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Ballom Nom Nom

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ballom Nom Nom

  1. Lewa is tied with Tahu with 23 points between power, agility, and weaponry, so I don't think he comes out looking too bad. He just isn't that bright, apparently. Tahu's luckiness was mentioned from the start in his character bio. Being lucky doesn't mean you can't be impulsive. In fact, to a degree it might encourage it, if you're lucky enough to avoid some of the consequences of impulsiveness. ~B~
  2. Windrider, I'm sorry to see to stepping down as staff. Hopefully you can return soon! And GSR, it's amazing how fast your conquest of the site is progressing. Perhaps soon we can watch you challenge Black Six himself! (Congrats and such as well!) ~B~
  3. Ah, yes. It's , the mascot of . What was the purpose of his emoticon anyway? So that you can always have his loving red eyes watching you, in every post, without even scrolling to the top of the page. Anyway, people have mentioned lots of emotes which bring back memories of noobish days back when I used a ton of those, so I'll just restrict my post to championing two oft-forgotten ones: spinsmile and psychotwitch. The first is one that's been crying out to be a bona-fide spinny since day one, and the other one is the much superior but tragically underused alternative to the smug, condescending emote. ~B~
  4. Man, you crazy RPGing folks and your insane posting rates. Congrats! Quite the milestone to achieve, especially in such a short amount of time. ~B~
  5. I nulled, seeing as "whatever's most environmentally friendly" is something that can change over time and isn't necessarily tied to a specific format of packaging. ~B~
  6. I'm one of those terrible people who never played the MNOG, so I can't say that one. And game-breaking glitches prevented me from going far into the sequel. I did completely play through the VNOG twice, and really enjoyed the overall experience, so that's my favorite Bionicle game. ~B~
  7. I do recall that his original name was Colin. He changed it to "The Shadowed One" last Naming Day. ~B~
  8. Weren't Latias and Latios shown to be able to breed in one movie or other? So a number of Legendaries definitely aren't limited to only one. It makes a lot of sense to me that some would just be very rare species, like Heatran or Latias/Latios, and therefore there could be more than one of them, but that the Pokes explicitly set up to be like gods or fundamental forces of nature would be the only ones to be one of a kind. Not all Legendaries are created equal, essentially. ~B~
  9. Well, you just need to press B at the right time... ~B~
  10. It seems like most discussion about rare masks would probably go in the Official Rare and Promotional Collectibles Topic, while things seen on Ebay would be discussed in the Official Ebay Auctions Topic. ~B~
  11. So apparently the Toa must work together... unless the most awesome Toa [insert name here] is on the job with their backup Protector, and then they can do it with just the two of them. And then, presumably, they fight crime. Real consistency here! ~B~
  12. Well, maybe you don't... I mean, not in average conversation. If I start bleeding, I'll acknowledge it. If I pull a muscle, I'll take note of the pain. Those are specific situations where my biology relates directly to my well-being and my senses. But it wouldn't make any sense for Tahu, upon awakening on Okoto, to take an inventory of all his organs and armor or describe himself as "biomechanical", because to him, that's all he's ever known. There really hasn't been a single point in the story so far where it would be necessary or even make any sense to drop that kind of knowledge, so the fact that it's been left ambiguous up to this point really shouldn't surprise anyone. I definitely agree with this. There's not much detail given in the new story yet, and none of it has been of enough relation to the biological processes of the characters for those to be relevant or discussed yet. A lot of people do seem eager to know exactly what the Gen 2 characters are made of (other than plastic ), and that makes sense given the details known in Gen 1, but it definitely shouldn't be shoehorned in at moments where it doesn't make sense. Presumably we'll learn in due time anyway, and hopefully in an appropriate story moment instead of an info-dump like Greg's unceremonious "character X is comprised of Y percent of this material." ~B~
  13. Ballom Nom Nom

    On Post Counts

    What about "Frowned Upon by Hapori Tohu"? ~B~
  14. Congratulations to everyone who made it to the finals! I was pleased to see Turaga Dume and Nivawk win, but all of the finalists were great MOCs in their own right. This was a really awesome contest in general. ~B~
  15. Oof, I can't believe this topic spawned such a long debate. It seems plainly obvious to me that the robot was ludicrously oversized, and that it should've been much smaller to not stretch disbelief like an object approaching an event horizon. Many writers have no sense of scale, and the 40 million foot robot demonstrated Greg fell in that camp too. Dina, I wish I had your patience for continuing debates like this. It's also unfortunate that the last panel of the comic in your signature is way too applicable here... ~B~
  16. That Ice winner legitimately looks like a real Bionicle mask. What's it actually supposed to be? ~B~
  17. One thing I've never understood about this forum is how "theory" became a replacement word for "complete conjecture." I think it would be much more apt to borrow TVTropes' term of "Wild Mass Guessing" for the forum. Anyway, this idea doesn't explain why so many of the Protectors have transparent armor and such, since wouldn't that have to similarly qualify as drained of power? ~B~
  18. I've always found it hard to think of Temple of Doom as a functioning prequel. It could easily have been set after Raiders of the Lost Ark with little-to-no change in plot, not to mention that it doesn't really delve into the backstory of Raiders characters aside from Indy. I mean, we know that Indy survives, but we kind of expect that of the main character. It's been long enough for me that I'd forgotten Temple of Doom even was a prequel, so definitely agreed about that hardly qualifying as one. ~B~
  19. Pretty much this. Sand blue's triumphant return to constraction sets! That about overcomes any other downsides to the set. ~B~
  20. I'd say Serebii or Bulbagarden. I personally prefer Bulbagarden for discussion but Serebii has all the latest news. And then there's Smogon for in-depth knowledge of battle mechanics, as well as all things competitive. ~B~
  21. I had completely forgotten what the canisters even looked like until I saw your post and it jogged my memory, so thanks for that. They were okay, overall. I thought the dual-patterned Ignika was rather neat, for reasons like Aanchir said. Pretty fitting of a year with waves split between heroes and villains. ~B~
  22. The Titanic seems to be yet another example of A Much Too Big Thing to come out of Lego Ideas which consequently doesn't look at all likely to result in a feasible set. That Corvette looks cool, though. ~B~
  23. Is that tan on Obi-Wan, or dark tan? It's somewhat difficult to tell. Either way I've got to get my hands on both sets. Those CCBS parts... There was also much rejoicing at Obi-Wan's cape existing. Also, isn't that the first non-black cape in years? ~B~
  24. That brings up a question that I have: How do you limit the abilities of a Toa of Sonics? As an example, you could limit a Toa of Water's abilities to control and absorb water by cutting off moisture to a certain room they are in. In the case of a Toa of Sonics, would you have to place them in a room with heavily insulated walls? I wonder if a Shelek would work to incapacitate a Toa of Sonics. Sure, sound waves would still exist around the Toa, but they'd be blind to them, which would probably make it difficult to use their powers or absorb sound. ~B~
  25. That King of Red Lions project looks really cool, and I hope it can be realized as a set. However, given how previous Zelda projects failed, it doesn't seem terribly likely. ~B~
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