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Ballom Nom Nom

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ballom Nom Nom

  1. To a certain degree, I think the The Revolving Door - Official I'm New! / I'm Back! topic was created for this sort of purpose. Skimming the replies there, it seems to have been a success in that regard. Saying hi to a new member on their profile certainly can't hurt, though! ~B~
  2. Although the day is almost over, regardless, happy birthday! I hope it was a good one. ~B~
  3. You just said you consider density control to be about changing volume and not mass. If that's true, then you can't make a sword too heavy for your opponent. It has the same mass, and would only have a larger/smaller volume if you use density control on it. ~B~
  4. Wow, this was unexpected. But congrats, Eyru! I'm sure you'll do great. And welcome back Wind! ~B~
  5. Nice review! I'm really glad the car is fairly studless. I've seen a lot of MOCists who make cars extremely studly, and I very much prefer vehicle MOCs with few studs, because they're supposed to look aerodynamic, and that lets them achieve that goal, as said in the review. ~B~
  6. If I recall correctly, some of those elements like gravity were meant to be overpowered comparatively speaking, and thus Matoran/Toa of of that element were made rarer. If water seems overpowered it's potentially more of an issue, with it being one of the most common elements seen. Not that I necessarily think it is. Air would be a better candidate for that, with the ability to create a vacuum. People have said using vacuum to choke someone would be out of character for a Toa of Air, but couldn't they just do so long enough to knock their foes unconscious without lasting harm? ~B~
  7. Aww man, and I'm just going to miss the entry period on this one, with the end of the spring quarter. Well, I still look forward to seeing the entries that will be made for the contest! ~B~
  8. Hmm ... perhaps this would be covered by the existing Official Ebay Auctions Topic? ~B~
  9. *sees MH3U listed* Good, good. Everything else is secondary. Actually, though, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is an amazing platformer and really worth getting. ~B~
  10. You should check out Monster Hunter! Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is on the Wii U and 3DS, and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is on the 3DS. It's a completely cooperative game if you deal with groups at all, and overall it presents an extremely rewarding experience, especially if you solo your way through a game. It's also not very violent; mainly people swinging giant fantasy weapons around with only a small amount of blood effects (which can be turned off, I believe). But yeah, overall incredibly deep yet challenging gameplay make Monster Hunter a favorite of mine. I can't recommend it enough. (Fair warning, once you get hooked it may devour your life. ) ~B~
  11. Would? Meaning in the future? Well, for Gen 1 characters only, none. It's finished, and I don't really have a desire to see additional characters as sets. People can make MOCs of them, sure, but extra sets aren't necessary. ~B~
  12. Zero comments simply means people haven't posted. That's not indicative of a problem with the forums. The view count, however, should have increased by now because the topic has to have had at least a single view (say, from staff who would have looked it over to make sure it's not violating rules). The view count of a topic refreshes at least once a day, I believe, so it seems somehow that isn't happening. I'm also pretty sure that a post to a topic also refreshes the view count, so the lack of posts might be related to the locked view count. There also was an issue with no entry views showing up for blogs a few months back. Maybe this is related? ~B~
  13. A minor pedantic correction: Monster Hunter is built on player skill leveling up, instead of the player's character. Anyway, as much as I love Monster Hunter, it sounds like it wouldn't match up tremendously well with the Bionicle universe. For one thing, characters with melee weapons (pretty much everyone in Bionicle) having elemental powers that can act from a distance would be a general odd break from the Monster Hunter-style combat. I guess if characters were limited to only melee weapons (with elemental attributes!) perhaps something could work out. It would be really cool at any rate, even if not practical. "Great Hunter Gali, Ga-Koro is being rocked by quakes caused by the Brute Rahi Tarakava's fists. Go use your Dual Hooks to hunt down the monster!" ~B~
  14. There's this thing called fanfiction, which seems to work pretty well for people... ~B~
  15. A Google search indicates that Android has a Flickr app, which if it's anything like the iOS app will allow you to directly upload photos from your phone to a Flickr account. That would allow you to post your own pictures! You'll need to make a Flickr account first if you don't yet have one, though. ~B~
  16. Back in my day, your profile and avatar picture were different things! You kids today don't know how easy you have it! *shakes cane* Anyway, mine is of a MOC of mine, Elixia. One of my favorite creations I've made, and also a way to show off that Metru Blue Matatu. ~B~
  17. What, no love for "beware my stinger tail"? I thought that one was pretty notable. I saw it a lot back in the day, at least. ~B~
  18. I don't think considering someone evil for committing human sacrifice is unfair by any measure. It seems an entirely justified view given what a barbaric thing sacrifice is. This example seems to have missed the mark a bit... This example works much better toward your point, I think. ~B~
  19. I voted for Tahu, Lewa, and Onua, and your post is an excellent summation of why the latter as a female character would be great. But yeah, that would definitely need to be contrasted with a female Tahu (and also we get a female leader in the process!). And also Lewa too, because it seems pretty fitting in general. Actually, Lewa could be either male or female. The most important two to change the gender of are Tahu and Onua, at any rate. ~B~
  20. I thought there was a specific point in the story in which Krika offered mercy to Gali instead of defeating her. That's already a pretty decent step toward redemption on its own. Strange to think the guy who wrote that doesn't believe in any redemption at all for villains. And yeah, I think it's way too simplistic to have only irredeemable villains. Sure, you can have fantastic villains who are monsters that will never be redeemed (Ghetsis and Palpatine come to mind), but limiting villains to only that group is removing all but a small subset. Greg's argument also seems to preclude certain villain tropes entirely, like the tragic villain or the well-intentioned extremist. Of course, those often have some form of redemption involved... ~B~
  21. I fail to see why that would be a bad thing. But what's proposed in this topic seems rather ridiculous. We could just stop asking him to canonize things. That's all that's needed. ~B~
  22. The jarring lack of the subjunctive makes me inclined to discount that quote's contents entirely. Greg clearly wasn't paying attention when he wrote it; so why should we assume the pronoun is correct? ~B~
  23. This topic seems a bit confused about what it wants to be. On one hand, the title is a question about how things should be, but the topic is in S&T and the opening post asks for evidence in the story about element genders. It seems discussion is mainly toward the latter, though? I would expect most people would approach a story with "normal people logic." If they need to use the logic of some of said story's more badly-written characters for things to make sense then that's a sign things are going badly. ~B~
  24. Yep, those three are my main ships as well. They're the ones that matter! ~B~
  25. WHAT IF... Greg isn't annoyed by fan questions, because the entire reason why he has an ask page is because he likes interacting with the community, eh? I know, it's a ridiculous assumption. After all, we all know that if we don't like what Greg is doing he's obviously being forced to do it. What if ... I don't care about Greg being annoyed or not and instead want people to stop beating the dead corpse of Gen 1 Bionicle with new canonizations? ~B~
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