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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by xon

  1. 1, 2, and 8. Also, EW? The second design link for entry one is different than the 1st image for #1. Fixed. -EW
  2. There's nothing to figure out. It's impossible.
  4. EDIT: I was looking at it '2D Style'. It's impossible, everyone.
  5. xon

    T-shirt Design

    You can say that again. I wasted all of my time entering.
  6. xon

    T-shirt Design

    You win. Period. Whenever the polls start...
  7. xon

    Dear Father Christmas

    There is more to Christmas than just physical gifts.
  8. xon

    What's In A Name?

    Cherixon. Awesome name. Period.
  9. xon

    Dear Father Christmas

    It wouldn't be very special if it happened all of the time.
  10. Don't dis Billy Mays, dude. He was awesome.
  11. xon

    How To Annoy Your Dog

    My dog despises being blown on, too.
  12. I love the general idea. But if someone was to wear the shirt, would you be able to make out the actual design?
  13. xon

    Some People Here

  14. xon

    Road Trip!

    Honestly? I wouldn't do that for that for all the coffee in the world. I hate car trips, but I do like a good white mocha.
  15. xon

    Heading Out

    Is now a good time to go? With the tsunami and all?
  16. xon

    P O B Z P C Color

    EDIT: nm
  17. xon


    A magnificent tsunami hit Japan -- it's one of the worst in recorded history. And, now, it's heading west, and might be hitting the west coast.
  18. xon

    I Hate My Town.

    You say that like its a bad thing. It is. Pop music is bad, man.
  19. xon

    Name Change Ideas

    Xon Fan #1 Cherri Fan B)
  20. xon

    Name Suggestions!

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