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Blog Comments posted by Noxryn

  1. I do the same, everyone gets a name when I get the Pokemon (Unless I catch it for someone, though they usually give it a name that I give it :B)


    I have some without names, 'cuz I couldn't think of any, but out of 100ish some that's like... four. (And I'll be taking a trip to the name rater for them soon enough).

  2. Okay, I actually have one question. And for those who don't know this, I'm being serious.


    How would you feel about a person, who doesn't think homosexuality is right, for whatever reason, but doesn't really care enough to say "that's wrong" or go to anti gay rallies?


    I'd feel the same towards them as someone who believes being a different race is "not right." It's an archaic standpoint that has only ever served to hurt people and isn't a position that promotes safety for individuals who do need safety (e.g: LGBT youth -- many of whom, in the city of Denver, are homeless due to their families believing it's "not right" and having that standpoint reinforced by people who also passively believe it is not "right." It's appalling. I know this because I worked at a local LGBT Center, which consists -- by and large -- of people who are seeking a safe haven from those who would otherwise ostracize and dehumanize them for such a petty excuse for a reason.)


    Additionally? Passive disagreement is rarely ever only "passive." I've had people, parents even, at my own school berate me over an article I wrote for the school paper two years ago (*on the repeal of DADT and how this may affect LGBT high school students looking for a military career). Many of whom used quite colorful language to make their points, and used incredibly hurtful rhetoric. Plus, the posters for the LGBST club have been defaced, torn down, and vandalized so many times that we now only use flyers. Want to know what sucks my morning into a pit? Walking by a group of students, some of whom I *know* well, to hear them immaturely insult (and simply "insult" is hardly an accurate word, something a tad more extreme would work) a club that aims to provide a safe haven for other students on such superficial grounds. (And, in extension, insulting an aspect of who I am).


    Want to know what sucks even more?


    Coming onto a family friendly site, one I have been with for years and even staff, to see a friend make an entry about a life issue and to see people, who claim "I'm not homophobic, I'm just going to spit at you while you're down" turn the turmoil of his life into a political and/or religious issue. I'm sick of it. His entry was not religious, was not political, was not against rules or BZPower regulations, yet people seemed to decide "I'm going to go ahead and break the rules, in a staff member's blog, just to reiterate my disagreement with homosexuality." Is that really so passive? Is it really so harmless?


    And even here, with the intent to simply say "be decent human beings, and stop needlessly hurting people" others come on in turning it into "oh I can't do something like that, pffft."


    But, that's how passive homophobia is hurtful and how it simply fuels those who are not so "passive." Because, all the instances as iterated above, come from people who claim "I'm not homophobic, I just disagree with how you live your life."


    Sorry if it sounds like I'm a little peeved, and while I've reread this many times to make sure it is respectful while still getting my point across, I am a bit ticked off by the vitriol people spill into entries like this.

  3. oh you know he is girl


    @Bunda, when I was like... real young I watched several Disney movies to death xD (Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Hunchback of Notredame, etc...). But if you haven't seen The Little Mermaid, I totally recommend you do it now. Now. Go. Go go go. *pushes at TV*

  4. I just need to work on my letters of rec, and some essays for my college stuff *and I need to finish this Naviance stuff... but I only have... one thing left? Oh and 15 more hours of community service, teehee*


    This year's gonna be easier, academically, than last year at least... and, hopefully, my brain won't explode over a ton of important tests <<;;; *only has two AP classes this year, and college algebra but that class can go die in a fire*

  5. Everyone is given an equal ability to express themselves on this website.


    I can speak of my own, personal, religious beliefs as much as you can, Kahi. We're both equals on that ground -- no matter how much it may partake in either of our lives.


    However, my feelings for the same gender are not the same as your feelings towards your religion. I absolutely love that, if I so choose, I may express things about the man I hold dear, little tidbits here and there that are more romantic in nature. But you can do the same thing! You can talk of your girlfriend/boyfriend whenever you wish, you can write male/female romance stories on the forums (as long as they abide by the rules, of course), you can create male/female romantic artwork, or entries about the person you might find interesting. We're equals here too -- I can speak about the man I adore, and you can speak of the woman ( or man? Not sure of your gender and would hate to assume here ^.^;; ) you adore just the same! :biggrin:


    At the same time, I (and Gato, for example) can make entries about troubles in our respective lives regarding our romantic feelings, just as you can. Members can talk about how differently their parents treat them based on the person of the opposite gender they like, so why can't anyone else? It's a matter of making it fair for everyone across the board, no matter what gender, or person, they're attracted to. :)


    But, to reiterate, homosexuality (or any sexuality) does not equate to religion. Homosexuality is equatable to heterosexuality. Therefore, the two things (homosexuality & religion) fall under completely different rulesets.


    I hope that cleared up any confusion you had?

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