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Iruini Nuva

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Iruini Nuva

  1. Inclined to agree that there's probably a Makuta set incoming. It strikes me as ever-so-slightly odd to show off multiple, large concept models, if only because the final production one probably won't be as flashy, but hey, you know they made 30 versions of the '03 Makuta. Regardless, if the whole premise is that "Makuta takes many forms", nothing keeps them from doing an "ultimate" form in 2017 Wave 2 or w/e (see: Umarak 2.0). I see conclusions neither here nor there.
  2. So far, been enjoying the 2016 sets the most. Bit more of a callback to G1 technic builds (though still retaining its own identity). Really enjoyed the Protectors though. Bought a couple of duplicates there, even. For what it's worth, I still have parts to the old green and tan Pit Droid reasonably accessible, ha.
  3. Level 21 (rank/xp) or Level 21 (MMR/competitive)? Currently rank 98 here, can confirm that there are excellent level 30s and terrible level 150s, haha. That said I agree that there's a ramp-up for those first ~25 levels. After that, level starts to correlate more to just time played vs. innate skill. They won't get harder forever.
  4. I've had pretty terrible luck lately (town isn't big enough, I think). Big find recently was a bunch of 05-06 sets sealed at my grandmother's. Guardian Toa 2-pack (w/ shrink intact), Matoro Inika, several Piraka. Believe there was an open Iruini and Reidak too. I also picked up a Muaka and Kane-Ra for maybe...half off at a Kohl's in late 02 or 03. Suppose it wasn't overly rare back then, but it was a good price (~$40 for a $70 set).
  5. Toa Hanahtu may know for sure, but I'm pretty certain boxes like these contained the component sets with their original packaging. The box certainly seems properly sized for that. Remember seeing one of these on eBay a few months back, don't recall if it was open with photos or not, but I got the impression it contained the original canisters and such.
  6. So many goodies! Where did you guys scrounge all of these up?
  7. Playing a ton of competitive Overwatch over here too (PC). Mostly main Soldier 76/Genji. My group knows that if there's a Bastion/Torb on the other team, it's 100% my job to dispose of it, haha. Really excited for Ana. I used to main Val in Evolve tournaments and such, so a flexible dmg/heal/cc character is really up my alley (basically the same reason I play Soldier).
  8. Ha! If only! I had one friend who was in the proto squad (I remember I was a year too young to sign up at the time ((but like, who even would have checked.. I'm still beating myself up for not trying)) and had one (a Yo if I recall), but it got lost in his lego collection somewhere and was never seen again. Such a shame! Ouch, that's a huge bummer. I'd love to see an inventory sometime of how many of these actually remain in circulation (or at least, in collectors' hands).
  9. Always wanted a set of Nui Jaga. Wife found a great set (box, instructions, ​rubber bands) for Christmas last year. ​Still to come...probably a Keetongu. I [somehow] have one sealed, but I'd rather not crack it open. Would love a set of Nui Rama too.
  10. Much appreciated. Calendar marked, awaiting further instructions.
  11. 25 here. I'm actually super impressed to see a fair amount of < 20s. Curious what it'd be like to drop into Bionicle in the second-half of the lore.
  12. Also voting Twitch. Any further news on dates?
  13. Enjoyed the stream. Thanks for covering my question!
  14. Recently came into possession of some other goodies that probably trump my old list: Movie Edition KraahkanSealed Guardian Toa 2-pack
  15. Good Trades: KingLucent Excellent communication; quick shipping; safe packaging; great to work with.InkAlchemist1994 Great communication and easy to work with. Shipped quickly.Shattered Slumber Good communication, pleasant negotiation. Forgot one piece, not the end of the world. Bad Trades: --
  16. For Onu-Wahi, Quest for the Toa gives us some insight (see attached image from BS01). The Papa Nihu region, at least, feels like a rocky version of Le-Wahi. There are also some surface images in the story/art cards from the Quest for the Masks/Rahi Challenge TCG. I've attached one of those for reference as well, but there are a couple more involving Nui Rama, etc. Not a tremendous amount of insight, and I'm not sure how canon these sources are, but they make at least the Onu-Wahi coastline feel consistent with Mata-Nui's tropical island-ness. Doesn't the road to Onu-Koro start in a jungle in MNOG, too?
  17. Ha, I still pronounce it with a "Lay". Appreciate the video though. You covered some of the gear functions that I hadn't figured out yet from the pics--most helpful.
  18. Did my part for the cause. The giveaways are a nice touch.
  19. I remember seeing that post. Maybe it was an early experiment of the AR tech they use in Lego stores now (although this seems to work via RFID/NFC instead of optically)? Either way, probably intended more as a promotional tool (tours, etc.) rather than something for consumers. Would be lots of fun to mess with, though.
  20. Legend Reborn was serious cut below the others, finally saw it on Netflix the other day. :/ Didn't know people had a problem with them. Visually, the movies are probably one of the more accurate portrayals of the characters, no?
  21. Hard to say between Legends and Web of Shadows. The characters and plot are tighter in WoS, I think (largely because it can ignore most of the Toa/Rahaga). That said, I think some of its depth comes from prior knowledge of the surrounding lore, so it stands less well in isolation. Legends of Metru Nui is easier for a newbie to digest and has the best soundtrack by far. Character arcs are adequate, given that each can only have a few minutes of screen time. Mask of Light is good on its own too, but the ending always feels a bit contrived and abrupt.
  22. Always love seeing these. Makes the world feel bigger than the animations.
  23. I liked the kicking function in that it was different and made sense with the character. But yes, it was super awkward to pose (as were the early sets in general). I suspect that any reintegration of it would feature a better friction system like we saw in the first wave. That said, friction would make it pretty ineffective, so I doubt we'd see it anytime soon.
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