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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: (Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)

That, simply put, was not something Perkahn expected. The action was so unexpected, that he literally jerked back - and, since he was on a bar stool, he fell back first onto the ground. Regardless, he got up without major damage.


Well, if this kid wanted a fight, she'd get a fight.


"With or without weapons?" he said, standing up.

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IC: (Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)

Perkahn tossed a glance at the bartender, whose sole reaction was a deeply emotional sigh which probably translates into common Matoran as 'Again.' Taking that as permission, he drew his battleaxe, took a step back, gripped it tight, and swung it in a relatively close, controlled arc towards Krii's left shoulder. No tricks just yet. He needed to see how she'd defend herself.

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OOC: Note to anyone reading our little fight between Krii and Perhkann. We're not just autohitting each other. We're talking via PM as well and coordinating, writing together. *nods head*


IC: Krii


Krii kept smiling as Perhkann's blade drooped, curled over itself, and became little more than a fast baseball bat which she caught in her left hand, kakama flashing briefly. Tapping the bat with her middle finger, Krii commented; "Iron."

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IC: (Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)

Okay, this was the last straw.


You could punch Perkahn in the face, sure. But lay your hands on (and deform) Rebellion? The same battleaxe that currently holds the island-wide record for number of Muakas tamed simply by repeatedly bleepslapping them with the flat of the blade? That was too far. Too far.


His own Kakama flashed briefly as he darted forward, snatching the bat from Krii's hand and immediately turning around, aiming a kick at this irritating little kid.

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Glassware flew in Krii's wake as she skid sideways across the bar and dropped of the end with a shout. Perhkann's foot held in the air, a follow through to his explosive retaliation. Her kakama triggered unwanted as she tried to stand from the floor, making her trip and lose her balance. The toa of iron was on her before she could fully scramble to her feet, slamming his foot into her gut. She dropped with a cough."You've got a good kick," Krii said and pushed herself up. He was kind enough not to immediately punt her across the room. Wiping booze and shattered glass from her forearm, Krii glared with mustard colored eyes. "Two kakama, two iron," she mused. "Sounds about fair, on paper."Reaching across her shoulder Krii gripped the protodermis shaft of her kohlii stick. The staff morphed, melting and restructuring into a wicked looking scythe, springs holding a freakish blade within a small mechanism. As she worked, Krii slowly backed up, creating room between herself and Perhkann. She was going to blitz, because that's what Hau would do.

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IC: (Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)


Meanwhile, Perkahn was reforming Rebellion - albeit in a slightly different shape than before. The historic, nigh legendary battleaxe had now, for the sake of convenience, taken up the form of a greatsword, long, wide and if necessary capable of slashing the very support poles of this building in half. The audience, namely the guys who were drinking at the bar - completely unsurprised by yet another battle that may destroy (yet again) the inn - clapped enthusiastically at Perkahn and Krii's display of their crafting skills.


Perkahn's Kakama glowed as he darted forward, swerving round in a wide pirouette around her just a step from Krii, aiming to hit her from behind.

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Meanwhile, another person, one who had finally managed to work out the plan for his next project - one that required Perkahn - walked into the room, his eyes widening slightly as he looked at the two people fighting. He cocked his head for a moment, before sighing, and walking over to the bar.


"Every time I leave these people alone for three seconds, a fight starts," he muttered to himself, grabbing a glass of brandy from the bartender, as he proceeded to lean on the counter and watch the fight, sipping at his drink.


Wait a moment.


"...That axe became a sword."

Yep, this was definitely a...Perkahn sort of fight.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Krii


His blade swung in a perfect arc, singing a chill clash of metal as Krii pivoted and countered his strike. Patrons of the bar gasped as they traded blows, blurring about the Lavapool Inn like willow-the-wisps, leaving trails of hacked furniture and bannisters in their wake. Some had rushed out to the safety of the streets, others had crowded onto upper floors for a better view of the flashing speed demons. The clattering of widgets falling into pots was drowned by the rush of wind in her ears. Krii laughed, enjoying the thrill of her speed as they came together in a furious bind, their weapons held in low guard, making a counter impossible. What was once two flashes became solid again, bringing a wave of cheers from the more daring.


"Stop moving so fast!" One voice yelled out.


"Shut it, I like the speed," another countered.


"You're really good," Krii said, her eyes making connection with the man she dueled. "What's your name?"

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IC: Melna (Ta-Koro Gates)


"How about we stop worrying about our music career and start worrying about what we're supposed to be doing. The gates are open, the way is free, let's see what that ever so elusive temptress know as adventure has in store for us today"

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Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC: (Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)

The Toa of Iron vaulted backwards over a table, generating and launching a dozen narrow iron spikes back at his opponent while he was in the air. She averted them easily enough, engaging him again in a contest of who would outdance the other's blade.


"The name is Perkahn," he said, punctuated by the sound of clashing blades, "Perkahn Highwind."

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"Is it that you can't dance, or that you merely refuse to do so," I probe, a small grin growing on my face all the while.


Melna says something about the elusive temptress known as Adventure, and yet another flicker of doubt unearths itself in my chest. What am I doing here? Is this the right move? Is this trip going to help me, or hurt me? A thousand questions explode in my mind like a burst aneurysm, leaking concerns and worries everywh--


Don't be scared.


Don't be scared.


Don't be scared.


"...anyway, yeah," I add, "Melna's right; we should probably get going. First stop: Onu-Koro?"





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IC: Day


"Good question...I'll let you know when I give dancing a try."


Melna's words cut the banter short however, veering their minds back to the topic of adventure. It was right there in front of them, just beyond the gates and all it took to get there was a few without looking back. Was this really a good idea? The answer didn't really matter, the only other alternative right now was wasting his life in a bar and finding some lonely apartment to settle in.


He wasn't about that life. If anything was going to pull him out of this ditch, spontaneous adventure might as well give it a try.


"Onu-Koro." Day affirmed, a few steps leading him past the gate, onto the bridge, outside of Ta-Koro and into adventure.


No looking back.


OOC: Day (and co?) to Onu-Koro

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"I see. Well I wonder why he never came back?" He continues to sharpen the blade, then he looks at it. Almost there. He sharpens it a little more, then he finishes the blade. He turns of the machine and says, "Now this something to admire."


In his hands is a complete sword. It had a slight crescent bent to it, but the finish product made him fill his mind with glee. It was like a cross between a cresnt blade, and a katana, but more sword, than crescent.


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IC: Stronin


"Looks like a poor man's scimitar," said Stronin, taking a closer look at the weapon. "Is it capable of slicing watermelons without rusting?"


Quality swords were absolutely fantastic at slicing fruit. He had taken one of Soli's smaller creations to use as a fruit knife at home; made fruit salads much easier to do.


"And why Pohatu never came back? Well, he's probably dead."

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"It should. If not, I have to make it again." He puts his new creation down on the table next to him.


"Well it's a shame that he died. I would actually like to meet him." He then sighs, then his face has a smile that goes across from his mask. "I have no idea why, but, maybe this sword is't my best. The more I make, the better I get."


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OOC: The part where I will begin to slice watermelons, is starting to remind me of the trailer of Metal Gear Solid: Rising, before it became what is now Metal Gear Rising



Flaredrick grabbed his new sword and compared it to his. It had the same katana width, but this new sword was curved to form what looks like a C that never bent all the way.


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He aligned the sword at the middle of the watermelon. He went up a little bit, then went back down to check alignment. It was still the same. He then held the sword over his head, and sliced right through the melon made of mostly water. He took out the blade from the melon and wiped it clean.


He began to look at the sword to see if it showed any signs of rust.


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IC: Kairyn


Toa Kairyn awakens on the shore of Ta-Wahi. He remembers nothing.


"Where am I?"


Standing up, Kairyn finds a sword and strange mask a few feet away.


"Good thing I found these, I don't like to go to strange places unarmed."


Seeing a gate lit with torches about a kio away, Kairyn approaches the gates of Ta-Koro..

Edited by MakutaSardrox123


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IC: Kairyn


Thanks to the power of his Kanohi (the Kualsi, mask of Quick Travel), getting to the strange gate didn't take long.


There were two Ta-Matoran guarding, so I asked them


"Excuse me, but do you know where I am?"



OOC: Sorry to anyone who read my first post about any problems about the Kanohi. It was origionally the Kiril, but I realized that the Kiril was not a permitted mask.

Edited by MakutaSardrox123


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OOC: Welcome to the game. Also, you can have it forged into the Kiril like the Pehkui on one of of my PC's, but don't make it into an Ignika or any powerful masks.



The Ice Skakdi began to wander the streets. He has now officially lost himself in Ta-Koro. So he went into an ally to collect his thoughts and wonder about the many things.

Edited by Flaredrick: the Sniper


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IC: Day


"Good question...I'll let you know when I give dancing a try."


Melna's words cut the banter short however, veering their minds back to the topic of adventure. It was right there in front of them, just beyond the gates and all it took to get there was a few without looking back. Was this really a good idea? The answer didn't really matter, the only other alternative right now was wasting his life in a bar and finding some lonely apartment to settle in.


He wasn't about that life. If anything was going to pull him out of this ditch, spontaneous adventure might as well give it a try.


"Onu-Koro." Day affirmed, a few steps leading him past the gate, onto the bridge, outside of Ta-Koro and into adventure.


No looking back.


OOC: Day (and co?) to Onu-Koro

OOC: Yes


IC: Melna (Ta-Koro Gates)


"Forward" Melna declared with all the bombastic glory she could muster, and strode forth.


OOC: Melna to Onu-Wahi

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Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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"So," she said, clasping her hands before her like some sort of self-help Guru. "What can you tell us of this island? People, places, politics, plants, animals, customs... almost anything will do at this point."


What can I tell you? First off, my head hurts. Eugch.


This old lady chick, the Turaga-looking one, was getting on my nerves. Pompous, facetious, and wrinkly... She was reading my mind, too. Is reading my mind... Was reading...? I'm having verb confusion, and I'll explain. Tell the truth, it gets rather confusing to narrate this. See, if this narration is my thoughts, me telling my story, it should be in the past tense. That's our normal arrangement here. Put another way, it's like you're reading me telling you what happened, and I'm relaying how I felt about it all through such literary devices as tone, sentence structure, and comedic understatement. The normal deal, right? Right.


Not right, it can't be so simple. Here's the hitch: I'll be honest and say I don't know how this story ends yet (case in point: where am I even telling it from?), so it isn't technically in the past. I'm telling it to you as it unfolds. That's how first person narration works, I know my literature. Honest, I do, don't question what I just said. So, since this is a story told by me in the present (me telling the story right now is part of the story, storyception!), I can't just relay exactly what happened like it's behind me, because it isn't - wasn't?


So if these are my thoughts, she had - has - the power to be inside them. She was inside them during this part of the story, see, so it's only fitting that she's here now, in the part of the story where I'm telling the story. Namely, in the present... of the story. Which I'm telling. In my present. But your past, based on tenses. Whew. Glad I just made all that clearer. So if she's in my thoughts, she should be in my narration, because my narration is my thoughts-


:I'm right here: she reminded me. Or reminds me. Tenses. Language. Gah. :Bear in mind that I can hear what you're saying about me, Grokk, and do try to be more civil.:


See? Hearing her inside my head was aggravating as-


:Is as aggravating: Sue corrected. :What do you keep talking to yourself in the past tense for? And stop calling me Sue, I already told you I don't like it.:


How come I can't see into this chick's head? Pea-pod and String-bean seemed to have been able to converse with the great tense-confuser-


:It only works one way. If you wish to converse with me, you merely need to make plain what you're thinking. You're already a very transparent mind-:


By virtue of this incessant narration. It is, as we discussed above, my past tense present. I'm not at all affected by her pokes about my mental capacity-




"Big whup, lady," I say aloud for the first time since she's come into my head. "Calling me a liar is like calling the ocean green, or scarves on a man pinktacular." It was weird; the whole time she and I talk in my head, the less aware I am of my surroundings. I was reawakened to the fact that I am on the Ta-Koro beach, with Pea-pod and String-bean-


:Those are not their names:


-whatever, standing around me. That freaky energy blade thingie is still making stained glass windows in the sand. I'm amongst these foreigners, and Prune Lady-


:That is not my name:


-wants all my information. I wouldn't tell her my Social Security number, maybe, but just about anything else to get her out of my head at this point was hers for the taking.


:Thank you for your cooperation.:


Karz, I hated this.


"You ask a lotta big questions, Sue," I say, replying directly to her earlier query. "I frankly don't know where to begin... This is the karzforsaken island of Mata Nui, named after some deity spirit tofu-in-the-sky thing. The main residents are silly little people, who look a lot like you... Are you Toa? I can't tell, look just like 'em though. There's also foreigners here, like me, the superior races; most of us washed up here and don't talk much about our pasts. Not 'cuz I don't remember it, or some tripe. I remember it all, believe me; I just choose not to delve into it, to spite some people you can't see right now."


Wink, wink. I was sort of starting to enjoy all this, and I'm sure she wasn't happy about that.


:I still don't understand why you think to yourself in the past tense.:


None of your beeswax. And hey, she should have let me finish, geez luweez. If you wanted to keep interjecting into my head-


:I don't want to be impolite.:


She already was. "Okay, that's the people, and the place... Politics, was that another thing you asked about? Politics. Politics are fun. We deal with six Koros (like, city-state things); six almost-enemy tribes of people. I'm playing that 'almost' up, myself, as I stand to profit from their discord. What else... Plants? Look behind me. None have a diet of Skakdi, so I don't pay them much mind, but I'm sure there's a host of botanical bonanzas for anybody willing to poke their noses into a leaf or seven. Animals here are mostly cute and cuddly, and love to be petted, especially the big ones-"


:Lying again.:


"Stop pointing that out!... Why did I say that out loud. Why am I still saying things out loud? Yeesh. Okay. Island customs... well, you're all painfully polite to each other. Just act like that everywhere else, and ya should be fine. Not lying this time, see?"

Edited by Nuju Metru


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IC: Kairyn


The guards at the gate tell me that I am in the village of Ta-Koro, on the island of Mata Nui and allow me to pass.


Entering the great village of Fire, I don't know where to begin. I feel like exploring this strange island.


"I'll come back here later" I think to myself. Up ahead, I see an entrance to a dark chamber. A sign above says, "Ta-Onu-Le-Koro Subtransect" A map to the right says that "Le-Koro" is north, then a turn to the left. I speed off toward Le-Koro using the Kualsi's power.


OOC: Kairyn to Le-Wahi


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IC Kavala



Kavala entered the village of fire calmly, ignoring the terrible heat all around. The fires effectively dried Kavala after his swim to the region.


Tuli's and Khervos's invasion of Xa-Koro had given Kavala a great idea. He went over to Akiri Jaller's hut.


"I need to see the Akiri. This is urgent", the Toa of Earth said.

Edited by Toatapio Nuva
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IC: (Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)

The Toa of Iron vaulted backwards over a table, generating and launching a dozen narrow iron spikes back at his opponent while he was in the air. She averted them easily enough, engaging him again in a contest of who would outdance the other's blade.


"The name is Perkahn," he said, punctuated by the sound of clashing blades, "Perkahn Highwind."


OOC: Call me crazy, but how do you simply form a dozen iron spikes? I'm not calling it an illegal move, oh no, not at all. I love it. I'm just curious as to how a character generates iron out of, well, nothing, going by the description... :PIC: Krii


Spikes made of iron mugs flashed towards Krii like miniature javelins. The barbs glanced harmlessly against her spinning weapon, the blade of her scythe dancing like a waterwheel about her body with one hand.

"Perkahn Highwind is good name," Krii said, then continued her pursuit. Perkahn had better maneuverability and knowledge gained through experience, but Krii had reach and a smidgen of speed beyond his. Their bodies generated yowling winds throughout the Lavapool Inn, pulling bottles and plates of shelves in the wake of their steps. Finally in range, Krii thrust with the rear of her weapon, hoping to off balance Perkahn from the attack to his face.

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IC(Liacada-Angelus's Office)




"What up, Consultant?" Angelus replied over his shoulder, just as jovially, as he inspected his longsword and then threw it and its sheath over his shoulder. "Heard there was a scrap. You good?"


"Oh, you know. Caught the criminal as he screamed for his own death. Normal day on the job," she crossed her arms. "You're gonna have to set me up with whoever made that sword. Mine are wearing out." She motioned to the x-shaped dual sheaths over her own shoulders.


"I'd have a hard time getting back in touch with whoever made this sword," he said, smiling privately and ruefully to himself at his joke. "I'm going on a mission with the Maru. Think you'll be able to keep living without me for a while?"


"I think I can live with it," she shrugged, even as a chill ran down her spine at the mention of the Maru.


"Good to hear it."


"So. What does this mission consist of?"


"Top secret stuff. Here be dragons type crapola."


"C'mon, Angel. I'm the Consult," she grinned, "so consult me."


"If I told you, I'd have to kill you. Or fold you into the chain of command. Frankly I'm not sure which'd be easier for me."


"I stopped a serial killer this morning, in my free time. I think you can trust me a bit more than this," Liacada said, fake pouting and crossing her arms again.


"I gotta be able to trust you," he iterated, turning around with light, expressive blue eyes that searched Liacada. "We've known each other a couple weeks. A little sexual tension and a tenuous business relationship does not a partnership make."


She stepped a little bit closer towards him, grabbing his wrists to establish a bit of physical contact. "You're right. You know what makes a partnership? Experience. So take me with you. We can get a little experience together." Her smile grew a bit, and she looked him right back in his eyes.


Angelus exhaled and rolled his eyes before moving one arm out of Liacada's grip and sliding it to a folder on his desk, which he picked up and held forward. She went to grab it but his fingers were still pressing against the file, which was pressed up against her chest; his eyes were deadly serious and though he was still halfway smiling, it was clear that there wasn't as much humor in the countenance as it looked like there was.
"I mean it, now," he reminded her. "Tell anyone anything inside, and you'll disappear. And they'll never find your body."
He winked, right hand sliding out of her grip and gripping her wrist in turn.


She bit her lip, somewhat anxious. Stepping back, she slid the paper out. With a quick look-over, her eyes returned to Angelus.
"This is for real?"
"I don't threaten to kill my people over practical jokes."
"A terrorist? Like, a genuine terrorist?" she asked, slowly backing up, "I'm so in, Angelus. When do we start?"
"Ninety seconds. Hope you dressed warm."
She shrugged, "When do we meet the Maru?" Again, that chill. This time, she twitched a little bit.
"Why? Does he scare you?"
She wrinkled her eyebrows, "pfft, Oreius, the one Toa of fire who could smite me in seconds for what I did? Nah. No big deal."
"You are scared!" Angelus needled her. "Liacada Turagaslayer, the scourge of civilizations, the bombshell orphan that clawed her way out of Xa-Koro's wreckage onto the mainland...scared of one Toa of Fire with a friendly snail on his back."
She shook her head. "It's not like he assisted in killing Makuta or anything."
"Ssh. Don't mention it around him. I saw him Parakuka out and eat a Matoran over it once," Angelus warned her, snickering as he slid his projectile-launching gauntlet over his right arm and checked the mechanisms.
Her face became blank.
"Can we discuss this?"
"Discuss what? Oreius?"
"Yeah," there was a flash of genuine fear in her green eyes as she continued, "what if he finds out what I did? What's to stop him from killing me on the spot?"
"You think he doesn't know already? You think Dorian Shaddix managed to avoid him for three months?"
"I figured Dorian found a way out of it. He's...Dorian."
"He's not God."
"That's beside the point. Why wouldn't this guy kill me?"
"Because you're under my protection and my jurisdiction. Believe it or not, there are more important things at stake right now than the death of the Kumu Islets."
"And now, like it or not, you're involved," Angelus continued bluntly. "So calm down and quit worrying. You're getting crease marks and they're not attractive on you."
She punched him lightly on the chest. "Don't scare me any further." Cracking her knuckles, aha headed towards the door. "Let's get going. Wouldn't want to keep a friendly slug waiting."



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IC: Akata ... "So, what will become of me?" He asked, getting ready to recreate the toxin when the moment was right.

IC:[Commercial District, Ta-Koro]Lucira shrugged, as several guard members emerged from the alleyways and moved to surround Akata.“You come with us. We’ll escort you back to the station for questioning. Whatever happens after that depends on how truthful the interviewers think your being. It’s not my area of expertise.”[investigative Corps Office, Ta-Koro]A young toa of fire appeared outside the door in a flash of light. Thanking Mata-Nui that he had missed teleporting into the door, if only by a few centabio. He strode into the office and cleared his throte.The secretary looked up at him.He froze.The secretary raised an eyebrow.“Um...yeah sorry. We’ve apprehended a possible suspect in the death of Toa Ramai. I was told to, um, bring the...report to yourselves so that you might send a team to investigate the shop and organize questioning of the suspect.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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