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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Comments posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Granted, it would have been nice to have the GS Ball back but they didn't.  However, they recently announced that they'll be bringing back the Eon Ticket for ORAS with a special method of StreetPass distribution.  I'm just trying to remain hopeful that they'll do something with the Flute.


    Yeah, it would be nice to have more event Pokemon you can catch yourself, especially with how insanely fast Pokemon level in Generation VI.  But, I've adopted a rule to not nickname legendaries anymore, so it's not as big a deal for me.


    ...Now I have to wonder, if I had gotten the event Regi on Diamond rather than Platinum, might I too have gotten a legitimate Flute...

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  2. It is kind of weird to say that Naruto is over.  Especially since we were told it would end on the 10th until they changed their minds.  I thought it was a pretty good end--when we were told it was near I was worried it would feel rushed, but it actually turned out to be paced pretty well.  Overall, I'm content with it.


    I mean, there are still a ton of unanswered questions, but that's to be expected when there are hundreds of characters and none of them ever die. :P


    A side series?  I don't think I saw that...could be interesting, might help clear up a few of those loose ends.  And it's not really that surprising, of course.

  3. For JRPGs, the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series have always been popular.  Each Final Fantasy is completely separate so you don't need to worry about jumping in too late in the plot; I and V are my personal favorites, both of which are available on GBA.  Kingdom Hearts has four titles on Nintendo handhelds, but the story is complicated and it might be difficult to jump in.


    Related to that, The World Ends With You (DS) is an absolutely fantastic game made by the same company.  It has a bit of a learning curve, but the gameplay is very unique and the themes and characters make it very engrossing.


    For obvious reasons I'm compelled to mention the Mega Man Star Force series, all three of which are on the DS.  It's not one of the better known/received Mega Man series, but the first game has some of the best character development I've seen in my experiences with the franchise.


    And, of course, there's always Pokemon.  Easy to jump into, easy to find too.

  4. That makes sense.  Smash being a fighting game, I know that story isn't a top priority, I'm just wishing we had one since I enjoyed Subspace Emissary and like crossover stories in general.  If there's a story mode to clear, it feels like more of an accomplishment to me.


    But, with there being only one series represented that I actually follow and playing far more RPGs than fighting games, I know that I'm not exactly the main target audience. :P

  5. Not gonna lie one of the things this made me wonder was "Why couldn't Mega Man have the other Mega Men as costumes??"


    Then I remembered X alone is two or three times the height of Classic and realized why not.


    Anyway, I've unlocked Bowser Jr and messed with him a bit, but since I haven't played a whole lot of Mario I don't feel compelled to get a lot of use out of him.  From what I've seen, he does seem like an interesting character, and his alternates actually being other characters really is a neat idea.


    What do you think about the removal of roller skates?  Personally I'm glad to see them go--they were too hard to control, and it's nice to be able to use the Circle Pad without fear now.


    Oh man they removed rollerskates? Thank GOD I hated those


    I signed up for the Trainer club and everything before the deadline but didn't receive an email, so whatever ;__;



    There will be more distributions at a later date!  The only link with the details I know is a site that has forums, so I can't source it, but if you're still interested it is there to look into.

  7. Just to clarify, all I have to do is click the box that allows me to receive email updates on my profile page, right? I definitely don't want to miss this demo!


    I believe that's all it is--that's where the links in the article I read took me, and I don't see anything else.


    Oh, it hadn't even occurred to me that patching could work.  In that case, yeah, that is weird.  Also it appears Trainer Customization won't be in ORAS, and that's a bit of a let down...

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