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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Noxryn

  1. 1) I see them too much as is (all these farms, sheesh), dreaming about them would just be a whole new problem.

    2) Some are fabulous, others are fashionable, while even others are fabulously fashionable.

    3) Somewhere, over the rainboooowwww


    4) Why of course I believe in magic, what a silly question.


    5) Yes, perhaps, maybe, possibly, questionably.

  2. Just reminds me how I haven't actually had a fight in a TBRPG in forever (unless arguments between characters romantically inclined count?). Although I don't really RP here that much anymore, so that might have something to do with that xD. (Although, elsewhere, I have a plot character in the works who may need to fight... though, all those fights will likely be pre-planned and done in order to further that story arc... plus I get to pick on my little vampire a fair bit =u=)


    But eh, I never liked the shaming when godmodding occurred. Like, some people are just new and aren't so accustomed to playing TBRPG's and might need some help here or there, rather than half the playerbase ticked off at them. I do miss, though, when other players would go out of their way to help people who could use it.


    I kinda stopped RPing here because my style changed a bit, I grew away from all the fighting and violence that is prevalent in every RP here (And the RTS/Tabletop-esque ones aren't my thing, personally). That, and now I'm used to writing posts around 500ish words (Word limit for the game I'm in is 100, although I've been in some that demanded 1000, ha) which most BZPers don't do, lol. *that and I like doing romance plots because... the fictional drama is fun and makes some characters adorable x3*

  3. I know, right? All the men's clothes always seem so dull and drab, at least in my most unprofessional of opinions. And all the women's clothes have all the neat little designs, a wider array colors and just more variety (a lot of which seems to fall into my tastes <<).


    Although I always notice this whenever I'm in a gift shop, or browsing around online... I 'spose 'cuz I rarely ever go to department stores xP *the mall is like a hour drive away... and I have no car... or license... yet -- here's hoping I achieve both those things late September... a year and three months late*


    P.S. I miss you too!

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