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King Joe

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Everything posted by King Joe

  1. Aaaaaaaand Taka Nuvia manages to bring along another comic to make me laugh. So that's how Makuta are made.BTW, what are the Toa of Power's powers?
  2. So I finally decided to read your epic.And there is only one word to describe it.Epic.It is a very epic epic.I especially loved all the Doctor Who references throughout, not to mention the fact it's a wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey story in and of itself. I look forward to future chapters. You have a very good writing style, I really loved the exchange between Pirok and Incommodo at Pirok's front door. Keep up the good work.
  3. Yes, because they are TRON and Mega man and Sonic and Portal and have nothing to do with ponies.TPBM has played a Mega Man game.And loved it.
  4. Granted. Enjoy the loneliness that comes from being the last person alive, and watching everyone you've ever loved die.I wish I could come back from the dead as I wished.
  5. O.OHIDE! TAKA NUVIA'S LOST IT!AAAAAAAAAH!Muffins, huh? I prefer cake. Unless said cake is a lie. Then I just go straight for the ice cream.
  6. Taka Nuvia is wowing us with her hand made avi's again. Seriously Taka, take a break. You're making the rest of us look bad (JK).
  7. Eat Pirok. Pirok then attempted to preform a chestbuster, which resulted in...(Seriously Pirok. Godmoding is not allowed in the games forum. Or anywhere.)
  8. That was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. I love how all the after shots said the same thing, but in a sarcastic-silver lining style.
  9. Actually, I am surprised. TPBM loved TRON and TRON: Legacy.
  10. Granted. It eats you.I wish I knew what a Komau was.
  11. OOC: I would like to get Surge and/or Nihilo in on it, if the plot's they're in progress. The Doctor NPC is sure taking his time in answering Surge.
  12. I swipe the Mask o' Nukes and add it to my Uber-Exo-Toa armor, which I have repaired. BOOM! All your planet are belong to us.Oh, and the mask too.My Mask.
  13. No. Clever you are not. Clever the Doctor is.Talking like Yoda I am. Why?
  14. Ate Pirok's godmod powers. Then the Walrus ate a Kanohi, causing him to...
  15. I got to glooooat, I got to glooooooat. And I got to be chased by a fire wielding maniac. Just your average ordinary day in forever legacy!
  16. Last panel =. Epic.I might use that line sometime.Hello. I'm the backup.
  17. The forum software does not support animated avatars, unfortunately. Also, questions like this should be in the pictures forum here: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=10
  18. Personally, I never liked the Chao. Little too silly for my taste. Now if they were all like Chaos, that would be a different story. To me right now, with the exception of Cheese, they seem like glorified water-sheep to me.
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