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Blog Comments posted by Aoran

  1. *Nods* Shame that it's popularity>quality nowadays... It's no wonder that if someone famous made say, a 'worm' composing of a 2 + connector and four half circley things, it's highly likely that they'd win :/


    But as sad as it may be, it's life, and we just have to deal with it.

  2. Do you own your own cell phone?


    What Bionicle set(s) do you expect to get for The Festive Season?

    Vezon and Defilak

    Are you done your Festive Season shopping?

    Sorta... On Boxing Day I'll try and see if Target is open. If it is, I'll get Kardas.

    What is your personal photo?

    Dunno. Haven't checked for aaaaaaages...

    What is your favorite Festive Season-Related song/carol?

    Hark! The Angels Sing Rewritten and composed by Beastie Boys


    "Festive Season?" Don't make me go and edit your post.

  3. Just a guess, oh Mighty Empress, but are you implying that a BBC Contest shall about one week from today? If in the fact that you are, I cannot wait until it occurs, nor might any of the other BBC Fanatics.


    Also, I think -Kex- needs a shot for his Tufticulous Piyufititus.

  4. * What will be your first 2007 set?

    Lemme get back to you. I have yet to get Rahkshi, Vahki, Titans, Toa, Kal, Collectables, Matoran, Rahaga, Exo-Toa, Boxor... And those 700 piece tubs and so on...

    * What banner size are you using?

    The awesome one.

    * What fads have you contributed to?

    The awesome one.

    * You say the first thing that pops into your mind when I say what I'm about to say. Don't think, just write the first word that pops into your head.



    * Do your wear glasses?

    Nope. I wear clothes.

  5. Bah. I'd stick with my Nintendo 64 and Super Nintendo. The old game consoles mightn't have been powerful or support much, but they truly were a lot more fun then what we have nowadays.


    But on a personal note, get a Wii.

  6. Apple: What hope is there of me becoming a staffie?

    Vroom Vroom Car: If you were to break a law of physics, what do you feel your punishment would be?

    Cheesecake: What's perhaps the best thing about being a staffie?

    Lemonade: Do you regret ever choosing 'I Accept' when being given the privilege to become a staffie?

    Microphone: Is it true that Bonesii collects clocks in hopes to overthrow Evil Lord Survurlode without the use of creating an army of -Kex-'s?

    Seventy-Eleven: Do I look good in this dress?

    Glass Cup: What do you consider the best thing that ever happened on BZPower?

    8: Did you have fun answering these questions?


    Oh, and peace out Cheese-buddy.

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