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  1. ankyfdarkness
    Latest Entry

    Just want to get your guys' thoughts on college.


    As a man who is close to finishing his associates degree, I'd like to hear what everyones' expectations are/were and how life has treated you during/after/before college.



  2. Makutaman654
    Latest Entry

    If you ever decide to pull a stupid stunt, like myself along with 20-sum others, to go to college summer classes for English (albeit, a sophomore-level class), prepare to read until your eyes bleed.


    Oh, the inhumanity..

  3. Well, just got the email that said I was needing to either ante up for another six months, or allow my premiership to lapse. As is becoming usual with this blog, I'm going to allow it to lapse and wait until I can either win a contest or something to gain premier again. Been nice to post up my thoughts the past half-year.


    And as is also becoming tradition: I shall end off with an AMA. If anyone has any questions they'd like to ask about anything at all, fire away!

  4. GreenBioGuy
    Latest Entry

    I will not be entering, due mainly to the fact that I simply have not had time to build something really good, and no mind-blowing ideas came to me to begin with. Sad, yes, but you can't enter them all. There are some really amazing entries this time around; stuff which I would have no hope of competing with. I sorta built a Han Solo, but there wasn't anything innovative about him really... BBCC's just don't hold the weight with me as they used to (I'm growing up I guess) I am looking forward to the voting process though.


    In other MoCing news my Fusion Project is very close to completion and once it's done a college friend of mine who is a Photography major (I think) has agreed to do professional photography of the model in an actual studio setting (which will be SO much better than my set-up at home). I look forward to showing him to you guys. :)


    So... yeah. Life is good, school is busy (but good), and I'm glad the weekend's here. I can't wait for LEGO Universe to be released but in the mean-time I do believe I'm going to go back to some of my old PC games to crack back open (i.e. Star Wars: Republic Commando)


    EF (GBG)

  5. Bitter Cold
    Latest Entry

    Been listening a bit to the Chicago Independent Radio Project.


    On an unrelated note.. Here's how your occupations compare with your values:


    Singer has 5 out of 9 of your values


    Animator has 5 out of 9 of your values


    Musician has 5 out of 9 of your values


    Artist has 6 out of 9 of your values


    Toy designer has 6 out of 9 of your values


    however bear in mind that two of them were "2 or less years training" and "A good salary I can depend on, maybe not the highest" soo yeah


    but what if I did them all at once? or at least, like, more than one

  6. Well, it's been a long time since I've been on here and I'm quite content to say I regret nothing.


    No, I'm not here to socialize, nor am I here to act like a harlequin. That doesn't mean I won't jot some stuff down here, but I'm not interested in being an entertainer- and no, I don't plan on being one of those passive agressive guys in the corner, mumbling and rolling their eyes either.


    Trimming the fat away, I'm here to sell off my Bionicle collection and I plan to provide information on that here if any of you would happen to be interested.


    But hey, hello again everyone!




    P.S: I plan on ignoring all the nonsense I've jibbered on here before, as nearly two years have passed and would serve as a poor example of who I am now, so I would be thankfull if you could give me the benefit of the doubt and do the same.

  7. I saw this movie a month or so ago.




    Oh... lord. I've never started to cry during a movie before. Never. I stopped myself before it happened, but, oh ...

  8. Just want to share this pic of my son playing with some Bionicle sets for the first time. It melted my heart, if anyone else will get it it's got to be you guys!


    My plans to indoctrinate the babies are finally coming to fruition. 🤨

  9. Portalfig
    Latest Entry

    This was supposed to say:

    IT’S OCTOBER ALREADY :bah-sign:

  10. So I'm not gonna tell you guys in great detail what is happening in my life, so I'll just condense it.

    I'm in an acting group, we had the last show saturday night one of our original productions. I'm in love with an amazing girl. School sucks. I was joker for halloween. My ex is also now my ex-friend. Guitar Hero World Tour rocks. yeah, thats mainly it, no detail, sorry, I'll try to get into habit of blogging again, I'm just not really into LEGO Bricks anymore so this site hasn't been on my top list of sites. But yeah.
  11. If I counted correctly (which, chances are, I did :P ), then my Premier Membership will be expiring tomorrow... and besides, Dlakii said something about me getting PM on his birthday or whatever, so I must be right. XD


    That said, I consider my mission to be fufilled... I had a summertime of Bloggehness, which I didn't entirely use that much... which basically means that I won't be renewing Premierness again in the near future, if at all. But it was fun. I'll be reverting the Blog back to its original theme before I lose it. No good having Minas Tirith as my memorial. :D


    A few last updates. Check LGD tonight or tomorrow for a new film from Legosfilm Ltd.; I hate to say this, but it's not Imperial Inspection. It's another PSA, kinda, explaining why it's not Imperial Inspection. It's hard to explain. Just watch it when it comes out. :P


    Speaking of that film of death, it's still not even in the editing stages yet. But it will get done. Before 2009. That's all I can promise at this point. :annoyed2:


    And I know I said I was going to post the pics of my new Star Destroyer... look for those in LGD as well. And maybe some pictures of Kashyyyk, Echo Base, Mos Eisley, the new Death Star... lots of goodies.


    Since I can no longer use this as a base... or rather, a rarely-used base (I should call this place Dantooine... OOH! NEW BLOG NAME!), I'll just be... heh, a fleet on the move. Mainly in LGD. Which I've mentioned three times now... :mellow:


    For now, ladies and gentlemen...


    Semper Fi.

  12. Whatever just happened to my early teenage story, oh well. You will be missed because I didn't save you. :'(


    Anyways, had plenty of fun at MakutaFest 2013 and talking it up for four hours and going on about Tuma for the majority of it. It'll be the last MakutaFest for me for at least the next two years, given it's still around then. Until the next time I'm there! :P




    T I L T I L

  13. Because those moments where you feel inexplicably depressed and futless for no reason are no fun.

  14. I returned to BZP after 5 years absent. I had originally logged on to this place in 2002, when I was 11. I went by Core Dimension most of the time and switched to Etcetere later. Crazy! Now it's 11 years later and I'm 22. Miraculously, I managed to remember the old yahoo email account I used and could recover my password.


    I'm going to pop back in to BZP from time to time now. I'm interested in seeing how many of my 14-year-old virtual friends I can find again!

  15. Kallista ~ Little light
    Latest Entry

    it's my birthday today....


    yep... 20 years old....


    I am not quite sure what to make of it today.


    Have some cake :)


    Job is great, hands not so great... have an old Valvo to drive around... been driveing other people around a lot.


    sorry for the half energy post but I'm pretty tired and I have to look peppy for work.





  16. Shadonix
    Latest Entry

    Is coming out in 3 days.


    I need a viable way to make $30 between now and then.

  17. blog-0850689001350187857.jpgCharacter Creation and Stats


    All of this is subject to change, but red font indicates where I know further work is needed. For example, values I'm not confident are appropriate, or parts that incorporate aspects of the project we have not yet gotten to.


    So with that out of the way, I will get to the six main Attributes:


    Charisma (Cha) – both a mental and a physical attribute – Charisma represents a character's ability to lead, persuade, and befriend others. It is based on both personality and physical appearance (for example, the Charisma of the Barraki was greatly reduced when they were mutated from magnificent warlords to creepy sea creatures). This Attribute is especially important to deceptive and manipulative characters, as well as ones that seek to gather allies and get them to work together, but any adventurer might find it useful when another character must be persuaded.


    Dexterity (Dex) – a physical attribute – Dexterity represents a character's agility, reflexes, and coordination. This is considered a physical value, for reflexes are instinctive. This Attribute is important for all characters, especially ones that rely on dodging and ranged attacks, and those that must move through difficult terrain.


    Intelligence (Int) – a mental attribute – Intelligence, in our case, includes both cleverness and wisdom. An intelligent character can figure puzzling things out, has enough wisdom or common sense to make good choices, and can learn skills more easily and achieve a higher level of mastery. Intelligence is especially important to characters that focus on honing their skills instead of merely using what abilities come to them naturally. But any adventurer is likely to occasionally encounter puzzles, which will be easier to solve with a higher Int score.


    Strength (Str) – a physical attribute – Strength, of course, represents a character's muscle and raw physical might. Strength is important in melee combat, and is important to characters that focus on such a discipline, as well as characters that do heavy labor. Strength is also important for such common uses as moving obstacles adventurers might encounter.


    Toughness (Tou) – a physical attribute – Toughness determines a character's ability to survive injury, as well as endure mental stress and suffering. These two qualities are represented by two sub-attributes: Vitality and Endurance, which I will explain in more detail shortly. Toughness is important to all characters, not only because one can't always avoid taking damage, but also because most Powers are mentally taxing – and so cost Endurance.


    Will (Wil) – a mental attribute – Will measures the a character's raw mental power. To clarify, Will is to Intelligence as Strength is to Dexterity. Will determines a character's control over his or her natural Powers, as well as any mind-activated items such as Kanohi. It also affects the rate at which Endurance is drained by things such as suffering pain and using powers. A character with higher will can endure more discomfort, and so this Attribute is important even to characters that do not use Powers.


    With that out of the way, we can get started. So, you want to make a character? I hope you have some details in mind. A character is a lot more than just a bunch of numbers. And yet it's these numbers that set this system apart from other Bionicle RPGs – the numbers help build a world that's not entirely in the control of those imagining it. The right use of these numbers – and enough luck – will make your character succeed. But have fun from your failures, too – misadventures are at least as entertaining as stories of success, aren't they? But anyway, to get started you will need to decide on a few things:

    • A name, of course! Or at least an alias, but you should probably have a real name for your character in mind anyway.

    • A race, sub-race, and gender. If you're sticking to the canon, the latter two will be linked for Matoran, Toa, and Turaga, naturally. See here for a list of races.

    • An alignment: good, neutral, or evil. This is really only important for the Moral Light stat, which I will explain later, and will not show up often. But you should have a good enough idea of your character to know if he or she is more like Lhikan or more like Teridax, or if he's somewhere in between – looking out for himself but not out to hurt anyone.

    • Previous experiences your character has – if we're going to have something for this, like what skills your character starts with... we still need to work on this. Hence the red font.

    • (Optionally) A Destiny. Now this isn't as concrete, and not completely in your hands. The basic idea is the Game Master is encouraged to bend the rules to help your character meet some predetermined fate. He should have some idea for every major character, and even if you tell him what you have in mind for yours, he has final say, and his decision will be kept secret. This Destiny will not always be achieved – meaning either it wasn't your character's destiny in the first place or he or she failed to achieve it, depending on how you interpret it. Just because you tell the GM 'I think my character should die heroically while vanquishing the Makuta that enslaved his people!' and he nods, heck, even if he says outright 'I'll try to make it happen' (which he shouldn't – he should keep his decision to himself), don't assume you have nothing to worry about from a horde of rampaging Protocairns.

    • Traits/Feats. We still need to come up with these.


    Once you've chosen those things, the next step is to roll to determine your six main Attributes.


    Most biomechanical beings have little difference in physique from the rest of their race. In addition, mental strength is greatly depended on race. Some Matoran might have stronger wills than others, but none ever have the ability to use Kanohi powers. And yet one can find a wide range of personalities and levels of intelligence among a particular race. Therefore, characters' initial Charisma and Intelligence values will be based on a larger roll – and so more varied – while Dexterity, Strength, Toughness, and Will will be determined by a smaller roll and more affected by racial modifiers. To determine the initial values for Charisma and Intelligence, roll four d6 die, discard the lowest value, and add up the values of the remaining three. For the other four Attributes, roll two d6 die and take the value of the higher roll.


    To determine your character's final stats, apply the racial modifiers listed below, then any Subtypical modifiers (for elemental tribes, etc), then any modifiers from traits and feats. Consult the list of races linked to above to determine your racial modifiers.




    Now for the two sub-attributes of Toughness. These two values are similar to the Hitpoints of D&D – indeed, that is basically what Vitality is – but for us it works a little bit differently:


    Vitality determines a character's physical health, and how much injury he or she can suffer before dying. A character with 0 is immobilized by injury, a character with -1 to -9 inclusive is dying or recovering from near-death, and a character with -10 is dead. Just like D&D Hitpoints, except a character that is between -1 and -9 is not necessarily unconscious.


    Endurance is what determines if a character is conscious. It determines how much discomfort a character can suffer before passing out. A character with 0 cannot attack, a character with -1 to -9 must sit or lie down, and a character with -10 is unconscious.


    Characters' maximum Vitality and Endurance can be affected by outside modifiers, but as a baseline, each point of Toughness contributes 10 points to Vitality and Endurance.




    Now, we will define Moral Light. It is greatly tied to a Matoran Universe inhabitant's morality – indeed, some say it defines it completely. In any case, we use it for but two purposes. Firstly, there is the rare ability to measure a being's Moral Light to determine if he or she is good or evil. Keetongu has this ability. Secondly, characters that have high enough Will and know the technique can channel their inner Light or Shadow into attacks. Using one's light in such a manner takes extreme purity of spirit and discipline, and as such as never been achieved in the main universe. How this will work is not yet determined – we may have a Good-Neutral-Evil scale, or just ask whether a character is evil enough to call upon this inner darkness.




    Resistances do just what it sounds like they do – they help your character resist damage and other negative effects he or she did not avoid completely. They are represented as percentages, for the value of the resistance is the percentage of damage that is mitigated. (In the case of negative resistances, that much extra damage is added.) For example, if a fireball that would normally do 20 damage hits a Ta-Matoran, who has a natural +50% Heat resistance, it would do only 10 damage to both Endurance and Vitality. If a sonic attack that also normally did 20 damage hits a De-Matoran, whose sensitive hearing gives him a huge -300% resistance to Endurance damage from Sonics, he would take 20 Vitality damage but 60 Endurance damage. By default, characters have 0% in resistances – these values are changed by racial modifiers, traits, and equipment. Here is the list of damage and resistance types, along with examples of what can deal each type of damage:


    Acid – natural acid sources as well as attacks such as the Rhotuka of Keelerak deal Acid damage. Acid is also commonly found in heavily polluted places such as Xia.

    Cold – extremely cold weather, elemental Ice users, and Toa of Fire absorbing a great deal of heat can all deal Cold damage.

    Crushing – one of the three physical damage types. Blunt weapons such as hammers, falling rocks, and most kinetic force launchers deal Crushing damage.

    Electric – Rahkshi of Electricity, Toa of Lightning, and some energy weapons deal Electric damage.

    Elemental – Elemental damage is an unusual case. It applies to powers based on Elemental Energy, and in most cases comes along with whatever sort of damage that elemental attack otherwise does. For example, a normal fire would be considered to only deal Heat damage, while a fire directly from a Toa of Fire would be considered to do both Heat and Elemental damage. A character with 25% Heat resistance or Elemental resistance would take 25% less damage from such an elemental attack, while a character with 25% resistance to both damage types would suffer 50% less damage.

    Energy – technically, all these damage types are based on some sort of energy, whether it is radiation, kinetic energy, or chemical energy. This damage type, however, refers to powers that are not linked to any element or physical damage type. For example, Axonn's hand blasts, most Rhotuka, and a Rahkshi of Disintegration's power are all mitigated by Energy resistance.

    Heat – Rahkshi of Heat vision and a Toa of Fire's fire do Heat damage, of course, as well as natural fires and heat sources such as lava and unbearable hot desert days.

    Light – one of the rarer damage types, Light is especially strong against creatures of Shadow and is dealt by Av-Matoran as well as some weapons such as Lightstone rifles and light launchers. Light resistance may also effect your chance to be blinded by bright lights.

    Mental – Psychic attacks from Makuta, Toa of Psionics, and other beings with such abilities deal mental damage. In most cases, such attacks affect the mind directly, and so Mental damage usually or always affects only Endurance.

    Piercing – the second of the physical damage types. Weapons such as daggers, arrows and fangs deal piercing damage, as do spikes materialized by Toa of elements such as Iron, Stone, Ice, or the Green.

    Poison – some beings have natural poison-based abilities, such as Rahkshi of Poison. Many plants are also poisonous, and a Toa of the Green that knows how to do so can create these plants. Poisons can also be concocted and added to weapons.

    Shadow – Makuta are the most famous wielders of Shadow, with elemental Shadow powers, but non-elemental Shadow damage can also be dealt by an evil character calling upon his or her inner darkness.

    Slashing – the third of the physical damage types. Bladed weapons such as swords deal slashing damage.

    Sonic – extremely loud sounds can incapacitate and even injure. Rahkshi of Power Scream, Toa of Sonics, and some Rahi and weapons are capable of dealing Sonic damage. Hearing sensitivity affects Endurance damage received from Sonic attacks – characters with very sensitive hearing suffer more from such attacks, while deaf characters suffer less. In either case, however, the Vitality damage done remains the same, for hearing ability does not affect how much damage sonic vibrations do to one's body.




    Elemental Energy is a value possessed by only some beings, and is used for Elemental powers. It recharges over time, and characters that have depleted their Elemental Energy cannot use Elemental attacks until some of it recharges. Beings that have Elemental Energy include:


    Av-Matoran – a very small amount

    Toa – a large amount

    Turaga – a small amount

    Skakdi – a large amount

    Makuta – a large amount




    Toa Energy is a unique type of power only Toa have. Most characters will never have to worry about it, but it is an important value for those it applies to.


    Matoran with the potential to become Toa have 0, as do Turaga. All other beings have -1. In most cases, whether a Matoran has the potential is randomly generated by the GM and unknown to the player. In some settings you can choose to play as a Matoran with the potential (though keep in mind your character would most likely not know this) or start as a Toa, and in other settings playing as a Toa will not be an option. For a destined Matoran to become a Toa, he or she must come into contact with an object imbued with at least 10 points of Toa Energy. Often, the GM will also choose a special circumstance that must also happen, such as placing the imbued objects into a Suva. Toa most often use fist-sized stones for such vessels, and decorate them with carvings, but they are also known to use their weapons and tools instead.


    Upon becoming a Toa, a character's TE is raised to 60. Besides transforming other Matoran into Toa – which costs 10 TE each – Toa Energy can also be channeled into very strong – some call it miraculous – healing power. When their Toa Energy value reaches 0 again and they have completed their Toa Destiny, they become a Turaga. Toa Energy never regenerates, and expending it does not weaken a Toa in any way until they become a Turaga.


    I may add a trait system to this post later, or include it in a future blog update.

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    Toa Stheno
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    [lastentry][longrant]For my birthday both my grandmothers take me shopping. I went with my dads mom yesterday and got as followed:






    -MT-21 Mobile Mining Unit

    -Anakin's Clone Wars Starfighter.

    -A Nerf N-Strike gun

    -A N-Skrike expandision kit with night scope and 10 extra bullets.

    -Two lightsabers

    My mom got me a Beverly Hillbillies DVD set and my dad got me Lego Star Wars II.

    My grandma that took me shopping said if I came out with As and Bs on the 4th quarter's report card she would get me an iPod.

    I might go shopping with my mom's mom today or Thursday.[/longrant]

    I has been fun owning this blog. Expect me back soon.[/lastentry]

  18. Snoopy82
    Latest Entry

    Hello everyone!


    I know it's been a million and a half years since I've been around here, but unfortunately I was dealing with some real-life-things so BZP took a backseat for a while. Thankfully, now all that has mostly passed over and school is done so I have literally nothing to do. So, I have decided to be active more. I don't know how many--if anyone--will remember me but hopefully I can make a positive impact while I'm back. :)


    I was going to make a post a while ago, saying I was sorry I was gone, but for a while I thought it was fitting that my last blog post was the last chapter of my last epic. That said, I looked it over before I started writing this. Whatever that is, unfortunately the BZ-Metru Story is complete garbage. Whoever wrote it should be ashamed of themselves!


    ...Ehehe well anyway to that end I really do not like what I have gone out on and because of that I have decided to go out in one last blaze of glory. Well, when I say go out I mean that presumptuously--I head out to college September 22, and I don't foresee much free time for BZP after that unfortunately :/ I'm going to a rather rigorous school so I doubt I could fit it in with all the other stuff I plan on getting involved in. But who knows, hopefully I can still be a little active after that!


    So, tonight, June 13 (well, it turned over into the 14th while I was typing), I have started writing one last epic. It is not going to be an action-centered story like the BZ-Metru Story was. Obviously there will still be action--and I anticipate lots of it--but I hope to make it much more focused on the characters and specifically the relationship between a core group.


    I hope to use this blog for (among just everyday thoughts and updates) the creation of that epic. I know what I want the setting to be, I know where I want it to start, and I know where I want it to end. I don't know how to get there quite yet. My goal is to have this thing be MAX twenty chapters, roughly 2000 to 3000 words each--even more. 10-12 longer chapters would be much more preferred. I intend to start posting July 14th and post one chapter each Sunday from then until I'm done (obviously I'll adjust as needed).


    So, for anyone who's made it this far, I ask one question to get things rolling: let's say you're on Mata-Nui. You have the original six Turaga: Vakama, Nuju, Whenua, Nokama, Onewa, and Matau (I'm proud of myself, I remembered 4 of 6 :P ). Which one is you're least favorite? Which one would you least like to have as a leader?


    Thanks, and makes sure to leave any comments, suggestions for the epic, or general thoughts in the comments. :)

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    Latest Entry

    :happydance: :happydance: well this is my first blog first blog entrey well it's open :happydance: :happydance: and u must post it's in the contract look :lookhere: :lookhere: lol



  19. Wow, my first topic post here in a long time! I want to apologize for constantly dropping of the face of BZP, only to pop up again every now and then. But that's been done before, and I suppose it's just the way it's going to be.


    Anyway, check out my latest post, though it's nothing special. Just a wallpaper.





  20. Takua the Wanderer
    Latest Entry

    So I was away for a few weeks because I was playing video games all day busy doing homework, and that's all finished now. And since it's the beginning of the third trimester here, homework's kinda light right now. And Spring Break is next week. :D

    So yeah, I guess I'm back. Maybe. Sorta. :lookaround:


    Oh, and thanks to that glitch, I don't have to clean out my inbox for a while! :happydance: Although it's kinda weird that Shadow-Nui just sent me a PM from August. :blink:

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    I've decided to stop being lazy and go on BZP again.


    But I'm still being cheap and getting only sets that appeal to me.

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