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Day Run: The Garden


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IC - Cave group - Cave: Kerid shook her head at Eryn. "No; for now, until we start acting, we need to keep this information close to our chests," she said. "Enough people know what's been discussed here already; and while I doubt any of us will voluntarily give out that information, there's nothing stopping someone from picking up a stray thought or hacking into your mind and finding out more before we're ready." She looked at Alan. "I'll work on locating Zanth while you speak with their third teammate; he seems to have say over Suya and both of them have been on Kai-Nam longer than Vertak has."Kaorus nodded, grabbing his crest. "I will inform the Council," he said. "They can give me a list of contacts within both the Ring and KNPC that we can use for our own purposes."

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC / Victus Dead / Talking with Zanth:“Wait,” Brother said as he frowned and then asked, “Are you saying that Rhashahk is the mechanical Heart? These two Heart pieces seem to me to be the easier objects to destroy instead of a God.”IC / Day Run / THE Cave Where It’s Cool To Hang Out:“I’ll continue to watch things around the KNPD HQ. If I can get one of these Team Crests, then I could inform all of you, very easily, of their movements. Or do they not connect to other Crests like that?” Waiter asked from beside Elithes.


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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Alan/En Route to the ArenaIC:

"It's likely been long enough for the match to be about done, so I think I'll head over to the Infirmary. Until tomorrow or sooner, everyone!" said Alan with his usual cheer as he exited past Eryn and took off, heading for the Arena and, subsequently, the Infirmary.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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IC: Within his own mindGo on Marx destroy them with all your power. Shut up stupid voice thought Marx.Don't brush me off. I don't like to be ignored. You should know.I have no clue who you are or if you are even real. For all I know you could be a thug hired to knock me out of the arena early.Oh you know they would not allow that. Why are you in the arena anyway Marx? Fame? Fortune? Glory? You should know you don't need them. Well answer me.Who are you? And why should I listen to you?Fine you don't want to remember. I'll go back to the void. You sent me there. You did not want to remember but were unwilling to die. This is your punishment or should I say mine.Marx could not even try to mentally respond to the voice. He saw it a small crack in his own thoughts. He felt doubt and guilt. He tried to run but could not. Then everything went black as the crack grew and consumed everything.I am free. Thank you Toa you served your purpose.IC: The ArenaMarx' eyes and heartlight glowed bright white and electricity coursed through him. He grinned behind his now gold stained mask. He was finally whole again. He flexed his hands and grabbed his obsidian sword with both hands. He focused through it and unleashed a barrage of shadows at the Matoran and his sword.OOC: Just a dramatic way of what happened to Sol. He just sort of regained his past.

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IC: CalikIn the throughs of death, Calik usually got his most brilliant ideas. Today was no exception.He looked down at the oncoming lava, before channeling every bit of his power into absorbing as much heat and flame he could into his body. It was a desperate, crazy, insane move, but it was that, or die in pit of magma. That would look great on a headstone. Here lies Calik, who died ten minutes into his first match.He closed his eyes as he plunged into the substance. It burned, but not nearly as badly as it would have. That was good. Now for the hard part.Calik focused again, pushing all of the excess power he had stored in him downwards, propelling him to the surface, breaking it, sending him flying through the air.Despite himself, he laughed. You know, before he landed face-first on Vertak's rock.OOC: Okay, truth be told, I have no clue how or if this would work, so I'm absolutely willing to edit/delete/obliterate this post.-Void



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OOC: I'm fine with that, Emissary, since you took precautions against the lava. Though again, the lava won't kill you. ;)IC - Zanth - Victus Dead: "I thought I had made that fairly obvious," Zanth said. "The Heart is required to revive Rhashahk; that means that either he's directly tied to it, or the Heart is the one thing that can bring people back from the dead -- and most people know that there is nothing in this universe that can do that. Regardless, assuming the Ring does have the Heart, it won't be any easier to destroy than if he had his original body; Lyxek's surely set up a number of protections to prevent any damage to it, and the Garden... it has its own defenses, as you know at this point."IC - Cave Group - Cave: Kerid shook her head at Alan as he left. Elithes looked at her. "Vhat's vrong?""In case you hadn't noticed, Alan has a thing for underestimating people," she said, reaching into one of her belt pouches. "The match hasn't been going on for very long; even if it had been, my contestants are more resilient than that. They would last longer than a few minutes -- the other matches today proved that. It's that kind of underestimation that's going to mess this entire operation up. Here." She handed Waiter a Team Crest. "You can't use it to contact any of the active teams, though you can contact the main Crest -- mine -- and I can spread information from there. I say we get going now, start contacting people and whatnot."Nodding at the group, she headed out, walking in the direction of the Day Run. Elithes and Illuxio watched after her; a second later, the AI's hologram flickered out as he shut the flashlight off. Elithes looked at the others."Illuxio and I are going to contact some old friends of mine," the Matoran said as they headed out of the cave. "Not to mention, try to figure out vhat zhe ozher keys vould be."Behind them, Kaorus summoned Tarun again, briefly illuminating the area as the yellow lines outlines the beast's body. Taking a seat on the dragon's saddle, he nodded at the others before taking off, heading toward Tyis Island.IC - Rhindon - Arena: It seems we're the most popular opponents here, Rhindon said to Vertak as Marx attacked. The Matoran need not worry; bursts of shadow form the sword served to block Marx's bolts, before stretching toward him and attempting to ensnare him in tentacles of shadow. He doubted that this one would be able to escape as easily as the others had.Still, the others were around as well - and Rhindon was determined to do damage to them, even as Ehjoras's prediction rang true and lava began to cover what remained of the rock platforms. A shadow scan provided Team Comet's location for the sword; they were on a platform of shadow quite a ways away, solid but not falling.Focusing on forcing them to remain solid, he reached for the shadows underneath them. Vertak fell through another portal of darkness; once more, a portal appeared above Hexxon and Kaytana.As they attempted to teleport again, however (assuming they did,) and attacked the Matoran emerging above as they did so, Vertak and Rhindon appeared from underneath them, the sword slashing upwards and launching a wave of solid shadow between them that threatened to launch them far away from one another, off of the platform.

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IC: Vertak, Day Run Arena:Vertak had kicked Calik in the face before being teleported away, and chuckled lightly as Rhindon attacked Marx. Then he saw Hexxon and Kaytana, and moved in for the attack.**OOC: Exactly what happens in Parugi's post above pretty much.-ibrow

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IC / Day Run / The Cave of Discovery:Swerv was still in a state of shock. His brother had been here almost the whole time. But he had heard that Vronx was traveling with Sevarinous. Where was that sandy kid? Swerv didn’t really care. Vronx, his closest brother, was back!Joy was an understatement. This was the Toa who Swerv had traveled with for half of his life, as a Toa, or at least when Swerv was still a Toa, and not some gem or mist, or robot. They had left their home island together. Or that’s how Swerv faintly remembered it.The robot began to reminisce so much that he missed the end of the meeting. Most everyone had seemed to have left already. Replaying the last few minutes of audio and video, Swerv was able to learn what had happened. Nodding to himself, he turned and headed out of the cave, where he saw Draxion talking to Elithes.IC / Day Run / The Group Cave:Forgetting Waiter’s familiarity, Draxion jogged out of the cave to catch up with Elithes. He almost ran over the Matoran, who had not gone far. After apologizing for his long legs, Draxion asked, “Are you sure my, I mean, Jaeda’s mask is going to be safe here?”Draxion rolled his eyes, “Never mind that question, this is you we’re talking about. Instead, why didn’t you ask me first? It’s still mine to an extent.”IC / Victus Dead / Talking with Zanth:“Well, I guess we will find out whether we want to or not,” Brother looked out the window at the setting sun that glowed red as it was about to drop over the horizon. Blinking a few times, he continued, “Well, if the Director is an AI, then that is not my area of expertise. If anything, I should go after Lyxek. Hopefully I can kick one leg out from under Dalmia, if he is the grand master behind all of this. I know where to acquire some silence generators that are small but powerful, so that’s what I’ll be doing if you should think to look for me.“Other than that, is there anything else to say before we end our very informative meeting?”IC / Day Run / Leaving the Cave:Waiter accepted the Crest and adhered it to his lower chest armor. It glowed for a second, and then copied the swirling armor style it was attached to, becoming almost invisible to the eye. He glanced at Syrifar, who looked to be thinking, even if he was a robot, and said, “Later.”After that, he left the cave and headed for the Infirmary.


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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Alan/Day Run InfirmaryIC:

"I wonder how long I'll be sitting here waiting..." muttered Alan as he landed outside the doors of the Infirmary. He walked inside and, nodding to the nurses, took a chair commonly used by other team members waiting for their own. When he glanced at the screen displaying the battle, he was very surprised to see rising lava and only a few small islands. Maybe this wouldn't last long...

Eryn/With Elithes and KeridIC:

"Oddly enough, Master Ehjoras has set a time limit upon the match, Mistress. Only a bit more than a minute remains. So Alan won't be waiting to long..." said Eryn as she walked beside Kerid, the Nox locked away within her body. "Anyone else think that if luck exists, he has far too much of it?"

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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-==IC: Kairan//Cave==-Kairan had no real clue where else to go, and so shrugged and headed back to the infirmary as well.Might as well watch the match. Kairan thought, as he walked out of the cave, having noticed no-one else was staying there anyway.

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OOC: mmnope. The time limit was Ehjoras's estimation of when the lava would cover all of the available rock spaces, not when the match would end. Half of the fighters in the Arena have a means of staying above the field once the time runs out......which actually happened like, last post of mine, I think. Hence why Rhindon had to teleport Vertak again. ;3IC - Kerid/Elithes - En route to Day Run: "These matches don't have timers," Kerid said. "He wouldn't place one on the last match if the others didn't have one; you're probably misreading something. Regardless, luck is finite -- and this is a small scale example of problems that could very well arise later."Elithes had ignored Kerid and Eryn's conversation, instead focusing on Draxion. He sighed. "Frankly, I don't see a mask zhat powerful as belonging to anyvone in particular," he said. "My apologies if you do. If you vant a better vreason, however... curvrent circumstances are continuously forcing me to forgo actions zhat I ozhervise vould have taken. Zhat mask cannot fall into Lyxek's hands; and, frankly, it's not safe in yours, Swerv's, or mine." He stopped walking as the Wheel approached, having been summoned by Illuxio as they had left the cave. Climbing in, he revved the vehicle, activating the side shields."Sorry." And then, he was off, driving toward his home with his Team Crest disabled and his mind buried in thought.IC - Zanth - Victus Dead: Zanth shook his head, turning away from the window and walking back to the door. "No. I'll contact you some time in the future when we're ready to enter the Garden again." He paused at the door. "There is one thing, actually..." The Team Zero leader looked at Brother. "Watch yourself. I have a feeling things are going to turn very chaotic, very quickly."Nodding at the Rahkshi, he opened the door, stepping back out into the hall. Closing the door behind him, he looked at the warrior waiting in the hall -- Zaydan."You're a bodyguard," he said, turning to the androgynous warrior. "You seem to have fairly clean morals. I presume you're good at keeping secrets?"IC - Lurinost/Sanshou/Sensha - KNPD HQ: "What in Tyis's name happened here?"Sanshou and Lurinost had arrived back at the large, domed headquarters of the KNPD. Along the way they had caught rumors about the attack on the Director's fortress, though they had doubted the truth in them. Now, however, they saw otherwise. An admirably sized hole had been blasted through the wall, caused by what seemed to have been a bomb of some sort. Blood smears indicated where numerous bodies, some dead, some injured, had lain before, now gone to some unknown destination. Sensha was watching over the clean up and repairs; upon greeting her, Sanshou had noticed that she seemed... sickly. Older. Tired. That was not a good sign."Don't mention that name around Central anymore," the Ondarian said quietly. Sanshou raised an eyebrow. "The Guild did this to the base. They killed these people. They want the Director dead, and they're willing to work with the Ring to do it.""What are you talking about?" Sanshou asked. Sensha looked at her; the Artanian's eyes widened in shock. The left side of Sensha's mask had begun to melt; a burn was evident on her face and the arm on the same side. "Were you caught in the blast?"Sensha shook her head. A growing murmur behind them caught both of their attention, distrasting them. A small group of officers was advancing through the streets, heading toward the base. They seemed to be carrying something...Sanshou's jaw opened in surprise upon seeing Dodera's battered, broken body, his armor unmistakable to her; she had served with him far too often on Guild missions to not recognize him. Her eyes followed after it and the angry group as they made their way through the damaged entry hall, heading in the direction of the Director's office. Confused, she turned to Lurinost; perhaps she would have some idea of what was going on.But the green-armored sand-wielder was gone. There was no trace that she had been there -- and no indication of where she had gone.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Woot, thanks for remembering Zaydan's name, I was thinking I'd have to go looking for it. Thanks. =)-==IC: Zaydan//Victus Dead==-Zaydan nodded at each of the statements and questions."Yes to all of them, especially the last. It's a requirement in this job for me, essentially." Zaydan said, as he answered Zanth's question.

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OOC: tbh i actually did look it up first... ;pIC - Zanth - Victus Dead: "Think you would be able to hold your own against the likes of the Ring, KNPD and regenerating monsters, the likes of which you've never seen before, possibly during a fight in very limited light?"

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: CalikCalik groaned as the his hands went to his face. This was turning out to be a pretty crud fight. For him, anyway.He got to his feet, just in time, as lava was slowly encroaching on his position. He scurried away, heading for the highest ground he could.He ended up on a small spit of rock, barely wide enough to stand, let alone fight on. He'd have to find new ground, and soon.-Void



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OOC: Ah, my mistake. XD

Eryn/With KeridIC:

"Ah... That's how long it will be before the ring is completely submerged in lav - what did Master Ehjoras do?!" Eryn half-shrieked to herself as she brought up the Day Run's camera systems. The ones positioned around the ring showed a field of lava and the participants flying or otherwise staying out of it.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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IC: His attacked was blocked and he was then ensnared in tentacles of shadow. They tried to tear him up or something. He focused on the shadows and forced them to give way to light. Slowly they weakened and using his mask shot upward and out of the now falling apart shadow tentacles. He thought many of these beings have ties to shadow. I guess my own won't be much help against them. How bothersome. I guess I could ty to crush them. Scanning the shadows he found the sword and what seem like the other combatants. He shadow jumped to them and increased the gravity around them all trying to crush them or make them fall in to the rising lava.

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OOC: Sorry for the absence.IC: Team Comet: the Arena:Hexxon and Kaytana had, in fact, not teleported at the sign of another portal overhead, deciding to attack rather than flee this time. Both believed that Vertak would come out with another light attack, and so they put the heads down to not get blinded, and Kaytana pulled out her club-staff and held it up high. She planned for the Matoran to fall onto the sleder spikes on the staff's top. However, they were greeted by the arrival of Vertak, his sword, and Marx from below. But before either could attack, the wave of solid shadow slammed into and carried the teammates away from eacthother. The thoughts in their heads flashed around. Since neither could alter their density, both would fall into the lava below and lose the match.Hexxon had other plans. Just as it pushed him to the edge of the shadowy platform, he threw out his control over darkness, making both waves turn on the edge and follow beneath. They curved like real waves from the sea, becoming like shovel heads, and scooping up both heavy partners. Now the waves ran across the platform's bottom, just like they had on top, only moving inward and carrying the two. Hexxon reached out a hand as he came closer to Kaytana, and so did she. Now that both had a grasp on eachother's hand, it seemed like they'd crash into eachother. But Hexxon further manipulated the shadows, ordering the waves to bring them together, which they did, covering the team in shadow. Then they disappeared, the shadows. And there was no sign of Team Comet. Hexxon had, of course, teleported them through the shadows once more, reappearing away from the platform. Without Hexxon's concentration, the platform fell way into wisps, leaving Vertak and his sword to fall.The Skakdi and her partner landed on a shadow platform once more, both carefully watching the weapon and Matoran. ''They're relentless,'' said Hexxon, trying to see if he could lessen their weight again.''You're right about that,'' replied Kaytana. ''They tried pushing us into lava! They just don't give up.''''I'm ready to transport us again, Kaytana,'' he said. ''Just in case they attack. In fact, if we see them vanish or follow or attack in any way, we're out of this spot.''

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IC - Rhindon - Arena: Well... This seemed to be it. The lava had overtaken any usable ground; what was left would be too hot or dissolve or sink too quickly to stand on. There seemed to be very little that could be done... except...Aha. The cameras. Why didn't I think of that before?Another field of shadow enveloped Vertak and the sword. Instead of reappearing anywhere near Team Comet, however, they appeared above a Recorder, promptly dropping onto it and, through some quick footwork on the Matoran's part, managing to maintain a foothold. The robot, through its levitation system, was pushed downward, though was still airborne."It's a good thing you're a Matoran," the sword said. "Otherwise this thing might have started sinking. Now... any ideas?"OOC: Saved my best trick for last. :P And for future reference -- and I probably should have mentioned this earlier -- the sword has a mind of its own. So any shadows it controls or summons are going to be extremely resistant to influence from other shadow users. ;)IC - Zanth - Victus Dead: The Team Zero leader nodded, walking past Zaydan and heading toward the stairs. He noted the bodyguard's Crest. "Team Zero has an open spot," he said nonchalantly. "If you're interested in joining, then meet us at Shelkov Laboratory, North District, tomorrow."

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-==IC: Zaydan//Victus Dead==-Zaydan nodded, as he noted Zanth's subtle hint."Alright then, I'll certainly keep that in mind." Zaydan said in response, with a smile, as he headed toward the opposite stairs, just so that it didn't appear that he was following Zanth for any reason.OOC: =P

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IC: Vertak, Day Run Arena:Vertak was growing frustrated with the lack of progress at all throughout the match, and not being able to move around the arena very well didn't help. He assumed both Calik and Marx were out of the match at this point however, leaving just him and Rhindon vs. Team Comet."Could you hit them with another solid wave of shadow?" he asked. "I can stay here, you can do that, and then just focus on Kaytana, the Skakdi. Once she's out, Hexxon should be easy enough to take down."-ibrow

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IC: Team Comet: the Arena:Once they saw Vertak and his sword disappear, Hexxon teleported himself and Kaytana to another area high above the ground. Their eyes quickly scanned the air for the enemy team, for the ground was now covered in lava. ''There!'' Kaytana pointed at the Matoran riding atop a Recorder. ''How odd is that?''''Quite,'' Hexxon replied. ''But at least he cannot touch the rock anymore.''''He's still in. And if I'm correct, there's very little time left to fight. We need to take him out,'' she said.Her partner didn't reply. Instead, he raised his sword into the air, and brought it down, cleaving through empty space in a straight line. Where his blade touched, black and purple energy billowed from, creating and forming a portal of Shadow. Then Hexxon pulled his hand back, three small orbs of darkness appearing in his palm, rotating around eachother as they did so. They grew as well, and sprouted spikes, now looking very much the heads of spiked maces. He threw his arm out, hurling the spheres of Shadow into the vortex. Kaytana, noticing what he was doing, fired her eyebeams and a poison arrow at the portal. The shadow closed, and from the darkness right behind Vertak, the eyebeams, arrow, and spiked spheres came out.Team Comet waited for their attacks to hit, their eyes never leaving their opponents. Hexxon also readied himself for another teleport. OOC: Will Hexxon be able to activate his density control power again, or is it still off from the attack?

Edited by Magnus Greel
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OOC: Blah. This RPG always made me feel really lost, I have this ultra powerful character here, and I have no clue what to do with him. And I guess I'm stuck waiting until this expedition can get going...IC Kayzata - East District - Roaming: The being known as Kayzata walked through the East District, he had no particular destination, he was just looking around for something interesting to do while he waited until tomorrow morning; the start of the job that he was to be part of. His companion, Phoenix, flew by his side, chatting on and on about the surrounding city. "Look at that building! It's so tall... hey, could we fly up there? I'd like to see what it's like up there," the bird said, looking toward Kayzata expectantly. Kayzata looked up, and sighed, he knew Phoenix was bored, so he nodded, "You go on ahead, just make sure to find me again; I shouldn't be to hard to find," he said, walking onward as his bird friend flew off in excitement. OOC: Welcome to the summit of boredom, Kayzata. :P -Kayzata

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IC: CalikCalik hurled his tomahawk at a nearby Recorder, sending it plummeting to the ground. Before it landed in laval, however, he leaped, using it's flat head as a foot hold, landing onto the next rock. Taking a running start, he jumped, planting himself on the same spit of land as Vertak.'I...am...going...well, you get the point,' he panted, drawing his last two daggers.-Void



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OOC: Erm, 1: @Greel, the attack hasn't occured yet.2: @Emissary, we're WAY past that point. If Calik doesn't have a way to float in mid-air or fly a large distance, he's out of the match, because the entire arena floor is a lava lake.IC: Vertak, Day Run Arena:Vertak took a look around the arena as he waited for response, and then out of the corner of his eye noticed Team Comet's attack. He whipped his chain around, smashing the arrows and spiked spheres away, while dodging the eyebeams. He wobbled for a split second afterward before his Dark Hunter training kicked in and he caught his balance.-ibrow

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IC: Marx found himself breathing heavy so he let gravity return to its normal state. It was then he noticed his armor was tinged with gold and his heartlight was emitting white light. He frowned behind his mask and focused and forced his armor to return to its normal color. He guessed it was just a side affect of reuniting his spirit and body fully. He watched the other combatants but could not decide what to do.OOC: I think I am usually the first one have my characters back down. Should I do it this time too?

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OOC: That's not necessary, Infinitus; Marx has a logical way of staying in the arena, so there's no reason to knock him out just to knock him out. The way things are going, I think I'm going to start doing what I've been planning on for a while, however.@Greel: I think 30 seconds would have passed by now, so you're good.IC - Zanth - Victus Dead: Zanth nodded at Zaydan and then exited the building, boarding his vehicle and heading out again, toward the Day Run. Might as well see how Vertak is doing...IC - Rhindon/Lava - Arena: "I can try," Rhindon said. "Though, this Hexxon... he reacts far too quickly..." The sword reached out, connecting its mind with the shadowy platform again, before causing two shadow blocks to launch out diagonally at each of the Team Comet members, attempting to knock them away from each other and waiting to disperse the shadows before Hexxon could use them to grab Kaytana again.Or, at least, that was what the sword had planned to do before it noticed something... odd... in the center of the field. The lava had begun to bubble rapidly, as if something below was breathing. The force fields blocking the audience from harm began to flicker, and a few Recorders shut off without input or damage, falling into the synthetic, molten rock below."What the...." the sword said, confused. Something was happening -- and it wasn't being caused by Rhindon or the engineers.IC - ? - Streets of East District: The street Kayzata was on was silent, at least for the most part. Snow was falling. The road was icy. It was dark, save for the lamps lining the streets that illuminated parts of the buildings around.Off to the side, a strange, mechanical slinking sound could be heard, moving rapidly, as if a small pile of metallic objects was sliding along the ground in the shadows, wave-like, coming closer...OOC: Here you go, Skarloth. :P

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OOC: :3! IC Kayzata - East District Streets - Investigating: Kayzata heard the metallic sounds emitting from the darkness on the right side of the street, and immediately turned, whipping his weapon out and probing the area mentally. If you can hear me, respond. He thought, projecting his mental voice into whatever mind lurking in the shadows of the street. -Kayzata

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-==IC: Kairan//Arena==-Kairan had just walked into the arena, and noticed that the fight involved lava.What the...? Kairan thought, and walked into the arena's stands... Just as everything started to act weird. Kairan frowned, and gripped the handle of his sword, ready to act if he needed to.This is definitely not natural, whatever is happening. Kairan thought, and wondered how long his Miru would work, if he attempted to help if something went terribly, terribly wrong.

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IC / Day Run / Just Outside the Grounds:Draxion frowned as the Wheel pulled away and Swerv came to stand beside him. “Something’s bothering him,” he said, commenting on how Elithes had just brushed him off.“Well,” Swerv said, “He might lose Illuxio. And his home island.“But hey!” Swerv tapped Draxion’s shoulder, “Vronx was here! He’s back!”Draxion squinted his eyes, “You mean that Waiter guy? I thought he looked familiar. That’s awesome!”Grinning, Draxion looked around, “Well, where did he go?”Shrugging, Swerv sighed, “I was lost in thought and didn’t see where he went. Although he did tell me, ‘later’. So I’m sure we’ll be seeing him.”Draxion nodded his head and stared off at the sun lowering itself behind the nearby mountains, “Well, it’s getting late, and I’m still tired from that match, so I’ll be heading off to the Lounge. I’ll see you in the morning.Swerv nodded his acknowledgement and the Rahkshi headed off to bed.IC / Victus Dead / Planning:Older Brother pulled out a PDA from his cloak and began to sort through the lists he had compiled when Klemborve Labs had still stood. It was full of other labs and business competitors along with all of their items from over a year before. He was looking for silence generators, like he had told Zanth. Once he had acquired those, then he would deal with actually making it to Lyxek and avoiding his bodyguards.IC / Day Run / The Infirmary:Waiter entered the Infirmary, nodded to Alan, and then headed over to the nurse he had spoken to before. After several seconds, she finished up what she was working on and Waiter asked, “Do you have the transportation ready?"


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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IC: Vertak, Day Run Arena:Vertak glacned down to check on the recorder he stood on; thankfully, it was still intact. Then he took in the flickering force field.It's losing power somehow. He thought. The audience won't be prepared to save themselves if something bad happens....Then he looked at the bubbling lava, and signalled to Team Comet, hoping they would come over in peace."If something bad is happening, I want allies." he told Rhindon. "If the match continues, knock them away and get us out of here."-ibrow

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IC: Marx saw something strange in the corner of his eyes and turned in mid-air to get a better look. Red electricity crackled in his hands as he prepared both his elemental powers for a powerful assault on something. He watched the bubbling lava and some of the other combatants. He did not want to be caught off guard by either.OOC: Okay Parugi I'll keep Marx in the match.IC: Slate finished his dinner and paid the waiter in gold coins much to the waiters surprise. Slate was just happy they accepted them. They were the only form of currency he had. He left the inn and walked slowly down the street unsure of what to do. For some reason he was no longer tired. I fact he felt very awake. He thought of the Director and Lyxek. He thought of his home the Southern Islands and his old friend. He looked at the sword on his hip and felt lonely.

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OOC: Erm, 1: @Greel, the attack hasn't occured yet.

OOC: What attack do you mean? The wave of solid Shadow?IC: Team Comet: the Arena:Team Comet was frustrated that Vertak was able to avoid all their attacks thrown, and were ready for another to hurl, but the falling of Recorders, bubbling of lava, and shimmering of the force field caught their attention.Hexxon immediately teleported them to another part high above the battlefield, for they both feared that sword was preparing a devastating attack on them. This time, however, the pair did not stand upon a Shadow platform, but floated. Evidently, Hexxon had regained his ability to turn intangible. ''What's going on?'' Kaytana demanded.Her partner had no answer, for he too was confused. ''Whatever it is,'' he said, charging a darkness attack, ''we're not finished.'' He releashed a large, powerful, wide, concentrated blast of solid, dark energy into a newly created portal of Shadow. His attack was similar to his previous, only he did not summon a portal as showy as he did before. The burst erupted from the shadows just above Vertak.Let's see him dodge this, Hexxon thought while building up power to teleport again.
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IC - Nurse - Day Run Infirmary: The nurse nodded. "There's an airship in the garage -- not a large one, but big enough to carry you and the bodies -- that's ready to go when you are," she said. Just then, the lights and machines in the infirmary began to flicker as an electrical surge shot through the Day Run's systems.IC - Rhindon/Ehjoras/? - Arena: Sensing the opening of a portal behind them, Rhindon created a shield of darkness around himself and Vertak, blocking Hexxon's attack, all the while focusing on what was going on below.All around, electricity was crackling on the force fields. The bubbling in the lava was getting ore violent. The crowd had noticed, many noticeably backing away, their steps showing their unease. In the engineer's booth, Ehjoras and the others were frantically trying to figure out what was going on with the nanobots in the Arena, to no avail; the building's electrical systems had begun to flicker."Not good," Ehjoras said. "Not good... Not good... Not good..." He yelped in surprise as the keyboard he was typing on exploded, a surge of energy suddenly coursing through it, causing his chair to fall backwards. "No.... no, no, no... What's going on!?""Systems aren't responding, sir!" another engineer called. "Access to all main systems has been blocked!""No outside interference detected," another reported. "Disturbance seems to be coming from the nanobots themselves!"Not good... The Pha-Matoran scrambled to his feet, moving over to the PA; thankfully, it still worked. "We're sorry to interrupt this match," he said. "But if the audience would be kind of enough to evacuate the stands... Now. We have no control over the systems -- I repeat: We have lost control of our systems." He turned back to the engineers. "Activate ECTS."One of them nodded, flipping a set of switches. Nothing happened. "Connection to ECTS blocked!" he said, startled."Shields deactivating!""Detecting change in nanobot structure!"Not good. Definitely not good!As the audience bitterly exited the arena, the force fields deactivated, sending out a loud crackling noise that startled many of the slower-moving beings into a frenzied run for the exit -- and with perfect timing. The lava began to violently churn, sending fair amounts of the stuff into the stands, luckily avoiding the fleeing spectators.Amidst the center-point of the churning, four lights appeared, forming a diamond shape between one another. They glowed pure golden; and slowly, they and a 40-foot diameter circle of lava around them began to rise, giving shape to... something...IC - ? - East District Streets: There was no response to Kayzata's mental command; in fact, there was no mind there at all. Just that slinking sound, which came to an abrupt halt in the alleyway before the large being. A set of four eyes, each of them glowing bright green, appeared from the darkness, looking out at Kayzata, before a small creature moved forth. It was cat-like, green and silver in appearance, and smaller than a Matoran.But there was something off about it... Was it as harmless as it seemed?

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IC Kayzata - East District - Talking...?: Kayzata was never one to attack without reason, and this case was no exception. He studied the small beast closely, wondering what it could possibly be. There was no mental response whatsoever, so he assumed it was some type of machine, its purpose and functions remained hidden, however, and Kayzata was left to observe. "If there is an AI present, respond," he said aloud, never taking his eyes off the small metallic feline. -Kayzata

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-==IC: Kairan//Day Run Arena While Chaos Is Happening==-Kairan noticed what was starting to happen, and progressively jumped up to one of the higher levels to avoid the lava, as he gripped his sword, and looked at the shape in the middle.Maybe I can help stop this thing before it can be fully formed. Kairan thought, as he gripped his sword, and slashed out toward the figure, and aimed to unleash a spinning circular arc of lightning at the thing, being careful not to involve anyone else.Is this connected to the Ring or the Director? Kairan thought with a frown, as he waited to see what happened.

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IC: Team Comet: the Arena:Both teammates frowned at the sword's defense, and were surprised by the annoucement. ''Hey!'' shouted Kaytana. ''The crowd is leaving? How am I supposed to enjoy victory if there's no audience watc-''''Quiet, Kaytana!'' hissed Hexxon. His eyes were wide and focused on the thing coming from the lava. In a swirling of black and purple energy, they were gone, reappearing at a seemingly safer spot in the area. Hexxon had reduced their density even more, raising higher into the air. He didn't have a good feeling about what was going on. He had to do something, though, as a Kai-Nam officer. Perhaps it would be better to get the Skakdi to a secure place for now.; civilians couldn't get caught in something so dangerous sounding.

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IC - ? - East District Streets: The creature merely looked at Kayzata, unresponsive. A few seconds later, however, it began to twitch, eyes flashing rapidly, jaw opening and closing. Without warning it let out a monstrous screech, and its body began to twist and contort, seeming melting before reforming. A sphere of shadow erupted around the cat's body, slowly growing; when it dissipated, a much larger beast, easily as large as Kayzata, stood where the cat had before. It was a monstrous beast, almost like a reanimated Rahi corpse. Various spots of armor were cracked or otherwise gone. Electricity crackled in its joints. ts four eyes had merged into one, set in the center of its face and glowing red. Its jaw hung open, almost like it was maniacally smiling; drool dribbled out from a set of large teeth.The beast -- another in a series of monsters that had appeared on the island --charged toward Kayzata, fangs bared and blood-lust evident. It was on top of him in moments, aiming to clamp down on his jugular with its powerful maw.IC - ? - Arena: Kairan's attack merely sunk into the rapidly growing form of the thing, which, taking in a massive amount of the lava-like nanobots, was beginning to quickly lower the lava level in the field. Obviously, this was both good and bad, though that wasn't the most important thought in anyone's mind at the moment.The nanobot construct -- as it was rapidly becoming obvious that this was what the thing was -- began to take form. The main body had taken shape. Humanoid in appearance, the thing bore an incredibly thin waist; above, its chest bulged outward and its shoulders stretched to the side, lengthening far past the length of its pelvis. Arms and legs began to form, lava moving into position and becoming one mass. The humerus portion of the arms was incredibly thin, contrasting greatly to the thick forearms of the creature and the three-fingered hands that burst from its ends, reaching past the knees of the beast and back into the lava.The legs themselves were proportionate to the rest of the body, unlike the arms; thick around the thigh areas, the remaining portion was invisible beneath the lava. Spikes erupted from the creature's spine, shoulders, hips, elbows and knees. From its chest, a neck and head began to form, bringing with it the glowing yellow lights, which moved into position on its 'face,' taking up a cross-like appearance. As one, the lava that composed the creature's body suddenly changed, becoming yellowish-black in color.The creature, now fully formed, hunched over slightly, its 60-foot frame heavily affected by gravity. Slowly, it turned its head, taking in the sight of each of the contestants in turn. Setting its 'eyes' on the engineer booth, it began to move forward, each step rocking the arena.

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-==IC: Kairan//Day Run Arena==-Kairan growled, as he two more circular arcs of lightning at the being, however, this time he aimed for the legs, in an attempt to topple the being, even as he progressively moved closer to where it was, though obviously keeping mind to not go near any lava that was still around. However, it would be easier to fight this thing if he could reach it.

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IC - The Beast - Arena: The large, humanoid being ignored the electric attacks as they bounced off of its legs. It had, however, noticed the source; without missing a beat, it raised one of its massive arms, swinging it in a wide arc around its front, angled toward the Toa of Lightning. A blast of energy swept forward, aiming to disintegrate the Toa where he stood.

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