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Everything posted by alpha123

  1. Give me a couple months (for the first demo, anyway). I've got something big planned.It won't be set in a canon location, but it draws a lot of inspiration from '01-03 and '06.Real-time battle system
  2. @JC: It doesn't look like there are any custom pieces at all in this MOC.Wow, this is very impressive. The head is simply brilliant, as is the upper torso.I'm not very fond of the legs however. I can see the style you were going for with them, but I'm not really liking it. Also, the waist seems extremely narrow, but maybe that's just me. Either way, the thing is fantastic.
  3. Ko-Matoran culture is certainly different from the rest of the Matoran, which I think is evidence for my idea. Their culture is brief because they generally don't like to communicate much. They're all insane. :PI dunno, Mutran certainly has very narrow interests, but his social skills certainly don't seem below the average Makuta's. Hmm, I hadn't thought of him. I'd group him with Nuju -- neither of them like to communicate the normal way, but aren't necessarily below their species' average social skills in general.Vamprah was shown to communicate telepathically reasonably often, right? He was shown to talk to Gavla and Gorast, and I think it would be safe to assume he "talks" telepathically regularly. Kind of like Nuju speaks, but only in birdspeak. I'd say they're brief to the point of rudeness because they find expressing themselves unpleasant and avoid social interaction in general. Look at Ko-Metru. There sure wasn't a lot of social interaction there, and they seemed to much prefer it that way.
  4. Have I really not changed this since January 24?

  5. Oh, how did I forget Velika.@fischers64: For goodness sake, you don't need to dissect everything I say. The Nuju comment was mostly meant in jest.I do tend to view Ko-Matoran as having poor social skills however. Not simply because they're quiet; I'm pretty quiet and I have fine social skills. More, the Ko-Matoran sometimes tend to be rather unfriendly. Play MNOG II and pay attention to the Ko-Matoran dialogue. And then we have special Ko-Matoran like Kopeke and Kantai, who clearly have worse social skills than most. No other elements were shown to have anyone like that (unless I'm forgetting someone, which I feel like I am).
  6. It's a bug that occurs occasionally on some computers. Just be glad you're not that guy who got 10,000 deaths or something....
  7. Any Ko-character. Especially Nuju.They're bright, have specific interests, and have poor social skills.Actually, Nuju might have some kind of personality disorder... I mean, the guy talks in bird speak....
  8. I'm not addicted! I can quit whenever I want!Kinds of people: Specifically pixel artists and people who like testing things.
  9. Rocka actually looks kinda cool in that picture.Stalwart Defender. I'm drowning in mutagenic liquid over here....
  10. Courtesy of the Bionicle Media Project.
  11. Mushy... the... mushroom? In an ugly shade of purple?LEGO Despicable Me is an interesting idea.
  12. Skrall are simply physically stronger and hardier, so they'd survive better in the rough conditions. Also, as I recall, they didn't participate in the Core War much/at all, while the other tribes probably all had large losses.
  13. Forget 9.5, add multiplayer and skip to 12. :PAnyway, it's rather late for me as well. I'll let you know my thoughts on 9.4 tomorrow.
  14. I finished Demo 2 a few days ago and wow, you've done a great job Valrahk. The story especially has a lot of great potential. The elemental classes are a nice twist on an otherwise somewhat boring battle system.My biggest complaint is that the battles are too frequent, making it difficult to get anywhere and also making me way too rich.My other complaint is that the game seems too easy. Aside from the Aquanos, I've never lost a fight, never even been in a position where I could lose (although Jjulom got pretty close). This also makes the constant battles rather boring. The easiest way to fix this would probably be to level up slower. I realize it's only demo 2, so you'll probably do a lot of tweaking before the final version.Overall though, this is shaping up to be a great game. Story is excellent, you're hilarious as usual, and the elemental class system is a great idea.
  15. No mouse during gameplay, please. Switching between keyboard and mouse is such a pain.
  16. He was a highly intelligent Rahi though. I don't even think it's correct to classify Keetongu's species as Rahi. They seem at least as intelligent as Skakdi.I originally didn't think Kazi could be the GB because he isn't wise enough to get what Velika says. Then my sister mentioned that wouldn't it make you mad if one of your creations was smarter than you?Also, the journal thing is very interesting. I'm going with Kazi over Velika now.
  17. Definately 2006. The scene where the Piraka enslave the Matoran would have been perfect in a movie.Also, '06 has enough characters to be interesting, but not enough to be confusing, and everyone gets some development.
  18. Thank you so much. There's nothing more irritating than dieing from lack of air when a bot is running around madly keeping you frozen and unable to do anything.So presumably we're going to get a new version after gravity gets updated?
  19. Wow, you've been working hard.So does elemental armor drop as well, or just Nuva armor? And if you kill somebody with armor on, does it drop? Thank you so much.I like the interactions between elements (ice weakens plasma, fire cancels ice, etc).As usual, very good work Katuko....Now where's my multiplayer!?
  20. Great discovery Chaos Dralcax.I wonder when it was decided that there was a Great Being in the MU. It's entirely possible this is merely coincidence and Velika's name was decided on long before the GB thing. Still, that might be a reason for Greg to pick Velika. I bet he knows about the name meaning.
  21. <3 Veggie Tales.Does anyone else remember Lord of the Beans?
  22. 2014 is going to be the best year evar!!!
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