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The Corrupt-A-Wish Game!

CaT in Rogue

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Granted. DC makes a Green Lantern movie so great that everybody loves so much that nobody cares about Marvel anymore and The Avengers and every other Marvel movie fails miserably. Marvel goes out of buisness and thousands of people get laid off because of you, and you have live with that guilt for the rest of your life.I wish nothing bad happened to anyone in the whole universe (and all multiverses) ever again.

Edited by Chancellor Puddinghead
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granted you get one but it does not have the proper habitat and diesI wish i could see what was going to happen to me in the future


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Granted. You wish you could not wish for what you don't wish for but wish for what you do except for the fact that you end up wishing for what you wish you could not wish for what you don't wish for but wish for what you do...And it goes on forever, meaning you do not get a wish.I wish for the same thing as Shadow Reaper.

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Granted you become a famous glove lightshow master. However one day while signing autographs, you get trampled by screaming fans. I wish that the end result of some these corrupted wishes wasn't always death and destruction.

Edited by muharax makuta of insanity


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Granted. They are now rainbows, unicorns and friendship which is magic. A huge brony civilization grows and flourishes. Unfortunately, The Great and Powerful Trixie is bequeathed worst pony and all who support her are banished from said utopia. You live the rest of your days in lonely misery as all of your friends have joined the herd.I wish I had pudding.

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Granted. The clones are still in development, however (it takes a while to grow humans). So, in five years you're stuck with 500 mouths to feed. The government fails to see this as legitimate children and you've gone into poverty as you cannot fund such a thing. You are forced into tax evasion and travel around the world with your small clones and you curse the wish you made. Eventually the clones grow into their teenage years and are dealing with a huge amount of teenaged angst. Their parent is now a deadbeat who runs from the government, they have 499 other siblings that are exactly the same (thus ruining any hopes for individuality) and they begin to ponder the meaning of life quite a bit as they learn they are clones. 500 existential crisis later, they mature into fine adults with respectable jobs and are far more successful than you. They manage to pay their debt to society (well, your debt technically) and after the business is taken care of, they reject you as their father (as you are technically not their father anyway) and they want nothing more to do with you (Okay, so maybe not totally mature. XP But, the point is, they all refuse to reform into you, even though the ability exists. You try to do it yourself by force, but 500 people is a lot to track down, and considering the fact that they have all moved away and kept their addresses from you, it's kinda a moot point to even bother searching). At this time, you are wondering where it all went wrong and are melancholy that you could not provide for your "children." You live out the rest of your sad life in an abandoned house and cry yourself to sleep each and every night. (Dang, this one was kinda harsh... XD).I wish that corruption was a bit less harsh...

Edited by Tekulo: Toa of Gales

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Granted. Remember Clifford the giant red dog? Well, this pug is the exact opposite. It's so tiny that it fits in the palm of your hand. So, you build a dog house for the pug, which is a giant mansion for this dog. The pug lives the high life in a roomy four story house and hosts parties with other tiny pugs. Your pug eventually finds true love and puppies are on the way. Their barks are extremely loud (despite their small sizes) and they always come in waves at the most random of times. You're always on your toes at home and they sometimes wake you up at night.I wish I could write a really intricate story about a lemon protagonist, a lime antagonist aaaand... an egg love interest.

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Granted. However, the anti-lemon cult arrives and now we can no longer eat lemons. It sounds like a hollow cause at first, but Hasbro decides to cancel MLP in order to support the lemon movement. Now we are watching citrus fruit instead of ponies and it is your fault.I wish the anti-lemon cult would turn into lemonade.

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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