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Everything posted by McNugget

  1. I agree with P:MoS, the Rocka Helmet works well with this. How Did You connect the Feet? They don't look like they were connected via CCBS Bone. And The Backpack(?) is a Nice Touch.
  2. Storyline and Theories is a place that I dare not visit. Bionicle Discussion has much less fighting.
  3. Unlike Sylvie, this Area of Land around the other side of the Island has almost no land, as it lies next to a Large River, and is almost always Flooded. Due to this, the Matoran have decided to make their homes up in the Enormous Trees above the water. Delnorg
  4. Sounds like Pet Ewok. How is it a Misspelling of Dragon?
  5. IC: Strurin "Alright."
  6. Greg Farshtey, death by knowing more about Bionicle.
  7. I throw you into a pit of despair. My mask
  8. Getting my one year Vahi....

  9. The Masks and Tools Refuse to Change, and Instead Grown new Bodys for themselves and Everybodys ok because the masks and tools aren't on the toa nuva. Oh no, now they're angry at the toa Nuva. In goes the Toa Nuva
  10. I'm Dark Samus and I blast you with my Phazon Beams My mask
  11. Better grip on the Ignika so it didn't fly into the ocean. Kotu
  12. Kadin His Dreams are dark ones
  13. TMN. I said it. I like TMN. And I don't get the hate on umbra, he's a cool set.
  14. *paper copy of the Toa Code flies by* Using a Makuta's power against them =/= killing. Oh, I was thinking about them emulating the Makuta's Mask powers, which they consider immoral. It's not because of the Makuta wearing it that makes it Immoral, it's the Mask that the Makuta is wearing, like, say a Makuta was wearing a Kakama, it wouldn't be immoral, but a Crast would be considered Immoral.
  15. I bought Kopaka, Pohatu, PoJ, PoS, and PoI at the same time. So all 5 of those.
  16. I thought that shade of blue Pakari also came with the Nui Jaga.
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