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Avohkah Tamer

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Avohkah Tamer

  1. Which browser and ad-blocking extension are you using? I use Firefox and Chrome with the official Adblock Plus (in beta on Chrome). ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  2. Nope, Adblock Plus on Firefox and Google Chrome can block specific deeplinked images. When you right click an image to add a new filter, just make sure you choose the deeplink URL rather than the one with the asterisk. Unfortunately, since Tilius's avatar is uploaded to BZP, it would block all of his future uploaded avatars (until you unblock it), since every time he uploads a new avatar it will use the same BZPower URL. It's not so much that as it is the reason they're putting up those banners. How many banners in recent BZPower history have had heterosexual couples kissing? Most, if not all of the people who added those banners in the last couple days obviously did so to evoke a response. To tell them to take it down would be "intolerant" no matter what the official reason for the request is. If you think about it, it's rather silly that they feel the need to "make a stand" for this on a forum for a discontinued children's toy line. To clarify, I would also be against banners of heterosexual couples making out; it just isn't really appropriate for impressionable young kids. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  3. We had one of those awesome wooden plank sandboxes too! Ours even had wooden seats on each corner! I remember when my dad built it, the same day he built a playfort thing in another part of the yard. (That should be another "Weekly Cool", if you had fun times on playgrounds/forts/stuff growing up too...) In my area, there were quite a few toads due to some nearby ponds. We'd frequently find them in the garden, and me and my brothers loved playing with them until we would release them again at the end of the day. One of our favorite things to do with caught toads was to build them a complex city/fortress in our sandbox with wettened sand, with tunnels and bridges and towers, and even a nice, high wall to make sure the toads couldn't escape. (Poor toads! At least we kept them fed with ants and other bugs we dropped in! XD) We had the problem with wasps too (probably since I live in about the same geographic area as you). Maaan, I hate wasps. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  4. Asynchronous eyebrow movement - Yes, both (although I'm significantly better at raising my left eyebrow than my right)Vulcan Salute - Yep, that's easy. I can also move my pinky alone as well.Ear wiggling - NopeNostril flaring - Yes. Figured out how to do it at will several years ago, have been annoying people ever since.Asynchronous eye movement - No, unless you count crossing your eyes and then looking to one direction (one eye stays towards the middle while the other moves). My brother inadvertantly moves only one eye when he attempts (and fails) to cross his eyes. It's creepy. XDTongue curling - Yes, but I can't do the clover-shape variety, just the "tube". I can do this as well (bending only to the first joint while the rest of the finger is straight), with all of my fingers. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  5. A literal "Wii HD" is very feasible. That is, on whatever the next home console is, there should be backwards compatibility with normal Wii games that upscales them to high definition. This has already been shown to be possible with Wii emulators on computers: there are videos all over the internet of how games like Super Mario Galaxy look rendered in 1080p (and it's gorgeous). ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  6. That's really awesome you got to try it out! I wish they had one of those events near where I live, but I guess I can handle waiting until the end of the month to pick mine up. =P Although I hate to burst your bubble, the staff guy you talked to doesn't seem to have all correct information... First off, there's just no way one of the customer reps showing off the 3DS at the event would be savvy to a new console announcement over a year in advance (however likely it is that Nintendo will be releasing a new one in the next one or two years regardless). That's a pretty close-guarded secret until the actual announcement, and even leaked info only comes out a month or two before that. Also, it's been reported that Nintendo's actually dropped Opera and will be implementing a NetFront browser instead. That still means Flash/HTML5 are likely, though! All-in-all it's still a very powerful machine compared to the DSi, and I can't wait until I pick mine up on release day! ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  7. I even had this one guy go all "U WANTZ CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS FOR IT? OR WAIT DUDE HOW BOUT THIS ILL GIVE U ALL MY ITEMDROPS FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARZ IF YOU JUST PLEEEEEZ SELL ME YOUR EARBUDS" Well, on the other hand, Apple does grossly overprice their products; I'm sure they just don't have enough money to buy them new and want a bargain on some used ones. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  8. Man, it's just so freaky that so many of my friends are BZP staff now... Seriously man, you really deserve the title and I'm 100% sure you'll do great. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  9. Awesome show, it has me laughing harder than any other show. What's your favorite episode? ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  10. Ohohoho, I see how you did that. Very clever! I won't ruin it though. =P ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  11. The Maverick is really a great first Nerf gun. I also highly recommend the Recon (a sort of assault rifle shape, with a six-dart clip), or the new Nerf Spectre for a kind of mix between the Maverick and Recon (similar in shape and customizability to the Recon, but has a 5-dart revolver mechanism rather than a clip). Both offer decent range and are pretty fun to use. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  12. Glad to see Fringe on your "To Start" section, that is just a phenomenal show. Season 1 starts off a little slow, but stick with it because once Season 2 starts, it just gets better and better. It's still on that upward trend right now. Fringe is my favorite currently-weekly-airing show. On my need-to-watch list is The A-Team (the original 80s series), which I found in its entirety online; and classic Doctor Who, if I can find it somewhere. I'm actually surprised you became a Stargate SG-1 fan during the Ori storyline. Seasons 1-8 are much, much better, and I think you'll highly enjoy watching through it. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  13. Sounds like you just got trolled by Majhost. =P ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  14. Seconded, I've got pretty much the exact same thing here. I also love the MobileRSS app on my iPod, which syncs to my Google Reader feed pretty perfectly. I can read RSS everywhere! 8D ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  15. As far as I saw, there wasn't a dedicated section for Bionicle at all (though I could have missed it, I had less time to see everything this year). That's not to say it couldn't use one, though! =P ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  16. Wait... "to be planned"? Are you saying there's a possibility of an OFFICIAL (albeit understandably smallish) BZPower gathering at Brickworld? Like, potentially an actual booth? That would very very honestly be a dream come true for me. I can't make it to any Lego conventions except Brickworld each year, and I didn't meet a single BZPer at this year's. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  17. Thanks! And I saw that yesterday, it's quite awesome. I wonder where they got the miniature Dalek attachments; I'd love to have a tiny egg-whisk-ray-gun. Wait... What? ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  18. Why, oh why do I never blog? I mean, it's not like I'm not on BZP much, 'cause I visit every day. I really have no good reason for not blogging. Anyways, today's Halloween! My family doesn't really celebrate it that much, besides some pumpkin carving and dressing up in a costume for fun if I want to, though we don't Trick-or-Treat. Now, I'm no expert in pumpkin carving. I've never done the shave-part-of-the-surface-off-instead-of-cutting thing due to my only light source being those dim tea light candles. I don't do super-complex patterns or enter contests. Heck, I don't even carve the generic spooky faces! I carve video game designs! In fact, last year I carved a pretty darn cool Half-Life 2 design on my pumpkin. This year I spent hours trying to think of how I could top that awesomely geeky HL2 Jack o' Lantern. Staying with my VALVe theme, I finally came up with an idea and got it carved-- JUST before the Trick-or-Treaters started showing up! That's right, a Portal 2 pumpkin! And here it is lit up! And here's the template, if you'd like to print it out and carve your own! (Made from a vector image of the Aperture Science logo, and a portion of the Portal 2 logo) So what do you think? ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  19. Laughin'Man and I just finished watching the series a few days ago, quite enjoyable! I do wish it had gone on for longer, though... Most miniseries in the US are more than 3 episodes. A second season (of only three episodes again, ) is scheduled to air next Fall, so that's a good thing. Stephen Moffat is awesome. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  20. My external monitor? I guess it could work... ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  21. Now I have to build one of those, that is just win. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  22. So I turned 20 today. I still have no idea how I got to be so old. I'm like... OLD old. I feel compelled to tell people younger than me how back in my day, I had to walk to school barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways; except I was homeschooled so it's not really true. My birthday was largely uneventful, no party, no friends over; but I got a couple Hero Factory sets as gifts (Duncan Bulk, Xplode, Furno's Bike). Oh, and one of these, which my brother found in-package at a garage sale a few weeks ago. It's LOUD, too, which is pretty cool. But you didn't click my blog entry to hear about my gifts, did you? You clicked it to see my cake. BEHOLD! It's not really a Black Forest cake (the kind the Portal Cake was modeled after), just a pretty simple cheap version my mom made for me. Boxed chocolate cake mix, crushed Oreo wafers, a can of chocolate frosting, white decorating frosting in a compressed can, and maraschino cherries. And it tasted so good. Oh yeah, and check out what I did with the Oreo frosting I scraped off the cookies! ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  23. Oh, man, I know exactly what you mean. I was surprised to find that the Brickworld convention went from two full-size ballrooms last year to four this year. I just didn't have time to get photos of everything! The last 15 minutes before I had to leave (I was only able to go one public day) were entirely comprised of me running around snapping photos faster than my camera could save them to the SD card. I ended up with four hundred or so photos, and got pictures of most of the interesting stuff, but didn't get ANY photos from one of the ballrooms. But man, if I wasn't stuck here in Illinois, I would TOTALLY go to Brickfair with you guys next year. I keep looking at photos and hearing stories about what you guys did, it's just liquid awesomeness. Brickworld just darn doesn't have enough BZPers attending, and no easy way to find the ones who DO attend. I met four BZPers in 2008, met one of those four a second time in 2009, didn't meet anyone this year. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  24. Cold War: The Musical - Featuring Tally Hall! And I bet you can't guess which picture I got them out of. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
  25. My favorite song is either My Eyes (the duet between Horrible and Penny) or Brand New Day. Some really great lyrics in those. If you haven't yet, look up the 8-bit fanmade version, it's excellent. This guy made flash animations of the whole thing to make it look like an RPG on the NES. ~ (A VTOAHMKEARH)
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