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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by xon

  1. xon

    Please Let Me Know?

    Agreed. I have all display options turned off, too. The only reason people are doing this is because of the flame war in GD. The only reason.
  2. xon


    If you're making a petition, sign me up. Please.
  3. Very awesome! Web design is a ton of fun. I'm planning on (finally) publishing some of my design work on the web. ^^
  4. You're fired. :angry: I need a new hit man.
  5. I would with anything else but football. I need my NFL. NEEEEEEED IT.
  6. I love Firax and hate objects with 8 sides. asdldfgs
  7. lolololllololo!!!!111one!11 im totALLY innn :D :D :D : P KILL HF!!!!111 ={ ) << emote w/ a moustache lol!!111! HERO FACTOR SUKKSS!!!!111!
  8. xon

    Hi Guys

    I had to search it. But, yeah, Sergeant York.
  9. xon

    Hi Guys

    The only one I can think of that is black and white, and possibly based on a true story is 'Mrs. Minniver'. Highly doubt it, though...
  10. xon

    Please Don't Tell Me

    The what? Link please.
  11. xon

    Internet Explorer 9

    Chrome is the best. IE is one of the worse browers.
  12. Iced tea. Remind me to give you a hug at BrickFair. This.
  13. xon

    You Know...

    I'll be the 4th from the right just because he's completely colored.
  14. xon


    *shoves potato chips into mouth* Come back sooooooooooooooooooon.
  15. It's impossible, though. The only way to win is '2D style'. I solved it in 3D style, and believe me, it's very much possible. I'll give you a hint: Loopholes are your friends... Dude, it's impossible. You can't get there on an even number. Just post how you did it, OK?
  16. Personally, I think this guy named 'Cherixon' should win. But that's just me.
  17. Also, if top three get into the 'finals', will the spacing between the votes make a difference? Say, 1st place had 25 votes, 2nd had 15, and 3rd had 10-- Would you go with 1st because it won by a significant margin? Or does it still rely on Bionicle Raptor to choose the easiest design to print?
  18. It's impossible, though. The only way to win is '2D style'.
  19. xon

    Digestive Biscuits

    Fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies are the best. :3
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