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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by xon

  1. Gandalf disagrees. This. But, yeah, walking sticks are awesome.
  2. Noooooooo.... You'll be leaving, like, within your next few posts. ;_;
  3. xon


    Well, Black Six needs to keep in contact with his staff members more often than with regular ol' members. He takes the time to do the messy work, and he lets us have the fun on the forums.
  4. xon


    Your school would cancel a day to go ice skating? i wish i lived there ;_; Also, you're going to Brickfair?? Also Also, post in ur topic.
  5. xon


    It's really sad to see you go, Zar. Hope you will find time to come back....
  6. xon

    Why Is It Not Staying.

    Why is the snow not sticking to the ground? You really don't want to ask me that question. Weather is my nerd-time hobby.
  7. xon


    It's about time you saw it. Excellent movie..one question though...Was it planned for the van to fall into the water? But overall it was awesome. I wouldn't mind seeing it one more time just to fully grasp its epicness.
  8. xon


    I've had 60+" of snow this winter.
  9. xon

    New Blog Theme

    Guys, the whole reason this blog is cool is because of the name.
  10. My pizza plaza would help in donations, but we're competition. >BD
  11. xon

    Hey Guys

    No, you really do not. When those things get ugly, they get disgusting and vicious. but they look so cute :3
  12. xon

    Hey Guys

    That's awesome. i wish i could have one as a pet ;_;
  13. xon

    I Think This Girl Likes Me

    TRAITOR You are not allowed to be a BIONICLE-nerd and have a life.
  14. xon

    New Blog Theme

    dude you are awesomeeeeeeeeee thanks so much ^^
  15. xon


    If you gave me the full image, I could try something.
  16. xon


    How's that?
  17. xon

    Favorite Tv Show?

    I don't watch much TV, but I like Nova, and all ESPN shows. :3
  18. xon

    My Bzp Dream

    If you don't want to handle anything innapropriate, being a mentor probably isn't the job for you either. That's one of the things we need to be looking out for, and since we can see the unnaproved posts in all of the forums, there's a pretty good chance that we'll end up coming across something unpleasent (whether it be something that a New Member posted to spam or something that another staff member hid). -Ziko Oh, I didn't know that. OK, my new dream staff job is reporting.
  19. That's so cooooooooooooooooool. I would love to wear the black one.
  20. xon


    Where does it say that? I'm sorry.
  21. xon

    My Bzp Dream

    I'd rather be a mentor. I don't really want to handle anything that is inappropriate. Mentors answer questions and help newbies.
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