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Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


I'm a girl again. Happy? :P




This was tyoed onluy with my lefty hasnd


Tjhis wasd tyyped only with my right had


hyis ayped ih my nose


...Speaking of which, which hand (assuming you use your hands) do you rely on more in typing? And which non-hand part of you would you say is the most skilled typist? [/notrandom]





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The following three statements were typed without pressing backspace or delete: This was typed with only my left hand. This was typed with only my right hand. this was typed with only my nose.
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Well, I kind of went to elementary school one day and we went to the computer lab that day, so I came home and was like "mom, dad, we're learning how to type!" and my mom was like "IF YOU DON'T LEARN HOW TO TYPE REALLY WELL AND SUPER FAST AND EFFICIENT I WILL DISOWN YOU BECAUSE THAT IS A SKILL YOU WILL DEFINITELY WANT AND NEED TO HAVE. YOU'LL THANK ME LATER."


So, I learned how to type really really fast.


That, and for each level that you got through in the typing program my computer lab used, the more pizza and ice cream you got to eat at the end of the year computer lab pizza party, so I had a bit of motivation going on there as well.



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Me, I dunno, depends on what I want to write and if I know beforehand what words I'll use so my typing speed is more determined by the speed my thoughts have.


I do tend to use both hands though, with all available fingers, although I do not know how to type in the all finger system. But then again practice makes perfect and even if you don't know how to use all 10 fingers efficiently you'll get darn fast in some time.


On the other hand, hows your handwriting going? Got a readable, eye-pleasing font flowing from your fingers or does it look like we're gonna scratch things into rocky surfaces like the Neanderthals again soon? :P

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Both. They work in tandem.


I'm a high-speed hunt-and-pecker. Really. And I can type like 70 wpm if I tried. :P



This, pretty much. Maybe a bit faster.


Halo PC makes you fast.

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i usuallky just type with my leftr index finger??(occasionnally using mnyh thumb) but his was typed just using my nose (9and toungue for the shift key when using bracketts)./


now I've got spit all over the shift key and a bit of a headache from watching the keys zoom in and out so close to my face, all that dedication just for a sentence full of typos, don't know why I bothered.

To elaborate on my answer, sometimes I use both hands or one or the other, it depends what I'm doing, I might be texting or using two computers at once or just too lazy to sit up and type properly, I think I mainly use my left hand because I use my right hand for the mouse.


which do you use?

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*breathes sigh of relief because he now knows that his girlfriend is a girl*

This is quite possibly the greatest response this entry could possibly get. :P

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I use both, but if there is a difference, it would be small, and I think my left hand would be the better one since I'm left-handed.
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Well, statistically speaking, it's said that if you use the proper "home row/keys" typing method you use keys pressed by the left hand a good amount more than the right hand side, though I can't remember the exact percentages (of course it's all got to do with averages).

That said, I want to know why people typing with their noses are failing to capitalize their sentences? It's called the "caps lock" key! I mean, c'mon! IT'S LIKE ONLY THE MOST USED KEY ON THE KEYBOARD, RIGHT!?!?!?!?!??

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:
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I rely on my left hand for the left half of the keyboard and my right hand for the right half of the keyboard, but really I use my left hand more. Which is funny because I'm right handed for most other things...
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Both. They work in tandem.


I'm a high-speed hunt-and-pecker. Really. And I can type like 70 wpm if I tried. :P




:kaukau:That's what I get on average. If I try, I'd get 100. I've done it before. I remember when I was taking a computer class, typing was what really kept my grades up. So yes, given how frequently I type, I know how to type properly and thus type with each hand with equal ability.


And thi is me typing with my nose. I''s still at around 15.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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Both. They work in tandem.


I'm a high-speed hunt-and-pecker. Really. And I can type like 70 wpm if I tried. :P



Me too. Hunt-and-pecking FTW. :P


~ :t: :a: :r: :k: :a: :n: :a:

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I use my left hand for 95% of my letters and for pressing the shift key to make capitals. I'm a two-finger typist, but I'm actually surprisingly fast, simply because I know where all the keys are.


My parents tried to make me learn typing but it wuz so hard and i couldn't and i failed... i'm so sorry... *sniff*


I wish I could type properly, because I know that it's a valuable skill. But I've tried to learn typing and I just can't. It feels so unnatural. Even after months of typing, I always end up going back to my two-finger method.



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...Speaking of which, which hand (assuming you use your hands) do you rely on more in typing?

My right hand is more skilled at typing than my left, though they're pretty close.


And which non-hand part of you would you say is the most skilled typist?

My forehead. Duh.




This is being typed with my left hand.

This is being typed with my right hand.

This is being typed with my nose.

No backspaces or deletes were used.


...Considering that I'm actually sick right now, I probably shouldn't have been typing with my nose... >.< *leaves to get some napkins*

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