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Everything posted by McNugget

  1. I Destroy you with a GSAC(Granny Smith Apple Cannon) My mask
  2. This is actually really freaky. The Creepiest part is the Fingertip hands. Does the name come from the hand in The Addams Family? EDIT: 2,200th post!
  3. The suit isn't Protosteel. My mask still.
  4. Fight Music to go along with their fight. Tahu
  5. You apparently like too many things to list. but what you did list gives you a whole 4.5/5
  6. Dark Samus is only vulnerable to Phazon based attacks. these Porcupines will make short work of you. My mask.
  7. A Krana replacement kit Gahdok and Cahdok
  8. Terminate those 'x's, the only reason the underscore exists is Because Dark Samus was already taken.
  9. My Kneecaps are made of Raw Magic and Solid Gold. You failed to break them. My Mask(Along with Knees of Creation )
  10. I make you eat Hordaki's Kneecaps. My mask.
  11. Don't the limbs... well, belong on the limbs? Don't you dare question Lego's sanity! If they want children to be limbful of their pecs, you darn well let them. Ok? <Snippity Snip Snip> It's Basically all of Bionicle in one picture True true.......correct but is it like this My brother Actually wore that one year for Halloween.
  12. Don't the limbs... well, belong on the limbs? Don't you dare question Lego's sanity! If they want children to be limbful of their pecs, you darn well let them. Ok? It's Basically all of Bionicle in one picture
  13. nope, It makes me you of the future.
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