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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by xon

  1. xon

    Blog Q&A

    Can blog assistants or leaders delete or whole blogs? Can admins? Or is the only option deleting one by one (entry)?
  2. xon

    I Saw A Robin

    As for spring weather, some places where I live had a tennis ball sized hail storm. D: Spring rocks.
  3. lol That's awesome. Also, nice beard. xD
  4. xon

    What's Your Favorite Candy?

    Either 'Runts, 'Nerds' or 'Spree'.
  5. xon


    i'm sorry but i ate all of the blog snacks ;_;
  6. 2 out of the three in February were mine, yo. B) Imma catching up on Lunekk.
  7. xon


    It would be too obvious... (BNG's not having a prank either. We're too busy animating. )
  8. 'Da Brew Crew will be [sTINKIN' IT UP] this year. EDITED FOR BLASPHEMY!--LewaLew
  9. Congrats! At least I got into third place this year.
  10. xon


    Hey, that's what you get for saying that you didn't want any more snow earlier. Wisconsin still has low temperatures in the teens and 20s. Haven't seen any bugs this year.
  11. xon


  12. xon

    Thank You

    Congrats, Sisen!
  13. xon


    Ummmmm.... I don't get it. What happened?
  14. xon


    You need lots of sauce on your pizza. And hot pizza wins.
  15. I like my open-source WYSIWYG programs, thank you very much.
  16. xon


    I hope you know this is against the rules.
  17. xon

    Firefox 4

    D: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? It's the best browser out there.
  18. Do you have any milk? Can't have any brownies without milk.
  19. I'm sorry, but my personal beliefs include being against homosexuality. There's nothing that you can change. It's just what I believe in.
  20. It's more than that. Some of us have beliefs that are against it those kinds of relationships...
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