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Blog Comments posted by JiMing

  1. Argh only now can I get in


    Name: JiMing
    Gender: Male
    Element 1: Fire
    Element 2: Plasma Actually how about Ice
    Other:  A bit of a greenhorn, excited to prove himself but also cautious to make sure he doesn't mess up everyone else. A bit of a mechanic whose favorite weapons are ones that can transform, such as a sword and shield that can morph into a massive battleaxe or an axe that can transform into a two-handed sword, and also prefers to have components of guns put into every one of his creations.
    Role: Whatever you want really but he's not gonna be the most experienced guy at whatever he ends up. 


    Pretty sure Lime Paradox took this name waaaaaaaaay before you did.


    Just to, you know, let you know. xP


    It wasn't Lime Paradox, it was me. I can understand the confusion, though, considering both of us worked extensively on the same artistic endeavor.


    As for the name change, I will warn you there was a reason I left this name; I hope it doesn't befall you.

    i'm a genius


    ....I'm suddenly curious, is there any chance you could divulge the exact situation that forced you away from the name?


    Nikolai Nikolanikov

    This. And it's better than other name changes because you also get an avatar to go with it free of any need for awkward decision making.


    Seconded. Plus, you get to be part of a group of super cool people including myself, Pahrak, and Tekulo.... Along with Voltex, Ehks, and Blade.


    We're all amazing and you can be too!

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