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Mushy the Mushroom

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Status Replies posted by Mushy the Mushroom

  1. Hey Mushy! Here's a slapdash collage of a few of the sewing projects I've done over the past few years that I mentioned! T-shirt blanket, with 50lb pup for scale, embroidery attempt (the chinese characters), full-size tote bag, lovebird throw pillow for a friend's wedding gift (because broke so I couldn't afford something nicer), the mini practice tote-bags that fit soda cans perfectly, and like, the very first facemasks I did! 


  2. Believe victims.

  3. As of July 26th, 2020, I am resigning from BZPower staff and voluntarily requesting to be banned. I can no longer trust or vouch for this site as a safe place for users in light of the admins' failure to meaningfully condemn or punish multiple instances of abuse or harassment perpetrated by staff members against fellow BZPower members.

    I will not elaborate at present, seeing as these are not my stories to tell and I do not want to give staff members who disagree with my decision any motivation to censor this message. But rest assured that this is a decision I've been contemplating for weeks, even as I naively held out hope that BZPower staff might actually take meaningful action on this matter.

    I would like to extend my condolences to those who have been victims of abuse or harassment by members of this site, and forced to endure the trauma of seeing them maintain good standing within the community, even among those who knew of their actions.

    Goodbye, BZPower. I'm grateful for the experiences I've had here, but it's clear to me that my continued involvement in the community will never be enough to make it the kind of safe, healthy, and supportive community that I used to believe it was.

    ~Skye (Aanchir)

  4. @Aderia Here's some more of my Bionicle art...It's quite bad too :lol:, also from long ago.


  5. I updated my bio even though absolutely no one will read it. Am I really at that stage of quarantine?

  6. Wait, what happened to the friends list? lol

  7. Undeniable.

  8. today is my birthday! HOORAY!!!! lol 

  9. "Last Visit: July 16th, 2016"

    Been a long time, huh?

  10. Hey, you have a new avatar. Thought I'd never see the day.

  11. Oh, your signature creature thing disappeared. I guess it finally returned to its own dimension.


  13. My favorite color of the alphabet is 17. It smells nice.

  14. I was so hideously ugly that the moment he looked at me he died!

  15. Oh hey. It's my Birthday.

  16. That stupid depression again... I need a hug :(

  17. i will make comics again if someone pays me $59 in colld hard cash.

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