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Everything posted by Xan

  1. It's a shame too. I need another one because the one I have is damaged.
  2. Oh gosh, that is a lot. Got mine for £2 a few years ago, perhaps I could make a hefty profit! And I'll have a good laugh if anybody gets that Hero Factory lot.
  3. Iden know how to respond to that.
  4. Hand it over now and you'll be spared when the invasion fleet arrives.
  5. Platinum Avohkii. After I'm galactic emperor though.
  6. It's like the platinum one was buried somewhere on Dagobah.
  7. I'd never be brave enough to do that to a clear Kaukau. It's not the easiest mask to get a hold of.
  8. I have a white mutated Olisi.
  9. Irnakk with his cage had thing was pretty darn weird.
  10. Actually you're wrong. Not only the instruction says to place the piece outside (look closely at the 9th picture), but this piece is also doesn't hold anything up. I tried to place the mask the way you've suggested, but it doesn't work well. I think that the grey piece just imitates the eyestalk. Oh, I see it now. I thought that because of how the MoC is attached in the Skull Grinder vs Ekimu set.
  11. I think the mask is attached to the display wrong. The gray piece is meant to be inside the mask to help hold it up.
  12. I'm guessing you've completely ignored the Ebay topic. It's pretty much been discussed to death over there already. It's also confirmed to be a custom mask, not the solid gold variant.
  13. what is this whole giant robot thing. Well. In the time before time...
  14. This is a big step in the right direction I think. Hopefully we will get a lot more female character in the future, to balance it out, which was a huge mistake on gen 1's part.
  15. If a story or art is the case, then I have no chance of winning.
  16. Good observation. He bought the Lewa mask even. I guess the "gift" statement is a lie too. Masonkh, how would you feel about telling us his real name and address? It would be fun to mail him a box of feces (or some such thing). I believe you are correct. I also do believe I know who he is and that he is fully aware that the mask is one of the chrome coated plastic ones. it would be unethical for me to give out his personal information and I generally don't mind if people resell the chrome parts purchased from me, but it's NOT okay when one tries to deceive their buyers into purchasing something they do not want.So far, no one has bid on it, so I'm not super worried about it at the moment. If he still feels like selling the gold mask after this entry is over, hopefully he'll sell it at a lower price and with a bit less deception. This guy needs to be reported.Not just reported, he needs to be exposed. Chances are he's a member here and/or on other Bionicle subforums. We could nail this guy if we knew who he was. Get your pitchforks here!
  17. Personally, I'm not a big fan of launcher weapons. They worked on the protectors well, as the protectors were smaller sets with fewer functions. The gear function just works better on the Toa sets than a launcher. They also allow for more diverse and complicated builds, while launchers could just be seen as a cheap gimmick.
  18. Nope. And if I did, knowing the Instagram dwelling morons at my school, I'd get ridiculed to the end of the galaxy. Man teenagers are harsh.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDXPNsnIks4 And I've been here for less than a year. My time will continue. Believe me it will.
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