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Rpg: Starscape


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OOC: I'm still waiting to see if someone other than Xom can guess which sci-fi race Xom encouraged me to copy after I said I was thinking of copying them for lack of better ideas, so I can't get into too much detail, but other than what's already been said, about six foot, metallic(As in a shell, not as in natural armor. That'd just be silly.) humanoid things stuck at that halfway point between birds and reptiles. Once someone guesses it I'll post an image for everyone who doesn't know the source material, but for now, someone needs to guess it, because I love guessing games. :PEdit: Wait, they're required? Aww...can I get confirmation from Xom on this? Because I want to see if anyone can get it, but if not, I have an official description and plenty of images.IC: "As long as it's only a few hours by modern travel, we're ready to go now - otherwise, we'll need to bring supplies since it's still unclear if we can eat the same things you can, and that's not something we're looking to test right now."

Edited by Necro

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OOC: Turians? From Mass Effect?IC: Biometric scans show that your physiology is compatible with ours enough to digest our food. Whether you'll like it our not, well... we have a wonderful Bivali chef onboard, and we'll have to see if anything seems appetizing to you, should you be hungry. But yes, the journey shouldn't take more than a few hours. If you'll lead us back to our ship, we're ready to disembark.IC: The Poseidon, carrying the Grand Proctor of Treanu as well as the Proctor of each world left its dock with the starbase, the massive ship leaving Treanu's gravitational pull before jumping towards 2-26. It would arrive within a few hours.OOC: Poseidon en route to 2-26.

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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Not required, someone just asked for it.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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OOC: Not required, merely requested. I'll shortly post the full Diemawr profile in my blurgh, though.EDIT: Yeah, what the King said.

Edited by The Shadows Out of Time

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOC: Thank you. Love the games, so it's a definite plus in my book to be familiar with the series. Reference images for everyone who's unfamiliar. If you want a description, just go to the ME wiki, they have people who did more than just skim the codex, and I'm willing to bet a few Bioware employees, writing a much better description than I will.IC: "As long as it's digestible, that will be fine - I'm willing to have a few sour meals given the importance of this meeting."


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OOC: I've never actually played the games, honestly. :( However, I have read about half that wiki, so I know a lot about it. :PIC: We'll have to see what he's able to whip up, but I trust he'll find something you'll find palatable. Well, the ship's warming her engines, so if you'll lead us back to the hangar, we can be on our way.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOC: Well, on the bright side, ME3's coming out soon, so it's a good time to jump in. :D Either way, knowing the wiki should make you familiar enough to understand what's going on with the Natiru.IC: "Lets not waste any time then." At that, Argus rose from his seat, the other Primarchs following with him as they left the conference room, towards the docks.


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OOC: Turians? Now I feel stupid for not being able to connect them with your description.Also I'll post the Kalarii description after I change it from the half-paragraph of suck that it currently is (though most of you are probably familiar with them anyway).

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IC: As they reached the docks, a hatch in the back of the large, shrimp-like ship opened, revealing a fleshy pink membrane which obscured the ship's interior. As they reached it, it retracted, forming an opening for them to step through. Unlike the ship's metallic titanium exterior, the interior of the craft was full of color and pulsing lights, pink tendrils of coral snaking their way everywhere.And this was only the airlock.They group moved to the other side of the small room, the aliens looking in wonder at the strange design. An identical membrane retracted, and they stepped into a spacious room.The air was moist and salty, like the ocean- a scent of freedom, and wild, uncontained power. The room appeared to be the central part of this level of the ship. In the middle was a table big enough to seat all the aliens with a few seats left over, made of coral polished smooth, with the sheets cushioned in a spongy organic material. A Bivalvi soldier stood at attention in the room, and as they walked in, the smell of cooking seafood, different but not unpleasant hit them. They looked to their left, finding a door shaped opening set into the wall, which led into a small kitchen. A large window allowed them to watch another Bivalvi prepare food.Straight ahead of them, across the table was another membrane, this one nearly transparent. Through its taught, organic structure, they could see one of the squid-like Sui'Malo, the pilot, watching them intently. Behind him a small incline led into the ship's control booth, which they could just make out.While Lehua stopped in the room with them, The Minister moved to another transparent membrane set into the wall at an angle, just right of the pilot's area. His glass "bubble" moved against the membrane, which slipped around it, forming a watertight seal as he slipped through, then closing behind him. Inside, the two Sui'malo guards removed the bubble, which was taken to another part of the ship.Straight to the right of the tables, yet another membrane was there- though this was not extremely interesting, only showing a ramp leading to the lower levels of the ship, a testament to its size.Everywhere in the ship- the floor, the walls, the ceiling, in and among the machinery, was the glowing pink and purple coral. In fact, with so much organic technology, the ship seemed almost to be made of coral with a titanium shell.From behind the membrane, the Minister's voice projected in the minds of the Primarchs.Welcome, my friends, to the Neverending Truth.

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC(Dugrhyfel): The Dugrhyfel, de facto Flagship of the Diemawr, had plotted what was estimated to be the optimal course to 2-26, a course that required the first jump to take them to 2-29 from the starting point of 2-13.The initial jump was pulled off without a hitch, much to the delight of the Diemawr aboard, the 50-man crew including a team of three diplomats, whose mission was the sole reason for the voyage. Were it not for the uneasiness of the Diemawr regarding the status of Caerdydd, it might have been more practical to simply send the Golau-a-Gobaith. Most likely, though, it still would have been the shiny new Dugrhyfel that would have gone, given how much more impressive it was than the tiny scout.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOC:The Kalarii are a race of humanoid otter-people with long, flexible bodies. They stand at 2.1 metres on average, with tails about 1.5 metres in length. The purpose of a Kalarii's thick, muscular tail is to steer and and in some cases propel the Kalarii while swimming.  Because of its strength and weight, the tail can be used as a blunt weapon in combat. They have retractile claws that serve little purpose aside from grooming their fur in their current evolutionary state, but have proven useful as last-ditch close-quarters weapons. The fur covering their bodies is short, fine, and dense. The colouring is usually a dark brown, but it is not hard to find other colours, from beige and tan to reddish brown. Their diet consists mostly of seafood, primarily crustaceans, but they also eat bread and fruits.Image

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OOC: I described the Alizarin the description section. I thought that was what it was there for. The inspiration was basically this thingIC: In light of recent events, and since the four Outer Planets were now Inner planets, work was begun on a further set of Cerulean. The Alizarin were determined not to be outnumbered so badly the next time this happened


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IC [Location: New Lleh. Identity: Rebel leader]New Lleh was, when it was first founded, a glorious site for the Natsirt who had arrived. They had left when dust storms and radiation flares still plagued their planet, before technology had began to quell nature's wraith. Nuclear holocaust was never a good thing for a world; five in a row had nearly ended the Natsirt forever. It was only sheer luck and some doing that the Haven Bunkers were never destroyed, allowing the Natsirt to preserve all their knowledge and wisdom for the next generation, after the war.So when the first Natsirt had stepped off their vessels onto this lush, green world, many of the older Natsirt had a stroke on the spot. It was why it had been called New Lleh, named after the legendary utopia city Lleh, who's gardens were said to of even survived the wars. It had been named after paradise.Funny thing names; they're only that. Within five years Lleh had been stripped of it's great, alien forests, what little indigenous lifeforms driven from their cycle of life. Even the alien insects in the dirt were killed by the fertilizer that, while Citamgine's creatures accepted it, these alien lifeforms did not. Planets that already had an ecosystem were, according to the astronomers, rare and scattered loosely throughout the cosmos.So now what was Lleh? Activist groups held the remaining continents under control, but it's main largest continent was stripped bare, only scattered farms dotting the bleak landscape. With the trees gone the droughts came; with drought came dust, and with dust came days on end without sun. Now every citizen could know what Citamgine experienced.Colonists there knew how to tame the world for them though; after five some years of living on this **** hole they had adapted. Thus, when a woman walked down a street during a violent dust storm, no one gave her a second look; dust storms, while frightening to the children, rarely actually hurt you if you took the correct precautions.She walked into a bar, a casino, something of the sort. In the corner a man was commenting that he'd found a quartz deposit that could make him rich but the Confederation was prohibiting him mining it until further notice. The woman sighed; she had no love of the Confederates, but she knew that this time they were right. On Citamgine quartz was extremely rare; elsewhere in the galaxy, not so much. If their currency was to inflate at a time like this, it'd mean economic ruin. She took a seat at a table playing cards. The dealer wore loose clothes, showing off the fact that he was not entirely Natsirt. Genetic engineering was rampant on the colony worlds; probably because those on Citamgine kicked all their mutants offworld. Citamgine was only for the best now, the rich and the smart. Jump drive had been around for over a decade, but it had only been used in small experimental cases and the colonizing fleet that had been sent to this world. Now the scientists had perfected it and the Confederates were taking every chance they had to ship their misfits and their criminals offworld."I'm putting ten." A man next to her muttered. "Raising the share to fourteen."There were some minor curses, but all of them put their money in, the woman taking this chance to put in a good hundred credits. She drew a little attention for that, but no one spoke of it; not yet. The card game ebbed as she played, and by the time she was done she was a little richer... but that hadn't been her reasoning for playing it. She walked into the back room, the dealer following her in. She didn't know what to think about mutants; some modifications she could understand. But flagrant disregard for your species by giving yourself scales and claws just didn't have any meaningful purpose besides showing everyone how much of a ****** you were."A good game." The mutant cocked his head slightly. "Now, what does the resistance want?""We've gained... a new ally. The time has finally come that we over the Confederates. We need to make an organized and bloodless revolt though; we can't have civilians getting killed in the streets.""A pipe dream of a naive resistance member; if you want a revolt you're going get your hands dirty." The mutant sighed. "I suppose you want it as bloodless as possible. In that case I may be able to help. Who's this new ally?""Someone extremely powerful; he'll be bringing the military to our side.""Time is of the essence I suppose.""I want a new government by the time the month is over.""Daring and bold; how are we going hide from Intelligence though?""This encryption key is based off of impossible objects. Any computer that tries to process without the correct formula will spend weeks trying to solve it. Give it to your friends; the ones you can actually trust not to turn it over to Intelligence.""This is risky; we've been having rebellion meetings for years now but even with what's happening now it's going be hard convincing everyone it's time to strike. We've become too use to saying words without meaning them.""Not my problem; my people are ready to rise up, make sure yours are too." The woman turned to leave the room, only to be stopped by a hand against the door."How long are you going to be staying here?"She responded with an elbow to the chest, hearing a couple ribs break as the man fell back against the wall. She walked out, closed the door, and left the bar. People on this planet could get really desperate at times, that was for sure. But the mutant would do his job; he might not welcome her back, but he would do his part in the rebellion.OOCThis is the start of my 'rebel plot', where I try to redeem my people in the eyes of my enemies until my worlds are guarded by three starbases and my fleet is big enough to properly retaliate against any assault. It serves another purpose as well; I'm a bloody writer, and my posts are being beat by a guy who had the ToA Style One Liner named after him. This is obviously wrong, so I must restore my author dignity by making giant subplot posts.INDUSTRY REPORT:PLANETS:1-1 Citamgine, Homeworld1-2 New Lleh, Core World upgrade 25th1-39 New Llaf, Core World upgrade 25th1-40 Unknown, unknownPRODUCTION:NoneSHIPS1 Darter class, drydock.8 Valiant class3 Homeworld class1 Destroyer class3 Protector class30 Resistance classTOTAL INDUSTRY:11 total, 0 IP available.sellthecake

Edited by Cartographer Alex Humva


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC(Dugrhyfel): After some time taken to recharge the jump drive, the Brawd-dur-Class ship jumped again, continuing on its journey to the conference. At each stop, a small team of astronomers used the ship's down-time as their opportunity to thoroughly map out the visible portions of the solar systems. The maps they had received from the Syrrinx were perfect for showing political boundaries, sure, but they were disappointingly short on the interesting bits - the number of planets in a system, how many of them are gas giants, how many have rings, which ones decided they were too cool for the rest and just started revolving sideways, all that.This one - numeric designation 2-28, and may the gods fell the tree of whoever was unimaginative enough to do the whole thing by numbers, thought one of the astronomers* - was a beauty. Two rocky planets with no atmosphere to speak of just sort of sunning themselves in the glare of the sun - a main sequence yellow star, absolutely wonderful - and, further out, a third rocky planet that was at just the right distance from the sun to be habitable, and, best of all, it had rings - a little asteroid belt, right around the equator of the planet.Further out, it was all gas giants - and ones painted by a madman, at that - right up to the edge of the system, where two dwarf planets of nearly equal size were orbiting each other, with a smaller one held perfectly still in the middle as they all whirled about the sun, hundreds of millions of miles away."Goron-Trysor," the lead astronomer said quietly, face nearly touching the viewing screen. "This one is definitely going on the list." Caerdydd could wait, the next coloniser had to come here.OOC: Proud Astronomer Race Guys? Or can they just be distracted by anything shiny?Anyway, yes. Holdings.INDUSTRY REPORT:PLANETS--Diemwnt-Cwn (Homeworld) 2-12-Diemwnt-Blaidd (Core World) 2-13-Diemwnt-Drwg (Core World) 2-11PRODUCTION-One (1) ColoniserFLEET-One (1) Brawd-dur, designation DugrhyfelThree (3) Carreg-durTOTAL INDUSTRY-11 Total, 11 Used, 0 AvailableGötterdämmerung

Edited by The Shadows Out of Time

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOC-nevermind-Also, your remark about the gods felling my tree is very, very, creepy considering one of the trees in my backyard got blown over today. Sure, it was a tiny tree but still, what a coincidence.

Edited by Cartographer Alex Humva


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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OOC:Kalarii Federation Starship, World, and Construction Inventory#月#日World Classes:CO - colonyPR - protectorateSS - self-sustainingOW - outer worldIW - inner worldCW - core worldFW - forge worldHW - homeworldPlanets:(1-8) Czalath - CW 3 - 11月24日(1-9) Kalaras - HW 5(1-10) Torios - CW 3 - 11月24日(1-34) Nakare - OW 1 - 11月23日Ship Classes:s - smallm - mediuml - larged - dropshipc - carrierConstructing:(1-8) 月日(1-9) coloniser - 4 - 11月24日(1-10) 月日(1-34) 月日Starships:Lutra M - 1 - (1-1)- KaoruLutra M - 1 - (1-39)- Nio no MiyaLutris M - 1 - (1-2)- ScyldEnhydra MD - 2 - (1-34)- Ea4 Eversmanii S - 1 - (1-34)- Ecqwela4 Eversmanii S - 1 - (1-34)- Heremod4 Putorius S - 1 - (1-34)- TurnusIndustry Total: 5+3+3+1=1212–3S–5M–4C=0misakaimouto

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OOC: Oh wow. That's um... That's... Wow. Just wow. Considering the symbolism of trees in their culture, I'm very glad it was a literal tree that fell.By the way, I feel I should mention that religion for the Diemawr is a very personal thing. The whole species doesn't really have one religion, more like fifty, and each individual just sort of picks one and goes with it. Not really important for their interstellar politics, but you might see some of them making references to gods, or spirits, or what have you.

Edited by The Shadows Out of Time

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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I hate this job.That was the thought that ran through Tok Grune's head as he moved carefully through the swamps of Tonn Croa, his clawed Bivalvi feet sinking deep into the mud with every step. Huge trees rose up around him, and he could hear the noise of the planet wide swamp all throughout the air. His hands clamped tightly around the magnetic rifle he held, eyes darting nervously about.Tok had been the son of a kelp farmer back on Bival, but he didn't want to spend his days harvesting kelp to sell. Tok wanted adventure, and excitement.At least, that's what he had thought.Tok had been one of the first settlers to sign up to colonize Tonn Croa, the government sponsoring his trip. Here, he'd found a job as a Malawki hunter- their large reptilian skins were fairly valuable, due to the challenge of acquiring them.He had left his watercraft back in the Bayou- it'd be fairly secure out here, and was now stalking through the swamp, watching and listening for any sign of a Malawki- if one were to catch him off guard, he'd be dead.And they weren't even the most dangerous things on this swamp world.Suddenly, he heard a low growl through the trees.That'll be one, he thought nervously, his hands wrapped tight around his rifle. He moved towards the sound, moving out of the thick mud onto some relatively dry ground.This is strange... he thought. Malawki usually hung about near the muddy water, not on firmer ground. He cautiously pushed aside a fern, sticking his crustacean head through.A large, catlike creature was currently stripping the flesh from a small herbivore, it's slippery, sinuous skin regretting light, antenna undulating back from its head.That's no Malawki, he thought, and swallowed.Suddenly, the creature whipped its head around, and snarled.At their point, the Bivalvi did what any sane being would do, and ran for his life.The 12-foot predator leaped after him, paws almost like hands as it climbed over, around, and up trees, following him. It could catch him at any time, Tok realized.It was playing with him.The Bivalvi turned as he ran, trying to fire at the beast. He got off two shots, but both went wide. Suddenly, he reached a cliff."Oh, ****," he muttered. A cliff on a swamp world. Just his luck.Looking at it, though, he saw it wasn't really a cliff, more like sharply sloping land. It was almost completely choked by trees... Maybe the creature wouldn't be able to fi-Suddenly, he heard a thud, followed by a low growl.He spun around, finding himself face to face with the creature. It opened its mouth and snarled, revealing a forked tongue and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth.Four eyes locked onto him as the creature moved towards him. Its hind legs crouched back to pounce....Terrified, Tok lost his balance, tumbling backward over the ledge. The mud was soaked and slippery, and he began to slide down fast.Very fast.He caught a glimpse of the creature roaring angrily at the top of the ledge, staring down the steep incline after him, but quickly turned his attention to the slide. He rolled over, moving himself between two trees as they flew past him. If he hit one, he was dead. He rolled and twisted, ducking between openings in the trees, trying to stay alive. After about a minute, he hit a ramp, and landed face first in the swamp, the greenish water full of mud. He pulled himself out of the water, and reached up to wipe some mud off his head.Suddenly, Tok froze, hand halfway to his head.Sticking halfway out of the mud was a metal construct- twisted, wrecked, and heavily corroded, almost unrecogizable. But it was metal. He moved closer, and inspected it. The twisted metal recallled some of its former shape.... It was at the same time familiar, and completely different.Suddenly, his eyes widened.It's a ship... OOC: More epic ICs, and holdings post later! :biggrin:And I kinda had to return the favor to Alex. :P

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOCPsh; that post isn't a massive one, it's a bunch of one and two liners put together! Write in meaty paragraphs boi :PBecause honestly, with a little revising I could turn that long post into two or three paragraphs, easily. A big post is filled with meaty paragraphs, not a bunch of skinny sentences with spaces inbetween.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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OOCYeah I guess :PAnd to explain to anyone why I'm suddenly doing these massive posts; I came to RP, not really to win. I figure now that a war I might lose is on the horizon it's time to cash in on the RP part of RPG. It's fun, because you have an entire species to work with.IC [Location: New Llaf. Identity: Executive Daj]New Lleh was named after paradise; New Llaf was named after ****. Where Lleh had never ending forests that stretched far into the sky, Llaf had rocky barren plans. New Lleh had turned itself int a **** hole; Llaf already was one. The atmosphere was barely breathable when the colonists first arrived, forcing them to live in domed cities until the atmosphere could be terraformed. A decade later and the air still gave people sore throats; volcanic smoke covered much of the southern portion of the planet, vast volcanic chains erupting none stop. The star that the planet orbited was entering a violent stage in it's life cycle; the planet was near constantly being bombarded with solar radiation, only a strong magnetic field protecting the world from having it's oceans boiled. The energy trapped within the magnetic field gave rise to frequent electrical storms, the raw energy being unleashed in them unfathomable. There were a number of research facilities devoted to finding ways to harness the power that this planet had locked in it's atmosphere.In the largest city of the planet, Lley, a man sat, staring outside as the rain. You didn't walk in the rain on this planet; while the sulfuric clouds of dust were further south, the rain still had plenty of nasty things you didn't want on you. He sat in a large room, the wide window staring out onto the city. The planet may of been a **** hole, but business was extremely profitable. Besides the substantial money invested in manipulating this planet's natural energy source, mining operations were extremely productive; Lleh produced the food of the Confederation, Llaf produced the sheer minerals needed to run the population. The titanium, iron, tungsten and germanium mines were especially productive, all four of those elements necessary to run Confederation ships. Very productive indeed.Yet, working for the Confederation wasn't all good; otherwise, he wouldn't be talking to these so called rebels. He was a businessman, and the Confederation was stiffing him of his money. He could of easily gotten a thousand credits to a kilo of germanium, but the Confederation only payed him two hundred. That was barely cost effective; even with robotic laborers the costs of mining were barely offset by that low of a cost. He was making five credits off profit off the kilo; it was destroying his business. At least these rebels promised to pay him his rightful money. Of course, if Confederation Intelligence found out he was siding with the rebels he wouldn't live to see another forsaken day on this planet.Standing up and grabbing a cup of water he walked into the next room, where a video screen was displaying his business partners. Switching on his end, he took a sip and smiled."My friends, it's time to do a little business." He tapped a panel, sending a file to them. "This is a personal encryption of mine; don't try to solve it or I assure you every photon in your computer will go crazy. We've all been told by the rebellion that they're going be moving, and soon. According to them they intend to begin their actions the moment they've contacted all the cell members. An uprising like none other is going to happen, and the odds are the rebels are going to win. We need to be on the winning side.""Say what you will about the Confederation but at least they're consistent; this new government the rebels intend on forming, what's to say it won't be worse that what's already in place?" A woman asked."They've promised us our weight in quartz for our support; for people such as us that isn't really that much money, but their business plans seem to go to a more capitalist route; we will have minimum interference in our affairs. No government discounts, no getting cut of our rightful share. We'll be set for a new financial empire.""I have my doubts, but the rebels seem to be reasonable." The man didn't seem too sure of himself though. "If we don't support them and they win, it could mean the end of us.""And if they lose and we've supported them?" The woman asked"It's a gamble we must take my friends." The man with the water took a sip. "The military is supporting the rebels; we will not lose this game. Not today."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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<Insert long-winded IC here>The Syrrinx colony in 2-14 has upgraded to a Protectorate, freeing up one Industry point. Construction resumed on a Harnos-class Starbase in orbit of Calinar.Two Changeling class ships have each appeared in 2-28 and 2-31, following standard protocol: Taking detailed astronomical data and analysis of local planets in preparation for Colonization. Beacons have been set up including a solar-powered transmitter which declares these systems to be territory claimed by the Syrrinx Republic.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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OOC: Now that's just prickish.IC(Dugrhyfel): As theDiemawr ship was still present in 2-28 when the beacon was set up, they sent a quick transmission to the Syrrinx ship setting out beacons."Actually, if you wouldn't mind, we'd like this one. You've got plenty of other systems to pick, this one has our names written all over it. Plus, we found it first."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC:"Acknowledged. Sorry, didn't see you there." The beacon was collected, and the Changeling jumped to 2-27, where it repeated the same process. The Syrrinx could have put up a case for their ownership, but in the commanders' opinion, it was better to try to earn a "nice guy" reputation with the Diemawr(although the Syrrinx were still arguing over how the alien's name should be spelled.)OOC: Note: Beacons have no industrial cost or anything, but they do nothing but transmit radio signals, usually on a loop. No spy equipment or weapons.

Edited by King Of Shadows
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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OOC: Just noticed a Leben post I forgot to reply to...IC(140): "We're sorry," the leben diplomats were told, "But we must cancel any meeting on this planet. If you wish you may follow us to our homeworld and continue discussions there."As the Natsirt had suck to their word and evacuated 2-3, the Alizarin kept theirs. The cities on Celeste were scrapped, used to make simple freighter ships that would last one voyage to the home world. Where a coloniser was already under construction to claim the recently abandoned 2-3. Celeste would rise again...IC(2-28): The Unswerving Speed in the Face of the Abyss popped into the system, having cut through 2-15 and 2-14. Two delegations were present already, which was good to see."We are pleased that you heeded our request. There is a planet below with a fairly neutral atmosphere, we should all be able to cope on its surface. Should we descend and meet properly, sight to sight?"OOC: 2-5 (Glaucous-[Pheromone S]-Teal)Planet Level: Homeworld. Industry=5Navy: 4 Small Class Icterine, 20 Fighters, 1 Coloniser (Construction Complete Nov 27)Industry Deductions= 5Total Industry=02-1 (Iris-[Pheremone S]-Teal)Planet Level: Inner World (Upgrade to Core World Complete Nov 27). Industry=2Navy: 1 Medium Class Cerulean (Another under construction, complete Nov 23), 20 FightersIndustry Deductions= 2Total Industry=02-4 (Ultramarine-[Pheremone S]-Teal)Planet Level: Inner World (Upgrade to Core World Complete Nov 27). Industry=2Navy: 1 Medium Class Cerulean (Another under construction, complete Nov 23), 20 FightersIndustry Deductions=01Total Industry=02-6 (Turquoise-[Pheremone S]-TealPlanet Level: Inner World (Upgrade to Core World Complete Nov 27). Industry=2Navy: 1 Medium Class Cerulean (Another under construction, complete Nov 23), 20 FightersIndustry Deductions= 2Total Industry=02-17 (Palatinate-[Pheremone S]-Teal)Planet Level: Inner World (Upgrade to Core World Complete Nov 27). Industry=2Navy: Medium Class Cerulean (Another under construction, complete Nov 23), 20 FightersIndustry Deductions= 2Total Industry=0

Edited by The Power that Is


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IC: The Poseidon. The greatest building accomplishment ever achieved by Treanu, the massive ship coasted through 2-33, view screens giving the inhabitants a view of Tonn Croa as they passed by. It was a long ship, of titanium like always, with accents of purple and blue. At the front, the retractable opening, like the beak of a parrot, squid, or Sui'Malo held the most powerful weapon that Treanu had ever produced.In short, the ship was too legit to quit.Deep within, past the hangars of fighters, ion engine rooms, navigational bridge, weapons systems, marine quarters, and tanks of Maladu warriors was the heart of the ship- the quarters of the Tsui'nau. It appeared similar to the Grand Council room, but smaller. A holoprojector was in the center of the room, and as always coral grew throughout the space.The ship's captain, designated Montu 9358, floated there silently, honoring the more higher ranking Tsui'nau in the room with him.The five highest ranking officials of Treanu were there- Each system's Proctor, and the Grand Proctor of Treanu. 2-33, being such a new system, had no Proctor yet, and was unrepresented.The Grand Proctor began to speak.We hold alliances with two races now, thanks to Minister Cal-te 4432, and to you, Proctor Mulutau 3765. Your efforts with the Alizarin led to a successful conclusion. Minister Cal-te was also able to restore functioning relations, and secure peace with the Syrrinx, no thanks to you, Proctor Tau'mec 9054.The other Tsui'nau seemed to shrink from his statement, but did not attempt to defend himself.Today, continued the Grand Proctor, We will encounter at least one new race, and hopefully secure alliances with those we do not have them with. These may soon pull us into a war, one we must be prepared for. However, these alliances will also keep us strong, and so are of the utmost importance.Proctor Mulutau 3765, of Tuonata, spoke up.This world, Tonn Croa, has no Proctor yet, correct?It is as you say, replied the Grand Proctor.Then, Grand Proctor Nunsayen 7285, for his work with two races to aid our nation, his long service, and the fact he'll be at this meeting anyway, I move that we institute Minister Cal-te 4432 as acting Proctor of 2-33.The other three Proctors expressed support of this plan, and so the Grand Proctor had no choice but to agree.Very well. He will be informed upon his arrival. As well, the Minister has informed me that his ship is bringing representatives from our new allies, the Natiru, also. They'll be arriving somewhat later than us, but we'll receive them when they do.The ship had vented its radiation, and prepared to jump, disappearing in a cerulean flash to 2-32.OOC:Systems:2-42 : Homeworld(Treanu, Bival)2-34 : Inner World, Founded 10.31(Next upgrade 11.26) (Ka'andro)2-35 : Inner World, Founded 10.31(Next upgrade 11.26) (Tuonata)2-43 : Inner World, Founded 10.31(Next upgrade 11.26) (Bivali Mun)2-47 : Inner World, Founded 10.31(Next upgrade 11.26) (Sauyandu)2-33 : Protectorate, Founded 11.16(Next Upgrade 11.22) (Tonn Croa)Claimed: 2-32, 2-44, 2-45, 2-46, 2-48, 1/2 of 2-41(Split with Natiru)Fleet :1 Actinaria-Class Starbase- 2-421 Flight of Caridea-Class Corvettes- 2-42, Saber Group1 Archaeteuthidae-Class Dreadnought- 2-42, the Poseidon1 Euphausii-Class Scout-2-42, the Neverending TruthUnder Construction:4 Actinaria-Class Starbases: 2-34, 2-35, 2-43, 2-47 (Started 11.16, Finish 11.23

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOC: Well, it's good that the beacons can't, say, blow up your ship if you decide to ignore them - they'll leave that to the no-doubt angry claimants of the system.IC(Dugrhyfel): "We had been under the impression that the conference was to take place in the system designated 2-26, but as we seem to be converging here, this system must be sufficient."The astronomers, meanwhile, were ecstatic about the cession of the system to the Diemawr. It would not have done for the so-named crown jewel of the Diemawr to never actually be theirs.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOC: (will update this until next sunday daily depending on construction n other stuff)THERNIAN STATUS:Profile:Post 21Planets:1-11:Forge World-Azerax (+4 Industry)[Last upgrade: Nov 24th]1-12:Homeworld-Thernax (+5 Industry)1-13:Forge World-Vexavan (+4 Industry)[Last upgrade: Nov 24th]1-32:Inner World-Vozatox (+2 Industry)[Last upgrade: Nov 23rd]1-31:Self-Sustaining World-Zovann (+0 Industry)[last upgrade: Nov 25th]Fleet:3 009-SB Orbital Defence & Utility Stations (-3 Industry)-(01) (02 (03)8 046-S Light Frigates (-2 Industry)-(01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08)2 063-M Battleships (-2 Industry)-(01) (02)1 030-C Civilian Vessel (?)-(01-Vezzar Velkan)Industry:Planets= +15 IndustryFleet = -7 IndustryConstruction= -4 Industry (Colonizer to be completed on the 27th)TOTAL INDUSTRY: +4.0Ship Locations:-009-SB Orbital Defence & Utility Station 01 @ 1-11-009-SB Orbital Defence & Utility Station 02 @ 1-12-009-SB Orbital Defence & Utility Station 03 @ 1-13-030-C Civilian Vessel 01 @ 1-10-All Thernian warships @ 1-1Edited because I misunderstood something lool.--Akaku: Master of Flight

Edited by Akaku: Master of Flight

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)


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OOC: Mine are still practically one-liners compared to the novels ToA and Alex are showing off with no, wait, yeah, showing off with was what I meant to say.And arrival at the meeting seems to be happening, though it's changed venue slightly because people just started clumping at 2-28 and then the Alizarin basically said "Know what? Here's as good as anywhere. Time for a picnic."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: The Concilium Plebis budget committee was currently in session, reviewing the government's military expenditures against its budget."The Navy currently employs four frigates, the Shield of Baross, Born in Fire, Spire of Fury, and Slave to Wisdom. We have one Sicarius-class, the War's Child currently in service, but another one is under construction. We also employ the flagship Infinitus. The colonizer currently under construction over Ithaka is also under our purview." The Chief of the General Staff reported."Thank you, General." A representative said. "Now, will the accountant from the Planetary Colonization Comission come forward?"Dutifully, an Osalieli in formal robes stepped forward, while the general, who wore dress armor, left the room, The accountant took a seat where the general had sat before him and began his report."Ahem. In summation, our homeworld of Baross is as healthy as ever, at full production. Ithaka and Gallia are still growing, and they are already forming the core of the Imperium's economy. Masada is still on the outer rim of our control, but it is showing great promise. The Skydocks are completed and capable of constructing any ship in our blueprint archives. The military budget is in fact not entirely used up, allowing us to fulfill our treaty with the Sanshorans if necessary.""Thank you, sir." The chairman said. "Dismissed. This committe will now enter private conference. Sergeant-at-arms, please escort the media out."OOC: In summation, Baross (Class 5, 1-26), Ithaka (Class 3, 1-27), Gallia (Class 3, 1-17) and Masada (Class 1, 1-18) for a total of 12 IP. Four smalls (1), two mediums (2), one large (3) and one Colonizer (4) for a total of -10 IP.:w:

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Current Forces: Eight Changeling class Small Ships, Four Faeries(two drydocked,) One Dragon, One Kraken w/10 Fighters(drydocked)Industry Cost: 11Under Construction: Dragon(Done on the 22nd) and two Starbases(one done on the 27th, other suspended with 4/7ths complete)Planets: 2-7(Core World), 2-9(Core World), 2-8(Homeworld), 2-10(Claimed), 2-15(Self Sustaining) 2-14(Protectorate)Calinar and Lianka upgrade on December 4th, Nadwoo on November 26th. Colony on Nov. 23rd. Edited by King Of Shadows
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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OOC: Xom, I'm looking at the math for your industrial report, and...2+2+3+4=11. That's the cost for Current forces, makes sense so far, and adds up right. Drydocked units (2 Faeries and Kraken) not included.3+1=4+11=15. Add Under Construction to Current Forces.3+3+5+0+0-1=10-15=-5. That's what appears to be your Total IP minus the combination of Under Construction and Current Forces. Maybe more things need to be drydocked.Also, I hate being an accountant. Accountants are not cool.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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This post made irrelevant due to derp.

Edited by King Of Shadows
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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OOC: The Kraken's drydocked, so I ignored it. And yeah, with the Coloniser bit corrected, the whole thing works out.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: "Well, it's...different.""Smells funny. Kind of like an ocean, but with the scent of fish added in.""Definitely interesting though - makes our design look tame."OOC: Not really sure what exactly I'm expected to IC in response here.


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IC: I'm glad you like it. Well, let me make some introductions. Our Pilot is known as Rolling Gamboge, while my two guards here are Greater Auburn and Flashing Magenta. You know Lehua, and the sergeant in the room with you is Roshad Gunye. The corporal, and our ship's cook, is Denye Varen.Each of them nodded or raised an appendage in turn.Music began to play, Bivali in nature, a wind and string melody that was simple and quite pleasing to the ear.The membrane showing the Pilot began to thicken, turning opaque as he moved into his seat, as did the one revealing the stairs.The ship rose off the ground, not incredibly quickly, but smoothly, allowing there to be a feeling of ascension without falling about oneself.As they took off, the room and those surrounding it began to spin slowly, gaining speed as they left the planet's gravity."The interior of this ship is spherical, and spins to provide us with a limited form of gravity," explained Lehua.With precision timing, the speed increased to where the Natiru found it easy to stand and walk around, though they did feel somewhat lighter. One of the goals in both Bivalvi and Treanuan ship design was that a ship's crew would be able to function as well as possible in space, and their "artificial gravity" was a way to do that.As they looked back, the membrane leading to the air lock as well as the walls on either side began to glow, as if light were being projected on it. The glow solidified into an image of the Natiru world behind them as they left. As they watched these changes, the cook, Denye, began rolling out three carts full of food- or perhaps rolling wasn't the correct word. The carts slid on smooth runners along the floor, revealing another important truth- the aquatic civilizations had never developed the wheel.Denye began unloading food, his crablike face seeming to smile at the Natiru."Well, I've got some of my people's best dishes here, so I imagine there's something you'll like. Eat or as much or as little as you want- we can take care of the rest."He unloaded an assortment of different foods- a grilled shrimp as big as a man's arm, a boiled and seasoned fourteen legged crab, colorful fish sautéed in it's own oil, seaweed and kelp salad with several dressings, soft, edible coral, an underwater tuber boiled and seasoned, seaweed and crab rolls with underwater vegetables, similar to sushi. There were a few foods which seemed terrestrial- a brught blue citrus, fizzy and sweet with juice, a broiled avian of some kind, a thick stew of some kind of meat, smelling thick, rich and salty, among others.In all, it was a tantalizing spread for a Bivalvi, and there'd surely be something the Natiru would enjoy. For beverages, they had pure water, the juice of the blue citrus, and a golden-orange counterpart, sourer in taste but still sweet.Roshad and Denye sat back to watch them eat, while the Minister spoke again.I'll be returning to my quarters to contact my race's leaders, if you have need of anything, Lehua will help you, or call me back up for you.The membrane revealing him turned pink and opaque, and he and his guard went to another area of the ship.Lehua stood before the Primarchs, nodding to them, and gesturing to the planet fading away, holding his tablet."We've nearly reached jump distance- ah, there we are."There was a flash of blue light, and the screen changed, showing the uncolonized system of 2-41."That's our first jump. This ship's drive is quite efficient, so it will only take us around a half hour to make the next jump. We'll arrive there within a few hours."

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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