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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Comments posted by Pahrak Model ZX





    Tell me about it.  I was stranded at a gas station with Flattery the other day and they wouldn't even lend me money to use the payphone.  I mean, come on, Flattery, why do you have to be so stingy?


    Did you try to flatter Flattery? That might have worked.



    I thought about it, but that led me on this existential space-out stream of consciousness metaphorical...thing.


    It was weird.


    So, lesson learned: when interacting with the personification of a concept, don't try to employ that concept on them.

    • Upvote 4
  2. I think something old fans need to grasp is that we're not the primary target audience anymore.  I'm sure Lego would like us to come back, but what they really want--and need--is for a new group of younger fans to fall in love with the series.  A reboot makes this a whole lot easier to accomplish because there's no prerequisite information to take into the beginning of the line with you.  The story is what you see, not what you see coupled with a decade's worth of dense information.


    When I discovered Transformers as a kid, I thought it was interesting that there were old series, but I don't think I did much research into them at all until I was a little older, because I didn't want to.  If I was actually required to look into all that info, then I probably would've felt like Transformers was more trouble than it was worth and ask for more Bionicle sets instead.  Lego doesn't want the kids they hope to sell Bionicle sets to turning to Transformers' newest reboot because it's easier to get into.


    We need a reboot, people, and there's no reason to believe it won't be awesome.

    • Upvote 3
  3. Summaries by definition are short and only cover the most essential events.  Bionicle, however, is ridiculously complex, and any continuation would necessarily draw upon those complicated elements in some way that a summary can't properly relate.  It would also require the newcomers to piece together how the old line affects the new line, and again, how many 8 year olds are even going to care to do that?

  4. Seriously though, Transformers is one of the best things Bionicle can be compared to since they're both toylines first and foremost, but also have a ton of multimedia storytelling.  Considering what Transformers has been doing (rebooting whenever necessary) has made it wildly successful for thirty years, it stands to reason that it would be a good move for Bionicle too.


    And really, think about the possibility of Bionicle becoming a Transformers-style franchise.  Just picture it for a minute.


    Reboots are a great thing, people.

    • Upvote 6
  5. It's certainly possible.  Rotating party members are far from unusual in JRPGs, even within Square Enix games.  If they do switch party members, I hope they do it well, preferably in a way similar to a particular game that I mention very frequently and you are probably sick of hearing about by now.


    ...Final Fantasy V dangit

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