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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. Did you download the SOL or the TXT saving version? Also, did you modify of move around any of the files?~Mentos FruitI downloaded the txt saving version. Also I did not move around any files.Is there no loading screen of any kind?~Mentos Fruityou get the option menu of faster or better quality, Then it loads, then it goes black.
  2. Did you download the SOL or the TXT saving version? Also, did you modify of move around any of the files?~Mentos FruitI downloaded the txt saving version. Also I did not move around any files.
  3. Hey, can any on help me with this. I downloaded MNOG II of BOGA a few weeks ago. it was running fine for a good few days, but now when I start it up, all I get is a black screen
  4. Thank you. Finally some one else that shares my opinion.
  5. Is it bad that I have visions of killing people really, really violently?

  6. What year did you think had the best characters? And also why?I personally think 2004 had the best, purely for the Toa Metru. I just think they were the most in depth.I am sorry, but the other Toa Teams just didn't cut it for me. They seemed too much like perfect Heroes, while I felt the Toa Metru had some sort of personal growth at the end their journey. The six Matoran were quite annoying thoughPlease note, these are just my opinions, so don't flame me if you dont agree with them(Not that I would expect man on BZP to do this)
  7. Actually, you do have a point. From what I hear, Artahka is the Matoran place of refuge and Karzahni is a terrible place. They do seem like Heaven and Hades.I always thought this. Although If Karsahni had of done his job, it would be more like purgatory that Hades
  8. Well when Bionilce was more mystical in the 2001-2008 years, I used to believe that when they dies they would be like spirits, Little bit like Star Wars
  9. You know what I would really want to see. I have said it before, and Ill say it again. Metru Nui. Loved every part of it. The characters, the plot, the golden age of Matoran. If they could take what they learned from all the other years set wise, it could make for one cracking year.The only thing I wanted was for Dume to not be MAKUTA! and to actually just be a normal leader, gone mad with power. Pretty dark eh?Also maybe a prequel to Metru Nui too. Lhikan's Toa Team maybeh?
  10. What the? You lost your gold colour?

    1. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      That's because the Reference Team was disbanded.

    2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Ah, so that's what happened. First you think Bones are made of gold and then it turns out they're really blue! Such a crazy world we live in...

    3. CeeCee


      Tis a sad day

  11. Yeh, mis Sister thinks its stupid too, but I just ignore her.
  12. I hope Jesse finds out about Walt as well. How do you thin Walt will die?Hard to believe there are only 9 episodes left.
  13. After watching the movie WoS, it never really made it clear. I know Nokama was the deputy leader, but she didnt seem all that great at it in the film.Did they even have a Toa leader at that point?
  14. They all had their own characteristics, and are all different from each other. Who was the greatest in your opinion?
  15. Well Nokama looked into the water to see her face. And Hahli did win the Kohlii championship
  16. I agree. People didn't complain when knights kingdom came out, because Bionicle was still going. Now that Bionicle has ended, people assume it ended to make way for hero Factory.
  17. Welcome to BZPower. If you have any questions, go to the reference desk for answers, or PM a moderator.

  18. Well, Ordeal of Fire had major pacing issues and Savage Planet, while much better, was so full of corny one liners it was either heaven or Tartarus for you to watch (depends on if you like bad puns! ), but Breakout is actually pretty good. Better than any of the four BIONICLE movies, I dare say.Are you kidding me? I actually think break out was the worst.
  19. Okay so I purchased a fair few of the heroes a few weeks ago, and i must say, theyre quite nice. I dont think I will be any sort of avid collector or anything, but they do all look amazing.As for story, I really dont like it.
  20. The what?Oh, sorry. I guess I mean land fill.
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