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Everything posted by Xan

  1. Do we really need more Hoth sets? These could have easily been sold as separate sets and the price is ludicrous. It would be fine if it was cheaper and wasn't labelled a UCS. The minifigs are nice though, but I think I may pass on this and save for other stuff.
  2. I've seen this with the Vahki a lot. Perhaps I could sell them for $200 too! /s
  3. I now have a sudden urge to try and dig out whats left of my Exo Force stuff.
  4. Everything except for those solid gold masks. Just one more piece to go...
  5. Since everybody has already said the obvious choices, I'd say Kraata. The idea is cool, and I like that like the Krana there were different ones for each of the Rahkshi, but did we really need 250? It's a completionists nightmare.
  6. Phasma looks great in my opinion, in any pose, as well as that nice cape piece. The best build would be grievous though imo.
  7. Yeah, I'll pass on that. Guess I gotta save more!
  8. The Mata. Yeah, I get it, they were the first of the lot. Sure they're great, and I understand if they are your favourites, I love them too, but I just hear about them too much. And the Metru, with boring colours and awkward arm connections.
  9. Ah..uh.. well then. In my defense my self MOC is bulky for a reason.
  10. The gold ones look fantastic. The silver ones are ok when used on a set with silver, like Lewa. Other than that they aren't great in my opinion.
  11. Somebody beat me to the Jerbraz gag. So I'd say Artahka and the other Hagah. Also Bingzak.
  12. All space ships and other space related vehicles must be blue and grey, with yellow tinted windows.
  13. You purchased multiple copies of 10023 to get all the Rahi at once.
  14. Mine are all intact. And I intend to keep them that way far a long time.
  15. Just a bit overpriced http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-Bionicle-Toys-R-Us-Kanohi-Mask-Album-/221945559627?nma=true&si=PYYULvMrhuq25grE6mm1YPs5EGU%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  16. You spend hundreds on a single part... Twice
  17. They look cool, the story is interesting and making stuff is fun.
  18. Miras and I make this mask look good.
  19. I have a Facebook, and the pieces and maybe the skill to do it. But I just don't really care. I might do something, and I'd love to win, but I just don't really feel motivated. The other entries will be interesting though.
  20. The pig figures were the last straw.
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