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Everything posted by Oroki

  1. Out comes an entirely purple Onepu! And it looks pretty good on him. In goes my phone.
  2. Well, I'm officially 19 now, time to do 19-year-old's stuff.

    1. Ghidora131


      19, eh? Others have gotten there before you. Also, I would advise against putting your age publicly.

  3. Nyan, Mata Nui-Neko kawaii ^^
  4. Yes, Bionicle is different. Sometimes the well-worn road doesn't have the power that a story wants, and you start to explore the foreign. Bionicle is an alien.
  5. I would check if I had a phone with me. WWYDI you could design your life digitally?
  6. Can't you download them off of SoundCloud? Sorry if I'm mistaken I remember thinking that too, but apparently there has to be a special download button present, and I'm assuming it's up to the creator to decide if it's there or not. Thanks for pointing this out. I enabled the download links for the tracks. Yay. And yes. These are very chord-based compositions, so it's very much possible. I will put them up jazz-style (melody with chords on top). Better suggestion: Bionicle Brain You guys have no mercy, do you?
  7. "A- dap- ta- ta~ bidibidibidi labedie skan vil laden landon Ajadaptam- ta~ Padi padi bidibidibidibidi lan den tren krom..." WWYDI someone wrote a fanfiction about you?
  8. This is probably a choice made by the graphic designer to make the main characters stand out. But we have no reason to believe that there is one universal matoran build either. Jallers body was different from the Metruan because the commune build of the matoran changed twice canonically. The matoran pods changed them, and shortly before MoL they were rebuilt (how they did that, beats me).
  9. I completely agree and I'm doing al I can for better sound quality. So far I had to record everything with my laptop, so someone had to say it at some point. Hopefully, I'll have my hands on a brand new mic very soon.
  10. You did it! I want to see him together with Onuaaaaaaa~ Great job, especially on the legs and the axe. Your Onua is still unmatched, though, but given the harder challenge, and the fact you stayed impressively close to the same style it's hard to complain. Makoki stone, my rainbow gafna. You just wanted to give him some extra bling-bling to go with the golden mask.
  11. When I saw your new display name, I was all like, d'awww snubby-dubby snuggalicious. And then I had to look up what "snubby" actually means.

    1. Underscore


      What does it mean? The reason I changed my display name to it is because it's my real-life nickname =P

    2. Underscore


      Alright, I looked it up. PLEASE NOTE EVERYONE: I had no idea that "Snubby" meant a snub-nosed revolver. Please think more along the lines of what Oroki said =P.

    3. Oroki
  12. What?! I mean, no. Good job on getting the solar system question right. Are you a morning person?
  13. 3/5. You started the game thingies and you have lots of friends and have been around for a while too, but you're not that easy to run into.
  14. This belongs in the non-Lego forums. That video is spot on, though.
  15. I'd say the McToran. I think it's understaded what awesome colours they had, like purple, sand blue, teal and yellow. The pieces are also so esthetically pleasing, especially the ancient-looking head piece. It's strange how the characters are so well appreciated, but the sets have so few reviews.
  16. Oh, so many! The sets me and my sister got and building them, exploring the internet and learning English (these are both thanks to Bionicle). Seeing Bionicle sets for the first time at my friends place. I recall one game where I and my sister would play with the rahkshi. We imagined Makuta as a real dad, and Pouks was the mother who was always angry at him for whatever reason. Vorahk was a rockstar, of course. The kanoka club! *-* typing in random disk codes, and lots of them would just work (there are only so much combinations with three digits). Reading the Greg reference topic. There was a time where I was in a Dutch community where everyone had there own little website, and I knew every Bionicle fansite there and I loved building my own. There was the only time I ever rpged. MOCing was awesome too. I had this flawless custom ussal which would fit in my pocket, so I could always carry an ussal around if I wanted. Oh, I remember writing an epic! It wasn't bad either, when I look back on it. It was based on a dream I had, and featured three crazy matoran who escaped from a deserted prison and unknowingly got caught in a plot of Krika, and a plot of Bitil at the same time, all framed as a story that Mutran told Vican to convince him to get mutated. Okay, maybe it wasn't perfect. I remember that it started out with a nine-legged creature crawling over the ceiling about to take revenge on its creator. Gawd, I even made MOC's for the story and wrote a theme for it. Too bad I never put them out. I remember the complete theme though, it still like it. And reading people's Bionicle comics. Man, was I a sucker for that.
  17. When you stay out of the sun for a while, you lose that sexy dark tan. That's what happened to the matoran. An alternate explaination could be that their Mata Nui forms didn't provide as much pigment to their armour as their Metru Nui forms used to.
  18. No. I will marry you someday. Are all asteroids in our solar system put together bigger than our moon?
  19. I'm back! Get ready for hallucinations. And here's a marimba arrangement for The Battle for Mata Nui that I promised. I'm glad you like it. Since that flute melody is designed to fit on top of the Le-Koro Band theme, I think it's best to combine those into one IWPABT. It's technically the same song. Great suggestion, it's a beautiful melody.
  20. Yay, more bionicle anime fanart. You've got a nice edgy-sketchy feel to you drawings. My favorites are Takua, Nuparu and Matau. Tahu lacks some serious fire, though.
  21. Ha! I just found them right before I read this. They're right here. Delightfully bubbly as ever!
  22. Oh gawdz, itd stopped right at them moos why the moos tht is a seriuos clieffhagner!
  23. Oroki


    These swaggers are still priceless. Yo yo.
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