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Everything posted by evil_jaga_genius

  1. I kindof want to vote for myself because I didn't play any of the other games... oh what the heck I'll give in to the madness. Good luck everyone!
  2. Out comes the Pale Green Pants with Nobody Inside Them. In goes sausages.
  3. You punch me explosively as well. You lose your other arm, I lose my face. I then decide to take the mask as a replacement face. My mask, your lack of appendages.
  4. Random question, would Krekka's species be related to the Vortixx in any way? I just thought because they kinda shared the same head-face look... Maybe you could call them Krekkanoids instead of Steltian Ogres.
  5. Ooh yah... maybe give them the Bohrok-Kal powers or Rahkshi powers... though I admit Rahkshi powers might not work so well, seeing as though they had 'evil' connotations (like Fear, Poison and Anger). They're still awesome powers to have, though.
  6. Wait, what? You DON'T get shocked by licking a battery...? HOW COME NOBODY TOLD ME THIS VALUABLE PIECE OF INFORMATION?!? I pour a bottle of Sink and Brain Cleaner on you, thoroughly washing your brain, and snatch the mask out of your hands. My mask.
  7. Contributing something useful to this conversation, I think BS01 said that Hewkii Inika had Stone as his main power and then could also use Lightning through his axe... or something like that. Lewa's new bio says he controls 'plants and the wind', so maybe he's doing the same kind of thing. Has Jungle/plantlife as his main power and Air as a secondary power. As for the ponies I didn't realize it was such a touchy subject...
  8. First thing that came to mind was the 2004 Metru Nui Matoran body, like from Vhisola or Ahkmou. If you still need any help, that is, it seems like you've got it pretty well covered. Can't wait to see the finished MOC!
  9. 1. Not really a theory, more like calling out the obvious. 2. We are AFoLs, not Bronies. While both groups are adult fans of a children's brand, one is slightly less creepy, and much more reasonable. FINALLY somebody else thinks there's something very wrong about grown men going nuts over pink cartoon ponies. Hey look spam and flame. Don't do that.
  10. In order to prove your tech-savviness, I convince you to lick a 9-volt battery. Little do you know I swapped it for a 900-volt one, though... My mask.
  11. Out comes a volume of Greek philosophy written in hieroglyphics. I sneeze in the pool.
  12. Granted, but it's been sitting for a couple weeks, so it's actually a green instead of an orange. Does this make it a vegetable? I wish for a something that won't turn into a vegetable.
  13. I give you a Soviet Russian pie which throws you into Aerixx and gives me ample time to run off with the mask. My mask and mysterious pie.
  14. Uber cool. The trans-blue and the Kakama chestplate are insane... I have no clue how to pull that off. Two things: Maybe you would want to use a trans-blue brainstalk instead of a green one? Even a darker shade like on Toa Onewa would work. And maybe make the shield a little bigger... maybe use the snowflake pieces off Metus and Gelu? All in all, quite impressive! -Jaga
  15. Wow, I did not know that. I guess that explains why they've been using a lot of HF parts. Now I want one of these suckers, even though I don't have any 2015 sets... yet.
  16. So much for your mask? Why yes, I'll pay that much for it. My mask.
  17. I hire some zombies to eat these possessed bodies and brains all over the place and generally tidy the place up. My mask.
  18. Granted, but he told the people playing Steal The Mask you have it. All of the players try destroying you in very imaginative ways before running off with the mask, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake. I wish for a Koli ball.
  19. Out comes Nikola Tesla, ranting about people stealing his patents and landing a rocket on Mars. In goes a phone.
  20. Granted. Asflkjgl;jkalkjdsflkjgasdf I wish someone got my WHO ATE ALL THE PIES!?! references... What flavor, you ask? PIE FLAVOR!
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