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Everything posted by Kayru

  1. I like targeted ads. I get to see ads for awesome webcomics and such, rather than "hot xxx singles" and the like.
  2. YES KITTEH AS U WISH I'm bringing my wings... hoping to have enough time to actually make something else. :x
  3. Kayru

    Review: Attack on Isengard

    This hurt my soul a little...
  4. I'd probably say stick to BrickCon if you want to maximize your people-visiting and opportunities. BricksCascade is a great group, but it is a smaller group and a smaller convention. But who knows? Might as well go once if you really want the experience.
  5. Added in my pledge. I wanna see this party happen! I'd be happy with either the late Friday or the Saturday options. (Saturday might be good timing anyway... since we'll have had all convention long to come up with reasons to shoot each other... XD) I hope the BZPLasertag brick is a nice color this year, haha.
  6. I'll be happy to meet you and everyone else, either way. Do what makes you comfortable.
  7. Kayru

    33 and counting

    That's really awesome! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and doing better all around.
  8. Huh.... interesting idea. I think it's smart that they retracted the question until they better flesh this out.
  9. Frankly, I can see where you come from, but it's almost never fair to judge an entire genre because of what some have in them. I won't watch Game of Thrones anymore out of principle, but I'm not swearing off all medieval-themed stuff because of it. I'm not going to tell you to just 'suck it up and deal with it' on content you don't agree with (I've tried that before and it just doesn't work for me), but the fact that it is so prevalent... you'll likely at least learn to just shrug it off and move on eventually. But again, don't call off a genre because of one or two bad samples. There are many better ones to choose from, for all 3 of those areas [ironically you're better off looking up ones that get good reviews from critics but not much attention or recognition or fans].
  10. Kayru


    It was pretty perfect. I was the only one laughing in the theater, and I regret nothing.
  11. there is a whale wearing a hat bursting out of the shape of oklahoma wat
  12. Kayru


    I GOT A PERMANENT POSITION I've been working at PNNL (Pacific NW National Laboratory) for two years now as an intern and a post-Bac, which are both temp positions... and now I've been hired permanently. Basically I'll be doing the same thing (web design/development), just with more security. ALSO - wooooo cheap benefits and a significant raise! SUCH HAPPY I decided I'm going to celebrate by dyeing my hair. BUT, I'm going to be dressed as Mad Unikitty at BrickFair VA, which is in just over two months... and the colors I'm looking to get won't go with her at all. Should I see if I can do a temp dye over my permanent one for that weekend, or get a wig? Thoughts?
  13. Well they don't necessarily, but they do make a nice parallel. The best idea I've seen about the houses is that all people are Hufflepuffs, Slytherins, and Ravenclaws, and Gryffindors are simply for those who choose it. i.e. Hermione was a Ravenclaw, Ron was a Hufflepuff, and Harry was a Slytherin, but they all went to Gryffindor because it was what they wanted.
  14. "Agree to disagree" is a very useful statement if both sides are humble enough to stop arguing about it. :b
  15. Funny that you titled it this... A season and a half. That's how much Game of Thrones I was able to take in the last few weeks before I had to stop. That show is just too much for me to handle. XD How do you like Breaking Bad? I know a lot of people love it, I haven't bothered to look into it. I need to actually get Netflix or something so I can check it out. I thought Agents of SHIELD ended...? hm.
  16. So everyone knows what's actually taken, I'll be PMing you for: All six Phantoka All six Mistika All six Glatorian Three Glatorian Legends (Ackar, Kiina, Gelu) Mutran & Vican Icarax Irnakk Fero & Skirmix
  17. Right?? I got a lot of people stopping me to take pictures, but those two up there were the only ones I asked to take pictures with. He's pretty awesome and gets ALL THE KUDOS. It was really fun! I haven't been to a decent-sized general con before, so it was a great experience. I made the hidden blades in a rush so they were somewhat fragile, but they did shoot out, and they at least did their job of looking good. Thank you! ^^ Thanks! Actually the jacket is pretty comfy - the whole thing's comfy for a while, and then about 6 hours into it, my ribs and scoliosis-addled back start getting tired of being in a corset. XD I still can't believe it! I saw Sayger and was somewhat excited, and I was saying aloud how much I wish I could meet D'Anda... and then Swert (who was there) chimed in and said he was actually there. I squee'd a bit and then went to go say hi. haha
  18. Do you have the instructions for all these sets? If so, I'd like to buy quite a few of them, and hopefully we can manage a deal since I'm interested in getting a lot. Here's my list: All six Toa Hordika All six Visorak All six Piraka All six Toa Inika All six Barraki All six Toa Mahri All six Phantoka All six Mistika All six Glatorian Three Glatorian Legends (Ackar, Kiina, Gelu) Mutran & Vican Icarax Irnakk Fero & Skirmix I live in Washington state, USA, so hopefully shipping won't be too bad.
  19. So, Emerald City Comicon was AWESOME. I would've posted about it sooner, but I have been stupid busy with personal stuff lately. Also I was hoping to have some detail shots of what I'm about to show you, but meh. Can't wait forever. SO! I decided to go as a steampunk assassin (a la Assassin's Creed). Given the time crunch, I didn't have time to do everything I was hoping to, but I'm at least happy with what I had. You'll notice some Bionicle MOCs implemented, which is why I find this relevant to BZP... :b I was in a hurry to finish those parts of the outfit, and decided Bionicle/Technic was the easiest way to have more gears and wires implemented into the costume. Those hidden blades were VERY hairtrigger, so I only wore them for one of the two days I dressed up. Oh well, that's what I get for making them in a half hour the night before leaving. XD Everything was loads of fun! I enjoyed pretending to be an assassin, hehehe~ Met some awesome people with VERY cool cosplays, including a fairly well-known cosplayer I follow on dA, so that was awesome. I also got LOADS OF STUFF. Including my Lego name bricks signed by Carlos D'Anda, and a signed print from Stuart Sayger. And all this delicious goodness: Heartless shirt, doge shirt, a LoZ shirt (angry chibi Link saying "call me Zelda ONE more time!"), a dice bag, an Edward Kenway figure, a LoL key ring (gift), a card game (gift), a Wacom stylus, a Lego dog and turtle, a Zora's Sapphire necklace, Portal socks, two Romantically Apocalyptic postcards, two signed Chasing Artwork prints, a dragon wool-felting kit, a Hyrule Historia book, a TARDIS card (gift), a signed book from The Oatmeal, and a Lego Hobbit set I already built. (I have a picture of all of these, but I figured I've shared enough photos for one day... XD)
  20. Kayru

    haha weird

    Other than the fact that you were 20 years old at 2:22 yesterday? ...O_o oh dear lord.
  21. Man, I really liked your work in progress on the regular suit... you should finish that one anyway, because it was awesome. As is this one of course. ^^ Good luck!
  22. Kayru

    D F T B A

    I've been a Nerdfighter since its beginnings in Brotherhood 2.0 (about June/July 2007). DFTBA, fellow bringer of awesomeness. By the way, the second quote comes from one of John's best videos, which is about Shakespearean insults. Which everyone should go look up if they haven't seen.
  23. I've taken several versions of the Myers-Briggs test, and every time I end up exactly smack dab in the middle between INTJ and INFJ.
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