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Blog Comments posted by Ta-metru_defender

  1. Anyway, shock value definitely shouldn’t be the only thing a story has going for it, but I don’t know if I’d say we should totally discount it.  Surprises can be fun!  A good plot point is sure to leave an impact on you, but if you couple it with surprise it’ll leave an even bigger impact.  So maybe, if you use it sparingly and effectively, it can be a helpful tool, but relying too heavily on it is a mistake?

    Agreed. It's a narrative tool that adds to the story, but it should not be the entirety of the story's hook.

  2. Awesome. Rache, I'm totally implementing yours. Droids and forcefields. Also throwing in some GoTG for good measure.


    And here are some inmate notes I doodled down on the subway:



    Human. Has a prosthetic leg.  Embezzlement. 












    Grand theft auto




    Armed robbery, led a team:

    Dadoy the Devonian, Lun'ge the Aqualish, Ivada the dug, and Tess the Besalisk

    These guys make quick enemies of the pcs

  3. Totally understand the conundrum.


    What's the nature of this other work? From what you've said, it seems purely worse:

    • Lower pay
    • Harder
    • More hours
    Trying to figure out what's making you consider it. Does it further your career in other ways? Does it pay higher in the end because there are that many more hours?


    And are you still living in the financial deathtrap that is NYC? Haha.


    I work hourly (wooo...) so the less pay/more hours thing was, eh. I ended up turning it down (I turned down a job, wut), so, time to find more money paying things.


    And yep. Financial deathtrap like you wouldn't believe. Where dollar taco nights, Trader Joe's, and happy hour are your friends.

  4. See, I don't wanna spend money on it (hence not YNAB). And I'm trying with Mint, but it's a hassle to create custom budget categories. Like restaurants and fast food blur together for me, because I don't go to fast food joints but I do delis and food trucks, which is all part of my general food budget. I just found the online component, so I'm fiddling with that.


    And man, no, my income's hardly stable, haha. It's built around weekly paychecks and pay from my last job that's still filtering in.



    ...dude, when did we get so old?

  5. Those are definitely some interesting ones. The coloring club is a pretty neat idea, was everyone given the same pages or was it one of those, "Bring your own."?




    We had a tremendous collection of pages I curated over my years as part of the leadership. We've got 'em all collected in a google drive.


     • Coloring.

    I ran a coloring club at college. With crayons. And silly pages. Was great.


    Silly pages... or adult coloring book pages?

    Both. Fun ones for kids, dumb ones for kids, coloring pages for grown ups, 'adult' coloring books, adult coloring books...


    Why have you not built Grievous yet


    Remedy this mistake immediately

    Basically, life got in the way. :P Guess I'll put you down for Grievous.


    i never thought i'd agree with ghidora, but yes

    build grievous

    or vader

    Hey, I got two people to agree on something. :P Guess I'll put you down for Grievous as well.


    You should build them all. At the same time. Do step 1 for all, then step 2. Repeat accordingly.


    I'm with TMD.

    That would make for an interesting challenge, though I doubt I would have time for it.


    Not only should you follow TMD's suggestion, but you should do a time-lapse video of it and then put it to Yakety Sax.

    I don't know where to even begin on making such a video. :P


    Step One.

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