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Toa Sonis

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Everything posted by Toa Sonis

  1. This is an interesting short story, though some parts of it conflict with canon (specifically the Makuta part). The personalization you gave to Ignika really brought him to life, made him more than just a short-time hero. Very nice.The only grammatical error I could find was this: Lifts should be lifted, in this tense.All in all, well done!
  2. Not only should it be a quote, it also comes with a question: Do you actually know French?I like how you brought in all the overexaggerated i stuff (man it feels like I should capitilize that...I'm sure Tahu agrees. )Have a good time at Disneyworld! Somehow I get the feeling some of the stranger parts might end up appearing in this comedy...
  3. Hmm...in the defense of Ba-Naja, I think you used "undead" to describe the three reanimated Toa a few too many times. By about halfway through, we got the idea that these weren't ordinary "heroes"...online thesauruses are so useful sometimes. :)By the way, is Naja actually Matoran for fortress or did you make it up? I really like that term.
  4. Best quote from the most recent chapter! (8 or whatever)I really like the blending of so much comedy genius into one story! It's...too...funny... :eyeboggle:Can't wait for the next chapter!
  5. To critique: Imlen's sentence here seems a little...strange. Mostly the "just doing what I need to part". Maybe something like, Also, I assume Iskanemo didn't say his element on purpose? He seems like that kind of guy...Just consider. Excellent chapter as a whole!
  6. If the GB were the murderer, what would be the point in killing all of the powerful people he helped to create? Shouldn't people like Tren Krom be left to help organize the new system on SM? Unless he thought they might try to seize power for themselves...as has been said before, we don't know if the GB's intentions were actually evil or just appeared that way.Just bouncing it around.
  7. Best quote! Second is: When do we get the next chapter?
  8. Why only eleven? Why not more? :PQuote from this chapter: And:
  9. Okay, but is there any way to prevent it or stop it entirely? It gets kinda tiring to have to close and reopen the game most of the times I play it...
  10. Hi there!I have a quick quirk that occurred recently on my Windows 7 computer. The game froze and I pressed the super key to escape. I then clicked back inside the screen to find my mouse, and the game began again. But this time I had over 3000 kills! This apparently has never happened on my brother's computer, which also runs Windows 7. Is it just a function of my laptop, or is it an actual bug?
  11. Hmm...Takanuva, overall. He was so underused, though. And in the serials, Vezon had some of the best lines ever!Also Matoro, for his desperate heroism and willingness to do whatever it took (even killing and breaking the Toa code) to save the people and land he loved.And of course, the Toa Metru, for their amazing determination to conquer the impossible.
  12. Save for the fact that 2009-2011 seemed a little...randomly contrived...I think Bionicle ended at a good point. Yes, other things could've been done better to make it end earlier, but overall it was it a relatively good length.
  13. Almost. He did do some stuff in one of the stories, though at the moment my brain is apparently on vacation and can't remember which one. But he warned some Agori about an impending Skrall attack, so that was kinda big.
  14. Yup...oh, now it's clearer. Re-reading sure is helpful (especially when it's not right after math homework).
  15. Interesting...not quite as comedic as the preceeding chapter but still funny. A little confusing at the end with the stasis room; I assume Helryx somehow got hold of the Nui Stone?EDIT: I almost forgot, I really like that Tahu is the fourth person to go against (and/or be killed by) Axonn...
  16. Absolutely I do!And for the voting, number 4. It would be real interesting to see why an extremely intelligent Toa is in that class... :lol:While we're at it, I suggest that you do one of Tahu's infamous barbeques for your 3K post. That'd be funny.
  17. Interesting take on the Vorox civilization prior to their decline. I also like the origin of Kabrua, and the whole past/future comparison.The "ancient entity" line (whom I presume to be Anona?) seems a little out of place and not at all connected to what's happening in the story, however.
  18. Fittingly sad, as others have said, for the death of one known well. Personally I had no idea who it was on the bed for a while...oh well. :PThe reconciliation scene between Kopaka and Tahu was very, very nicely done. A little more info would have been helpful, but it kind of kept the shrouding of sadness over the whole thing. It was also descriptive, in a way that left enough room open for my imagination to fill in the details.All in all, a wonderful short story.
  19. Wow...a Lewa0111 comedy with a plot! I like how it still manages to retain its random flavor, though. Hilarious!
  20. Oops, my bad! Sometimes I get briefly dyslexic like that... :PPretty much, yeah. It's not even so much the transitions between chapters as the ones between events. It is hard to write time skips, and I admire your efforts, but the short stories will help a lot.
  21. The most interesting part for me is, my brother actually built a Toa Vahi (and that was his name). He never started as a Matoran, though. And his power was indeed the power of time..quite useful it can be, at that.
  22. Really the only criticism I can think of is that the story seems a little "sectioned"--like when Imlen, Vilam, and Paqyar are Matoran, when they become Toa, finding the Turaga, their various phases of adventure, and the voyages that bring them there. It flows well within these "sections", but the transitions seem rather abrupt. Things are getting a little closer to home in their current quest (through chap. 25), but it still seems like everything they did before that was--for lack of a better description--in another life.Found another typo: I assume the tactical advantage was Vilam's?
  23. Wow...interesting...I like that the black one is good and the white evil. Helps escalate the whole internal conflict thing.Nice use of...strange items...like jester hats...where can I get one of those things!?
  24. Makes good sense then..Can't wait to see what "new perspective" Furno gains in the next chapter.
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