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IC (Trentin)


Trentin eyed the party-crazy twit with no small degree of contempt. What kind of fool came into the Chum Bucket, went into the Drunk Side of all places, and then decided it'd be a good idea to sit down by an armored stranger in the middle of a meeting? She took a closer look at the Zeltron and shook her head in disguist. Probably some rich buffon trying to slum it. She despised that sort of being. She'd been eating off the streets herself for the first few months. Then she'd thrown the leader of a swoop gang into a ravine and that was that. "I'll offer you some free advice child. People have killed for less here. I've seen it."


Trentin gestured at the dance floor and the writhing mass of bodies upon it. "Go bother the dancers. They're paid to put up with hormonal children." It probably wasn't that great of an idea to provoke the Zeltron, she knew what that race could be like, but part of her wanted an excuse to continue the beating.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Tuorri shrugged, making the sleeve fall back down, and pushed what was left of his drink away. He'd forgotten to cover it, and was mostly done drinking when the credits started rolling in. Still, he sat back down, and looked at his new employer.


"Confused, most likely. Good times are twelve levels up."


OOC: Someone do a search on the wiki, let me know if you find any planets/moons/locations called Canton. It may soon be time for some thrilling heroics.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC (Commander Cody)
“Nice try. You aren’t getting out of it that easily. Now pay attention soldiers. I’m only going over this once. We’ll be covering the current situation on Geonosis and this in particular in detail.” The veterans always tried this. Figured they’d seen it all and didn’t need to sit through the briefing. Well, he had other ideas. With a simple gesture, he enlarged the holographic representation of the massive, burnt orange hive. It was a rocky, twisted thing, the more sentimental and weak would call it a beautiful structure, a towering spire of civilization in an otherwise largely lifeless desert. These people were fools in the commander’s opinion. The hologram continued to grow, until it almost covered the entire silvered metal room and the bleachers arranged around it. Indeed, Cody appeared to be standing in the middle of the hive itself.
He gestured to the bottom of the structure and a dizzying array of tunnels and hollowed out chambers. “These are the deepest points in the mine, the places of greatest activity. Worker drones will be swarming this place along with guards. Even if you are spotted, they shouldn’t offer too much trouble. We put most of the weapon designers to death for treason years ago. They’ll probably be armed with simple mining tools and simple pikes at the most. Assuming they haven’t been in contact with the Seperatists. There has been no indication of this but still, be on your toes. If you see a droid, snap a few pics and send it to the servers at the garrison. That’s all the excuse we’ll need to level the Hive with heavy firepower. “ Cody frowned. He dearly wanted to do that anyway but the Jedi had been most insistent. The Republic couldn’t be implicated in the attack directly.
He gestured at the hive again, to a series of larger chambers and tunnels. “These are the old levels of the mine. Mostly given over to storage, emergency care and various other amenities, sewers, water reservoirs, the like…in fact, if you can flood the mines, so much the better. Consider that a secondary objective. Wouldn’t want any buggers escaping and plotting vengeance now do we?” He waved at a series of large chambers closest to the surface. “These used to be droid factories, now they’ve mostly been retooled to process ores and minerals. You’ll find some fungus farms and nurseries here as well. Try to make sure the spire collapses on these chambers.” Again, letting any buggers escape was simply out of the question.
“Now as for the Spire itself….you’ll find the audience chambers, living quarters, barracks and other such areas here; along with a temple. At the very bottom is the main reactor, consider this your primary objective. Wire that to blow and the whole Spire should collapse, in fact, if you can manage it….there are some secondary reactors clustered around it. If the primary is too well guarded, simply take out these supporting reactors and it should have much the same effect. “
The hologram faded. “Now, we’ll be inserting you via one of our consular class craft. It should get you there quickly enough. You’ll land at the local garrison. From there, you’ll be taken to the outskirts of the Hive’s territory. We’ve arrange for a live-fire combat exercise on the site, so any guards or patrols in the area will have vacated the area. If you keep your transponders on, you’ll be in no danger of being hit….from there; you can slip into the mines. I’ll leave the rest in your capable hands.”
Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Snipe


Snipe nodded, understanding all that Commander Cody had said, and shortening it in his mind. sneak in via the mines, get to the main reactor, blow it up. if possible, flood mines. if main reactor is too well guarded, blow up secondary reactors. if droids spotted, snap picture and send to servers. "a question, sir. if we do happen to see a droid, should we continue to the main reactor, or get out of there and let the heavy guns deal with it?"

Previously known as Aiwendil.

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IC (Commander Cody)


"Withdraw and let our gunners earn their keep." He doubted the Hive was manufacturing droids, that'd just make too easy. "We'll arrange for a gunship to extract you if that is needed."

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Veshok raised his hand and said, "Can we kill the droids after we take the pictures sir?"


"Should be easy enough. So when they attack us and finish them off, we keep on with the mission?"


Sarge them face palmed his helmet at the questions that were given. "Rookies," he muttered.

Edited by Flaredrick: Forgotten One


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IC(Djashell, Coruscant): "Take a seat," Djashell said, indicating a chair next to a small table in the Lady, "Did you mention what your name was? I didn't catch it if you did. But if we're going to bring in the Swoop Gang and retrieve your ship, I need to know how they operate. And how they circumvented your security would help with that. So how did you thief-proof this ship? What kind of locks did it have, what kind of crew?"



IC (Syaa, Coruscant): "Try not to treat this like an interrogation." Djashell turned to see her partner walked down the docking ramp, puling on a jacket, "You're supposed to be helping."


The twi'lek stepped out into Coruscant's...well it wasn't fresh air per se but it was better than the stuff on the Lady could get after a long voyage. She turned to Gnar, his huge furry bulk a very comforting sight given how dangerous some parts of the city-planet could be.


"So, where's our first stop?"


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IC (Commander Cody)


“Only if it becomes necessary, I’d rather you not risk compromising the mission. If you need to defend yourself, so be it. That said, don’t seek out combat that you don’t need. The less people who see you, the better, frankly, if no one sees you and you don’t fire a shot, then we have an ideal outcome.”


IC (Trentin)


Trentin absentmindedly rubbed her chin, clearly contemplating something. The thrumming music vibrated nearly the entire room at this point; the DJ was clearly in love with his job. She eyed the modified STAP platform and smiled. Amazing the uses people found for old war surplus these days. The mosh pit had only grown larger, the multi-colored, flashing dance floor had almost been consumed completely as a myriad of beings twisted, writhed and shook their way across the dance floor. She could tell many of them were riding high on the latest designer pleasure-chem to hit the streets and almost all of them were, in addition to that, utterly drunk. Some were heading out towards their vehicles. There were no police checkpoints in the Chum Bucket to check for that sort of thing. It would have been like putting up an air freshener on Raxus Prime. Anything they could do would be totally pointless.


She brought up her one ungloved hand and made a show of inspecting her finger nails. In reality, she was checking out the rest of the patrons. She knew a few of them by reputation of course, and a few from their wanted posters. She wouldn’t turn them in of course, she was a big believer in not ah, spilling blood where she ate. Metaphorically speaking of course, it was better to be seen a pillar of a community of untruths and violence then to try to play the hero and get a rusty vibro blade between her ribs for her troubles. Besides, without her, what would happen to Tull? The big guy had a good heart but he was too impulsive. Might try something noble without her around to keep him in check, last thing she wanted was to see him get hurt.


With that pleasant thought, she made eye contact with her newest employee. “Well then, shall we abscond? If you do not wish for another round I see no reason to stay. Particularly because I have an unfortunate tendency to attract males with less than stellar judgment and intellect…..and as you just saw, they are not exactly lacking here.”

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC (Carawyn Jade):


The Zeltron brushed his arm warmer off indignantly. "Whatever." He turned about like an impetuous child. It wasn't often that someone refused him in such a dismissive manner. The young man headed back to the bar, where he had left his tray of Hutta Swampshots in the care of a furry little alien. Unfortunately, leaving drinks unattended in the Drunk Side was like leaving bantha steak for sand-vultures. The tray of strong, fruity liqueurs of various colours had disappeared. The Zeltron looked about in frustration and slapped his forehead, before letting his hands drop in dejected defeat. Tonight was not his night. "Brix! Those nerf-kriffing carrion." "Hormonal child. The nerve." The nearly red-skinned man scowled at no one in particular, and made his way through the crowd of patrons that now teemed about the bar. He fished a narrow red crystalline tube from his arm warmer and made his way to the exit. He needed to get out bar and find a secluded spot to have a death stick in peace. "Kriffers."


The Zeltron slipped out of the Drunk Side of the Moon's side exit, and sauntered down the alley before glancing around. Aside from a few gaudily dressed humanoids slumped in the corners, clearly under the effects of death sticks or some other form of hallucinogen, he was alone. One of the death stick users rolled over, eyes wide with terror, mumbling incoherently. "Must have got a bad batch." With a haughty grin, the young man crouched slightly, then back-flipped upwards, catching the rungs of a ladder and clambering up to a balcony that was above the bar.


Once the young man was comfortably seated with his back against a metal grate, he raised the narrow tube to his mouth, and pressed one end. The liquid lit up briefly, and the Zeltron closed one eye in satisfaction. The Zeltron mumbled softly. "Satyr, Satyr, Siren calling, bantha blue milk has gone bad in the dumpster."


GM IC (Master Chask Far'fella):


Master Chask was about to send off the assembled Knights when a comm buzzed from within the folds of his robe. The Jedi Master removed a narrow crystalline tube that glowed yellow.


Mast Bn'sen chuckled in disapproval. "What, have your friends in the Senate introduced you to death sticks, Master Chask? I hardly think that Grandmaster Windu would approve."


The Equine Jedi shook his head vehemently. "Of course not. This is a communication device for undercover investigators. Liquid crystal matrix activated by an electric charge triggered by pressing the end of the device."


He raised the stick near his mouth. "Jade. Any news?" A voice crackled over the comm feed, a blend of a mumble and a whisper. "Affirmative, sir. I think I've found our suspect. At the very least, I've had a run-in with a Chiss female matching her description. I saw her meeting with a scumbag pirate. After seeing the credit chips she threw on the table, I'm 90% sure we have our man... er... woman. I'm sending coordinates to you now. Please send Jedi back-up immediately. And hold the wet droids. A boys in white action would probably make this neighbourhood explode. I'm not sure how long she'll hang around at the Drunk Side of the Moon."

Edited by Madara: Mangekyou Master



... we have cookies

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IC [Aboard the Renaissance]:


L'uo sat, as she often did, in the shadows.


It wasn't hard to find a dark place in the archives. The corridors of holotapes, filled with their vast knowledge, made for an environment that'd seem claustrophobic to some. The lights in this particular section had been dimmed, but it didn't disturb L'uo. Any force adept could make their way through a dark place; she had been here for years. She knew every inch, could recall every detail in an instant. That was her particular gift. She could remember things most wouldn't, deduce where others had no chance. So, then, why couldn't she deduce her way through this?


In front of her floated her pet project, a Sith holocron that glowed a dim orange in the shadows. She prodded it all over with her mind, hoping that somewhere, the tendrils of the Dark Side would activate it and reveal its secrets to her. But no, it remained frustratedly bared from her. She couldn't understand why; no other holocron she had come across had such security like this. Most if not all activated with the briefest of touches with the Force. The only security she had seen on a holocron before this was ones with stubborn gatekeepers, who'd refuse information if they felt it was beyond the reach of those they were teaching. Even then, most Sith holocrons reveled in the ability to teach their pupil advanced techniques, just to see the pupil die in his or her lust for power.


This? This holocron actively refused information. She couldn't even get a gatekeeper to appear. The inscriptions on its side were of no use, speaking only of distant worlds unimportant to it. Why create a device so rich in the Dark Side and let no one else enjoy the fruits of knowledge?


It would be the end of her.


OOCLooking for stuffs to do on Coruscant still.



1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC: By way of agreement, the pirate stood, took a moment to settle his account with the barkeep - or, rather, not the barkeep. He seemed to have found somewhere else to be, so someone else was taking care of things at this end, and turned to his employer.


"If it's not a problem, I think we should hit my ship first. Take advantage of available weaponry and all that."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC (Trentin)
“Right.” Trentin reached into her pocket and withdrew her commlink. “Boys. Make your own way home. I’ve got an appointment.” Then, leaving her increasingly befuddled and deaf guards behind, she followed the pirate to the entrance. “Of course, I agree completely. Perhaps we’ll swing by the lair later. We could see about upgrading your ship. We’ve got the money.”

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Serentethe aboard the Reniassance


He stood slient in the elevator, no worthwhile thoughts passing through his mind. Serentethe slowed his approach as the metal doors cleared from his vision, and he sensed a group of nearby Force Sensitives. There were a good deal of other Sith, two of them far above the rest. To him it still made no difference, none of them meant anything to him. He walked ahead into the hanger, his pace once again at a normal level. Serentethe walked through the group of Sith, only stopping when he came upon the Darth.


He stood slient his eyes set on the cloak in front of him. The person who wore it was probably the person who sent the worthless scrap, and therefore the only person around him that mattered.

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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IC (Darth Recusatia)
“Well now. I’m forced to assume I’ve addressed any concerns you might have.” With a wave of her hand she connected to the dark side energies woven into the craft, too, for a moment, connect to it. With her mental prompt, the door swung open and a ramp extended down to the ground. “All aboard. You’ll find quarters have been provided for you. I’ll pilot the craft of course. I’m not letting you crash my baby.” She smiled as she eyed the sharp, triangular Sith Infiltrator, appreciating the midnight blue paint job. “Took me forever to find that color you know.”
She paused as the clone made its way up to her. Truth be told, she’d been against the whole project from the start. She’d been overruled however…time would tell if she was right on the matter. “Greetings young apprentice, I take it you wish to join us? Hm. You aren’t adverse to sharing quarters with another student I hope.”
Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Selana (Coruscant Undercity, The Drunk Side of the Moon) Irritation crossed Selana's face as the bar tender drifted away after taking her credits. More people were entering the bar and drawing his attention away. But Selana knew he hadn't forgotten. No, he was playing a dangerous game now. Selana turned away from the bar and began to drift away as if she was leaving. In one instant she was standing with her back turned to the bar. Then there was a swift blur of movement as Selana's enhanced reflexes kicked in. She quickly drew her concealed blaster rifle and spun around at the same time. At almost that exact moment violence had broken out inside the bar not far away. Drawing many people's attention away, and hopefully that of the bartender. She aimed the augmented blaster-rifle at the bar tender's head. "I'm sorry to have to do this, but I really don't like it when people ignore me." Selana said as she moved forward keeping the rifle trained on his head. "I believe I paid you for a service, one that you still need to perform." Selana said. "I am a woman of my word so I expect you to hold your word as well." she said. The earlier friendly smile had been wiped off. As if Selana had torn of a mask and finally revealed her true self. "I don't think you want any trouble. HeII I don't want any trouble. But if you don't give me what you owe me there is nothing stopping me from melting your skull down to slag. I have big friends. Bigger then you. Friends who could buy this entire bar if they wanted. Friends who could clean up the death of a lonely foolish Neimoidian bartender. "Not to mention that even if you kill me. Or someone else does, those same friends will come looking. And there might be a nice hefty bounty placed on your head. Then you get more people like me coming looking for you, how long will you have to live? As I said I don't think you want any trouble. So why don't we go upstairs and talk privately unless you want to be a hero." Selana said coldly. Her yellow eyes were searching the faces of the bar. Each of them were a potential witness. In her mind the bartender knew something. He was covering for the girl she just knew it. She placed a hand on her belt and drew a cyro grenade into her palm subtly. It was always nice to have a plan B if things went sour. IC: Gnar "I'll do my best. Perhaps you should do the talking. I'll just be your silent muscle." Gnar said as he glanced at the fellow bounty hunter. "We check the lower city. There is a particularly shady neighborhood I know of.". IC: San Vroon (Coruscant Undercity, The Drunk Side of the Moon) A familiar muffled voice cracked over the line responding to Jade. "I'm in the area. I'm just down the street. Backup is on the way." San Vroon said through a small microphone embedded in his face-mask. The Kel Dor Jedi walked slowly down the street in the Chum Bucket. The area was incredibly shady and he was getting many looks from people in the street. None of the met his eyes. They were smart enough to know not to mess with a Jedi. Not if they wanted to get into serious trouble. San approached The Drunk Side of the Moon slowly. He felt a disturbance in the force around the place. Something was happening. San Vroon slipped inside silently his hand hovering in the air in case he had to pull his saber to him in an instant. San Vroon's eyes swept around the bar as he looked for a threat. IC: Jaceren Gans Jaceren's black cloak billowed behind him as he climbed up the metal ramp and into the Infiltrator. The ship was very nice. "Was this a gift from the Sith Empire?" Jaceren asked as he glanced around the ship.

Edited by Flex Fiction
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IC (Trentin)
Trentin swore in several languages with enough creativity and intensity to make a Hutt blush. She considered herself and educated, polite (when appropriate) and calm women. When someone pulls a blaster on the barkeep and there’s a Jedi (only they would wear robes down here) visible through the window, then a lady, she felt, was perfectly justified in expressing her distaste and disappointment in the situation. She grabbed her commlink again. “Boys. Get out of here. Now. Bugger out into the alleys if you have too.” She then returned her piercing crimson gaze back onto her new employee. “I think it’s time we leave. Now. You have a vehicle yes? A speeder?” If not, she could hotwire something.
She glanced at the Jedi again. A fast something.
Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Nentir Draln. Solar Sailor


Nentir was nearing the Drunk Side of the Moon. he disliked bars, what with the heavy drinking and the general loudness. as he landed, he heard the sounds even in his ship. groaning, he left the Solar Sailor, walking into the bar. he found San Vroon, but no sign of Carawyn Jade. moving next to Vroon, he spoke. "have you seen Jedi Carawyn yet?"

Previously known as Aiwendil.

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IC(The Drunk Side of the Moon, Barkeep):


So it turned out that the human was not the hapless rube he'd taken her for. Wasn't the first time, wouldn't be the last, but if he smiled blandly enough he'd still finish the day with a couple hundred more credits than he'd been expecting.


As a barkeep well-used to dealing with unruly drunks, his bland smile was a work of art. It didn't reach the eyes, which was important, though the distinction was likely lost on the human. Expressive provincials, big words like that. People who can't read the faces of aliens.


Whatever. Point was, he stood there, drinks in both hands, and stared down the barrel of a blaster rifle, smiling like a lawyer.


"Last saw that face a week ago, since you're insisting on your money's worth." A lie, sure, but he wasn't covering for anyone. Loads of difference between protectiveness and spite, and he kept his business quite firmly on the far side of that line. "Came in, real happy sort. Like she'd just got a lot of money - probably robbed someone who had enough left over to pay you, yeah? Anyway, seemed determined to try everything on the menu. Fond of drink, see. Held it well, too, as she managed to walk out afterwards. My guess?" The trash-eating smile grew a hair wider. "Search within five miles spherical, you'll get your mark. Fugies come down here, they get complacent. Think nobody in their right mind'd come looking, right? Guess they forgot to account for eighty percent of bounty hunters."


Someone who cared might have wasted time thinking about whether this sort of stunt went against the general Neimoidian stereotype. All Moran Turyn, Gunnery Battalion veteran and mixer of a thousand and one drinks knew was that the whole act was kriffin' hilarious.


OOC: If you don't blow his brains out, I might make a PC of him. No skin off my back if Anzati start seeing red whenever a scheming little bartender grins down the barrel of a blaster rifle, though.


IC(The Drunk Side of the Moon, Helor Tuorri): The pirate followed his employer's eyes, noting both likely threats and wishing he was still frying his brain at the bar. Bounty hunters were bad enough, but Jedi? May as well be going to Korriban in a handbasket, the sort of trouble Jedi brought - and with the sort of trouble that tended to bring Jedi in the first place, your odds weren't much better.


"Nothing quick enough for this kind of trouble. You got a way to steal something with more go, I say we do so."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC (Trentin)
Trentin managed to smirk. “You have a favorite color?” She noted that another Jedi had joined the first. “Never mind. I like red. You like red? Doesn’t matter. We’re going with red.” As if she didn’t have a care in the world, she calmly strolled to a red RGC-16 Airspeeder, a twin engine delight that she was sure could outrun any or at least, outmaneuver anything the Jedi had with them. She leapt into the driver’s seat. She surveyed the controls and calmly ran her fingers over the control box, gentle prying it open. “Lemme see…..hm…..yeah. I can do this.” Her hands were deft and sure and, soon enough, the speeder’s engine was humming along nicely.
IC (Darth Recusatia)
“Had it made special actually.” The Darth said over her shoulder. “You don’t want to know what I had to do to get it.” Crawling through garbage shuts was one thing she never intended to try again. Her gaze never left the clone before her however. One thing about being a Darth, you learned to multitask.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: The pirate was right on his employer's heels, crouching slightly to match the average height of the crowd in this area. No sense sticking out with Jedi around, unless you had some weird urge to lose a hand. By the time the speeder was getting started, he had retrieved his rifle from the depths of his coat* and removed his headwrap, allowing him to keep a third eye on events unfolding to their rear.


"Once we're moving, make for the old 'port to the east. Entry's rough with a Gozanti, but it's far enough out of the way that questions don't get asked."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: Elara (approaching the Chum Bucket, Corsuscant)


Elara watched Coruscant's skyline pass by through the window of the passenger window of the cab, mulling over what she had heard back at the temple. Their informant had spotted a possible suspect at one of the local bars and now the team had been dispatched to provide assistance in case something happened. While she did have her own ship, the repurposed troop transport would have garnered far too much attention down in the slums and she wanted to remain as low-key as possible for now. Of course, Jedi were already a rare sight down there, so it wouldn't be helping much but she had opted to take public transportation instead nonetheless. The driver was thankfully quiet, either out of respect or nervousness from sitting next to a Jedi Knight, and didn't bother Elara with questions on why she was heading down.

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IC: Ammaton Kirkbride | Coruscant


Ammaton sat down as instructed, and replied, "Well, my name is Ammaton. My ship is a not-so-large cargo transport designed to transport only a few people at once. I'm the only crewmember to the thing. It had a basic lock of some sort on it that came with the ship, and needed keys to run. I had the keys with me, of course. Still have 'em. The Bantha Fodder is a good ship, but old; I still don't know why the Swoop Gang wanted it."'


"I can tell you how it got stolen. I had just dumped off a bunch of these weird looking animals in the lower levels, and won a few rounds of this super ancient game called Pazaak against a few of the residents. I ended up taking quite the share home, too. At least, that was how it started. I ended up agreeing to take one of the folks there down to a spaceport to pick up his wife or something like that, and then bam - Swoop Gang."


"We ended up hightailing it out of there, until the Bantha Fodder found herself stuck in a rather narrow alley while the Swoop Gang and some other gang went all at it. Then, I see the strangest thing - a group Sith. Here, in the city. Or maybe a Jedi, I dunno. Never seen a Jedi with a red lightsaber. Could be Dark Jedi? Anyways, I'd never seen force sensitives going all at it like that before. They must have been pretty angry, because they were quite willing to beat down even the Swoop Gang folks in their way. I hightailed it out of there, and so did the other guy; we got separated, though. He probably just ran back to where he came from. But anyways, I left most of the money I had won there, along with the Fodder. I tried to come back for it later, but the Gang had taken it."


His fist clenched up, and he slammed it on the table. "And I intend to get it back."


OOC: I regret nothing.


IC: Salvador Oro | The Renaissance


The Sith Lord stepped into the ship. It was quite the impressive craft - something like this would one day be his to command. One day. For now, though, what mattered was the mission.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Selana Selana's face twitched. It wasn't exactly the information she'd been looking for. Still it was a trail no matter how old. Her target had been there. "See that was easy. No need for trouble." She said as she lowered her blaster. Selana turned and began to stride out of the bar. She cast a glance at two Jedi before merging into the crowd looking for signs of her target. IC: San Vroon "No I have not," Vroon said to Nentir. Suddenly Vroon turned to see a flash of blue. Female Chiss climbing into a red speeder outside with another man. "Stop her!" He shouted as he sprinted forward. It was too late however. The red speeder burst forward flying into traffic. Vroon didn't wasit any time. He force jumped into the air. Landing in the passenger seat of a green speeder. "Excuse me, Jedi business." Vroon said to a shocked Zabrak. He manuvered the controls to his side and took off trying to find the red speeder again. "I've seen a Chiss leaving the bar. She left in a red speeder, I am trying to pursue." He said over the com.IC: Chubs It had been too easy stealing that pink fools shots. The short Ewok chuckled to himself as he stumbled towards the door to the bar early drunk. He waddled across the street to where a group of shady people were laying around under the effects of death sticks. Chubs smiled to himself as he sat down against a wall and pulled out a colored tube before lifting it to his lips.

Edited by Flex Fiction
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IC (Commander Cody)
“Well, if you don’t have any more concerns, you’ll find the ship waiting for you at hanger nineteen. Good hunting. You’ll be put into contact with an adviser for the duration of this mission. Treat him with the same respect you would me. And try not to die.”
IC (Trentin)
Trentin didn’t need to be told twice. Within moments, she’d had the speeder in the air and zooming along at speeds that showed both a remarkable disregard for posted limits and the safety of any pursuing craft. “Hope you didn’t land at one of the chop-ports by mistake. Latest scam circulating through the area, open a landing pad and chop up anyone who lands there. Their ships at least…..sometimes the owners as well, this isn’t the best neighborhood.” She smirked a bit at that. “Shocking really.”

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC (Commander Cody)


The Commander shrugged. "Be my guest. Less of a headache for me to deal with." Plus he'd enjoy cramming this down the chain-of-commands collective throat.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Serentethe aboard the Renaissance


He stood for a second as he saw the Darth's face, Recusatia. He didn't like her. Not because she didn't like him, but because he didn't like anybody. "Yes. I assumed the scrap metal that approached me belonged to you. And therein I was required to complete a task." Serentethe replied with an almost nod. Slowly, he looked toward the ramp and the apprentices, then back to Darth Recusatia. "I mind sharing the presnce of another. But to complete the mission, I will thrive." He stated in answer to her question. Serentethe stood in wait behind Darth Recusatia. When she moved so would he.

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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IC: Salvador Oro | The Renaissance


Lord Salvador stopped as some of the apprentices filed in, looking back. It appeared that one apprentice in particular, the Clone (pathetic lesser beings), was standing fast rather than moving forwards. A grin broke across his face. This wouldn't end well.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC (Anshar Rune): As Anshar nimbly stepped into the craft, he couldn't help but smile. On the surface, it felt almost like any other ship, but as soon as one set foot on the ramp, the familiar, warm pulse of the Dark Side washed out from the ship. "Beautiful."The half-Kage apprentice slipped through the narrow corridor that led to the living quarters on the sleek ship. He turned to one of the other apprentices. "Dibs out crashing with the creepy Kaminoan." He glanced at Jaceren. "Roomies?"



... we have cookies

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IC (Darth Recusatia)
Where had that influx of psychotic apprentices come from? The Darth shook her head. She didn’t expect any of them to survive to make Darth….and even if they did, they wouldn’t be promoted. Those who lived only for themselves had little place in the Order. That was what separated it from the callous fools that had come before. “Right then. You don’t have a say in the matter I’m afraid. You’ll have to see who’ll be willing to split a room with you.” She silently sent a telepathic message to the other Sith in the vessel.
Not it.
“Well. Come along then young one.” With that, the Darth turned about and headed into her vessel. If the fool wanted a standoff, he’d have to do better than that. Such things only made him look foolish and were beneath her dignity.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC (Syaa, Coruscant): "Well then lead on MacFluff," Syaa said, cheerily, to her new Wookie companion. "Its been years since I've been to Coruscant, and that was only the upper levels. You lnow the area way better than I do."



IC (Djashell, Coruscant): The bounter huntress rubber her temples in thought, "So...opportunists in taking your shuttle like that. Avoiding direct fight with the possible darksiders suggests small numbers, or lack of skill against such opponents. Matches what I've seen from reports of that place in the uppers they hit. Go in with a lot of flash and bluster, get what you came for, leave before any real opposition shows up. They didn't shoot you down, they herded you into somewhere small you couldn't manoeuvre. So I think they're a small gang, maybe just the four guys the reports show, but could at applying leverage in the right place. Hmm..."


Djashell turned back to Kirkbride, breaking out of her flow of thoughts, looking at him with piercing eyes, "You didn't happen to have a tracker aboard your ship, did you? Or anything that could be traced, like a specific transmission frequency? If they're as small as I think they are, then finding their base and hitting them while they're there might not be the suicide run I originally thought it would be."



IC(Gurrox, Renaissance): "We pick up any more fresh meat we're going to run out of room," the leonine Sith Lord growled. It was a bit rich of him to say such a thing given that, with his bulk, he was taking up two seats already, but it was unlikely anyone was going to call him on it


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IC: Ammaton Kirkbride | Courscant


"I have a fondness for broadcasting signals from the Bantha Fodder sometimes, as a way to provide entertainment to anyone else listening. It's an older device; took me ages to figure out. I don't think I turned it off. Unless the Swoop Gang are familiar with that same tech, they probably can't even tell the different with it. The channel is transmitting to signal 539257. Or 539258... it shifts back and forth, sometimes. But it's a 50/50 shot."


"I'm not sure if small is that accurate, though. I've seen some of these... types of people before. They were much better organized than they have any right to be, and seem to have been making enemies in the process. Perhaps expanding too quick? They're dangerous, though."


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Serentethe Aboard the Renaissance


Serentethe glady followed Recusatia up the ramp, ignoring the look of the nearby apprentice. As far as he was concerned, no one's opinion but her's mattered, barely even her's. She was his commander and he would serve her like he was bred to. If she ordered him to share a room then he would share a room, no matter how degrading.

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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IC(Helor Tuorri, In Transit):


"Jedi on our aft," the Kobok called out as the speeder raced through the undercity, and he made a note to buy some thermals if he got out of this alive. No fun getting chased if you didn't have some kriffin' grenades. Simple explosions being out of the picture, the pirate turned in his seat, lining the scope up with one of his front eyes as he scanned the traffic behind them for another glimpse of the Jedi-jacked speeder.


As for the port... Well. Wasn't the first he'd landed at on this trip. Might've earned a few more notches on his ship, but that cutter running for his life as the ship barreled towards him was the funniest kriffin' thing he'd seen all day.


OOC: I'm finding that it takes me a while writing from Tuorri's perspective, owing to the difficulty of simplifying syntax. I try not to use big words if I can absolutely help it with him, because.;.. Well, he doesn't think in big words.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: Salvador Oro | The Renaissance -> Sith Vessel


As Darth Recusatia moved past him, Lord Salvador gave a curt nod. When Serentethe moved past him as well, the Sith Lord shook his head. Fools. He then moved forwards, quickly passing the Clone and moving so he was standing near, but at a respectful distance, from the Darth. Having a particular focus in the field of expertise that involved thoughts, he knew enough beyond just rudimentary knowledge of the Force to use the very simple force power Empathy in order to communicate his feelings of distrust and irritation. As a Darth, Recusatia would no doubt be mentally aware enough to understand those thoughts.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC [Aboard the Renaissance]


It was then that L'uo figured it out.


As she was meditating on the creation of holocrons and the various crystals that went into their construction, that she realized all this time she was looking for a latch or button on the outside of the holocron. Many times the Dark Side alone would be able to activate these, but now she realized it would require a far greater skill in it than she had initially expected. Carefully, slowly, she probed the inside of the device with her mind, slipping past the impossibly small crystals and metallic inner workings. It was an intricate maze, a literal neural map of whatever Sith had imprinted their soul on it. It was a disturbing and yet simultaneously enlightening experience.


Finally, she felt what seemed to be three crystals on absurdly small hinges, perhaps a millionth of a meter out of place. Any normal mind wouldn't be able to tell that; with the Force, L'uo could barely make it out. The solution was obvious, the crystals had to go into their correct places. The question was, did they do so in a specific order, or all at once? She questioned for a moment which would make more sense. A specific order would be unable to be deduced except for dumb luck; a Sith would not make a holocron if no one could ever view it. They were far too time costly for such a trivial waste as that. So she decided she would flip them simultaneously.


In perhaps the smallest, most precise, usage of the Force L'uo had ever used, she twitched her finger. It was a struggle, really; her skill in telekinesis wasn't admirable to begin with. She wanted to force the crystals, but she knew that would only destroy them. With the force of the smallest breath of wind the crystals clicked into place simultaneously, L'uo taking a deep breath and the holocron promptly dropping out of the air onto the table as she let the Force go for a moment, not unlike someone who had tensed a muscle for too long.


An image appeared, stepping out onto the table. It was of a deeply robed Sith, perhaps human or a near-human species. He stood, silent, looking at L'uo with no emotion to speak of. The woman herself quickly knelt, showing the due respect to whatever mind had managed to create this.


"Master, I am but an Apprentice compared to you," she began. "But I seek knowledge and the power that comes with it. Your teachings would be invaluable to my struggles." In truth, she cared little for power, but this was created by an older Sith, those who were driven purely by greed of both material possessions and ultimate dominion over others. It was a facade she was more than happy to put up for what would no doubt be a wealth of knowledge.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC: Zane (Sith Infiltrator, the Renaissance)


Zane glanced over at the large Cathar, raising an eyebrow at the comment he had made about running out of space. "Says the largest of our group," he remarked but smiled to indicate that it was in jest.


IC: Elara (Coruscant)


"On my way," Elara nodded as she received San Vroon's message before turning to the driver, "If you don't mind, we may have to take a detour."


"Sure thing," the driver nodded, not looking all that pleased with the sudden change in plan. Elara was about to thank him when she spotted a red speeder racing through traffic in a manner that suggested the occupants were being chased.


"There. Follow that red speeder."


"Um, there's lots of red speeders out here, ma'am..."


"The one that's going faster than normal, thank you."

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