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Toa Doublebee

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Everything posted by Toa Doublebee

  1. looks great The overall design is really' really good. And that rather simple window reminds me of the good ol' MNOG times I find it odd that it seems so calm though. its in the middle of a fight, no?
  2. Sweet sprites I really like how the Avohkii has anime hair-like spike on it.
  3. Toa Doublebee

    the return

    I hope youre still making these. This reminds me of them golden days
  4. I really appreciate how you used the HF helmet's likenesses to recreate the Toa Mata. I might make a Ko-Matoran wearing a white Miru sometime...
  5. I honestly have no idea when/how I first stumbled into this site. possibly around 06-07. That means I have been lurking for a good 3-4 years
  6. excuse my poor memory, but do we actually see him do this "on screen"?
  7. I don't really like that notion. Its Lewa we are talking about.
  8. I think the minifigs in them are noteworthy, and I find the various rahi in the 07 sets fascinating, but that wasn't enough to make me get any. But if they do make playsets for G2. I will be sure to get at least the minifgs. I bet those would look awesome
  9. My school's cafeteria sells bagel toasts sometimes. They are fine. Tpbm thinks "Okoto" sounds silly.
  10. I admit his story confused me a little. Someone took his son, and he got him back?
  11. Wow this is really cool. I never thought much about neck articulationin the older sets. I will definitely try this.
  12. Gee, he must have done a very good job repairing himself. I'd imagine he'd be alot less symmetrical I also really like his lil' backstory. Excellent build
  13. I believe if you leave pins only partially inserted through a pin hole for too long it can be damaged, but I suppose it depends on the angle they are put in. I'll take your word that they are safe. They are your parts after all
  14. out comes a chainsaw shotgun (which is a thing). In goes a cat.
  15. hope ye fix the video soon. your collection sounds promising
  16. Where the Visorak foot and the Metru leg connect, the Visorak foot is at an angle. Than can't be healthy for the pins and axles holding it.
  17. 5? what an unusual number of members for a team...*gasp* did one die? j/k
  18. I love it I love it I LOVE IT!!! The hands, the Pohatu Claws on his ankles, DAT CUSTOM MASK, red/gunmetal rhakshi spines like in the original... This is wonderful. Thank you
  19. *head bobbing* *machine sounds*
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