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Blog Comments posted by Waffles

  1. Yes, but Gato's sexuality isn't just a faculty. What we are referring to by saying "Gato's sexuality" is the complex connotation that it has developed. His entire past. Gato's thoughts on it, and society's thoughts on the matter all make up what we are referring to.


    Especially his past, which has influenced his will fundamentally. I may not literally be my parents, but their influence is so great that when I say they are part of me, I mean that they have shaped me incredibly, and that who (emphasis on who, not what) I am is deeply connected to them.

  2. It seems to me that Zarayna's argument isn't really an argument, but rather his disagreement with the purely philosophical point that Gato (or somebody) made. Regardless of his other possible views, that postise mostly a clarification of an unrelated point regarding the nature of being.


    So in other words, Zar's not disagreeing with you. Or maybe I'm wrong.

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