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Voya Nui landscape

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So, the Voya Nui landscape was affected by the presence of the Ignika (inhospitable, greenbelt, etc). Just out of interest, when the Ignika was removed, did the island revert to more normal conditions? Like, did the green belt suddenly die?

Thank you, BZPower staff. In the past, I wish I showed more appreciation for all that you do. From one Bionicle fan to another, thank you.

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Voya Nui likely changed significantly regardless of the Ignika not being there. Much of the sand and soil on the surface would have dissipated when it fell into the Endless Ocean, which also probably drowned much of Voya Nui's wildlife and uprooted/killed or at least harmed a lot of its plant life. When it landed in the Southern Continent, the Giant Waterfall was still flowing onto the top of it, which meant that dip in the ocean notwithstanding much of it would be flooded which would have drastically changed its landscape and flora/fauna. It is also possible that if there is a difference in temperature between Aqua Magna the the MU that the Ring of Ice could have grown or shrunken.

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When it landed in the Southern Continent, the Giant Waterfall was still flowing onto the top of it, which meant that dip in the ocean notwithstanding much of it would be flooded which would have drastically changed its landscape and flora/fauna.

That part might have been especially dramatic, because the water would fall to (or closer to) terminal velocity. Just from cleaning dishes in a sink you can tell that just a few inches worth of difference of how far water falls before it hits has a big impact on how strongly it erodes.


Not to mention the impact of VN with SC itself must have been pretty dramatic. :P

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

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Axonn charged across the landscape of Voya Nui, weapon at the ready. He had just spied two figures materializing in The Green Belt. One looked something like Botar, but obviously wasn't. The other resembled a Toa, but wasn't one Axonn knew. The first thing he had learned after being assigned to this place was subdue first, ask questions later.


This is the very beginning of Destiny War, which takes place after Voya Nui's return to the continent. Judging from what it says, the Green Belt, or at least part of it, survived the descent intact.

My collection of epics: The Sanctum of Writing





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You forget that the staff of artakha petty much "repaired the universe" to a point before the great cataclysm IIRC. That takes care of the super waterfall as the dome would have been sealed.


And the staff could have repaired Voya Nui's plant life too. Which begs the question of how it changed when it was ejected from the robot, although I suppose the Mask of Life could have repaired that.

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You forget that the staff of artakha petty much "repaired the universe" to a point before the great cataclysm IIRC. That takes care of the super waterfall as the dome would have been sealed.


And the staff could have repaired Voya Nui's plant life too. Which begs the question of how it changed when it was ejected from the robot, although I suppose the Mask of Life could have repaired that.

When the Mask of Life was ejected it didn't do anything to Voya Nui and I don't think the staff could have repaired the plant life.




I am Talo last of the toa of the lost element of AWESOME.



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