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Everything posted by Mel

  1. Nice to see you're feeling better.
  2. No, it's actually from the seventh or so cover of Vampire Knight. (I wish I made it, though. :P)

  3. Thanks, if you ever need a review, just shoot me a PM. ;)

  4. I've posted my story, What We Become, and would appreciate any C&C you have to offer.
  5. Mel

    Story Fit! =]

    Sign me up, I've also reviewed Rassiter's story.
  6. Yeah, I saw that. Thank a lot! ^_^

  7. YES. And I am in the library right now, where I am going to check one out.

  8. With a better tablet, hopefully your art-making will get easier, and you might be able to earn enough money for an MP3 player!
  9. Mel

    I'm Jewish, but thanks. Merry Christmas!

  10. The web serials were supposed to be designed for us. And if it matters...I totally agree with you. Greg made a big mistake there, and it was one of the first things that bothered me. I mean, I could see Helyrx doing it before Brutaka came, but when he offered an alternative? She's the leader of an undercover organization, for goodness sake. You'd think that after a kajillion years she might learn to be flexible. I'm of the opinion that it was a badly-thought-over insert to "create suspense".
  11. Mel


    Odd...wasn't your suggested color for lightening blue and white? What's with female characters and blue? Aren't we allowed to break out? BREAK OUT I SAY! I might of actually preferred pink...at least it was new. Ah, vell. Then there's still the possibility of it being applied to plasma matoran. YAY PINK MEN.
  12. Mel

    Bionicle #5 Treatment

    You could have fooled me, Greg. This had everything that the Legend Reborn didn't: interesting, complex characters struggling with new powers (as they should), on an epic quest to discover something that has been lost. If fact, I'm almost glad that we can see it here, in it's unadulterated form. It would have surely been oversimplified later to save the poor wittle minds of those eight-year-old children from exploding. I sorta dunno about the Dino's though. It's smells a bit like a gimic.
  13. Pretty boys are much better. :3

  14. No. =P

    I don't like hunks anyway.

  15. Ooooo...shiny. *_* Maybe that they're focused on the storyline they'll have more female elements. Not that I've ever cared about the canon anyway. But it is still awesome. Greg deserves a hug.
  16. I am completely of the same opinion. I'm glad that we can finally focus on the story now. The only thing I'll really miss is the collectables. They make great jewelry, especially Zamors.
  17. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. :)

  18. Why thank you. ^_^

  19. Honestly, it's not the specific test that bothers me, it's rather the nature of tests. You can take all the Litmus Tests you want, but really the only way to tell if your character is original and well thought out is by reading your stuff. These things do provide a good benchmark though. As for the "dying and coming back to life thing"...well, I admit it's been overused, especially in the BZRPG. I started playing in the Academy in October of 2006. Back then, Yuki would have probably passed the test with flying colors. She was a normal Academy toa with powers below average and a plain staff for a weapon. The only extraordinary thing about her was that she was a good crystal carver and she was actually a spy for a matoran organization. But as things went on, she sort of developed in response to other people, and well...it got complicated. She only go her speshul powers quite recently, but that's a story for another day. And she's a samurai, not a ninja XP. I'm pretty sure most of my other characters could get by this test, though.
  20. I’m choosing Yuki, my character from the BZRPG. 1 point. No. I guess hanging around in the background and not taking any initiatives counts for something. 5 points. Ugh...and there not even the usual “powers beyond the norm”. 3 points. 0 points. There’s something later in the test that applies better. 5.5 points 7.5 points. (Ow....) 1 point. Her mask power is invented, and I suppose it’s a little less powerful than a Kadin, but she hasn’t discovered it yet, so I’m not going to give myself any points. No points. .5 points. 7 points. *winces* 4.5 points. I’m really, really glad she’s an RP character. I ended up only counting her parents because let’s face it, a character probably looses a ton of people close to them if their a sole survivor of anything. Like most real people, she’s motivated by different things at different times. Honestly, if I ask you what motivates you right now, would you be able to answer? 1 point. .5 points 2 points. 37.5....DAISHIPAI 8D! This is why these tests bother me.
  21. I am not sure... I've never taken a poll However, I a, going to say the former because he is a good guy and most of the population are bad +1 I digress. Is there anyone who's not a psycho that Joske has not immediate awed with his "holy light" and magickal powerz?
  22. Mel

    Mask Tier List

    Rode allows the user to see what the Elda does and also allows the weilder to see through any tricks. Hence the Elda being in the Useless tier. Being able to detect hidden beings is still something, so I don't think it should be listed as completely useless. And I think, depending on the situation, the Huna is less powerful that you listed it as. In advanced societies with infra-red imaging, it's not very useful, not to mention a Rahi with good ears or sense of smell could probably detect something invisible pretty easily.
  23. Riiiight. I still lurved that post though. :3 Prolly gonna put Yuki through this. But while Mary Sue tests like this are good, I think they should be taken with a grain of salt.
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