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Everything posted by McNugget

  1. Empress of Phazon

  2. So, After nearly a year of being on this site, I finally changed it. I'm a Bit Obsessed with this Game, as you can see.
  3. Out comes The Ultimate Bonkle Meme. In goes my Profile Pic
  4. Yeah. Should I change my Display Name to Dark_Samus?(Dark Samus without the Underscore was taken)
  5. You're still Descending into Protodermis? How deep is this Protodermis?
  6. But who Will be Tahu's Mother in the past? Gali 2.0? And then his father be Tahu 2.0?
  7. I am in love with this profile pic

  8. I do think I'm Obsessed. But I'm More in love with this one than my last one. Anyway, I Manipulated a Photo Of Dark Samus from the End of Metroid Prime 3, Just before the (Not quite)final Battle on Phaaze.
  9. Don't the limbs... well, belong on the limbs?
  10. Why are you scared of it's uber spooky face coward And until it loses in BBC #71. or maybe a few days after the final polls close.
  11. For some reason I'm actually ok with that.
  12. IC: Strurin Strurin re-entered Flight mode, and started off towards the cauldron.
  13. Aww you love Vaalku Not what Nato Said. But I actually laugh every time I see Vaalku making threats. Vaalku is love, Vaalku is life. And i figured people would like to see half-y up and about again, carrying out his usual stupidity. They would like for him to be not-stupid anymore. And everybody doesn't like to see Half-y. Where are you getting this from ghiddy
  14. Aww you love Vaalku Not what Nato Said. But I actually laugh every time I see Vaalku making threats.
  15. they're destroyed wow liuth you just broke bionicle g1 in goes some of the last remnants of g1 in an attempt to bring back bionicle
  16. I know very few people, and when I try to explain the Bionicle Story I can't stop and I confuse them alot. So I just find it better to not say anything. There is one person I know from My Boy Scout Troop who had Hero Factory Sets, and they saw one of my MOCs and thought it was really cool though.
  17. OOC: Whoops, missed the last Spezia Post. IC: Strurin Strurin landed outside the school, and walked over towards Spezia. "I'm ready to head out." IC: Blade-Halls You've been walking through these halls for what feels like an eternity. Right now, Doing nothing, your life is about as useless as everyone else's. Just taking up Space. I know what you're getting at. But I have something better in mind. Time to figure out who really killed Kuma He then started heading towards the Gym.
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