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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. Very good tips, Jordboy!


    Another thing, regarding the jokes, is to make sure the humor make you laugh. If you find yourself giggling every time you read a certain line in the comedy, even a year later, then it is definitely a success. But if it doesn't make the author laugh, it definitely won't make anyone else laugh. (No matter how many superfunny emoticons they use.)


    It's also a good idea to type your story, comedy or otherwise, in Word or some such program (or copy it into there after you've written it). Not only does it help catch spelling mistakes, but if you have it saved to your computer, then you won't completely lose it should your topic get accidentally deleted, and you can access it when BZP's offline.




    I can't remember whether I approved your blog before, so I'm approving it again just to be sure. :P




  2. I don't really mind them it's just their carzy fangirls that try to kill me over the internetz

    Squeeee, Jonas Brothers positively rock my socks with their overwhelming awesomeness and their music is twice as good as Elvis and Joe Jonas is my next boyfriend! <333 *Attacks you.*




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