robots took off.Scorpio, under the layer of ice, activated his steel powers creating a spike on his back, and shattering the ice. Soon, the tempature returned to normal, thanks to Jotun being out of range. Scorpio's first reaction was to use is steel powers to hold the nearest criminal, who happened to be Swuiop. Running over to Swuiop, Scorpio Created Protosteel bonds over her wrists, ankles, and head, minus mouth. "Is that the ADRs I hear?" He asked with a mechanical smile. "Oh, and remember, Criminal, anything funny, and you're dead. I have a globe of protosteel around your head. Besides, you're incaipated from that lighting storm. Good thing my systems control energy surges."Shade had recovered at this time, and walked over to Scorpio. "Stone guy." "Ah, Right." Scorpio created a Large wall of dome of protosteel over the Pakari user, the only substance that could take the beating a Po-Pakari user could give. To make sure, he made it quite thick.The ADRs, at the time, were a few hundred yards from the building.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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OOC: Forgetting something? Like my post? With the lightning and stuff? And the part about you screaming and writhing on the floor?IC: Kinksh / Implant Your Cash!Kinksh continued his tinkering. He was at 59% completion for his work.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Photo was so confused and no one seemed to be helping him. He sat on the sidewalk against some building. And someone walked up to him and asked, "Hello Matoran." His voice seemed to command authority but yet it seemed friendly and warm. He looked up to see an odd gentleman. The being smiled and offered his hand. Photo accepted and got up. Photo said, "Hello?" The Glatorian said, "Ah I could tell you were not from here. You have a foreign smell of well I'm not sure but it is quite pleasant if you do not mind me saying. Oh yes of course. You want to know my name. I am Mach." Photo looked at Mach and felt his uneasiness leave. He said, "My name is Photo. Where am I?" Mach looked at the Matoran with a deep curiosity and asked, "Well you are aboard the great starship Techna Nui. Welcome. I am sure you have questions. We may walk and talk. I am going to the library you see and it may be of use to you. We should also tell the authorities of your presense. Governments you see do not like aliens. I am sure I can get you a temporary visa." Photo was only getting more and more questions at least he knew where he was.IC: Rust finally found the courage to go to a police building. Since she first read of the ancient Toa teams, she wanted to be on one. But on this ship, her home, there was only one the Toa Techna. And she was much to young and inexperienced to join such an amazing group. She walked into the building and asked the secretary if she could have an application.OOC: Sorry my grammer is horrible. If anyone wants to interact with my characters that would be great.

Edited by infinitus
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IC: (Spark of Genius): Kyrahk and DreenanThe last of the burgers was finally finished, it had taken way longer than anyone had expected but sitting around her in heating tray to keep them warm, were a ridiculous number of burgers."Ooh boy... Time to get these out."The Toa rolled toward th table, holding a tray with ten burgers on it."I've got four more of these still to come.""Took long enough."He remarked, grabbing a burger for himself.IC: (Prison): ADR-3There was a bright flash of light as the other robots were gone.It seemed as though Drone hadn't realized he was still there, that meant he was free to move on his own.He flew toward Drone at high speed, trying to hide along with the Toa.He didn't think about the fact he looked just like the other ADRs.

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC:Bio"Thank-you for all your hard work." Bio said, grabbing his burger. "I'm sure that Zaphos will pay well for your effort." He took a bite. "Des dar great!" he mumbled, eating as fast as he could.Bio: Burgers are ready Nikaron. Better get here soon.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Sure, I'll interact with Rust, once the interview is over.IC: Honnak (Police Station)Honnak took a long route back to the police building. Nodding to the beings inside he went to sit down. His joints cracking as he streched them. He then crossed his legs and pulled his hat over his head to rest.



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IC: Hrunja - Central Square"I see," said the Plasma Toa. "Electricity eh?"IC: Arkrak - Science District"Lead the way then," he said.IC: Zaphos - Spark of GeniusZaphos grabbed four of the burgers, rather happy at the fact that his four arms gave him the ability to hold more than a single burger at once. He quickly chomped on all of them, making a rather loud chewing noise."OM NOM NOM NOM!"

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IC: "Let's see, Kane-Ra..." Vaedan mumbled, glancing at the pillar and the image behind it, nodding as he checked that they matched up with eachother."Nui-Jaga..." he drawled, turning. Again, they were correct."Gukko..." aligned."And Tarakava." he finished, shifting the metallic pillar into place.He was in a smallish room, illuminated by white electric lights rather than the blue lightstones. Oddly enough, both the room and the hall were metallic through and through, no tile or masonry in sight. In the four cardinal directions, the were metallic pillars, about chest high and four sided, each side engraved with an image of a Rahi. In the center of the room stood another lever, obviously used to raise the gate blocking a door once the puzzle was solved.Confident in his understanding of the puzzle, the Toa of Fire gave the lever a strong pull downwards. It began to budge--Click. And then, with the telltale whizzing noise of projectiles, a volley of darts burst forth from well concealed holes at Vaedan. Reacting quickly, he dived out of the way, but the trap had taken him by suprise and he'd not escaped unscathed.Thankfully, his light armor had stopped most that hit cold, but two seemed to find openings a and had bit into his left arm. Rising again, he grumbled a curse as the limb hung limply at his side, and the odd tapping noises of the darts slamming into the wall was cut off, meaning the barrage had stopped."****." he muttered, attempting to clench his left fist and recieving no feedback. "Nerve or numbing poisoning on the tips." he guessed. "Let's hope this doesn't last," he grumbled, shifting the nearest pillar with his body. The Lever had reset to its original position, as if daring him to try again.He had one other idea as far as the solution of this puzzle was concerned. Now that he was aware of the trap, he slowly edited his answers to the puzzle, as the numbness in his arm gradually faded.

helo frens

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IC: Drone (Outside of Prison)As Drone hid behind the taxi, a lone ADR was hovering towards him. The Toa, already on high alert to the little incident that just occurred, turned his arm into a trusty assault rifle and was prepared to fire until he realized something strange.The ADR couldn't have seen where he had been hiding and it wasn't shooting at him."3?" asked Drone.

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IC: Rust looked confused by the question at first but understood. She said, "Okay." Activating her mask she made time slow down for the secretary. "See?" She hoped it was working. Then she held up her hand and sent a force from her hand that made a chair in the room fall down. She had barely scratched the surface of her elemental powers and most people could tell. She then turned off her masks power.

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IC: Levacius / Central Square"Yeah..." Levacius replied. "Lots of it. The ships so small, I can detect these sorts of things - it's like a massive build up."He shrugged. "Just a fight. It's kind of a soothing feeling in electricity. I've used it so long that I'm completely impervious to it. Even the strongest electricity can't harm me; other toa are just resistant to it, to one extent or another."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC - NPCEverything slowed down for the secretary. A bit impressed, he marked it down.He looked towards the chair with bored eyes."I see."Another mark."Any proffesional training?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: (Prison outside): ADR-3Judging by the fact that the robot seemed to leap back when the gun was pointing at it, then nod up and down furiously, he hoped Drone would realize it was him, and not shoot him. He didn't like being shot at, and this could be rather unpleasant.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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IC: Krayzikk, Protesting, Science District"That's not possible. At all. Orientation alone takes an hour, let alone adjusting to your body. Way it works, you painlessly wake up in your custom body, orientation, freedom. All in all, 3 hours minimum." Karzyikk commented. "How'd ya do it?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: NikaronNikaron still hadn't decided about how was to take his revenge, but that didn't matter right now all he wanted were burgers. In a matter of seconds he was gone from the rooftops and into the restaurant. Okay maybe not seconds, but he easily was there in just a few minutes. He ran into his table, "Gee thanks," he quickly said to Dreenan before snatching up a burger. Eating half, and giving the other half to Sil. mmm, these are really good. "Yo Dreenan, these are amazing, say after you close up shop you interested in a race?"


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IC: Swuiop & Thuiop / The Glitch ParadoxSwuiop vanished as the android began wrapping her in bonds and vanished before he even had a chance to finish, appearing behind the counter of the bar. Looking outwards, she saw the outside of the bar and teleported out. Her only words were, "You don't think I'm used to that by now?"She rushed out into the streets where the ADR were coming, and shouted, "It's terrible! The android and the Zyglak; they're wrecking the entire place! If you don't stop them they'll kill the barkeeper!"As Loki and Jotun hadn't been careful enough to direct who the criminals were, the ADR had no idea that she was the criminal. Instead, a couple dozen ADR burst into The Glitch Paradox. Scorpio and Nathius had expected the ADR to come to their aid; they had no reason to defend themselves. As such, they were complete undefended when volleys of energy balls flew at them.Swuiop was over at the protosteel cage as this happened. Suddenly, a giant hand burst out, the hand of a very familiar toa, who then bended the protosteel inwards further and pulled himself out. "Stupid robot. Rock beats metal.""Come on," she said. The Glitch Paradox was in ruins; walls were collapsing as the ADR continued their attacks and fires were starting on the authentic wood. "We need to get out of here. If those two survive long enough they could report us. Doubtful - ADR never listen to the pleas of criminals."Both vanished, reporting back to their leader. He would not like this deal with Loki and Jotun.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC:NPC:Science District:MihaAs Miha quickly headed to where her next lead on Buell was, she thought back to how she had first met Virthee.Virthee was a busy person. So busy infact, that he almost missed the small Le-Matoran and her father who had just passed him.“Good morning!” he called, waving to the two with a grin.“Good morning!” the Le-Matoran called back, waving cheerfully as she pulled the Turaga with her. “Come on dad! Let’s go fishing!”The two passed by Virthee, and he returned to his work. Not even a minute later, a scream was heard from the Le-Matoran. “Somebody help!”Virthee quickly rushed to the scene, only to see the small Le-Matoran crouching next to her father, who was laying on the ground, still as a rock. “What’s wrong?”“There was a bang, and dad fell down! And now he’s not breathing!” the Le-Matoran cried. “Help him!”Virthee ran over, and watched as the father’s heart light faded away, signaling that it was too late to do anything. He turned to the small Le-Matoran. “I’m sorry. It’s too late for anybody to do anything.”Miha sniffed, remembering that fateful day. She had always wondered how different she would’ve turned out if Virthee had been able to save her father that day.The Toa of Air shook away her tears, getting rid of the phantoms from the past. Right now, she had to focus on the future. Buell would pay for murdering her father.IC:Sceince District:Buell“Now what do we have here?” Buell asked, downloading Upsilon’s memories. The foolish robot was still trying to figure out what was going on in his memory chip. Buell had given Upsilon some false memories of being reprogrammed to serve Info-Corp, along with a quick program he had found that would confuse robots with bad hacker protection; when he had scanned the robot’s memories earlier. It was easy to go back and pick up the robot, and bring him inside Info-Corp to study.> Search Databanks for all files with ‘Info-Corp’ or ‘Buell’Searching…Searching…Searching…6 results found.Input Command.>View Video Results404Error, no video results found.Imput Command.>View Audio ResultsProcessing…Playing Audio Result #1: Brain Implant Chat Number 2543:Suddenly a female voice filled the room from the robot’s speakers.“As I was saying earlier Bio, I think I’ve found the man who killed my original father all those years ago. His name is Buell Indigo. Upsilon, please search local databases for anybody named Buell.”“Affirmative: Can do Miha.” There was a short pause, then:“Listing: Buell Indigo, owner of Info-Corp. Toa of Data, formerly Toa of Ice. Known for manipulation. Age-”A male voice interrupted, chuckling at first. “Alright Upsilon, that’s all we need about Buell. Now look up Info-Corp.”“Affirmative: Command received.” A pause again.“Listing: Info-Corp is a company that deals in information. It buys info from one person, and sells it to another.”“So it’s a company based around Blackmail? Wish I thought of that… “ Bio’s voice said.Miha’s voice filled the room again. “Anyways, that’s about all I know right now. Bye Bio.”End of Audio Result #1.Play Audio Result #2?IC:Information District:Bio"What's with you and races?" Bio asked, looking at Nikaron strangely. "It's like your obsessed or something..."OOC:Yeah, a NPC with a background. Amazing isn't it?

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Drone (Outside of Prison)"Whatever." mumbled Drone at ADR-3's little miming. It didn't matter what it said when he heard his partner's voice. Drone began to speak through the private radio to 2."We're right outside the entrance and we're the only taxi in the vicinity, can't miss it. Hurry up."

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IC (hover-taxi with Amnchey, over Central Square):Torch raised a suspicious eyebrow. "You honestly don't know why Hackers would want to use your computer to hack? Or is that just a cover?"He slipped Amnchey's laptop out of his pack and opened it in one smooth motion. "I suppose you don't mind if I poke around on here?" he asked, pressing F1 and F12 at the same time to open a backdoor connection availabe only to those with the very highest security permissions.

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OOC: I am now Depressed, rather than my normal form of being Ninja'ed, I just got Ninja'ed by four people.IC: Nikaron"What they're fun, Dreenan needs a tour. What better way than by racing?" Nikaron stated matter of factually to Bio. He then turned to Dreenan, "Great." He said giving her a thumbs up.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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